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Deploy TiDB on AWS EKS
Learn how to deploy a TiDB cluster on AWS EKS.

Deploy TiDB on AWS EKS

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster on AWS EKS with your laptop (Linux or macOS) for development or testing.


Before deploying a TiDB cluster on AWS EKS, make sure the following requirements are satisfied:

  • awscli >= 1.16.73, to control AWS resources

    You must configure awscli before it can interact with AWS. The fastest way is using the aws configure command:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    aws configure

    Replace AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key with your own keys:

    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
    Default region name [None]: us-west-2
    Default output format [None]: json


    The access key must have at least permissions to: create VPC, create EBS, create EC2 and create role.

  • terraform

  • kubectl >= 1.11

  • helm >= 2.9.0 and < 3.0.0

  • jq

  • aws-iam-authenticator installed in PATH, to authenticate with AWS

    The easiest way to install aws-iam-authenticator is to download the prebuilt binary as shown below:

    Download the binary for Linux:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    curl -o aws-iam-authenticator

    Or, download binary for macOS:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    curl -o aws-iam-authenticator

    Then execute the following commands:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    chmod +x ./aws-iam-authenticator && \
    sudo mv ./aws-iam-authenticator /usr/local/bin/aws-iam-authenticator


The default setup creates a new VPC and a t2.micro instance as the bastion machine, and an EKS cluster with following Amazon EC2 instances as worker nodes:

  • 3 m5.xlarge instances for PD
  • 3 c5d.4xlarge instances for TiKV
  • 2 c5.4xlarge instances for TiDB
  • 1 c5.2xlarge instance for monitor

Use the following commands to set up the cluster.

Get the code from Github:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

git clone --depth=1 && \
cd tidb-operator/deploy/aws

Apply the configs, note that you must answer "yes" to terraform apply to continue:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform init

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform apply

It might take 10 minutes or more to finish the process. After terraform apply is executed successfully, some useful information is printed to the console.

A successful deployment will give the output like:

Apply complete! Resources: 67 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


bastion_ip = [
default-cluster_monitor-dns =
default-cluster_tidb-dns =
eks_endpoint =
eks_version = 1.12
kubeconfig_filename = credentials/kubeconfig_my-cluster
region = us-west-2

You can use the terraform output command to get the output again.


EKS versions earlier than 1.14 do not support auto enabling cross-zone load balancing via Network Load Balancer (NLB). Therefore, unbalanced pressure distributed among TiDB instances can be expected in default settings. It is strongly recommended that you refer to AWS Documentation to manually enable cross-zone load balancing for a production environment.

Access the database

To access the deployed TiDB cluster, use the following commands to first ssh into the bastion machine, and then connect it via MySQL client (replace the <> parts with values from the output):

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

ssh -i credentials/<eks_name>.pem centos@<bastion_ip>

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

mysql -h <tidb_dns> -P 4000 -u root

The default value of eks_name is my-cluster. If the DNS name is not resolvable, be patient and wait a few minutes.

You can interact with the EKS cluster using kubectl and helm with the kubeconfig file credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name> in the following two ways.

  • By specifying --kubeconfig argument:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name> get po -n <default_cluster_name>

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    helm --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name> ls
  • Or by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name>

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl get po -n <default_cluster_name>

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    helm ls


You can access the <monitor-dns>:3000 address (printed in outputs) using your web browser to view monitoring metrics.

The initial Grafana login credentials are:

  • User: admin
  • Password: admin


To upgrade the TiDB cluster, edit the file with your preferred text editor and modify the default_cluster_version variable to a higher version, and then run terraform apply.

For example, to upgrade the cluster to version 3.0.1, modify the default_cluster_version to v3.0.1:

 variable "default_cluster_version" {
   default = "v3.0.1"


The upgrading doesn't finish immediately. You can watch the upgrading process by kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name> get po -n <default_cluster_name> --watch.


To scale the TiDB cluster, edit the file with your preferred text editor and modify the default_cluster_tikv_count or default_cluster_tidb_count variable to your desired count, and then run terraform apply.

For example, to scale out the cluster, you can modify the number of TiDB instances from 2 to 4:

 variable "default_cluster_tidb_count" {
   default = 4


Currently, scaling in is NOT supported because we cannot determine which node to scale. Scaling out needs a few minutes to complete, you can watch the scaling out by kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_<eks_name> get po -n <default_cluster_name> --watch.


You can change default values in (such as the cluster name and image versions) as needed.

Customize AWS related resources

By default, the terraform script will create a new VPC. You can use an existing VPC by setting create_vpc to false and specify your existing VPC id and subnet ids to vpc_id, private_subnet_ids and public_subnet_ids variables.


  • Reusing VPC and subnets of an existing EKS cluster is not supported yet due to limitations of AWS and Terraform, so only change this option if you have to use a manually created VPC.
  • The CNI plug-in on the EKS Node reserves some IP resources for each node. When manually creating a VPC, it is recommended to set the subnet mask length to 18~20 to ensure sufficient IP resources, or configure the CNI plugin to reserver less IP resources according to EKS CNI plugin documentation.

An Amazon EC2 instance is also created by default as the bastion machine to connect to the created TiDB cluster. This is because the TiDB service is exposed as an Internal Elastic Load Balancer. The EC2 instance has MySQL and Sysbench pre-installed, so you can use SSH to log into the EC2 instance and connect to TiDB using the ELB endpoint. You can disable the bastion instance creation by setting create_bastion to false if you already have an EC2 instance in the VPC.

The TiDB version and the number of components are also configurable in You can customize these variables to suit your needs.

Currently, the instance type of the TiDB cluster component is not configurable because PD and TiKV depend on NVMe SSD instance store, and different instance types have different disks.

Customize a TiDB cluster

The terraform scripts provide proper default settings for the TiDB cluster in EKS. You can specify an overriding values file - values.yaml through the override_values parameter in for each TiDB cluster. Values of this file will override the default settings.

For example, the default cluster uses ./default-cluster.yaml as the overriding values file, and the ConfigMap rollout feature is enabled in this file.

In EKS, some configuration items are not customizable in values.yaml, such as the cluster version, replicas, NodeSelector and Tolerations. NodeSelector and Tolerations are controlled by Terraform to ensure consistency between the infrastructure and TiDB clusters. Cluster version and replicas can be modified in each tidb-cluster module in the file directly.


It is not recommended to include the following default configurations (default configurations of tidb-cluster module) in the customized values.yaml:

 storageClassName: ebs-gp2
 stroageClassName: local-storage
   type: LoadBalancer
   annotations: '' nlb >'true'
 separateSlowLog: true
 storage: 100Gi
 storageClassName: ebs-gp2
 persistent: true
     type: LoadBalancer

Customize TiDB Operator

You can customize the TiDB Operator by specifying a Helm values file through the operator_values variable in the file. For example:

variable "operator_values" {
  description = "The helm values file for TiDB Operator, path is relative to current working dir"
  default     = "./operator_values.yaml"

Manage multiple TiDB clusters

An instance of tidb-cluster module corresponds to a TiDB cluster in the EKS cluster. If you want to add a new TiDB cluster, you can edit ./ and add a new instance of tidb-cluster module:

module example-cluster {
  source = "../modules/aws/tidb-cluster"

  # The target EKS, required
  eks = local.eks
  # The subnets of node pools of this TiDB cluster, required
  subnets = local.subnets
  # TiDB cluster name, required
  cluster_name    = "example-cluster"

  # Helm values file
  override_values = file("example-cluster.yaml")
  # TiDB cluster version
  cluster_version               = "v3.0.0"
  # SSH key of cluster nodes
  ssh_key_name                  = module.key-pair.key_name
  # PD replica number
  pd_count                      = 3
  # TiKV instance type
  pd_instance_type              = "t2.xlarge"
  # TiKV replica number
  tikv_count                    = 3
  # TiKV instance type
  tikv_instance_type            = "t2.xlarge"
  # The storage class used by TiKV, if the TiKV instance type do not have local SSD, you should change it to storage class
  # TiDB replica number
  tidb_count                    = 2
  # TiDB instance type
  tidb_instance_type            = "t2.xlarge"
  # Monitor instance type
  monitor_instance_type         = "t2.xlarge"
  # The version of tidb-cluster helm chart
  tidb_cluster_chart_version    = "v1.0.0"


The cluster_name of each cluster must be unique.

You can get the addresses for TiDB and the monitoring service of the created cluster via kubectl. If you want the Terraform script to print this information, you can add output sections in

output "example-cluster_tidb-hostname" {
  value = module.example-cluster.tidb_hostname

output "example-cluster_monitor-hostname" {
  value = module.example-cluster.monitor_hostname

When you finish modification, you can execute terraform init and terraform apply to create the TiDB cluster.

To delete the TiDB cluster, you can remove the tidb-cluster module in, execute terraform apply and the corresponding EC2 resources will be released as well.

Destroy clusters

It may take some time to finish destroying the cluster.

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform destroy


  • This will destroy your EKS cluster along with all the TiDB clusters you deployed on it.
  • If you do not need the data on the volumes anymore, you have to manually delete the EBS volumes in AWS console after running terraform destroy.

Manage multiple Kubernetes clusters

This section describes the best practice to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, each with one or more TiDB clusters installed.

The Terraform module in our case typically combines several sub-modules:

  • tidb-operator, that provisions the Kubernetes control plane for TiDB cluster
  • tidb-cluster, that creates the resource pool in the target Kubernetes cluster and deploy the TiDB cluster
  • A VPC module, a bastion module and a key-pair module that are dedicated to TiDB on AWS

The best practice for managing multiple Kubernetes clusters is creating a new directory for each of your Kubernetes clusters, and combine the above modules according to your needs via Terraform scripts, so that the Terraform states among clusters do not interfere with each other, and it is convenient to expand. Here's an example:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

# assume we are in the project root
mkdir -p deploy/aws-staging
vim deploy/aws-staging/

The content of deploy/aws-staging/ could be:

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-west-1"

# Creates an SSH key to log in the bastion and the Kubernetes node
module "key-pair" {
  source = "../modules/aws/key-pair"

  name = "another-eks-cluster"
  path = "${path.cwd}/credentials/"

# Provisions a VPC
module "vpc" {
  source = "../modules/aws/vpc"

  vpc_name = "another-eks-cluster"

# Provisions an EKS control plane with TiDB Operator installed
module "tidb-operator" {
  source = "../modules/aws/tidb-operator"

  eks_name           = "another-eks-cluster"
  config_output_path = "credentials/"
  subnets            = module.vpc.private_subnets
  vpc_id             = module.vpc.vpc_id
  ssh_key_name       = module.key-pair.key_name

# HACK: enforces Helm to depend on the EKS
resource "local_file" "kubeconfig" {
  depends_on        = [module.tidb-operator.eks]
  sensitive_content = module.tidb-operator.eks.kubeconfig
  filename          = module.tidb-operator.eks.kubeconfig_filename
provider "helm" {
  alias    = "eks"
  insecure = true
  install_tiller = false
  kubernetes {
    config_path = local_file.kubeconfig.filename

# Provisions a TiDB cluster in the EKS cluster
module "tidb-cluster-a" {
  source = "../modules/aws/tidb-cluster"
  providers = {
    helm = "helm.eks"

  cluster_name = "tidb-cluster-a"
  eks          = module.tidb-operator.eks
  ssh_key_name = module.key-pair.key_name
  subnets      = module.vpc.private_subnets

# Provisions another TiDB cluster in the EKS cluster
module "tidb-cluster-b" {
  source = "../modules/aws/tidb-cluster"
  providers = {
    helm = "helm.eks"

  cluster_name = "tidb-cluster-b"
  eks          = module.tidb-operator.eks
  ssh_key_name = module.key-pair.key_name
  subnets      = module.vpc.private_subnets

# Provisions a bastion machine to access the TiDB service and worker nodes
module "bastion" {
  source = "../modules/aws/bastion"

  bastion_name             = "another-eks-cluster-bastion"
  key_name                 = module.key-pair.key_name
  public_subnets           = module.vpc.public_subnets
  vpc_id                   = module.vpc.vpc_id
  target_security_group_id = module.tidb-operator.eks.worker_security_group_id
  enable_ssh_to_workers    = true

# Prints the TiDB hostname of tidb-cluster-a
output "cluster-a_tidb-dns" {
  description = "tidb service endpoints"
  value       = module.tidb-cluster-a.tidb_hostname

# print the monitor hostname of tidb-cluster-b
output "cluster-b_monitor-dns" {
  description = "tidb service endpoint"
  value       = module.tidb-cluster-b.monitor_hostname

output "bastion_ip" {
  description = "Bastion IP address"
  value       = module.bastion.bastion_ip

As shown in the code above, you can omit most of the parameters in each of the module calls because there are reasonable defaults, and it is easy to customize the configuration. For example, just delete the bastion module call if you do not need it.

To customize each field, you can refer to the default Terraform module. Also, you can always refer to the file of each module to learn about all the available parameters.

In addition, you can easily integrate these modules into your own Terraform workflow. If you are familiar with Terraform, this is our recommended way of use.


  • When creating a new directory, please pay attention to its relative path to Terraform modules, which affects the source parameter during module calls.
  • If you want to use these modules outside the tidb-operator project, make sure you copy the whole modules directory and keep the relative path of each module inside the directory unchanged.
  • Due to limitation hashicorp/terraform#2430 of Terraform, the hack processing of Helm provider is necessary in the above example. It is recommended that you keep it in your own Terraform scripts.

If you are unwilling to write Terraform code, you can also copy the deploy/aws directory to create new Kubernetes clusters. But note that you cannot copy a directory that you have already run terraform apply against, when the Terraform state already exists in local. In this case, it is recommended to clone a new repository before copying the directory.