entity_manager: default
default_manager: default
# job - builtins: orm, odm, beanstalkd, rabbit_mq, redis
job: odm
# run - defaults to whatever job is set to
run: ~
# job_timing - defaults to whatever run is set to
job_timing: ~
# record (optional)
# Whether to record job timings in a separate job_timings
# table / collection (uses same store as run_manager unless otherwise specified
# above)
record: false
# timezone_offset (optional)
# If the webserver is in one timezone, but the database stores them in another
# timezone, you may need to offset positive or negative the hours or fraction of
# hours between the two.
# For the data on the trends page to appear correctly
# If you're not recording timings (record_timings: false), then it presently doesn't
# make a difference what this is set to (or if it's set at all).
timezone_offset: 0
# Here's where you can override the classes used for job, job_archive, etc.
# This could be usefull, say if you are using orm or odm, and want to extend the
# job entity class and modify the collection or table name, or what not
job: ~
job_archive: ~
run: ~
run_archive: ~
job_timing: ~
# max: int
# 255 is the recommended max for RabbitMQ, although Mongo/ORM
# could be set to INT_MAX for their platform
max: 255
# direction
# "desc" means 1 is high priority, "asc" means 1 is low prioirty
# In the queue and database, priorities will always be stored
# in ascending order, however, (so as to sort null as the lowest)
# This is for the direction that a Job's setPriority() method
# uses, plus direction that the priority argument of such
# functions as later()
direction: desc
# maximum total retries
retries: 3
# maximum total failures
failures: 1
# maximum total exceptions
exceptions: 1
# maximum total stalls
stalls: 2
# auto retry on failure or exception
failure: true
exception: false
chartjs: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.1/Chart.bundle.min.js
host: ~
tube: ~
host: ~
port: ~
user: ~
password: ~
vhost: "/"
ssl: false
options: ~
ssl_options: ~
queue: dtc_queue
passive: false
durable: true
exclusive: false
auto_delete: false
exchange: dtc_queue_exchange
type: direct
passive: false
durable: true
auto_delete: false
# Redis setup - choose one of [ snc_redis | predis | phpredis ]
# What to prefix the redis entries with
prefix: dtc_queue_
# type should be one of [ predis| phpredis ]
type: ~
alias: ~
# dsn should be set, or fill in host and port in connection_parameters,
# but not both.
dsn: ~
scheme: tcp
host: ~
port: ~
path: ~
database: ~
password: ~
async: false
persistent: false
timeout: 5.0
read_write_timeout: ~
alias: ~
weight: ~
iterable_multibulk: false
throw_errors: true
# if using phpredis natively, then host needs to be filled in at minimum
host: ~
port: ~
timeout: ~
retry_interval: ~
read_timeout: ~
auth: ~