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In KorraAI you create a "model" that incorporates everything the bot can do. This includes the phrases the bot will use, when the phrases will be used, after what time or due to what circumstances the behavior will change.
In KorraAI these are 7 things to create or modify:
Create a new model using the KorraAIModel class
Choose categories of interactions
For each category provide items
Build a probabilistic distribution over the categories
Choose probabilistic variables that correspond to concepts from your domain and set dependencies (also called causality) between them
Adjust cognitive distributions
Encode changes of behavior based on the user's responses or the time that has passed
It is recommended to start with the model already provided called Joi. If you just want to have a feel of how it works you can modify the existing phrases or add phrases to the existing categories. Phrases are the sentences the bot will use and they are also generalized as "items", where an item can be non-verbal interaction. For example you can add sport recommendations (items) in the category "Suggestions" - > "SuggestGoToGym".
KorraAIModel class is a C# class that allows you to bring together everything that defines your bot. This is your starting point that will guide you. All the parameters, distributions and items are accessible from this class. An exception is the list of random variables, which accessible by the ProbVariables class.
Currently encoded categories:
MakeSuggestion Say a joke, suggest a movie to watch, play a song
AskUncertanFactQuestion Ex. "Are you tired?" , how much tired can vary
AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser Ex. "How old are you?", an exact fact about the user
SharePureFactInfoAboutBot Ex. "I am 30 years old", an exact fact about the bot
ChangeVisualAppearance Changing clothes from time to time.
ExpressingMentalState Ex. "I am definitely in a good mood today!", how much happy can vary
Next you can modify the probabilities of each category:
MakeSuggestion 50.3% ##################################################
AskUncertanFactQuestion 1.06% #
AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser 45.5% #############################################
SharePureFactInfoAboutBot 0%
ChangeVisualAppearance 1.59% #
ExpressingMentalState 1.59% #
The above shows that in this model we favor 'MakeSuggestion' and 'AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser' with the later asking the user questions such as: age, name, location, etc. The 'MakeSuggestion' category has subcategories:
TellJoke 44.7% ############################################
SuggestListenToSong 32.6% ################################
GoOut 4.1% ####
SuggestToWatchMovie 9.31% #########
SuggestGoToGym 9.31% #########
From each category we sample "interactions". Interactions are pre-sampled, although we could sample just one before using it. We encoded a distribution, so it should matter if we sampled 100, 1000 or 1, we should get the same proportions in the end. Pre-sampling also helps to verify that we really got the distribution we wanted and that can be verified even at run-time. Pre-sampling also helps with debugging. The final result is a list of interactions ready to executed in the conversation with the user. The CompanionLog.txt contains all this information. Also a statistics is added saying how many items were assigned to each cateogory:
|SuggestGoToGym: 8
|AskPureFactQuestionAboutUser: 0
|SuggestListenToSong: 37
|ExpressingMentalState: 3
|TellJoke_missing: 33
|**SuggestToWatchMovie_missing: 4**
|AskUncertanFactQuestion: 2
|ChangeVisualAppearance: 1
|GoOut: 2
|**SuggestGoToGym_missing: 2**
If we sample for too many items then there might not be enough. These are showed as "Category__missing". This is a problem, but not in the case where we know that will re-sample again soon with a change in the probabilities that will result in no missing items.
Please check the Probabilistic Examples page.
The KorraAI bot framework gives control over events related to the appearance of the bot as well as certain timings events. The following are currently supplied to the bot designer.
// Returns the pause (time interval) between two interactions (of any type)
// Example: Normal distribution (4.7, 1)
float GetNextInteactionPause();
// Returns the pause (time interval) between two smiles
// Example: Normal distribution (12, 3)
float NextSmilePauseTime();
// Returns how much time the eyes will stay focused on the camera after started talking
// Example: Normal distribution (7, 1.2)
float NextTimeDurationEyesStayFocusedOnCameraAfterStartedTalking();
// After what amount of time the bot will stop waiting for a response from the user
// Example: Normal distribution (25, 4)
float NextQuestionTimeout();
// Returns the next clothing outfit following a distribution or specific logic
int GetNextOutfit(int[] activeOutfitsIndexes, int lastOutfitUsed);
Although the Normal distribution (as well Uniform) is continuous, but there are ways to sample (or rather generate) a discrete value from it. Another aspect is that the theory of probability distribution works only when we are using a rather large amount of samples. If we have a low amount of items and a low number of samples we might want to put an extra effort in order to achieve a desired cognitive effect.
The method UpdateModel() is called frequently. This method allows a bot designer to:
- If time based
Check the time elapsed since the bot has been activated or if the time of the day has changed (time for lunch, sleep, go to work, etc)
- If response based
See if a pure fact or uncertain fact has been updated by response from the user
Both of the above conditions can update probabilistic variables. When time based we can for example change the bot form being 0.7 happy to 0.3 happy and make him/her sad (where 0.7 is the parameter of the Bernulli distribution).
See the example below where if the user responded that he does not do sport, we increase the rate at which we suggest him to do more sport (from 0.10 to 0.15).
if (factSport.IsAnswered && context.Phrases.IsNo(factSport.Value))
ProbVariables.Bot.SuggestGoToGym = BernoulliF(Prob(0.15));
requestRegeneration = true;
In the end we decide whether the behavior of the bot should be affected by setting the variable 'requestRegeneration' to true. This triggers a re-sampling and thus increases (or decreases) the number of sport suggestions the user will encounter for a fixed amount of time. For example instead of 3 sports suggestions per hour, he will get 5.