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388 lines (298 loc) · 28.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


3.0.0 (2023-08-17)


  • Update stylelint to v15 (#28).
  • Update all config dependencies to their latest releases, compatible with stylelint v15 (#28).
  • Remove dependency on stylelint-config-prettier, which is no longer needed with stylelint v15 (#28).
  • Change enforced rules from stylelint-config-standard, including 10 new rules (see list below) (#28).


The configuration now mandates stylelint v15, and no longer uses stylelint-config-prettier. Stylelint has stopped enforcing formatting-related rules, which are no longer relevant with the majority of projects now using Prettier for formatting. See Stylelint’s official Migrating to 15.0.0 documentation.

The configuration also switches from stylelint-config-standard to stylelint-config-standard-scss, which more correctly disables CSS-only rules and replaces them with SCSS-aware rules.

Newly enforced rules:

New rules which have been explicitly disabled:

Rules which have been replaced by a Sass-specific equivalent:

  • comment-no-empty (replaced with scss/comment-no-empty)
  • function-no-unknown (replaced with scss/function-no-unknown)

New formatting rules which are enforced:

Formatting rules which are no longer enforced:

2.0.3 (2023-08-17)

Bug fixes

Disables the following rules introduced in Stylelint 14 & related package updates, to make it simpler for projects to upgrade to Stylelint 14:

2.0.2 (2023-08-17)

Bug fixes

Disables the following rules introduced in Stylelint 14 & related package updates, to make it simpler for projects to upgrade to Stylelint 14:

2.0.1 (2023-08-17)

Bug fixes

  • Add explicit support for Sass/SCSS syntax

2.0.0 (2023-08-17)


  • Update stylelint to v14 for compatibility with PostCSS v8 (#13).
  • Update all config dependencies to their latest releases, compatible with stylelint v14 (#13).
  • Remove stylelint-a11y, which is no longer maintained and does not support stylelint v14. no-text-align-justify has been replaced with declaration-property-value-disallowed-list (#13).
  • Stop enforcing function-calc-no-invalid, which has been removed from stylelint (#13)
  • Change enforced rules from stylelint-config-standard and stylelint-config-prettier.


The configuration now mandates stylelint v14, doesn’t use stylelint-a11y, and follows changes in enforced rules from stylelint-config-standard and stylelint-config-prettier.

No longer enforced (all formatting related):

No longer enforced (from stylelint-a11y):

  • a11y/no-obsolete-attribute
  • a11y/no-obsolete-element
  • a11y/no-outline-none

Newly enforced rules:

1.1.1 (2023-05-11)

Bug fixes

  • Ignore system colors with declaration-strict-value, and unset keyword.

1.1.0 (2022-06-25)


  • Add new at-rule-no-unknown rules for tailwind (#21).

1.0.0 (2020-11-10)


  • Update stylelint to v13 (#9).
  • Update all config dependencies to their latest releases, compatible with stylelint v13 (#9).
  • Enforce value-keyword-case from stylelint v13 (#9).
  • Rename all deprecated stylelint rules to their newer alternatives.
  • The config’s README documentation now links directly to rules’ documentation for plugins.


The configuration now mandates stylelint v13, and additionally enforces value-keyword-case.

Upgrading to v1.0.0

Here are recommended steps:

# 1. Install the new versions.
npm install --save-dev stylelint@13 stylelint-config-torchbox@^1.0.0
# 2. Attempt to auto-fix any new issue picked up by Stylelint.
npm run lint:css -- --fix
npm run format
# 3. Check if there are remaining issues
npm run lint:css

If there are remaining issues, consider a gradual approach: whether you want to update the code, or disable the corresponding rules. This can be done either in the Stylelint configuration, or via stylelint-disable configuration comments. Get the rules reporting issues with: npm run lint:js -- --formatter tap | grep ruleId | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -c 2- | sort | uniq. For projects strapped for time, disabling all new rules listed above may be a reasonable tradeoff.

0.5.0 (2019-10-10)


  • Stop enforcing a11y/content-property-no-static-value, which feels too restrictive for projects already following best practices.

Bug fixes

  • Fix scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value being applied twice to background-color declarations.

Upgrading to v0.5.0

Projects considering this release should skip straight to v1.0.0.

0.4.0 (2019-10-08)


  • Enforce accessibility-related rules with stylelint-a11y (#2, #3).
  • Enforce usage of variables for colors with stylelint-declaration-strict-value (#2, #4).
  • Enforce "hyphenated BEM" nomenclature for class names with selector-class-pattern (#1, #5).
  • Enforce "hyphenated lowercase" nomenclature for mixins with scss/at-mixin-pattern (#1, #5).


  • Most if not all of the rules changes in this release are breaking changes. Expect breakage on every minor release until the config reaches v1.0.0.

Upgrading to v0.4.0

Projects considering this release should skip straight to v1.0.0.

0.3.0 (2019-09-23)


  • Stop enforcing order of rules and at-rules in declarations.


  • Most if not all of the rules changes in this release are breaking changes. Expect breakage on every minor release until the config reaches v1.0.0.

Upgrading to v0.3.0

Projects considering this release should skip straight to v1.0.0.

0.2.0 (2019-09-23)



  • Most if not all of the rules changes in this release are breaking changes. Expect breakage on every minor release until the config reaches v1.0.0.

Upgrading to v0.2.0

Projects considering this release should skip straight to v1.0.0.

0.1.0 (2019-08-30)

First release

x.y.z (YYYY-MM-DD)

Bug Fixes
