The Project Structure document explains how the project is structured and what's the responsibility of each package.
The KubeOne CLI is built using Cobra. All commands and the relevant logic are implemented in the pkg/cmd
package. The application entrypoint is main.go
located at the root level of the repository.
├── pkg
│ ├── cmd
│ │ ├── install.go # Install Kubernetes
│ │ ├── kubeconfig.go # Download Kubeconfig
│ │ ├── reset.go # Reset cluster and destroy worker nodes
│ │ ├── root.go # Root command
│ │ ├── shared.go # Shared logic used by all commands
│ │ ├── upgrade.go # Upgrade cluster
│ │ └── version.go # KubeOne and machine-controller version
├── main.go # Application entrypoint
The project documentation is located in the docs
directory. Proposals for upcoming features are located in the docs/proposals
directory. We're currently using GitHub for hosting and previewing documentation, but we're researching other options as well.
├── docs # KubeOne documentation
│ ├── proposals # Proposals for upcoming features
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── # KubeOne Contributor Guide
The example Terraform scripts are located in the examples/terraform
directory. In the terraform
directory you can find a subdirectory for each cloud provider.
├── examples
│ └── terraform # Terraform example scripts
│ ├── aws # Scripts for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
│ ├── digitalocean # Scripts for DigitalOcean
│ ├── gce # Scripts for Google Compute Engine (GCE)
│ ├── hetzner # Scripts for Hetzner
│ └── openstack # Scripts for OpenStack
The pkg
package has all KubeOne's functionality. Below you can find a list of pkg
packages along with their responsibilities.
├── pkg
│ ├── apis # External APIs used by KubeOne
│ │ └── kubeadm # kubeadm v1beta1 API
│ │ └── v1beta1
│ │ └── kubeone # KubeOneCluster API used as of v0.6.0
│ │ └── v1alpha1
│ ├── archive # Create .tar.gz archive
│ ├── certificate # Generate certificates needed for the machine-controller webhook
│ ├── cmd # KubeOne CLI
│ ├── config # KubeOne Configuration API (deprecated as of v0.6.0)
│ ├── features # Activate optional cluster features (e.g. dynamic audit, PodSecurityPolicy)
│ ├── installer # Install Kubernetes
│ │ └── installation # Scripts used to install Kubernetes
│ ├── ssh # Connect to nodes over SSH
│ ├── templates # Templates for Kubernetes resources
│ │ ├── canal # Canal CNI resources
│ │ ├── kubeadm # Parses kubeadm v1beta1 config
│ │ │ └── v1beta1
│ │ └── machinecontroller # machine-controller resources
│ ├── terraform # Sources KubeOne config from the Terraform output
│ ├── upgrader # Upgrade Kubernetes
│ │ └── upgrade # Scripts used to upgrade Kubernetes
│ └── util # Common-used functions
End-To-End tests are located in the test/e2e
package. To run E2E test in the CI pipeline, a project maintainer needs to create a ProwJob for that test suite.
├── test
│ └── e2e
│ ├── testdata # Static manifests used in tests
│ ├── conformance_test.go # Conformance tests
│ ├── helper.go
│ ├── kubeone.go
│ ├── kubetest.go
│ ├── main_test.go
│ ├── provisioner.go
│ └── upgrade_test.go # Upgrades tests