This directory contains several examples of data analytics on well-known datasets using Spark RDDs and DataFrames. The following datasets are included in this directory:
- FlightsData dataset: This dataset contains flight details such as departure and arrival time, flight duration, and flight distance. The examples in this directory show how to analyze this data using Spark RDDs and DataFrames.
- SocialMedia dataset: This dataset contains social media data, such as Facebook posts and tweets. The examples in this directory show how to analyze this data using Spark RDDs and DataFrames.
- TPCH dataset: This is a benchmark dataset that is used to test the performance of database systems. The examples in this directory show how to analyze this data using Spark RDDs and DataFrames.
- Word-Count examples: This is a classic example used to demonstrate the capabilities of Spark. The examples in this directory show how to count the number of occurrences of words in a given text file using Spark RDDs and DataFrames.