If you don't trust binaries or they don't work for your system, don't worry! This project is designed to be easy to run from source.
Install Python 3. I only test on 3.7 right now, but others should work fine. If you're on Windows, download from here. On Linux or MacOS, I suggest looking at pyenv to manage Python installations on your system.
To run from source, you must have the source. The quickest way to get it is to run git clone https://github.com/tweirtx/timetracker
. You can also download the zip or tar.gz archives.
Run pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt
in the timetracker folder. If you get an error about
missing Cython, simply run pip3 install Cython
and then attempt installation again.
To run timetracker in console mode, just run python3 -m timetracker
from the timetracker folder.
For the web version, run python3 -m timetracker --web
from the timetracker folder.