Audio and video encoding parameters. Maximum bitrate is specified as Transport Independent Application Specific
+Maximum (TIAS) bitrate RFC3890 in kilobits per second (kbps) excluding
+IP/UDP/TCP headers. Maximum bitrate applies to variable bitrate codecs and is limited to 100 Mbps.
Note: These encoding parameters are applied for each peer connection, each track and each simulcast layer.
For group Rooms, there is a single peer connection to Twilio Media Server, but for peer-to-peer Rooms, there is
+a separate peer connection for each participant. I.e., if you set maximum video bitrate to 1 Mbps and you have two
in the Room, the effective video send bitrate may be up to 2 Mbps.
If you are publishing multiple video tracks (e.g. camera and screen share), each track
+receives the maximum bitrate specified. I.e. if you set maximum video bitrate to 1 Mbps and you publish both
+a camera and a screen share track, the effective video send bitrate may be up to 2 Mbps.
If simulcast is used for video tracks, each simulcast layer receives the maximum bitrate specified.
+i.e. if your set the maximum bitrate to 1 Mbps and you publish a simulcast video track, the effective
+video send bitrate may be up to 3 Mbps if there are three simulcast layers.
The codec used also affects the bitrate. Each codec type has a minimum and maximum bitrate, and the
+bitrate used for a track will always be between those values, even if a higher or lower bitrate is specified here.
Encoding parameters can be updated any time, using TVILocalParticipant::setEncodingParameters
Please note that values reported by statistics API will be higher due to packetization overhead etc.