(venv) (base) C:\temp\z\latest>set pythonpath PYTHONPATH=C:\Users\steve\S\TELOS\Python\aggregate_project;C:\Users\steve\S\TELOS\Python\great_project;c:\Users\steve\S\TELOS\Python\meta_reddit;
- estimating bucket size: put error code into agg and how into port?
- All references! REF!
- Cat: put in changes to climate change el impact! (in progress)
- Reins: occ plot function not used in 2.6.6 = is it the right function?; duplication in explanation of new reins function (esp at the end).
- Create a WARNINGS OFF function in utilities (or in build.warnings_off())
- Actuary LEV so far off (student, see below)
- shift and loc with mean and cv (sev in 10 mins)
- How does DecL update?
%%sf 2 3 2.45 3.5
# mx = p07.q(1-1e-5)
bite = p07.density_df.filter(regex='exeqa_[ABC]').loc[0:mx]
bitp = p07.density_df.filter(regex='p_[ABC]').loc[0:mx]
bitp = bitp.cumsum()
xs = p07.density_df.loc[0:mx, 'loss']
ps = p07.density_df.loc[0:mx, 'p_total'].cumsum()
xl = [-0.025, 1.025]
# xl = [.98, 1.001]
# yl = p07.q(0.995)
# yl = [-yl/50, yl]
for ax, ce, cp, a in zip(axs.flat, bite, bitp, p07):
ax.plot(bitp[cp], xs, label='Standalone')
ax.plot(ps, bite[ce], label='E[Xi | X]')
ax.axhline(a.agg_m, lw=.5, c='C7', label='Expected')
ax.set(title=f'{a.name}, EX={a.agg_m:,.0f}', xlim=xl, ylim=yl)
# mx = p07.q(1-1e-6)
# xl2 = [-mx/50, mx]
bite = p07.density_df.filter(regex='exeqa_[ABC]')
bitp = p07.density_df.filter(regex='p_[ABC]').cumsum()
xs = p07.density_df['loss']
ps = p07.density_df['p_total'].cumsum()
for ax, ce, cp, a in zip(axs.flat[3:], bite, bitp, p07):
ax.plot(xs, xs, label='total')
ax.plot(xs, bite[ce], label='E[Xi | X]')
ax.set(title=f'{a.name}, EX={a.agg_m:,.0f}', ylim=yl, xlabel='loss')
, x=x[:, np.newaxis]
shift.loc and cv::
a = build('agg T 1 claim sev 10 * gamma 1 cv 3 + 50 fixed')
sigma = a.sevs[0].fz.args[0]
(np.exp(sigma**2)-1)**.5, 1/sigma**.5
- Uncertainty principle for bs: too small not enough space; too large miss features of sev; for given n there is a min possible error
- qd looks for like columns / column format guesser?
- ZM and ZT
- cat paper; match Jewson; ILW pricing?
- rec bucket - do some testing to determine a good p.
- Update efficiently - used anywhere?
- Aggregate.en is unreliable; where/how is it used
- sev_cdf etc. are unrealiable for pdfs when there are masses
- with picks the analytic severities are not altered...be careful!
- with picks you should invalidate / reompute statistics etc.
- with cession you should recompute statistics? or make clear it is gross/
- Formatting for MultiIndex with gup (reins_audit_df) messed up because not float
- Install in Ubuntu
- Add script for intall from source into readme.rst
- References!!!!
- This fails: s = build('sev LG loggamma 10 cv .5') and for Pareto
- dot in names fuck up things eg analyze_distortion (seems colon works)
- Update reins section for latest re object attributes
- Add a library of realistic severity curves by line and country
- Add by-line industry aggregate distributions in DecL based on a method of moments fit to historical data
.. * Credit modeling: what is distortion implied by bond credit curve? By cat bond pricing? .. * Jon Evans note and severity?? .. * Jed note??
.. Short Term .. ----------- .. * Width of printed output .. * Understand output for collateral and priority! .. * Output Levy measure .. * Funky objects from JacodS? Simple jump examples
.. Medium Term .. ------------ .. * recommend_bucket function when passed infinity? .. * More consistent and informative reports and plots (e.g. include severity match in agg) .. * Convex Hull distortion built from pricing .. * Delete items easily from the database .. * Save / load from non-YAML, persist the database; dict to Dec language converter? Get rid of YAML dependence .. * Using agg as a severity (how!) .. * Name as a member in dict vs list conniptions (put up with duplication?)
.. Nice to Have Enhancements .. ------------------------- .. * How to model two reinstatements?
.. |appveyor| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/mynl/aggregate/master.svg?maxAge=3600&label=Windows :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mynl/aggregate :alt: Windows tests (Appveyor)
- Papers
- Clark re -> re pricing
- Wang Agg
- Robertson FFT
- Bear and Nemlick
- Clark Cred of Tower
- Mata and Verheyen
- Fisher
- p 17; retro rating formula prem = (B + cL) x T (c=loss conv, B=basic, T=tax); basic = expenses, occ limt; agg cost; savings
- large ded / sir plans
- dividend plans
- p 40 table M charge; ins charge, savings; entry ratio, table M_D, table L
- Hipf
- Ludwig property curves
- COPLFR risk transfer testing
- Blier-wong Generating function method for the efficient computation of expected allocations
- Denuit other papers on kappa
Jewson cat... Brown and Wolfe - estimation of variance of percentile estimates Corro and Tseng: NCCI 2014 ELFs
- local moment matching ? for the first few points? jnwts (juice not worth the squeeze)
- forward and backward computation; discrete -> round method
- pass recommend_p as arg to build
- correct width for qd and what displays in pdf?
AAS Paper!
TODO Code here!
This section shows how to reproduce Bodoff’s “Thought experiment 1”. He considers a situation of two losses wind, W, and earthquake, Q, where W and Q are independent, W takes the value 99 with probability 20% and otherwise zero, and Q takes the value 100 with probability 5% and otherwise zero. Total losses Y = W + Q. There are four possibilities outcomes.
.. table:: Bodoff Thought Experiment 1
=================== =============== Event Probability =================== =============== No Loss 0.76 W = 99 0.19 Q = 100 0.04 W = 99, Q = 100 0.01 =================== ===============
Here are the Aggregate
programs for the four examples Bodoff considers.
port BODOFF1 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 1} agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 99] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed
port BODOFF2 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 2} agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 50] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed
port BODOFF3 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 3} agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 5] [0.80, 0.20] fixed agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed
port BODOFF4 note{Bodoff Thought Experiment No. 4 (check!)} agg a 0.25 claims sev 4 * expon poisson agg b 0.05 claims sev 20 * expon poisson agg c 0.05 claims sev 100 * expon poisson