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Training the Model

  1. Deep learning library
  2. Setting up GPU
  3. Getting the data
  4. Training the model

Deep learning library: fastai

The fastai deep learning library, version 1.0 was utilized. Fastai runs on top of PyTorch. The fastai MOOC was officially released to the public in early 2019.

GPU: Google Cloud Compute

The data was retrieved and analyzed on Google Cloud Platform(GCP). Any cloud platform (such as Paperspace or AWS) is usable, as long as a GPU is available. Instructions for setting up a GPU working environment will be available from fastai.

For this project, we used the Nvidia Tesla P100 with 100 GB of storage.

Dataset: Food-101

The Food-101 data was used which included 101 food categories with a total of 101K images. Thus, each class had 1000 images, of which 250 are manually reviewed test images and 750 are training images:

On purpose, the training images were not cleaned, and thus still contain some amount of noise. This comes mostly in the form of intense colors and sometimes wrong labels. All images were rescaled to have a maximum side length of 512 pixels.

Data Citation

Bossard, Lukas and Guillaumin, Matthieu and Van Gool, Luc, Food-101 -- Mining Discriminative Components with Random Forests, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2014

Retrieving the data

The dataset size is 5GB and can be retrieved using:


Unzip data

The tar.gz file can be opened using:

tar xzf file.tar.gz

Training the data: Resnet-34 CNN

Training Time

We used the Resnet-34 CNN architecture. The model took about an hour to run on GCP.

Training the Deep Learning Model

The code used for training the data is available in the repository npatta01/web-deep-learning-classifier in the notebook 1_train.ipynb

We use ImageDataBunch to read in the images. This Python class does the following:

  • specifies the path where the images are located
  • assigns training/validation ratio to 80/20
  • uses the default transformation of images
  • sets the image size to 224
  • sets batch size to 64
  • normalizes the images
path = Path('../data/food-101/images')
data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, valid_pct=0.2,
        ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=224, num_workers=8, bs=64).normalize(imagenet_stats)

The data is trained on a pre-trained model, resnet34, and we run the learner to determine the optimal learning rate.

learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate,pretrained=True)

In our case, a learning rate of 0.01 works well

lr = 1e-2

Next, we fit 8 epochs using our learning rate of 0.01, and we observe our error rate drop to 28.9%. We did run more complex architectures. However, because the data had 101 classes and for the purpose of this example and article, and GPU time and storage, we used a simple architecture of resnet34.

epoch	train_loss	valid_loss	error_rate
1	1.999872	1.817976	0.470594
2	2.006050	1.872519	0.483911
3	1.893473	1.697205	0.441634
4	1.778546	1.497193	0.388960
5	1.572615	1.307390	0.342030
6	1.475655	1.188818	0.310990
7	1.294712	1.108866	0.293218
8	1.248308	1.094019	0.288564

Unfreezing the layers

Next, we unfreezed some of the last layers and looked for a new learning rate.

learn.lr_find(start_lr=1e-09, end_lr=1e-3)

More training

We trained the data for 5 more epochs, which reduced our error rate from 28.9% to 28.1%.

learn.fit_one_cycle(5, max_lr=slice(1e-8,1e-4))
epoch	train_loss	valid_loss	error_rate
1	1.253053	1.089987	0.286584
2	1.215632	1.080179	0.284901
3	1.177106	1.072547	0.282871
4	1.183173	1.069058	0.282376
5	1.180598	1.069759	0.281436

Confusion matrix

The confusion matrix revealed that the following foods were most commonly misclassified.

[('filet_mignon', 'steak', 26),
 ('steak', 'filet_mignon', 26),
 ('tuna_tartare', 'beef_tartare', 23),
 ('chocolate_cake', 'chocolate_mousse', 21),
 ('pork_chop', 'filet_mignon', 20),
 ('pork_chop', 'grilled_salmon', 20),
 ('chocolate_mousse', 'chocolate_cake', 19),
 ('prime_rib', 'steak', 18),
 ('ravioli', 'lasagna', 18),
 ('breakfast_burrito', 'huevos_rancheros', 17),
 ('beef_tartare', 'tuna_tartare', 16),
 ('lobster_bisque', 'clam_chowder', 16),
 ('steak', 'pork_chop', 16),
 ('tiramisu', 'chocolate_mousse', 16),
 ('chicken_quesadilla', 'breakfast_burrito', 15),
 ('panna_cotta', 'chocolate_mousse', 15),
 ('ramen', 'pho', 15),

Output from the Deep Learning Model

The output of the deep learning model is a file with weights. The file is called model.pth (or final.pth). If you train the model as in this repo, the model is saved to the models folder.

The final.pth file can be downloaded to your local computer from Jupyter.

The model.pth file may be too large to be included in the git commit. There are various options for proceeding with that size dataset:

  1. Store the model on google drive.
  2. Store the model on GitHub releases.
  3. Store the model on a bucket in the cloud.

We stored our final model data file under the "releases" area of the repository: