- Table of Contents
- General Stucture
- After Script
- References
A pitch is the story of your company.
It is never to early to share your idea.
Make them hungry for more. Create interest or wake it.
- Investors ?
- Investment => Will pay itself off ?
- Business & Cooporation Partners
- Interesections for collaborations ?
- Art of presentation
- Content
- Idea
- Product
- For me as founder
- C2A?
- Contact information
- Personal appointment
- Prepare 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute Pitches
- The audience trusts a confident speaker
- Branding!
- Stay in your brand scheme!
- Body language
- You are relaxed and on ease
- Smile, natural gesticulation
- PowerPose?
- Never spontaneous
- Preparation First(, meal second)
- Bring things (requisites) to touch, feel and use
- Fight, never, never, never, never, never, never give up
- Higher purpose => Create emotion
- The beginning and the end are extremely important and create a story circle
- A. Attention
- What can you make different? (5.)
- Start different
- I. Interest
- How to create interest ?
- Present yourself different ?
- D. Desire
- What can you do to make someone crave for it?
- To make him want to be a part ?
- To make him want to eat a piece of the cake ?
- A. Action
- What is C2A ? (6)
- Someone shall do smth.
- What do I say ?
- to whom ?
- and how ?
- Who are you ?
- What do you do ?
- What do others get out of it ? (benefit)
- Call to Action (C2A)
- Start with a question
- Problem of your listener
- Give solution
- C2A
- Greet the audience
- What is your targeted audience?
- More detailed targets => Likelier that a person feels targeted
- CEO, middle size corp, small corp ??
- "Our product is for everyone" => It targets no one
- What is your targeted audience?
- Tagline
- Start with a strong tagline
- Kiss (Short & Sweet) (Short & Simple)
- "I would put Google out of business!"
- Or a question
- How many of you have ?
- Do you know the ...
- "Why do you think, do 99.9% of people don't reach their goals?"
- Or a good analogy
- "It is as easy as balancing a muffin on a pencil."
A similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
- Or a hook that gets their attention
- Or a quote
- Visionairy ?
- Potential of motivation and inspiration
- Recurring reference possibility (Story Loop)
- Can create a higher purpose and emotions
- Start with a strong tagline
- Be different
- Someone has to think "Wait, that's different." to remember
- Writing font & style?
Which problem does our company or business idea solve.
- Create a story to evoke emotion
- Make the audience genuinely feel the pain!
- Dramatic pause while storytelling
- Use relevant figures and statistics to convince them that this is a pressing problem
Once you have their attention:
- Describe your solution
- What is your product or service?
- We don't deliver coffee beans. We prepare you coffee.
- What is the benefit we create?
- What does it simplify?
- What can I do with it?
- What do I achieve with it?
- What do I save?
- What do I win ?
- What can I do with it ?
- Explain clearly:
- How the concept works.
- How you tested it to improve this.
- Use visuals to demonstrate the service.
You will have competitors ;)
- Illustrate why your solution is the best in the specific target market.
- Compare in table with others ?
- What is your Unique Selling Proposition ?
- In what are you the best ?
- In what are you the onliest ?
- In what are you the fastest ?
- In what are you different ?
- What do you do different ?
- Why shall we choose you ?
Explain your business model to show that you have a solid plan to generate revenue.
- What have you achieved so far?
- How do you plan to grow?
- Show potential investors where you are on your:
- Journey
- Stage of Maturity
- => That shows that you have a Vision (to scale your business to even more customers)!
Once you've convinced your audience that your solution:
- is the best one on the market.
- adresses an important problem or need.
- that you have a strong business.
- What makes your team the right one to deliver the specific solution?
- Call to action
- You are pitching to get results.
- To whom are speaking? (C2A)
- If ready for Investmens, negotiate investments based on
- budget
- maturity level
- What shall the customers do (C2A) ?
- Plan what you want before it starts
- Take my info card !
- Click on my homepage !
- Buy my book !
- Call me !
- Invite me to a coffee !
- Plan what you want before it starts
- Make a full circle
- If you tell a story, make sure you come back to where you started.
- Thank you!
- Are words used intentionally?
- Is the language effective and powerful?
- Instead we are aiming to create
- If you had 30 seconds what elements would you include?
- If you have 10 seconds?
Smartly Designed?
Allows you to demonstrate your product.
- A Presentation that you present while you present
- High quality images
- Only neccessary, minimal text
- Graphs & Visuals (Adds to what you saying without saying)
- Designer?
- Product Validation
- Customer Feedback