Releases: uccser/cs-field-guide
Rebuild matrix simplifier interactive. #375
Fix URL parameters in searching boxes interactive. #1129
Improvements to regular expression filter interactive. #1020
Content fixes and add glossary entries for coding, data representation and HCI chapters. #1017
Add glossary entries for AI chapter. #1136
Improve list of contributors. #1127
Dependency updates:
- Update
from 4.3.4 to 4.4.1. - Update
from 4.5.3 to 4.5.4. - Update
from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2. - Update
from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0. - Update
from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1. - Update
from 0.33.4 to 0.33.6. - Update
from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0.
- Update
Fix bug where navbar mobile menu is positioned incorrectly. #1068
Add link to the release archive in footer. #1098
Remove references to Picasa. #1099
Replace brackets with UTF-8 equivalent in archive links. #1093
Update Google Cloud Platform health checks. #1105
Dependency updates:
- Update
from 3.7.7 to 3.7.8. - Update
from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0. - Update
from 0.13.2 to 0.13.3.
- Update
Add interactive to demonstrate limitations of short term memory. #144
Add second short term memory interactive. #1090
Fix broken links to old interactives in the computer graphics chapter.
Update about page and introduction chapter. #1082
Improve consistency in chapter section beginnings. #1065
Align and resize homepage logos. #1050
Center homepage icons on Firefox mobile. #1066
Add link to Vox video on how snapchat filters work in the computer vision chapter. #367
Reduce length of search bar on mobile. #1080
Dependency updates:
- Update
from 0.13.1 to 0.13.2. - Update
from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0. - Update
from 0.4.0 to 0.4.2.
- Update
Fix bug where binary cards were not flipping back to white on Chrome. #1056
Add background to navigation dropdown on mobile. #1054
Add option to reshuffle weights in sorting algorithms interactive. #1070
Add link to curriculum guides in useful links. #1052
Fix several content errors. #1044
- Remove broken links that have no replacement link.
- Improve formatting and correct spelling errors.
- Correct sentence that states there are 0.6 kilometers in a mile.
Fix formatting issues, add glossary links and a glossary term for bozo search. #1060
Floating elements no longer overlap the subsection divider. #1059
Add a redirect for the old homepage URL to the new homepage URL. #1058
Correct spelling and formatting in the changelog. #1037
Add a temporary fix for deploying static files. #1046
Rebuild the CS Field Guide website to use an open source Django system based off CS Unplugged (see the GitHub milestone). Major features include:
- Greatly improved translation features.
- Allowing student and teacher pages to use the same URLs (switch between modes available in page footer).
- Search functionality for English chapters.
Improve chapter content:
- Chapters sections are now split across pages for better readability.
- General content, grammar, and spelling fixes.
- View glossary definitions within a page.
Introduce new chapter sections:
- 'User experience' by Hayley van Waas for the Human Computer Interaction chapter.
- 'General purpose compression' by Hayley van Waas for the Coding - Compression chapter.
Improve interactives:
- Introduce automated thumbnail generator.
- Introduce many 'uninteractives' – allowing image text to be translated.
- Update existing interactives for better accessi.
Introduce new interactives:
Algorithm Timer
Braille Alphabet
City Trip
Dictionary Compression
Dot combinations
LZSS compression
LZW Compression
Pixel Grid
Remove obsolete interactives:
Redesign homepage.
Update documentation and contributing guides.
Update contributors page.
Improve licencing structure to make it easier to find and navigate on GitHub.
Rename '2D Arrow Manipulations' interactive to '2D Shape Manipulations.
Introduce initial German and Spanish translations.
Release date: 7th March 2018
- Update Artificial Intelligence chapter to use shorter introduction video.
- Update Unicode Binary interactive to display UTF mode.
- Bugfixes for Sorting/Searching Boxes interactives.
- Grammar/spelling fixes for HCI chapter.
- Correct quote by Mike Fellows in Introduction chapter.
Release date: 13th February 2018
- Add Huffman coding section to compression chapter with Huffman Tree generator interactive.
- Add Viola-Jones face detection interactive.
- Add 2018 NCEA curriculum guides.
- Update Pixel Viewer interactive with threshold, blur, and edge detection modes for computer vision chapter. #32 #388
- Fix bug in Base Calculator interactive where computed value displayed incorrectly. #558
- Update Microsoft logo. #527
- Add videos to Formal Languages chapter #518
- Fix capitalisation of title of complexity and tractability chapter. #513
- Migrate Mathjax to new CDN. #482
Release date: 18th October 2017
- Add Bin Packing interactice. #490
- Correct Two's Complement text. #503
- Remove contributor names from changelogs.
- Update JPEG interactive. #488
- Remove search as it focuses on outdated releases. #508
- Correctly detect text size for Unicode Length interactive. #501
- Fix broken link to CSFG in Network Protocols chapter. #504
- Fix typo in section 2.1.3. #507