!nflect 📊💬
Do you know about the Vispubdata dataset? It contains information on IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from 1990-2023 and we will investigate a few interesting aspects to showcase our inflection framework.
There are four conferences organised by the IEEE and in total, 3754 papers were published across all of them.
With 1818 publication, VIS seems to be the most popular conference...
...you can see it even better in this piechart. VIS published almost half of all papers.
Especially SciVis falls behind.
What could be the reason?
Looking at the conferences over time, you can see that SciVis only ran for a short amount of time and VIS took over from 2021 onwards!
Look at the spike in 2004!
111 papers in the VIS conference alone.
Looking only at the smaller conferences between 2006-2019, you can see they had varying importance over time.
There was a curious dip in papers in 2013.
Cite and be Cited! Most papers are referenced <100 times.
Only a few have many more references.
Is there a connection between the number of references in a paper and the number of papers that reference to it?
Doesn't appear so.
The paper "D³ Data-Driven Documents" by Michael Bostock et al. is the most cited of them all - 2061 times!
And it makes sense that the paper that references the most is a review: "A Structured Review of Data Management Technology for Interactive Visualization and Analysis" by Leilani Battle and Carlos Scheidegger.