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Wordle in the terminal! You can play multiple modes, including — but not limited to — today's and archived Wordles, and Pass&Play against a (nerdy) friend.

Simply run TERMINALDLE.PY with Python, and you're set! The --HELP argument shows this page:

-H      --HELP /? -?    Exit the program and provide this screen.
-HTP    --HOW-TO-PLAY   Exit the program and display a how-to-play screen.
-U      --UNFAIR        Makes any guessable word a possible answer. Only matters in marathon and infinite modes.
-L      --LINKS         Exit the program and display links to the Wordle sub-websites, including help and solution sites.
-A      --ATTEMPTS      Change the number of maximum attempts to make it easier or harder. Default is 6.
-M      --MODE          Select your mode.
-HM     --HARD-MODE     Enables hard mode. Correct letters must be in the same place every subsequent guess, and letters that are in the word must be included.
        New (Y)ork Times today
        (A) Wordle from the NYT Archives

-KBH    --KEYBOARD-HISTORY      Doesn't clear the contents of previous word's keyboards.
-K      --KEYBOARD              Select a keyboard to display during the game. Default is ABC.
OPTIONS: (In order of)
        ABC     The alphabet.
        QWERTY  A QWERTY keyboard
        AZERTY  An AZERTY keyboard
        WORKMAN A workman keyboard
        FREQ    Frequency of the letters in English
        NONE    No keyboard display

-C      --COLOURS       Changes the colour modes the game runs in.
        CLASSIC         The normal colour scheme of the game. All correct and same as the website.
        8-COLOUR        For terminals that only support 8 colours. Not recommended unless needed.
        256-COLOUR      For terminals that only support up to the 256 colour palatte.
        HIGH-CONTRAST   Increases vibrance of the colours to make them easier to see in a terminal.
        NYT-HI-CONTRAST Adds the official high contrast colour palatte of Wordle.

Type 'QUIT' while the program's running to exit.
Arguments do not have to be capitalized.
If colours are not displaying properly, try the colours option.

Usage example

Let's say we want to do today's Wordle. We'll want to share it, and everything else should be as it is in real Wordle.

py WORDLE.PY -m y -s 0 -kb qwerty

Alright. Let's do every option we can. We want to play marathon mode, our machine only has 256 colour support in it's terminal, we want to make it a little easier, etc.

py WORDLE.PY -a 7 -m m -kbh -k freq -c 256col
py WORDLE.PY -A 7 -m M -kbh --KEYBOARD freq --COLOR 256color

Thanks and credits

All credit, of course, goes to Josh Wardle, for the creation of the game, and The New York Times Games division for maintaining it. The official link can be found here. I used the Wordle API, at The word lists, while sourced from the NYT page, was distributed by Cyrus Freshman at their GitHub page. Your local ANSWERS.TXT and GUESSABLES.TXT should be updated from their page.

Thanks to the guides on ANSI escape codes, which are used heavily and are necessary for the game to work. Burke Libbey's guide and Christopher Yeh's were incredibly valuable resources. Thanks to you both! Burke's Github (@burke), and Christopher's (@chrisyeh96).

Appreciation to the Python Discord server and in particular, @n0Oo0Oo0b in the early stages of this.