- Switched to Modelica Standard Library v4.0.0
- Ensured compatibility with Modelica 1.23.1
- Added support for Python3.12 using Pandas v2
- Added support for OpenModelica v1.21.0 and Python 3.11
- Brand new waste heat model.
- Added support for Windows.
- Use context manager to ensure removal of temporary files.
- Compatible with PyDelica v0.4.2
- First full version of Power Balance ready for open sourcing.
- Fixed bug in Modelica file parsing.
- Refactor of code and addressing some minor issues.
- Separation of plugins completely from CLI to be used as optional extensions.
- The main Modelica file has been split into constituent physics models, improving the development process and version control.
- Users can now control the plasma scenario (profile generation) timings, allowing a setup of a more realistic simulation.
- Steady-state values (average from plasma flat-top) now visible under the "Steady-State" tab of the HTML viewer ( previously called "Efficiencies").
- Cleaned up leftover HTML documentation code.
- Cleaned up coolant detritiation model code and cryogenics model code.
- Added efficiency calculations for RF and NBI systems (to the "Steady-State" tab of the viewer).
- Heating and Current Drive profile modified in line with the suggestion by Mark Henderson.
- Proper RF (gyrotron) model implemented.
- Documentation bugfixes.
- Added (preliminary) assertions within the Modelica code to assist with finding errors, and associated unit tests.
- Enabled the selection of so-called 'structural parameters' from outside of Modelica.
- Removed the obsolete CoolingMagnets, meaning neutronic heating is now inserted manually.
- Certain input parameters can be used to create profiles, from which the maximum value can be extracted inside Modelica.
- The wallplug efficiency of HCD, the power supply efficiency of the magnets, and the power generation conversion efficiency can now be set using a constant value.
- The superconducting model can now be turned off and instead a simple '(near) zero-resistance' model can be used.
- Removed dependency on OMPython in favour of a serverless alternative PyDelica.
- Added power generation models to power consumption calculation.
- Improved support for running within an interactive Python session.
- Uses only Jinja templates for HTML page generation.
- Added input profiles to browser display.
- Profiles (magnet currents, HCD, plasma thermal) are now generated more realistically, with the plasma scenario in mind.
- Process engineering models received a major code overhaul.
- Modelica code was made to be uniform (e.g. parameter naming, formatting).
- Fixed a bug where the thermal power profile was not created properly.
- Fixed a bug where some detrit models would produce less power incorrectly.
- Fixes to bootstrap HTML and tidy up of tables.
- Added efficiencies tab in browser output.
- All documentation migrated from Modelica to GitLab Pages.
- Running the API in interactive mode within a Python enviornment is enabled.
- Switch to Poetry for development of module.
- Added Python API for running of models via OMPython.
- Reading of inputs from configuration and parameter files.
- Parameter sweeps where multiple values per parameter specified.
- Power consumption from feeders added.
- Addition of NINI model.
- Separation of heat profiles for NBI and RF.
- Move from Tk window for plot display to browser window.
- Use HDF5 as data output file type storing data frames from power outputs.
- Creation of
Modelica model with components for Magnets, Cryogenics and Detritation.