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Uncharted Facets

CSS Variables

This is the complete list of the CSS variables from facets-core at time of writing. These can be overridden to customize facets. If there's a customization you would like to make this is not in this table, unfortunately you cannot apply it. If you are unsure how any of these variables appear in a final facet set them to a bold color such as red or green (avoid blue and greys as the defaults tend towards blue and grey) and see the result. A theme.css file is also in the distribution of facets-core, and another in facets-plugins. (This table doesn't include facets-plugins variables.)

Variable Name Description Default
--facet-font-family The font family used by the facets. i.e. CSS font-family.
NOTE: Font sizes cannot be changed.
"IBM Plex Sans", sans-serif
--facet-blueprint-background The background color for the facets. i.e. CSS background-color. #FFFFFF
--facet-blueprint-border The color of the top border (divider) for facets. i.e. border-top color.
NOTE: The divider is a fixed solid 1px line. There are no variables to change this.
--facet-container-surface-foreground The foreground color (text color) of the facet title. i.e. color. #1A1B1C
facet-bars Variables that only apply to facet-bars facets.
--facet-bars-labels-foreground The text color of individual bar labels. #B2B3B4
--facet-bars-labels-tick-background The background color of bar ticks. #B2B3B4
--facet-bars-labels-marker-border The label marker border color. #D9DADB
--facet-bars-blueprint-border The color assigned to the vertical hover highlight bar that appears when hovering over facet-bars. i.e. border-left color
NOTE: The bar is a fixed 4px solid line.
--facet-bars-value-loading-background-stop-1 facet-bars can be used to create a 'loading' animation. This is the background color at 0%.
NOTE: There do not appear to be examples of using this.
--facet-bars-value-loading-background-stop-2 facet-bars can be used to create a 'loading' animation. This is the background color at 50%.
NOTE: There do not appear to be examples of using this.
--facet-bars-value-loading-background-stop-3 facet-bars can be used to create a 'loading' animation. This is the background color at 100%.
NOTE: There do not appear to be examples of using this.
--facet-bars-value-background-loading The dominant color during a 'loading' animation. #F7F7F7
--facet-bars-value-bar-1-background-loading The alternate color during a 'loading' animation. #ECECEC
--facet-bars-value-background The color of individual bars when not selected. #EAEBEC
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast The contrast color of individual bars when not selected. (Used for subselections?) #F7F7F7
--facet-bars-value-background-selected The color of individual bars when selected. #EBF1FC
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast-selected The contrast color of individual bars when selected. #EAEBEC
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast-selected-hover The contrast color of individual bars when selected and hovered over #EAEBEC
--facet-bars-value-background-unselected The color of individual bars when unselected. #EAEBEC
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast-unselected The contrast color of individual bars when unselected. #F7F7F7
-facet-bars-value-background-contrast-unselected-hover The contrast color of individual bars during hover when unselected. #EBF1FC
--facet-bars-value-background-muted The muted color of facet bars. #EAEBEC
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast-muted The muted contrast color of facet bars. #F7F7F7
--facet-bars-value-background-contrast-muted-hover The muted contrast color of facet bars during hovers. #EBF1FC
--facet-bars-0-normal The normal color of a bar.
NOTE: There was an intent to have multiple bar colors but this was not fully implemented. So you will see a '0' in the names but effectively there are no alternatives.
--facet-bars-0-normal-contrast The normal contrast color of a bar. #A4C2FC
--facet-bars-0-normal-contrast-hover The normal contrast color while hovering over a bar. #255DCC
--facet-bars-0-selected The color of a bar when selected. #255DCC
--facet-bars-0-selected-contrast The contrast color of a bar when selected. #A4C2FC
--facet-bars-0-unselected The unselected color of a bar. #C2C3C4
--facet-bars-0-unselected-contrast The unselected contrast color. #D9DADB
--facet-bars-0-unselected-contrast-hover The unselected contrast color while hovering over a bar. #255DCC
--facet-bars-0-muted The muted color of a bar. #C2C3C4
--facet-bars-0-muted-contrast The muted contrast color. #D9DADB
--facet-bars-0-muted-contrast-hover The muted contrast color during hover. #255DCC
facet-terms Variables that only apply to facet-terms facets.
--facet-term-label The text color of the individual term facet labels. #1A1B1C
--face-term-annotation The text color of the individual term annotations. #727375
--facet-term-value The text color of the individual term values. #1A1B1C
--facet-terms-tick-color The hover tick color. This appears to be the color of the hover indicator at the left of a term facet, similar to --facet-bars-blueprint-border above. i.e. border-left color
NOTE: The bar is a fixed 4px solid line.
--facet-blueprint-hover-background The background color while hovering over a term. #F7F7F7
--facet-terms-selected-background The background color or a selected term. #EBF1FC
--facet-term-bar-background-normal The normal background color of a term bar. #EAEBEC
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-normal The normal contrast color of a term bar. (The subselection?) #F7F7F7
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-normal-hover The normal contrast color of a term bar while hovering over it. #EAEBEC
--facet-term-bar-background-selected The background color of a selected term bar. #D9DADB
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-selected The background contrast color of a selected bar. #EAEBEC
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-selected-hover The background contrast color of a selected bar while hovering. #D9DADB
--facet-term-bar-background-muted The muted color of a bar. #EAEBEC
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-muted The muted contrast color of a bar. #F7F7F7
--facet-term-bar-background-contrast-muted-hover The muted contrast color of a bar while hovering. #EAEBEC
--facet-terms-bar-0-normal The normal color of a terms bar.
Like the facet-bars above there had been plans for multiple bar colors hence the '0' in the name. This wasn't implemented.
--facet-terms-bar-0-normal-contrast The normal contrast color. #A4C2FC
--facet-terms-bar-0-normal-contrast-hover The normal contrast color during bar hover. #255DCC
--facet-terms-bar-0-selected-contrast The selected contrast color. #A4C2FC
--facet-terms-bar-0-selected-contrast-hover The selected contrast color during hover. #255DCC
--facet-terms-bar-0-muted The muted bar color. #C2C3C4
--facet-terms-bar-0-muted-contrast The muted contrast color. #D9DADB
--facet-terms-bar-0-muted-contrast-hover The muted contrast color while hovering over a bar. #255DCC
facet buttons i.e.  
--facet-button-background-gradient-stop-1 There is a linear gradient applied to the background of these two buttons. This is the start color for the gradient #F2F3F3
--facet-button-background-gradient-stop-2 The end color for the background gradient. #EAEBEC
--facet-button-border The color of the border around the buttons.
NOTE: The border is a fixed 1px solid line.
facet-plugin-scrollbar A facet plugin for adding a horizontal scrollbar to a facet. The final facet-timeline example demonstrates this.
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-background The background color of the scrollbar. rgb(248,248,248)
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-border The color of the top and bottom border of the scroll bar.
NOTE: The border is a fixed solid 1px line.
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-background-round The background color of the scrollbar. rgb(244,244,244)
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-filter-background The background color of the scrollbar's filter. rgba(164,194,252,0.5)
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-thumb-background The background color of the thumb controls at the ends of the scrollbar. rgb(195,195,195)
--facets-plugin-scrollbar-thumb-background-hover The background color of the thumb controls while hovering over them. rgb(125,125,125)
facet-plugin-zoom-bar A facet plugin similar to a scrollbar but allows zooming in on a portion of a facet. Several of the facet-bars examples demonstrate its use.
--facets-plugins-zoom-bar-background The background color of the zoom bar. #EAEBEC
--facets-plugins-zoom-bar-selection-background The background color of the selected portion of the zoom bar. #A4C2FC
--facets-plugins-zoom-bar-thumb-background The background color of the zoom bar thumb controls. #C2C3C4
--facets-plugins-zoom-bar-handle-border The left and right borders of the handle between the handle and the thumb controls.
NOTE: This border is a solid 1px line.
facet-plugin-zoom-controls This plugin allows zooming in on a facet. The final facet-timeline example demonstrates its use.
--facets-plugins-zoom-controls-button-border The border color of the zoom buttoms.
NOTE: This border is a solid 1px line.
--facets-plugins-zoom-controls-button-background The background color behind the zoom control buttons. #F0F1F2