Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated, every little bit helps.
You can begin contributing to 2QAN
code by raising an
issue, reporting a bug or
proposing a new feature request, using the labels to organize it.
Please use 2qan.about()
to document your dependencies and working environment.
You can open a pull request by pushing changes from a local branch, explaining the bug fix or new feature.
git is a language that helps keeping track of the changes made. Have a look at these guidelines for getting started with git workflow. Use short and explanatory comments to document the changes with frequent commits.
You can fork 2QAN from the github repository, so that your changes are applied with respect to the current master branch. Use the Fork button, and then use git from the command line to clone your fork of the repository locally on your machine.
(base) git clone
You can also use SSH instead of a HTTPS protocol.
It is best to set up a clean environment with anaconda, to keep track of all installed applications.
(base) conda create -n myenv python=3
accept the configuration ([y]) and switch to the environment
(base) conda activate myenv
(myenv) conda install pip
Once you will finish the modifications, you can deactivate the environment with
(myenv) conda deactivate myenv
2QAN development abides to the Contributors' Covenant.