subcollection | copyright | lastupdated | lasttested | content-type | services | account-plan | completion-time | use-case | ||
solution-tutorials |
2024-01-05 |
tutorial |
vpc, vmwaresolutions, dns-svcs |
paid |
1h |
ApplicationModernization, Vmware |
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns} {: toc-content-type="tutorial"} {: toc-services="vpc, vmwaresolutions, dns-svcs"} {: toc-completion-time="1h"}
This tutorial may incur costs. Use the Cost Estimator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage. {: tip}
This tutorial is part of series, and requires that you have completed the related tutorials in the presented order. {: important}
In this tutorial, you will deploy {{}} for a VMware Deployment in {{}}. {{}} will be used and your {{}} will be configured to access and use the deployed DNS serrvice. {: shortdesc}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-objectives}
In this tutorial {{}} is used as the {{}} solution for the VMware Deployment.
{: caption="Figure 1. Deploying DNS service for a VMware Deployment" caption-side="bottom"}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-prereqs}
This tutorial requires:
- Common prereqs for VMware Deployment tutorials in {{}}
This tutorial is part of series, and requires that you have completed the related tutorials. Make sure you have successfully completed the required previous steps:
Login with IBM Cloud CLI with username and password, or use the API key. Select your target region and your preferred resource group.
The used variables e.g. $VMWARE_VPC_CRN are defined in the previous steps of this tutorial. {: note}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-provision} {: step}
Create the DNS service using the
plan and get its ID.VMWARE_DNS=$(ibmcloud dns instance-create dns-vmware standard-dns --output json | jq -r .id)
{: codeblock}
Set the DNS as a default DNS target.
ibmcloud dns instance-target $VMWARE_DNS
{: codeblock}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-zone} {: step}
Provision a zone. In this example
is used, but you may modify this to fit your needs.VMWARE_DNS_ZONE_NAME=vmware.ibmcloud.local
{: codeblock}
VMWARE_DNS_ZONE=$(ibmcloud dns zone-create $VMWARE_DNS_ZONE_NAME -d "Zone for VMware on VPC" --output json | jq -r .id)
{: codeblock}
Add your previously created {{}} in the permitted networks. Use the {{}} CRN here.
ibmcloud dns permitted-network-add $VMWARE_DNS_ZONE --vpc-crn $VMWARE_VPC_CRN
{: codeblock}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-record} {: step}
DNS records for the ESXi hosts will be created after they will be provisioned in the next tutorial following the commands provided below. {: note}
To create DNS records via CLI, the following command provides a help for record creation.
ibmcloud dns resource-record-create --help
{: codeblock}
To create
A records
for your previously created Zonevmware.ibmcloud.local
, you can use the following CLI command (modify the 'NAME' and 'IP_ADDRESS' accordingly):ibmcloud dns resource-record-create $VMWARE_DNS_ZONE --type A --name NAME --ipv4 IP_ADDRESS
{: codeblock}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-validation} {: step}
List information about configured zones in your DNS instance
. Use the following command.ibmcloud dns zones -i dns-vmware
{: codeblock}
List information about configured records in your DNS instance
and zonevmware.ibmcloud.local
. Use the following command.ibmcloud dns resource-records $VMWARE_DNS_ZONE -i dns-vmware
{: codeblock}
Verify that you permitted your {{}} networks to access and use the DNS service:
ibmcloud dns permitted-networks $VMWARE_DNS_ZONE
{: codeblock}
When a DNS record is created during the tutorial, validate that you get correct responses from your Windows Jump host, for example using
via Windows command line.nslookup <hostname>
{: codeblock}
{: #vpc-bm-vmware-dns-next-steps}
The next step in the tutorial series is: