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- [Introduction into map servers and VersaTiles](introduction.md)
- [VersaTiles Layer Specification](specification_reference_model.md)
+- [VersaTiles Container Specification](specification_container.md)
- [VersaTiles Frontend Specification](specification_frontend.md)
- [Show Cases](show_cases.md)
- [Tools](tools.md)
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+- [Versatiles Container Format Specification v2.0](#versatiles-container-format-specification-v20)
+ - [1. Introduction](#1-introduction)
+ - [2. General Guidelines](#2-general-guidelines)
+ - [3. File structure](#3-file-structure)
+ - [4. Glossary](#4-glossary)
+# Versatiles Container Format Specification v2.0
+## 1. Introduction
+This document defines the Versatiles Container Format v2.0, which describes the structure and encoding mechanisms for efficiently storing large numbers of map tiles.
+## 2. General Guidelines
+- **Byte order:** All numeric values are encoded in big-endian byte order.
+- **Tile organization:** Tiles are organised according to the XYZ scheme, with the origin (x=0, y=0) located at the top-left (northwest) corner.
+## 3. File structure
+The Versatiles Container format consists of four main components:
+1. **[File Header](#31-file-header):** Introduces the container file, details global properties, and indicates the locations of [Metadata](#32-metadata-chunk) and [Block Index](#34-block-index).
+2. **[Metadata](#32-metadata-chunk):** Provides detailed information about the tileset, including attribution and layer definitions.
+3. **[Blocks](#33-blocks):** Aggregates tiles into larger units (Blocks) for efficient storage and access, each containing [**Tile Blobs**](#331-tile-blobs) and [**Tile Index**](#332-tile-index).
+4. **[Block Index](#34-block-index):** Acts as a parent directory for all blocks within the file.
+| File Format |
+| ![File Format](../assets/container_file_format.svg) |
+### 3.1. File Header
+- **Length:** 66 bytes.
+- **Location:** At the start of the file.
+- **Purpose:** Outlines essential file properties and indicates subsequent section locations.
+- all offsets are relative to start of the file
+| Offset | Length | Type | Description |
+| 0 | 14 | string | File identifier (`"versatiles_v02"`) |
+| 14 | 1 | u8 | `tile_format` value |
+| 15 | 1 | u8 | `precompression` value |
+| 16 | 1 | u8 | minimum zoom level |
+| 17 | 1 | u8 | maximum zoom level |
+| 18 | 4 | i32 | bbox min x (10⁷ × lon) |
+| 22 | 4 | i32 | bbox min y (10⁷ × lat) |
+| 26 | 4 | i32 | bbox max x (10⁷ × lon) |
+| 30 | 4 | i32 | bbox max y (10⁷ × lat) |
+| 34 | 8 | u64 | offset of [Metadata](#32-metadata-chunk) |
+| 42 | 8 | u64 | length of [Metadata](#32-metadata-chunk) |
+| 50 | 8 | u64 | offset of [Block Index](#34-block-index) |
+| 58 | 8 | u64 | length of [Block Index](#34-block-index) |
+#### 3.1.1. Value `tile_format`
+| Value hex | Value dec | Type | Mime |
+| `0x00` | `0` | bin | *application/octet-stream* |
+| `0x10` | `16` | png | *image/png* |
+| `0x11` | `17` | jpg | *image/jpeg* |
+| `0x12` | `18` | webp | *image/webp* |
+| `0x13` | `19` | avif | *image/avif* |
+| `0x14` | `20` | svg | *image/svg+xml* |
+| `0x20` | `32` | pbf | *application/x-protobuf* |
+| `0x21` | `33` | geojson | *application/geo+json* |
+| `0x22` | `34` | topojson | *application/topo+json* |
+| `0x23` | `35` | json | *application/json* |
+#### 3.1.2. Value `precompression`
+[Metadata](#32-metadata-chunk) and all [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) are pre-compressed with:
+| Value | Method |
+| `0` | Uncompressed |
+| `1` | gzip |
+| `2` | Brotli |
+### 3.2. Metadata Chunk
+- **Content:** Encapsulates `tiles.json`, detailing tileset metadata.
+- **Encoding:** UTF-8.
+- **Compression:** Defined by the [`precompression`](#312-value-precompression) flag in the [File Header](#31-file-header).
+- **Note:** The absence of Metadata is indicated by zero offsets and lengths in the [File Header](#31-file-header).
+### 3.3. Blocks
+- **Structure:** Blocks act as aggregators for up to 256×256 tiles.
+- **Zoom Levels:** Single Blocks can span entire zoom levels (0-8). Higher zoom levels (>8) may require multiple Blocks.
+- Maximum number of Blocks per zoom level: `pow(4, max(0, level - 8))`.
+| Blocks per level |
+| ![Level Blocks](../assets/container_level_blocks.svg) |
+- Each Block contains concatenated [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) and ends with a [Tile Index](#332-tile-index).
+- Neither the [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) in a Block nor Blocks in the file need to follow any particular order.
+#### 3.3.1. Tile Blobs
+- Tile Blobs are concatenated binary data, each containing one tile. All tiles have the same format and are pre-compressed.
+- **Format:** Each Tile Blob has the same file format, determined by the [`tile_format`](#311-value-tile_format) code in the [File Header](#31-file-header).
+- **Compression:** Each Tile Blob is compressed as specified by the [`precompression`](#312-value-precompression) flag in the [File Header](#31-file-header).
+#### 3.3.2. Tile Index
+- **Compression:** Brotli.
+- **Purpose:** Maps coordinates of tiles within a block to their respective binary position and length.
+- Tiles are ordered horizontally then vertically
+- `index = (row - row_min) * (col_max - col_min + 1) + (col - col_min)`
+- (`col_min`, `row_min`, `col_max`, `row_max` are specified in [Block Index](#34-block-index))
+- identical [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) can be stored once and referenced multiple times to save storage space
+- if a tile does not exist, the length of Tile Blob is `0`
+- offsets of [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) are relative to the beginning of the Block. So the offset of the first Tile Blob should always be `0`.
+| Offset | Length | Type | Description |
+| 12*i | 8 | u64 | offset of Tile Blob in Block |
+| 12*i+8 | 4 | u32 | length of Tile Blob |
+| index of Tile Blobs |
+| ![Block Tiles](../assets/container_block_tiles.svg) |
+### 3.4. Block Index
+- **Compression:** Brotli.
+- **Function:** Provides a directory for locating [Blocks](#33-blocks) within the container file.
+- Empty Blocks are not stored.
+- Each 33-byte entry within the Block Index is structured as follows:
+| Offset | Length | Type | Description |
+| 0 + 33*i | 1 | u8 | `level` |
+| 1 + 33*i | 4 | u32 | `column`/256 |
+| 5 + 33*i | 4 | u32 | `row`/256 |
+| 9 + 33*i | 1 | u8 | `col_min` (0..255) |
+| 10 + 33*i | 1 | u8 | `row_min` (0..255) |
+| 11 + 33*i | 1 | u8 | `col_max` (0..255) |
+| 12 + 33*i | 1 | u8 | `row_max` (0..255) |
+| 13 + 33*i | 8 | u64 | offset of Block in file |
+| 21 + 33*i | 8 | u64 | length of [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) |
+| 29 + 33*i | 4 | u32 | length of [Tile Index](#332-tile-index) |
+- Since a Block consists only of [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) appended by the [Tile Index](#332-tile-index), the length of Block must be the sum of the lengths of the [Tile Blobs](#331-tile-blobs) and the [Tile Index](#332-tile-index).
+- Note: To efficiently find the Block containing the tile you are looking for, use a data structure such as a "map", "dictionary" or "associative array" and fill it with the data from the Block Index.
+## 4. Glossary
+- **Blob:** A chunk of binary data. [Object storage on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_storage)
+- **Block:** A composite unit containing up to 256×256 tiles.
+- **Brotli:** A compression algorithm known for its efficiency and performance. It offers better compression than gzip. [Brotli on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brotli)
+- **Tile:** A square geographic area at a specified zoom level, containing map information as an image or as vector data.