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Google Ads Usage

All types of Ads load and show details using Google Ads.


  • Add the below code for set Ads Data as an example:

        class AppApplication : AppOpenApplication() {
            override fun onCreate() {
                 * Initialization of ads data.
                 * All set & enable methods are optional.
                 * You can set multiple IDs in one method.
                     * Enable logCat (Default value = false).
                     * Call this if you want to show ads-related logs in your logCat.
                    .enableDebugMode(fIsEnable = false)
                     * Enable logCat for Purchase History (Default value = false).
                     * Call this if you want to show Purchase History-related logs in your logCat.
                    .enablePurchaseHistoryLog(fIsEnable = false)
                     * Enable App Open Ad in your project (Default value = false).
                     * Call this if you want to show the App Open Ad in your project.
                    .enableOpenAd(fIsEnable = false)
                     * Block Interstitial Ad in your project (Default value = false).
                     * Call this if you want to test the FullScreenNative Ad in your project.
                    .needToBlockInterstitialAd(fIsBlock = false)
                     * Show ads with test ads ID in your project (Default value = false).
                     * Call this if you want to show ads with test ads IDs in your project.
                    .needToTakeAllTestAdID(fIsTakeAll = false)
                     * Using the methods below, you can set your live ads IDs in your project.
                     * All methods are optional.
                     * You can set multiple IDs in one method.
                    .setAdmobAppId(fAdmobAppId = "LIVE_APP_ID")
                     * Using the methods below, you can set your product key SKU in your project.
                     * You can set multiple SKUs in one method.
                     * Call this if your app does not use the RevenueCat SDK.
                     * Use the method below to initialize your ads data.
                 * Initializing the mobile ads SDK.
                 * Helper method to set device IDs, which you can get from logs.
                 * Check your logcat output for the test device ID, e.g.,
                 * I/Ads: Use RequestConfiguration.Builder.setTestDeviceIds("TEST_DEVICE_ID","TEST_DEVICE_ID")
                 * @param fDeviceId Pass multiple "TEST_DEVICE_ID" values.
            fun updateRemoteConfigFlag() {
                 * Initialization of ads remote config data.
                 * All methods are optional.
                     * Enable Banner Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableBannerAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Enable Interstitial Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableInterstitialAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Enable Native Advanced Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableNativeAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Enable App Open Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableAppOpenAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Enable Rewarded Interstitial Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableRewardedInterstitialAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Enable Rewarded Video Ad in your project (Default value = true).
                    .enableRewardedVideoAdFromRemoteConfig(fIsEnable = true)
                     * Use the method below to initialize only ads-related remote config data.


1. Banner Ad

  • Add the below code for the Banner Ad as an example:

                app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
  • Customizing Banner Ads using XML attributes:

    • There is no need to add these attributes to your attrs.xml resource file manually, as the library provides them. Here’s an example:
            <declare-styleable name="BannerAdView">
                <attr name="banner_ad_size" />
                <attr name="banner_ad_type" />
                <attr name="banner_placeholder_type" />
                <attr name="banner_placeholder_text_color" format="color" />
                <attr name="banner_custom_placeholder" format="reference" />
                <attr name="banner_auto_load" format="boolean" />
            <attr name="banner_placeholder_type" format="enum">
                <enum name="none" value="0" />
                <enum name="shimmer" value="1" />
                <enum name="text" value="2" />
                <enum name="custom" value="3" />
            <attr name="banner_ad_type" format="enum">
                <enum name="normal" value="0" />
                <enum name="splash" value="1" />
                <enum name="collapsible_bottom" value="2" />
                <enum name="collapsible_top" value="3" />
            <attr name="banner_ad_size" format="enum">
                <enum name="banner" value="0" />
                <enum name="large_banner" value="1" />
                <enum name="medium_rectangle" value="2" />
                <enum name="full_banner" value="3" />
                <enum name="leaderboard" value="4" />
                <enum name="adaptive_banner" value="5" />
    • Details of the above custom attributes:
      • banner_ad_size: This attribute allows you to customize your ad size.
        • There are 6 banner ad sizes: [banner, large_banner, medium_rectangle, full_banner, leaderboard, adaptive_banner].
      • banner_ad_type: This attribute allows you to customize your ad type.
        • There are 4 types of banner ads: [normal, splash, collapsible_bottom, collapsible_top].
        • The normal type works with all kinds of banner_ad_size.
        • splash, collapsible_bottom, and collapsible_top types work only when banner_ad_size is set to adaptive_banner.
        • When using the splash type, ensure your banner ad view is in the splash activity.
      • banner_placeholder_type: This attribute allows you to customize your ad loading view.
        • There are 4 types of placeholder views: [none, shimmer, text, custom].
        • none - No loading view is shown.
        • shimmer - Displays a shimmer view as the loading view.
        • text - Displays a text view as the loading view.
          • You can change the text color using the banner_placeholder_text_color attribute.
        • custom - Displays a custom view as the loading view.
          • You can set your custom view using the banner_custom_placeholder attribute.
      • banner_auto_load: This attribute allows you to handle load requests manually.
        • The default value is true, meaning you cannot handle the loading request manually.
          • The loading request is triggered when your view is attached to the display.

2. Interstitial Ad

  • Add the below code for Interstitial Ad as an example:

        class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
            fun showAd() {
                 * Call this method when you need to show an Interstitial Ad.
                 * This method will also call our offline native ad [InterstitialNativeAdActivity] when the Interstitial Ad fails,
                 * and it will provide a callback in the same way.
                 * Usage of this method:
                 * activity.showInterstitialAd { [your code that runs after the ad is shown or if the ad fails to show] }
                 * Call this method with the [Activity] instance.
                 * @param fIsShowFullScreenNativeAd Pass `false` if you don't need a native ad when interstitial ads are not loaded.
                 * @param onAdClosed This is the callback for when the ad is closed; it is also called if the ad was not shown to the user.
                 * @param isAdShowing `true` when the Interstitial Ad is showing to the user.
                 * @param isShowFullScreenAd `true` when the Full Screen Native Ad is showing to the user.
                mActivity.showInterstitialAd(fIsShowFullScreenNativeAd = true) { isAdShowing, isShowFullScreenAd ->
                    // TODO: do your next action 

3. Native Ad

  • Add the below code for the Native Ad as an example:

                    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
  • Customizing Native Ads using XML attributes:

    • There is no need to manually add these attributes to your attrs.xml resource file, as the library provides them. Here’s an example:
            <declare-styleable name="NativeAdView">
                <attr name="native_ad_type" />
                <attr name="native_placeholder_type" />
                <attr name="native_placeholder_text_color" format="color" />
                <attr name="native_custom_placeholder" format="reference" />
                <attr name="native_custom_ad_view" format="reference" />
                <attr name="native_auto_load" format="boolean" />
                <attr name="native_show_placeholder" format="boolean" />
                <attr name="native_new_ad_request" format="boolean" />
                <attr name="cardBackgroundColor" format="color" />
                <attr name="cardCornerRadius" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="cardElevation" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="cardUseCompatPadding" format="boolean" />
                <attr name="cardPreventCornerOverlap" format="boolean" />
                <attr name="contentPadding" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="contentPaddingLeft" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="contentPaddingRight" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="contentPaddingTop" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="contentPaddingBottom" format="dimension" />
                <attr name="strokeColor" format="color" />
                <attr name="strokeWidth" format="dimension" />
            <attr name="native_ad_type" format="enum">
                <enum name="big" value="0" />
                <enum name="medium" value="1" />
                <enum name="interstitial_native" value="2" />
                <enum name="custom" value="3" />
            <attr name="native_placeholder_type" format="enum">
                <enum name="none" value="0" />
                <enum name="shimmer" value="1" />
                <enum name="text" value="2" />
                <enum name="custom" value="3" />
    • Details of the above custom attributes:
      • native_ad_type: This attribute allows you to customize your ad size.
        • There are 4 native ad sizes: [big, medium, interstitial_native, custom].
        • Avoid using the interstitial_native type.
        • custom: Displays a custom view as the ad view.
          • You can set your custom view using the native_custom_ad_view attribute.
      • native_placeholder_type: This attribute allows you to customize your ad loading view.
        • There are 4 types of placeholder views: [none, shimmer, text, custom].
        • none: No loading view is shown.
        • shimmer: Displays a shimmer view as the loading view.
        • text: Displays a text view as the loading view.
          • You can change the text color using the native_placeholder_text_color attribute.
        • custom: Displays a custom view as the loading view.
          • You can set your custom view using the native_custom_placeholder attribute.
      • native_auto_load: This attribute allows you to handle load requests manually.
        • The default value is true, meaning you cannot handle the loading request manually.
          • The loading request is triggered when your view is attached to the display.
      • native_show_placeholder: This attribute allows you to view the placeholder and main ad view in edit mode.
      • You can customize the background card properties using the following attributes:
        • cardBackgroundColor
        • cardCornerRadius
        • cardElevation
        • cardUseCompatPadding
        • cardPreventCornerOverlap
        • contentPadding
        • contentPaddingLeft
        • contentPaddingRight
        • contentPaddingTop
        • contentPaddingBottom
      • You can change the background card stroke color and width using the following attributes:
        • strokeColor
        • strokeWidth

4. App Open Ad

  • Add the below code for the App Open Ad as an example:

        class AppApplication : AppOpenApplication() {
             * Override this function in your application class to show the App Open Ad.
             * @param fCurrentActivity Refers to your current activity.
             * @return `true` if you want to show the App Open Ad,
             * @return `false` if you don't want to show the App Open Ad.
            override fun onResumeApp(fCurrentActivity: Activity): Boolean {
                return true

5. Reward Interstitial Ad

  • Add the below code for the Reward Interstitial Ad as an example:

        class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
            fun loadAd() {
                 * Call this method when you need to load your Reward Interstitial Ad.
                 * You need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment.
                 * Usage of this Method:
                 * loadAd(
                 *      fContext = reference to your activity or fragment context,
                 *      onStartToLoadAd = {[show progress when starting to load the Reward Interstitial Ad]},
                 *      onAdLoaded = {[hide progress after successfully loading the Reward Interstitial Ad]},
                 * )
                 * @param fContext This is a reference to your activity or fragment context.
                 * @param onStartToLoadAd Called when the Reward Interstitial Ad starts loading.
                 * @param onAdLoaded Called when the Reward Interstitial Ad has successfully loaded.
                    fContext = mActivity,
                    onStartToLoadAd = {
                        // TODO: Manage your view when the ad starts loading
                    onAdLoaded = {
                        // TODO: Manage your view after the ad has loaded successfully
            fun showAd() {
                 * Call this method when you need to show your Reward Interstitial Ad.
                 * You need to call this method with your Activity Context.
                 * Usage of this Method:
                 * activity.showRewardedInterstitialAd(
                 *      onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward -> [Default value = false, it's true when the user successfully earns a reward]},
                 * )
                 * Call this method with the [Activity] instance.
                 * @param onUserEarnedReward Called when the user earns a reward. @see [AdMobAdsListener.onUserEarnedReward]
                mActivity.showRewardedInterstitialAd { isUserEarnedReward ->
                    // Manage your view or app state based on whether the user earned the reward
                    if (isUserEarnedReward) {
                        // The user earned the reward
                        // TODO: Reward the user (e.g., give them points, unlock features, etc.)
                    } else {
                        // The user did not earn the reward (e.g., they closed the ad early)
                        // TODO: Manage the scenario where the user did not earn the reward

6. Reward Video Ad

  • Add the below code for the Reward Video Ad as an example:

        class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
            fun loadAd() {
                 * Call this method when you need to load your Reward Video Ad.
                 * You need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment.
                 * Usage of this Method:
                 * loadAd(
                 *      fContext = reference to your activity or fragment context,
                 *      onStartToLoadAd = {[show progress when starting to load the Reward Video Ad]},
                 *      onAdLoaded = {[hide progress after successfully loading the Reward Video Ad]},
                 * )
                 * @param fContext This is a reference to your activity or fragment context.
                 * @param onStartToLoadAd Called when the Reward Video Ad starts loading.
                 * @param onAdLoaded Called when the Reward Video Ad has successfully loaded.
                    fContext = mActivity,
                    onStartToLoadAd = {
                        // TODO: Manage your view when the ad starts loading
                    onAdLoaded = {
                        // TODO: Manage your view after the ad has loaded successfully
            fun showAd() {
                 * Call this method when you need to show your Reward Video Ad.
                 * You need to call this method with your Activity Context.
                 * Usage of this Method:
                 * activity.showRewardedVideoAd(
                 *      onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward -> [Default value = false, it's true when the user successfully earns a reward]},
                 * )
                 * Call this method with the [Activity] instance.
                 * @param onUserEarnedReward Called when the user earns a reward. @see [AdMobAdsListener.onUserEarnedReward]
                mActivity.showRewardedVideoAd { isUserEarnedReward ->
                    // Manage your view or app state based on whether the user earned the reward
                    if (isUserEarnedReward) {
                        // The user earned the reward
                        // TODO: Reward the user (e.g., give them points, unlock features, etc.)
                    } else {
                        // The user did not earn the reward (e.g., they closed the ad early)
                        // TODO: Manage the scenario where the user did not earn the reward