> linearListData = new Pair<>(
+ List.of(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0),
+ List.of(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0)
+ );
+ @Test
+ public void testConstructors(){
+ Results2DLinePlot[] testInstances = {
+ new Results2DLinePlot(),
+ new Results2DLinePlot("Title", "Label")
+ };
+ for (Results2DLinePlot instance : testInstances){
+ Assertions.assertTrue("".equals(instance.getTitle()) || "Title".equals(instance.getTitle()));
+ Assertions.assertTrue("".equals(instance.getXAxisTitle()) || "Label".equals(instance.getXAxisTitle()));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSettingAndGetting(){
+ Results2DLinePlot[] testInstances = {
+ new Results2DLinePlot(),
+ new Results2DLinePlot("Title", "Label")
+ };
+ for (Results2DLinePlot plot : testInstances){
+ String alternateTitle = "AltTitle", alternateAxisTitle = "AltAxisTitle";
+ plot.setTitle(alternateTitle);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(alternateTitle, plot.getTitle());
+ plot.setXAxisTitle(alternateAxisTitle);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(alternateAxisTitle, plot.getXAxisTitle());
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> plot.addXYData(null, new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", linearListData.two)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", linearListData.one), null));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
+ () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries(null, linearListData.one), new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", linearListData.two)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
+ () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", null), new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", linearListData.two)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
+ () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", linearListData.one), new SingleAxisSeries(null, linearListData.two)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
+ () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", linearListData.one), new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", null)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,
+ () -> plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", linearListData.one), new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", new ArrayList<>(List.of(0.2, 1.2)))));
+ SingleAxisSeries xNumbers = new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", linearListData.one);
+ plot.addXYData(xNumbers, new SingleAxisSeries("Linear", linearListData.two));
+ plot.addXYData(xNumbers, new SingleAxisSeries("Quadratic", parabolicListData.two));
+ plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0)), new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveY1", List.of(0.1, 1.1)));
+ plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0)), new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveY2", List.of(0.2, 1.2)));
+ plot.addXYData(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0)), new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveY3", List.of(0.3, 1.3)));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(plot.getXAxisSeries("ToRemoveX"), new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0)));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(plot.getYAxisSeries("ToRemoveY2"), new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveY2", List.of(0.2, 1.2)));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, plot.getNumYSeries(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0))));
+ Assertions.assertTrue(plot.removeXYData("ToRemoveX", "ToRemoveY3"));
+ Assertions.assertFalse(plot.removeXYData("ToRemoveX", "ToRemoveY3"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, plot.getNumYSeries(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0))));
+ Assertions.assertTrue(plot.removeXYData("ToRemoveX", "ToRemoveY2"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, plot.getNumXSeries());
+ Assertions.assertTrue(plot.removeXYData("ToRemoveX", "ToRemoveY1"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, plot.getNumXSeries());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, plot.getNumYSeries(new SingleAxisSeries("ToRemoveX", List.of(0.0, 1.0))));
+ Assertions.assertNull(plot.getXAxisSeries("ToRemoveX"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, plot.getNumYSeries(xNumbers));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, plot.getNumYSeries());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(parabolicListData.one.size(), plot.getLargestSeriesSize());
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData(null, linearListData.one));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData("Numbers", (double[]) null));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData("Nummmmbers", linearListData.one));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData("Numbers", new double[0]));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData(new SingleAxisSeries("Nummmmbers", linearListData.one)));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->plot.changeXAxisData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", List.of())));
+ plot.changeXAxisData(new SingleAxisSeries("Numbers", parabolicListData.one));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()-> plot.changeXAxisData("Numbers", parabolicData.one));
+ plot.changeXAxisData("Numbers", parabolicListData.one.stream().mapToDouble(Double::doubleValue).toArray());
+ plot.changeXAxisData("Numbers", parabolicListData.one);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void pngRoundTripTest() throws IOException {
+ File dupe = File.createTempFile("VCellPNG::", ".png");
+ XYSeries series = new XYSeries("key");
+ for (int i = 0; i < TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.one.length; i++){
+ series.add(TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.one[i], TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.two[i]);
+ }
+ XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
+ dataset.addSeries(series);
+ JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Test", "X-Axis","Y-Axis", dataset);
+ BufferedImage originalImage = chart.createBufferedImage(1000,1000);
+ ImageIO.write(originalImage, "png", dupe);
+ BufferedImage roundTrippedImage = ImageIO.read(dupe);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(originalImage.getWidth(), roundTrippedImage.getWidth());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(originalImage.getHeight(), roundTrippedImage.getHeight());
+ for (int wPix = 0; wPix < originalImage.getWidth(); wPix++){
+ for (int hPix = 0; hPix < originalImage.getHeight(); hPix++){
+ Assertions.assertEquals(originalImage.getRGB(wPix, hPix), roundTrippedImage.getRGB(wPix, hPix));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void pngLibraryLevelTest() throws IOException {
+ String STANDARD_IMAGE_LOCAL_PATH = "Parabolic.png";
+ InputStream standardImageStream = TestResults2DLinePlot.class.getResourceAsStream(STANDARD_IMAGE_LOCAL_PATH);
+ if (standardImageStream == null)
+ throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("can not find `%s`; maybe it moved?", STANDARD_IMAGE_LOCAL_PATH));
+ BufferedImage standardImage = ImageIO.read(standardImageStream);
+ XYSeries series = new XYSeries("key");
+ for (int i = 0; i < TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.one.length; i++){
+ series.add(TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.one[i], TestResults2DLinePlot.parabolicData.two[i]);
+ }
+ XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
+ dataset.addSeries(series);
+ JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Test", "X-Axis","Y-Axis", dataset);
+ BufferedImage currentImage = chart.createBufferedImage(1000,1000);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(currentImage.getWidth(), standardImage.getWidth());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(currentImage.getHeight(), standardImage.getHeight());
+ for (int wPix = 0; wPix < currentImage.getWidth(); wPix++){
+ for (int hPix = 0; hPix < currentImage.getHeight(); hPix++){
+ Assertions.assertEquals(currentImage.getRGB(wPix, hPix), standardImage.getRGB(wPix, hPix));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void pngExecutionLevelTest() throws IOException {
+ String INPUT_FILE_LOCAL_PATH = "MultiplePlotsTest.omex";
+ Path inputFilePath = Files.createTempFile("VCellInputOmex", ".omex");
+ Path outputFile = Files.createTempDirectory("VCellCliOut");
+ try (InputStream inputFileStream = TestResults2DLinePlot.class.getResourceAsStream(INPUT_FILE_LOCAL_PATH)){
+ if (inputFileStream == null)
+ throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("can not find `%s`; maybe it moved?", INPUT_FILE_LOCAL_PATH));
+ Files.copy(inputFileStream, inputFilePath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ File installRoot = new File("..");
+ PropertyLoader.setProperty(PropertyLoader.installationRoot, installRoot.getAbsolutePath());
+ VCMongoMessage.enabled = false;
+ VCellUtilityHub.startup(VCellUtilityHub.MODE.CLI);
+ int result = BiosimulationsCommand.executeVCellBiosimulationsMode(inputFilePath.toFile(), outputFile.toFile());
+ if (result != 0) throw new RuntimeException("VCell Execution failed!");
+ /////////////////////////////////////////
+ File generatedPlot0 = new File(outputFile.toFile(), "BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml/plot_0.png");
+ File generatedPlot1 = new File(outputFile.toFile(), "BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml/plot_1.png");
+ BufferedImage generatedImage0 = ImageIO.read(generatedPlot0);
+ if (generatedImage0 == null) throw new RuntimeException("Plot_0 PNG was not found; check paths?");
+ BufferedImage generatedImage1 = ImageIO.read(generatedPlot1);
+ if (generatedImage1 == null) throw new RuntimeException("Plot_1 PNG was not found; check paths?");
+ String PLOT_0_PATH = "plot_0.png";
+ String PLOT_1_PATH = "plot_1.png";
+ InputStream standardImageStream0 = TestResults2DLinePlot.class.getResourceAsStream(PLOT_0_PATH);
+ if (standardImageStream0 == null)
+ throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("can not find `%s`; maybe it moved?", PLOT_0_PATH));
+ BufferedImage standardImage0 = ImageIO.read(standardImageStream0);
+ InputStream standardImageStream1 = TestResults2DLinePlot.class.getResourceAsStream(PLOT_1_PATH);
+ if (standardImageStream1 == null)
+ throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("can not find `%s`; maybe it moved?", PLOT_1_PATH));
+ BufferedImage standardImage1 = ImageIO.read(standardImageStream1);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(standardImage0.getWidth(), generatedImage0.getWidth());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(standardImage0.getHeight(), generatedImage0.getHeight());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(standardImage1.getWidth(), generatedImage1.getWidth());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(standardImage1.getHeight(), generatedImage1.getHeight());
+ for (int wPix = 0; wPix < generatedImage0.getWidth(); wPix++){
+ for (int hPix = 0; hPix < generatedImage0.getHeight(); hPix++){
+ Assertions.assertEquals(generatedImage0.getRGB(wPix, hPix), standardImage0.getRGB(wPix, hPix));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int wPix = 0; wPix < generatedImage1.getWidth(); wPix++){
+ for (int hPix = 0; hPix < generatedImage1.getHeight(); hPix++){
+ Assertions.assertEquals(generatedImage1.getRGB(wPix, hPix), standardImage1.getRGB(wPix, hPix));
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/MultiplePlotsTest.omex b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/MultiplePlotsTest.omex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2262596e0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/MultiplePlotsTest.omex differ
diff --git a/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/Parabolic.png b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/Parabolic.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b72945444
Binary files /dev/null and b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/Parabolic.png differ
diff --git a/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot2d_SimpleSimulation.csv b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot2d_SimpleSimulation.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b22f9b7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot2d_SimpleSimulation.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_0.png b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a709083200
Binary files /dev/null and b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_0.png differ
diff --git a/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_1.png b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1a380f496
Binary files /dev/null and b/vcell-cli/src/test/resources/org/vcell/cli/run/plotting/plot_1.png differ
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/geometry/surface/GeometrySurfaceUtils.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/geometry/surface/GeometrySurfaceUtils.java
index c2df955759..3f67ac33b3 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/geometry/surface/GeometrySurfaceUtils.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/geometry/surface/GeometrySurfaceUtils.java
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public static GeometricRegion[] getUpdatedGeometricRegions(GeometrySurfaceDescri
cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo regionInfos[] = regionImage.getRegionInfos();
for(int i = 0; i < regionInfos.length; i++){
cbit.vcell.geometry.RegionImage.RegionInfo regionInfo = regionInfos[i];
- lg.info(regionInfo);
+ lg.debug(regionInfo);
cbit.vcell.geometry.SubVolume subVolume = geometrySpec.getSubVolume(regionInfo.getPixelValue());
String name = subVolume.getName() + regionInfo.getRegionIndex();
int numPixels = regionInfo.getNumPixels();
@@ -214,18 +214,16 @@ public static GeometricRegion[] getUpdatedGeometricRegions(GeometrySurfaceDescri
size -= sizeOfPixel * 0.125 * numOctantsToRemove;
- if(lg.isInfoEnabled()){
- lg.info("size=" + size);
- }
+ lg.debug("size={}", size);
VolumeGeometricRegion volumeRegion = new VolumeGeometricRegion(name, size, volumeUnit, subVolume, regionInfo.getRegionIndex());
- if(lg.isInfoEnabled()){
- lg.info("added volumeRegion(" + volumeRegion.getName() + ")");
- }
+ lg.debug("added volumeRegion({})", volumeRegion.getName());
// parse surfaceCollection into ResolvedMembraneLocations
@@ -268,9 +266,8 @@ public static GeometricRegion[] getUpdatedGeometricRegions(GeometrySurfaceDescri
- if(lg.isInfoEnabled()){
- lg.info("added surfaceRegion(" + surfaceRegion.getName() + ")");
- }
+ lg.debug("added surfaceRegion({})", surfaceRegion.getName());
return regionList.toArray(GeometricRegion[]::new);
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/LangevinMathMapping.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/LangevinMathMapping.java
index 55b000aa46..5b51b62947 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/LangevinMathMapping.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/LangevinMathMapping.java
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ protected void refreshMathDescription() throws MappingException, MatrixException
for (int i = 0; i < mappedSMs.length; i++) {
if (mappedSMs[i] instanceof FeatureMapping){
if (mappedFM!=null){
- lg.warn("WARNING:::: MathMapping.refreshMathDescription() ... assigning boundary condition types not unique");
+ lg.info("WARNING:::: MathMapping.refreshMathDescription() ... assigning boundary condition types not unique");
mappedFM = (FeatureMapping)mappedSMs[i];
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/ParticleMathMapping.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/ParticleMathMapping.java
index 537216c22b..024d4ee7d9 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/ParticleMathMapping.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/mapping/ParticleMathMapping.java
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ private void refreshMathDescription() throws MappingException, MatrixException,
for (int i = 0; i < mappedSMs.length; i++) {
if (mappedSMs[i] instanceof FeatureMapping){
if (mappedFM!=null){
- lg.warn("WARNING:::: MathMapping.refreshMathDescription() ... assigning boundary condition types not unique");
+ lg.info("WARNING:::: MathMapping.refreshMathDescription() ... assigning boundary condition types not unique");
mappedFM = (FeatureMapping)mappedSMs[i];
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/publish/ITextWriter.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/publish/ITextWriter.java
index 46cacb1855..555312bcc1 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/publish/ITextWriter.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/publish/ITextWriter.java
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
package cbit.vcell.publish;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
@@ -19,10 +20,10 @@
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
@@ -134,41 +135,42 @@
import cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition;
-This is the root class that handles publishing of models in the Virtual Cell. It supports the publishing of BioModels, MathModels,
-and Geometries. This class should receive the object to be published, an output stream, a page format, as well as the
-publishing preferences object. The same ITextWriter instance can be reused to publish different models with different preferences.
+ * This is the root class that handles publishing of models in the Virtual Cell. It supports the publishing of BioModels, MathModels,
+ * and Geometries. This class should receive the object to be published, an output stream, a page format, as well as the
+ * publishing preferences object. The same ITextWriter instance can be reused to publish different models with different preferences.
+ *
* Creation date: (4/18/2003 2:09:05 PM)
+ *
* @author: John Wagner & Rashad Badrawi
+ */
public abstract class ITextWriter {
- private final static Logger lg = LogManager.getLogger(ITextWriter.class);
- public static final String PDF_WRITER = "PDF_WRITER";
- public static final String HTM_WRITER = "HTML_WRITER";
- protected static int DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH = 400;
- protected static int DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 400;
- protected static final int DEF_GEOM_WIDTH = 150;
- protected static final int DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT = 150;
+ private final static Logger lg = LogManager.getLogger(ITextWriter.class);
- //image resolution settings, for saving individual reaction and structure images.
- public static final String HIGH_RESOLUTION = "high resolution"; //default_scale*2.5
- public static final String MEDIUM_RESOLUTION = "medium resolution"; //default_scale*1.5
- public static final String LOW_RESOLUTION = "low resolution"; //default_scale
- private static int DEF_FONT_SIZE = 9;
- private static int DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE = 11;
- private Font fieldFont = null;
- private Font fieldBold = null;
- protected Document document;
+ public static final String PDF_WRITER = "PDF_WRITER";
+ public static final String HTM_WRITER = "HTML_WRITER";
+ protected static int DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH = 400;
+ protected static int DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 400;
+ protected static final int DEF_GEOM_WIDTH = 150;
+ protected static final int DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT = 150;
- * Comment
- */
+ //image resolution settings, for saving individual reaction and structure images.
+ public static final String HIGH_RESOLUTION = "high resolution"; //default_scale*2.5
+ public static final String MEDIUM_RESOLUTION = "medium resolution"; //default_scale*1.5
+ public static final String LOW_RESOLUTION = "low resolution"; //default_scale
+ private static final int DEF_FONT_SIZE = 9;
+ private static final int DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE = 11;
+ private Font fieldFont = null;
+ private Font fieldBold = null;
+ protected Document document;
+ /**
+ * Comment
+ */
/* private void createRegionImageIcon() throws Exception{
final int DISPLAY_DIM_MAX = 256;
@@ -337,100 +339,112 @@ public abstract class ITextWriter {
-protected ITextWriter() {
- super();
-//helper method.
- private void addImage(Section container, ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws Exception {
- com.lowagie.text.Image image = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(bos.toByteArray()), null);
- //com.lowagie.text.Image structImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bos.toByteArray());
- //Gif structImage = new Gif(bos.toByteArray());
- //setNewPage(container, image);
- image.setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color.white); //?
- Table imageTable = getTable(1,100, 2, 0, 0);
- Cell imageCell = new Cell();
- imageCell.setLeading(0);
- imageCell.add(image);
- imageTable.addCell(imageCell);
- imageTable.setTableFitsPage(true);
- imageTable.setCellsFitPage(true);
- container.add(imageTable);
+ protected ITextWriter() {
+ super();
+ }
+ //helper method.
+ private void addImage(Section container, ByteArrayOutputStream bos) throws Exception {
+ com.lowagie.text.Image image = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(bos.toByteArray()), null);
+ //com.lowagie.text.Image structImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bos.toByteArray());
+ //Gif structImage = new Gif(bos.toByteArray());
+ //setNewPage(container, image);
+ image.setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color.white); //?
+ Table imageTable = getTable(1, 100, 2, 0, 0);
+ Cell imageCell = new Cell();
+ imageCell.setLeading(0);
+ imageCell.add(image);
+ imageTable.addCell(imageCell);
+ imageTable.setTableFitsPage(true);
+ imageTable.setCellsFitPage(true);
+ container.add(imageTable);
com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable imageTable = new com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable(1);
com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell imageCell = new com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell(image);
- }
+ }
-protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font) throws DocumentException {
- return createCell(text, font, 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, false);
+ protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font) throws DocumentException {
+ return createCell(text, font, 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, false);
+ }
-protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font, int colspan) throws DocumentException {
- return createCell(text, font, colspan, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, false);
+ protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font, int colspan) throws DocumentException {
+ return createCell(text, font, colspan, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, false);
+ }
- protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font, int colspan, int borderWidth, int alignment, boolean isHeader) throws DocumentException {
- Cell cell = new Cell(new Paragraph(text, font));
- cell.setBorderWidth(borderWidth);
- cell.setHorizontalAlignment(alignment);
- if (colspan > 1) {
- cell.setColspan(colspan);
- }
- if (isHeader) {
- cell.setHeader(true);
- }
- return(cell);
- }
+ protected Cell createCell(String text, Font font, int colspan, int borderWidth, int alignment, boolean isHeader) throws DocumentException {
+ Cell cell = new Cell(new Paragraph(text, font));
+ cell.setBorderWidth(borderWidth);
+ cell.setHorizontalAlignment(alignment);
+ if (colspan > 1) {
+ cell.setColspan(colspan);
+ }
+ if (isHeader) {
+ cell.setHeader(true);
+ }
+ return (cell);
+ }
-public abstract DocWriter createDocWriter(FileOutputStream fileOutputStream) throws DocumentException;
-protected Cell createHeaderCell(String text, Font font, int colspan) throws DocumentException {
- return createCell(text, font, colspan, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, true);
+ public abstract DocWriter createDocWriter(FileOutputStream fileOutputStream) throws DocumentException;
+ protected Cell createHeaderCell(String text, Font font, int colspan) throws DocumentException {
+ return createCell(text, font, colspan, 1, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, true);
+ }
+ public static BufferedImage generateDocReactionsImage(Model model, Integer width) throws Exception {
- public static BufferedImage generateDocReactionsImage(Model model,Integer width) throws Exception {
// if (model == null || !isValidResolutionSetting(resolution)) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameters for generating reactions image for model: " + model.getName());
// }
- ReactionCartoon rcartoon = new ReactionCartoonFull();
- rcartoon.setModel(model);
- StructureSuite structureSuite = new AllStructureSuite(new Model.Owner() {
- @Override
- public Model getModel() {
- return model;
- }
- });
- rcartoon.setStructureSuite(structureSuite);
- rcartoon.refreshAll();
- //dummy settings to get the real dimensions.
- BufferedImage dummyBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH, DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- Graphics2D dummyGraphics = (Graphics2D)dummyBufferedImage.getGraphics();
- Dimension prefDim = rcartoon.getPreferedCanvasSize(dummyGraphics);
- dummyGraphics.dispose();
+ ReactionCartoon rcartoon = new ReactionCartoonFull();
+ rcartoon.setModel(model);
+ StructureSuite structureSuite = new AllStructureSuite(() -> model);
+ rcartoon.setStructureSuite(structureSuite);
+ rcartoon.refreshAll();
+ //dummy settings to get the real dimensions.
+ BufferedImage dummyBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH, DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ Graphics2D dummyGraphics = (Graphics2D) dummyBufferedImage.getGraphics();
+ Dimension prefDim = rcartoon.getPreferedCanvasSize(dummyGraphics);
+ dummyGraphics.dispose();
// double width = prefDim.getWidth();
// double height = prefDim.getHeight();
- double widthHeightRatio = (double)prefDim.getWidth()/(double)prefDim.getHeight();
- if(width == null){
- width = ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH;
- }
- int height = (int)((double)width/widthHeightRatio);
+ double widthHeightRatio = prefDim.getWidth() / prefDim.getHeight();
+ if (width == null) {
+ width = ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH;
+ }
+ Dimension newDim = ITextWriter.getNewDimensions(width, widthHeightRatio);
+ rcartoon.getResizeManager().setZoomPercent((int) (100 * width / prefDim.getWidth()));
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(newDim.width, newDim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();
+ g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
+ GraphContainerLayoutReactions containerLayout = new GraphContainerLayoutReactions();
+ containerLayout.layout(rcartoon, g, prefDim);
+ rcartoon.paint(g);
+ g.dispose();
+ return bufferedImage;
+ }
+ private static Dimension getNewDimensions(Integer width, double widthHeightRatio) {
+ int height = (int) ((double) width / widthHeightRatio);
// int MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 532;
// if (width < ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH) {
// width = ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_WIDTH;
-// }
+// }
// height= height * width/prefDim.getWidth();
// if (height < ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT) {
// height = ITextWriter.DEF_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
@@ -438,38 +452,24 @@ public Model getModel() {
// height = MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
// }
// width= width * height/prefDim.getHeight();
- Dimension newDim = new Dimension((int)width,(int)height);
- rcartoon.getResizeManager().setZoomPercent((int)(100*width/prefDim.getWidth()));
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(newDim.width,newDim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bufferedImage.getGraphics();
- g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
- GraphContainerLayoutReactions containerLayout = new GraphContainerLayoutReactions();
- containerLayout.layout(rcartoon, g, prefDim);
- rcartoon.paint(g);
- g.dispose();
- return bufferedImage;
+ return new Dimension(width, height);
- public static ByteArrayOutputStream encodeJPEG(BufferedImage bufferedImage) throws Exception{
- ImageWriter imageWriter = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("jpeg").next();
- ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
- imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream);
- ImageWriteParam imageWriteParam = imageWriter.getDefaultWriteParam();
- imageWriteParam.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT);
- imageWriteParam.setCompressionQuality(1.0f); // quality 0(very compressed, lossy) -> 1.0(less compressed,loss-less)
- IIOImage iioImage = new IIOImage(bufferedImage, null, null);
- imageWriter.write(null, iioImage, imageWriteParam);
- imageOutputStream.close();
- imageWriter.dispose();
- return byteArrayOutputStream;
- }
+ public static ByteArrayOutputStream encodeJPEG(BufferedImage bufferedImage) throws Exception {
+ ImageWriter imageWriter = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("jpeg").next();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
+ imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream);
+ ImageWriteParam imageWriteParam = imageWriter.getDefaultWriteParam();
+ imageWriteParam.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT);
+ imageWriteParam.setCompressionQuality(1.0f); // quality 0(very compressed, lossy) -> 1.0(less compressed,loss-less)
+ IIOImage iioImage = new IIOImage(bufferedImage, null, null);
+ imageWriter.write(null, iioImage, imageWriteParam);
+ imageOutputStream.close();
+ imageWriter.dispose();
+ return byteArrayOutputStream;
+ }
//pretty similar to its static counterpart
@@ -518,187 +518,192 @@ protected ByteArrayOutputStream generateDocStructureImage(Model model, String re
- protected ByteArrayOutputStream generateGeometryImage(Geometry geom) throws Exception{
+ protected ByteArrayOutputStream generateGeometryImage(Geometry geom) throws Exception {
+ GeometrySpec geomSpec = geom.getGeometrySpec();
+ IndexColorModel icm = DisplayAdapterService.getHandleColorMap();
+ geom.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
+ VCImage geomImage = geomSpec.getSampledImage().getCurrentValue();
+ if (geomImage == null) {
+ throw new Exception("generateGeometryImage error : No Image");
+ }
+ int x = geomImage.getNumX();
+ int y = geomImage.getNumY();
+ int z = geomImage.getNumZ();
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = null;
+ WritableRaster pixelWR = null;
+ Image adjImage;
+ BufferedImage newBufferedImage = null;
+ if (geom.getDimension() > 0 && geom.getDimension() < 3) {
+ bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(x, y, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
+ pixelWR = bufferedImage.getRaster();
+ for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) {
+ pixelWR.setSample(i, j, 0, geomImage.getPixel(i, j, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ // Adjust the image width and height
+ // retaining the aspect ratio. Start by adjusting the height, then adjust width to maintain aspect ratio.
+ double scaleFactor = 1.0;
+ if (x * scaleFactor > DEF_GEOM_WIDTH) {
+ scaleFactor = ((double) DEF_GEOM_WIDTH) / x;
+ }
+ if (y * scaleFactor > DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT) {
+ scaleFactor = ((double) DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT) / y;
+ }
+ int adjX = (int) Math.ceil(x * scaleFactor);
+ int adjY = (int) Math.ceil(y * scaleFactor);
+ adjImage = bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(adjX, adjY, BufferedImage.SCALE_REPLICATE);
+ newBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(adjX, adjY, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
+ newBufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(adjImage, 0, 0, null);
+ } else if (geom.getDimension() == 3) {
+ WritableRaster smallPixelWR = null;
+ int[] cmap = new int[256];
+ final int DISPLAY_DIM_MAX = 256;
+ try {
+ // int RGB interpretation as follows:
+ // int bits(32): (alpha)31-24,(red)23-16,(green)15-8,(blue)7-0
+ // for alpha: 0-most transparent(see-through), 255-most opaque(solid)
+ //Reset colormap (grayscale)
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmap.length; i += 1) {
+ int iv = 0x000000FF & i;
+ cmap[i] = 0xFF << 24 | iv << 16 | iv << 8 | i;
+ }
+ //stretch cmap grays
+ if (geomImage != null && geomImage.getPixelClasses().length < 32) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < geomImage.getPixelClasses().length; i += 1) {
+ int stretchIndex = 0xFF & geomImage.getPixelClasses()[i].getPixel();
+ int newI = 32 + (i * ((256 - 32) / geomImage.getPixelClasses().length));
+ cmap[stretchIndex] = 0xFF << 24 | newI << 16 | newI << 8 | newI;
+ }
+ }
+ //Set grid color
+ cmap[cmap.length - 1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; //white
+ //Initialize image data
+ int xSide = 0;
+ int ySide = 0;
+ if (pixelWR == null) {
+ double side = Math.sqrt(x * y * z);
+ xSide = (int) Math.round(side / (double) x);
+ if (xSide == 0) {
+ xSide = 1;
+ }
+ if (xSide > z) {
+ xSide = z;
+ }
+ ySide = (int) Math.ceil((double) z / (double) xSide);
+ if (ySide == 0) {
+ ySide = 1;
+ }
+ if (ySide > z) {
+ ySide = z;
+ }
+ pixelWR = icm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(xSide * x, ySide * y);
+ byte[] sib = geomImage.getPixels();
+ //write the image to buffer
+ int ystride = x;
+ int zstride = x * y;
+ for (int row = 0; row < ySide; row += 1) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < xSide; col += 1) {
+ int xoffset = col * x;
+ int yoffset = (row * y);
+ int zoffset = (col + (row * xSide)) * zstride;
+ if (zoffset >= sib.length) {
+ for (int xi = 0; xi < x; xi += 1) {
+ for (int yi = 0; yi < y; yi += 1) {
+ pixelWR.setSample(xi + xoffset, yi + yoffset, 0, cmap.length - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int xi = 0; xi < x; xi += 1) {
+ for (int yi = 0; yi < y; yi += 1) {
+ pixelWR.setSample(xi + xoffset, yi + yoffset, 0, 0xFF & sib[xi + (ystride * yi) + zoffset]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // scale if necessary
+ double displayScale = 1.0;
+ if (pixelWR.getWidth() < DISPLAY_DIM_MAX || pixelWR.getHeight() < DISPLAY_DIM_MAX) {
+ displayScale = Math.min((DISPLAY_DIM_MAX / pixelWR.getWidth()), (DISPLAY_DIM_MAX / pixelWR.getHeight()));
+ if (displayScale == 0) {
+ displayScale = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((displayScale == 1) && (pixelWR.getWidth() > DISPLAY_DIM_MAX || pixelWR.getHeight() > DISPLAY_DIM_MAX)) {
+ displayScale = Math.max((pixelWR.getWidth() / DISPLAY_DIM_MAX), (pixelWR.getHeight() / DISPLAY_DIM_MAX));
+ //displayScale = Math.min(((double)DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/(double)pixelWR.getWidth()),((double)DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/(double)pixelWR.getHeight()));
+ if (displayScale == 0) {
+ displayScale = 1;
+ }
+ displayScale = 1.0 / displayScale;
+ }
+ if (displayScale != 1) {
+ java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
+ at.setToScale(displayScale, displayScale);
+ java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp ato = new java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp(at, java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR);
+ smallPixelWR = ato.createCompatibleDestRaster(pixelWR);
+ ato.filter(pixelWR, smallPixelWR);
+ }
+ }
+ //Create display image, re-use image data and colormap
+ // draw labels and grid
+ if (pixelWR != null) {
+ bufferedImage = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(icm, smallPixelWR, false, null);
+ if (xSide > 0 || ySide > 0) {
+ float gridXBlockLen = ((float) (bufferedImage.getWidth()) / xSide);
+ float gridYBlockLen = ((float) (bufferedImage.getHeight()) / ySide);
+ java.awt.Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics();
+ g.setColor(java.awt.Color.white);
+ // horiz lines
+ for (int row = 0; row < ySide; row += 1) {
+ if (row > 0) {
+ g.drawLine(0, (int) (row * gridYBlockLen), bufferedImage.getWidth(), (int) (row * gridYBlockLen));
+ }
+ }
+ // vert lines
+ for (int col = 0; col < xSide; col += 1) {
+ if (col > 0) {
+ g.drawLine((int) (col * gridXBlockLen), 0, (int) (col * gridXBlockLen), bufferedImage.getHeight());
+ }
+ }
+ // z markers
+ if (xSide > 1 || ySide > 1) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < xSide; row += 1) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < ySide; col += 1) {
+ g.drawString("" + (1 + row + (col * xSide)), (int) (row * gridXBlockLen) + 3, (int) (col * gridYBlockLen) + 12);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ throw new Exception("CreateGeometryImageIcon error\n" + (e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.getClass().getName()));
+ }
+ // Adjust the image width and height
+ adjImage = bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(smallPixelWR.getWidth(), smallPixelWR.getHeight(), BufferedImage.SCALE_REPLICATE);
+ newBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(smallPixelWR.getWidth(), smallPixelWR.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
+ newBufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(adjImage, 0, 0, null);
+ }
- GeometrySpec geomSpec = geom.getGeometrySpec();
- IndexColorModel icm = DisplayAdapterService.getHandleColorMap();
- geom.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
- VCImage geomImage = geomSpec.getSampledImage().getCurrentValue();
- if(geomImage == null){
- throw new Exception("generateGeometryImage error : No Image");
- }
- int x = geomImage.getNumX();
- int y = geomImage.getNumY();
- int z = geomImage.getNumZ();
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = null;
- WritableRaster pixelWR = null;
- Image adjImage = null;
- BufferedImage newBufferedImage = null;
- if (geom.getDimension() > 0 && geom.getDimension() < 3) {
- bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(x, y, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
- pixelWR = bufferedImage.getRaster();
- for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
- for (int j = 0; j < y; j++){
- pixelWR.setSample(i , j, 0, geomImage.getPixel(i, j, 0));
- }
- }
- // Adjust the image width and height
- // retaining the aspect ratio. Start by adjusting the height, then adjust width to maintain aspect ratio.
- double scaleFactor = 1.0;
- if (x * scaleFactor > DEF_GEOM_WIDTH) {
- scaleFactor = ((double) DEF_GEOM_WIDTH) / x;
- }
- if (y * scaleFactor > DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT) {
- scaleFactor = ((double) DEF_GEOM_HEIGHT) / y;
- }
- int adjX = (int)Math.ceil(x*scaleFactor);
- int adjY = (int)Math.ceil(y*scaleFactor);
- adjImage = bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(adjX, adjY, BufferedImage.SCALE_REPLICATE);
- newBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(adjX, adjY, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, icm);
- newBufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(adjImage, 0, 0, null);
- } else if (geom.getDimension() == 3) {
- WritableRaster smallPixelWR = null;
- int[] cmap = new int[256];
- final int DISPLAY_DIM_MAX = 256;
- try{
- // int RGB interpretation as follows:
- // int bits(32): (alpha)31-24,(red)23-16,(green)15-8,(blue)7-0
- // for alpha: 0-most transparent(see-through), 255-most opaque(solid)
- //Reset colormap (grayscale)
- for(int i = 0; i < cmap.length; i += 1){
- int iv = (int)(0x000000FF&i);
- cmap[i] = 0xFF<<24 | iv<<16 | iv<<8 | i;
- }
- //stretch cmap grays
- if(geomImage != null && geomImage.getPixelClasses().length < 32){
- for(int i=0;i< geomImage.getPixelClasses().length;i+= 1){
- int stretchIndex = (int)(0xFF&geomImage.getPixelClasses()[i].getPixel());
- int newI = 32+(i*((256-32)/geomImage.getPixelClasses().length));
- cmap[stretchIndex] = 0xFF<<24 | newI<<16 | newI<<8 | newI;
- }
- }
- //Set grid color
- cmap[cmap.length-1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; //white
- //Initialize image data
- int xSide = 0;
- int ySide = 0;
- if(pixelWR == null){
- VCImage sampledImage = geomImage;
- double side = Math.sqrt(x*y*z);
- xSide = (int)Math.round(side/(double)x);
- if(xSide == 0){xSide = 1;}
- if(xSide > z){
- xSide = z;
- }
- ySide = (int)Math.ceil((double)z/(double)xSide);
- if(ySide == 0){ySide = 1;}
- if(ySide > z){
- ySide = z;
- }
- pixelWR = icm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(xSide*x,ySide*y);
- byte[] sib = sampledImage.getPixels();
- //write the image to buffer
- int ystride = x;
- int zstride = x*y;
- for(int row = 0; row < ySide; row += 1){
- for(int col = 0; col < xSide; col += 1){
- int xoffset = col*x;
- int yoffset = (row*y);
- int zoffset = (col+(row*xSide))*zstride;
- if(zoffset >= sib.length){
- for(int xi = 0; xi < x; xi += 1){
- for(int yi = 0; yi < y; yi += 1){
- pixelWR.setSample(xi + xoffset, yi + yoffset, 0, cmap.length-1);
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(int xi = 0; xi < x; xi += 1){
- for(int yi = 0; yi < y; yi += 1){
- pixelWR.setSample(xi + xoffset, yi + yoffset,0,(int)(0xFF&sib[xi + (ystride*yi) + zoffset]));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // scale if necessary
- double displayScale = 1.0;
- if(pixelWR.getWidth() < DISPLAY_DIM_MAX || pixelWR.getHeight() < DISPLAY_DIM_MAX){
- displayScale = (int)Math.min((DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/pixelWR.getWidth()),(DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/pixelWR.getHeight()));
- if(displayScale == 0){displayScale = 1;}
- }
- if((displayScale == 1) && (pixelWR.getWidth() > DISPLAY_DIM_MAX || pixelWR.getHeight() > DISPLAY_DIM_MAX)){
- displayScale = Math.max((pixelWR.getWidth()/DISPLAY_DIM_MAX),(pixelWR.getHeight()/DISPLAY_DIM_MAX));
- //displayScale = Math.min(((double)DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/(double)pixelWR.getWidth()),((double)DISPLAY_DIM_MAX/(double)pixelWR.getHeight()));
- if(displayScale == 0) {displayScale = 1;}
- displayScale = 1.0/displayScale;
- }
- if(displayScale != 1){
- java.awt.geom.AffineTransform at = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
- at.setToScale(displayScale, displayScale);
- java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp ato = new java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp(at,java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR);
- smallPixelWR = ato.createCompatibleDestRaster(pixelWR);
- ato.filter(pixelWR, smallPixelWR);
- }
- }
- //Create display image, re-use image data and colormap
- // draw labels and grid
- if(pixelWR != null){
- bufferedImage = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(icm,smallPixelWR,false,null);
- if(xSide > 0 || ySide > 0){
- float gridXBlockLen = ((float)(bufferedImage.getWidth())/xSide);
- float gridYBlockLen = ((float)(bufferedImage.getHeight())/ySide);
- java.awt.Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics();
- g.setColor(java.awt.Color.white);
- // horiz lines
- for(int row=0;row < ySide;row+= 1){
- if(row > 0){
- g.drawLine(0,(int)(row*gridYBlockLen),bufferedImage.getWidth(),(int)(row*gridYBlockLen));
- }
- }
- // vert lines
- for(int col=0;col 0){
- g.drawLine((int)(col*gridXBlockLen),0,(int)(col*gridXBlockLen),bufferedImage.getHeight());
- }
- }
- // z markers
- if(xSide > 1 || ySide > 1){
- for(int row=0;row < xSide;row+= 1){
- for(int col=0;col 0) {
- Chapter simContextsChapter = new Chapter("Applications For " + name, chapterNum++);
- if (introSection == null) {
- introSection = simContextsChapter.addSection("General Info", simContextsChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- String freeTextAnnotation = bioModel.getVCMetaData().getFreeTextAnnotation(bioModel);
- writeMetadata(introSection, name, freeTextAnnotation, userName, "BioModel");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < simContexts.length; i++) {
- writeSimulationContext(simContextsChapter, simContexts[i], preferences);
- }
- document.add(simContextsChapter);
- } else {
- System.err.println("Bad Request: No applications to publish for Biomodel: " + bioModel.getName());
- }
- }
- document.close();
+ public void writeBioModel(BioModel bioModel, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat, PublishPreferences preferences) throws DocumentException {
- protected void writeEquation(Section container, Equation eq) throws DocumentException {
- if (eq instanceof FilamentRegionEquation) {
- writeFilamentRegionEquation(container, (FilamentRegionEquation)eq);
- } else if (eq instanceof MembraneRegionEquation) {
- writeMemRegionEquation(container, (MembraneRegionEquation)eq);
- } else if (eq instanceof OdeEquation) {
- writeOdeEquation(container, (OdeEquation)eq);
- } else if (eq instanceof PdeEquation) {
- writePdeEquation(container, (PdeEquation)eq);
- } else if (eq instanceof VolumeRegionEquation) {
- writeVolumeRegionEquation(container, (VolumeRegionEquation)eq);
- }
- }
+ if (bioModel == null || fos == null || pageFormat == null || preferences == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more null params while publishing BioModel.");
+ }
+ this.createDocument(pageFormat);
+ this.createDocWriter(fos);
+ // Add metadata before you open the document...
+ String name = bioModel.getName().trim();
+ String userName = "Unknown";
+ if (bioModel.getVersion() != null) {
+ userName = bioModel.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
+ }
+ document.addTitle(name + "[owned by " + userName + "]");
+ document.addCreator("Virtual Cell");
+ document.addCreationDate();
+ //writeWatermark(document, pageFormat);
+ writeHeaderFooter("BioModel: " + name);
+ document.open();
+ //
+ Section introSection = null;
+ int chapterNum = 1;
+ if (preferences.includePhysio()) {
+ Chapter physioChapter = new Chapter("Physiology For " + name, chapterNum++);
+ introSection = physioChapter.addSection("General Info", physioChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ String freeTextAnnotation = bioModel.getVCMetaData().getFreeTextAnnotation(bioModel);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, freeTextAnnotation, userName, "BioModel");
+ writeModel(physioChapter, bioModel.getModel());
+ document.add(physioChapter);
+ }
+ if (preferences.includeApp()) {
+ SimulationContext[] simContexts = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
+ if (simContexts.length > 0) {
+ Chapter simContextsChapter = new Chapter("Applications For " + name, chapterNum++);
+ if (introSection == null) {
+ introSection = simContextsChapter.addSection("General Info", simContextsChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ String freeTextAnnotation = bioModel.getVCMetaData().getFreeTextAnnotation(bioModel);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, freeTextAnnotation, userName, "BioModel");
+ }
+ for (SimulationContext simContext : simContexts) {
+ writeSimulationContext(simContextsChapter, simContext, preferences);
+ }
+ document.add(simContextsChapter);
+ } else {
+ lg.error("Bad Request: No applications to publish for Biomodel: {}", bioModel.getName());
+ }
+ }
+ document.close();
+ }
+ protected void writeEquation(Section container, Equation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ if (eq instanceof FilamentRegionEquation) {
+ writeFilamentRegionEquation(container, (FilamentRegionEquation) eq);
+ } else if (eq instanceof MembraneRegionEquation) {
+ writeMemRegionEquation(container, (MembraneRegionEquation) eq);
+ } else if (eq instanceof OdeEquation) {
+ writeOdeEquation(container, (OdeEquation) eq);
+ } else if (eq instanceof PdeEquation) {
+ writePdeEquation(container, (PdeEquation) eq);
+ } else if (eq instanceof VolumeRegionEquation) {
+ writeVolumeRegionEquation(container, (VolumeRegionEquation) eq);
+ }
+ }
- protected void writeFastSystem(Section container, FastSystem fs) throws DocumentException {
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastSystem,
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- Enumeration enum_fi = fs.getFastInvariants();
- while (enum_fi.hasMoreElements()){
- FastInvariant fi = enum_fi.nextElement();
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastInvariant, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(fi.getFunction().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- Enumeration enum_fr = fs.getFastRates();
- while (enum_fr.hasMoreElements()){
- FastRate fr = enum_fr.nextElement();
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastRate, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(fr.getFunction().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ protected void writeFastSystem(Section container, FastSystem fs) throws DocumentException {
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastSystem,
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ Enumeration enum_fi = fs.getFastInvariants();
+ while (enum_fi.hasMoreElements()) {
+ FastInvariant fi = enum_fi.nextElement();
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastInvariant, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(fi.getFunction().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ Enumeration enum_fr = fs.getFastRates();
+ while (enum_fr.hasMoreElements()) {
+ FastRate fr = enum_fr.nextElement();
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FastRate, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(fr.getFunction().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
- protected void writeFilamentRegionEquation(Section container, FilamentRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FilamentRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- String exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FilamentRate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getFilamentRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getFilamentRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
- switch (solutionType) {
- case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION:{
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
- }
- break;
- }
- case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION:{
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
- break;
- }
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ protected void writeFilamentRegionEquation(Section container, FilamentRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
-//Section used can be a chapter or a section of one, based on the document type.
- protected void writeGeom(Section container, Geometry geom, GeometryContext geomCont) throws Exception {
- try {
- Section geomSection = container.addSection("Geometry: " + geom.getName(), container.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- if (geom.getDimension() == 0) {
- Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Phrase("Non spatial geometry."));
- p.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER);
- geomSection.add(p);
- return;
- }
- ByteArrayOutputStream bos = generateGeometryImage(geom);
- com.lowagie.text.Image geomImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(bos.toByteArray()), null);
- geomImage.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- geomSection.add(geomImage);
- //addImage(geomSection, bos);
- Table geomTable = getTable(2, 50, 1, 2, 2);
- geomTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- Extent extent = geom.getExtent();
- String extentStr = "(" + extent.getX() + ", " + extent.getY() + ", " + extent.getZ() + ")";
- Origin origin = geom.getOrigin();
- String originStr = "(" + origin.getX() + ", " + origin.getY() + ", " + origin.getZ() + ")";
- geomTable.addCell(createCell("Size", getFont()));
- geomTable.addCell(createCell(extentStr, getFont()));
- geomTable.addCell(createCell("Origin", getFont()));
- geomTable.addCell(createCell(originStr, getFont()));
- geomSection.add(geomTable);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- lg.error("Unable to add geometry image to report.", e);
- }
- }
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FilamentRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ String exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.FilamentRate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getFilamentRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getFilamentRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
+ switch (solutionType) {
+ case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION: {
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION: {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
+ //Section used can be a chapter or a section of one, based on the document type.
+ protected void writeGeom(Section container, Geometry geom, GeometryContext geomCont) {
+ try {
+ Section geomSection = container.addSection("Geometry: " + geom.getName(), container.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ if (geom.getDimension() == 0) {
+ Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Phrase("Non spatial geometry."));
+ p.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER);
+ geomSection.add(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = generateGeometryImage(geom);
+ com.lowagie.text.Image geomImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(bos.toByteArray()), null);
+ geomImage.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ geomSection.add(geomImage);
+ //addImage(geomSection, bos);
+ Table geomTable = getTable(2, 50, 1, 2, 2);
+ geomTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ Extent extent = geom.getExtent();
+ String extentStr = "(" + extent.getX() + ", " + extent.getY() + ", " + extent.getZ() + ")";
+ Origin origin = geom.getOrigin();
+ String originStr = "(" + origin.getX() + ", " + origin.getY() + ", " + origin.getZ() + ")";
+ geomTable.addCell(createCell("Size", getFont()));
+ geomTable.addCell(createCell(extentStr, getFont()));
+ geomTable.addCell(createCell("Origin", getFont()));
+ geomTable.addCell(createCell(originStr, getFont()));
+ geomSection.add(geomTable);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to add geometry image to report.", e);
+ }
+ }
- public void writeGeometry(Geometry geom, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat format) throws Exception {
- writeGeometry(geom, fos, format, PublishPreferences.DEFAULT_GEOM_PREF);
- }
+ public void writeGeometry(Geometry geom, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat format) throws Exception {
+ writeGeometry(geom, fos, format, PublishPreferences.DEFAULT_GEOM_PREF);
+ }
- //for now, the preferences for a geometry is a dummy.
- public void writeGeometry(Geometry geom, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat, PublishPreferences preferences) throws Exception {
- if (geom == null || fos == null || pageFormat == null || preferences == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more null params while publishing Geometry.");
- }
- try {
- createDocument(pageFormat);
- createDocWriter(fos);
- //Add metadata before you open the document...
- String name = geom.getName().trim();
- String userName = "Unknown";
- if (geom.getVersion() != null) {
- userName = geom.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
- }
- document.addTitle(name + "[owned by " + userName + "]");
- document.addCreator("Virtual Cell");
- document.addCreationDate();
- //writeWatermark(document, pageFormat);
- writeHeaderFooter("Geometry: " + name);
- document.open();
- //
- Section introSection = null;
- int chapterNum = 1;
- Chapter geomChapter = new Chapter("Geometry", chapterNum++);
- introSection = geomChapter.addSection("General Info", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(introSection, name, geom.getDescription(), userName, "Geometry");
- Section geomSection = geomChapter.addSection("Geometry", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1); //title?
- writeGeom(geomSection, geom, null);
- document.add(geomChapter);
- document.close();
- } catch (DocumentException e) {
- lg.error("Unable to publish BioModel.", e);
- throw e;
- }
- }
+ //for now, the preferences for a geometry is a dummy.
+ public void writeGeometry(Geometry geom, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat, PublishPreferences preferences) throws Exception {
- * Default is no header or footer...
- */
-protected void writeHeaderFooter(String headerStr) throws DocumentException {
+ if (geom == null || fos == null || pageFormat == null || preferences == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more null params while publishing Geometry.");
+ }
+ try {
+ createDocument(pageFormat);
+ createDocWriter(fos);
+ //Add metadata before you open the document...
+ String name = geom.getName().trim();
+ String userName = "Unknown";
+ if (geom.getVersion() != null) {
+ userName = geom.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
+ }
+ document.addTitle(name + "[owned by " + userName + "]");
+ document.addCreator("Virtual Cell");
+ document.addCreationDate();
+ //writeWatermark(document, pageFormat);
+ writeHeaderFooter("Geometry: " + name);
+ document.open();
+ //
+ Section introSection;
+ int chapterNum = 1;
+ Chapter geomChapter = new Chapter("Geometry", chapterNum++);
+ introSection = geomChapter.addSection("General Info", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, geom.getDescription(), userName, "Geometry");
+ Section geomSection = geomChapter.addSection("Geometry", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1); //title?
+ writeGeom(geomSection, geom, null);
+ document.add(geomChapter);
+ document.close();
+ } catch (DocumentException e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to publish BioModel.", e);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Default is no header or footer...
+ */
+ protected void writeHeaderFooter(String headerStr) throws DocumentException {
- protected void writeJumpCondition(Section container, JumpCondition eq) throws DocumentException {
+ }
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.JumpCondition + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- String exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.InFlux, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInFluxExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getInFluxExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.OutFlux, getFont()));
- if (eq.getOutFluxExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getOutFluxExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ protected void writeJumpCondition(Section container, JumpCondition eq) throws DocumentException {
- protected void writeKineticsParams(Section reactionSection, ReactionStep rs) throws DocumentException {
- Kinetics.KineticsParameter kineticsParameters[] = rs.getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
- Table paramTable = null;
- int widths [] = {1, 4, 3, 2};
- if (kineticsParameters.length > 0) {
- paramTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- paramTable.addCell(createCell("Kinetics Parameters", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
- paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
- paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Role", getBold(), 1));
- paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Unit", getBold(), 1));
- paramTable.endHeaders();
- for (int k = 0; k < kineticsParameters.length; k++) {
- String name = kineticsParameters[k].getName();
- Expression expression = kineticsParameters[k].getExpression();
- String role = rs.getKinetics().getDefaultParameterDesc(kineticsParameters[k].getRole());
- VCUnitDefinition unit = kineticsParameters[k].getUnitDefinition();
- paramTable.addCell(createCell(name, getFont()));
- paramTable.addCell(createCell((expression == null ? "": expression.infix()), getFont()));
- paramTable.addCell(createCell(role, getFont()));
- paramTable.addCell(createCell((unit == null ? "": unit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont())); //dimensionless will show as '1'.
- }
- }
- if (paramTable != null) {
- paramTable.setWidths(widths);
- reactionSection.add(paramTable);
- }
- }
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.JumpCondition + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ String exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.InFlux, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getInFluxExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getInFluxExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.OutFlux, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getOutFluxExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getOutFluxExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
+ protected void writeKineticsParams(Section reactionSection, ReactionStep rs) throws DocumentException {
+ Kinetics.KineticsParameter[] kineticsParameters = rs.getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
+ Table paramTable = null;
+ int[] widths = {1, 4, 3, 2};
+ if (kineticsParameters.length > 0) {
+ paramTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ paramTable.addCell(createCell("Kinetics Parameters", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
+ paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
+ paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Role", getBold(), 1));
+ paramTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Unit", getBold(), 1));
+ paramTable.endHeaders();
+ for (Kinetics.KineticsParameter kineticsParameter : kineticsParameters) {
+ String name = kineticsParameter.getName();
+ Expression expression = kineticsParameter.getExpression();
+ String role = rs.getKinetics().getDefaultParameterDesc(kineticsParameter.getRole());
+ VCUnitDefinition unit = kineticsParameter.getUnitDefinition();
+ paramTable.addCell(createCell(name, getFont()));
+ paramTable.addCell(createCell((expression == null ? "" : expression.infix()), getFont()));
+ paramTable.addCell(createCell(role, getFont()));
+ paramTable.addCell(createCell((unit == null ? "" : unit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont())); //dimensionless will show as '1'.
+ }
+ }
+ if (paramTable != null) {
+ paramTable.setWidths(widths);
+ reactionSection.add(paramTable);
+ }
+ }
-//container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
+ //container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
//MathDescription.description ignored.
//currently not used.
- protected void writeMathDescAsImages(Section container, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
+ protected void writeMathDescAsImages(Section container, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
- if (mathDesc == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section mathDescSection = container.addSection("Math Description: " + mathDesc.getName(), container.getDepth() + 1);
- Section mathDescSubSection = null;
- Expression expArray [] = null;
- BufferedImage dummy = new BufferedImage(500, 50, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- int scale = 1;
- int viewableWidth = (int)(document.getPageSize().getWidth() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
- //add Constants
- Enumeration constantsList = mathDesc.getConstants();
- while (constantsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Constant constant = constantsList.nextElement();
- Expression exp = constant.getExpression();
- try {
- expArray = new Expression[] { Expression.assign(new Expression(constant.getName()), exp.flatten()) };
- } catch(ExpressionException ee) {
- lg.error("Unable to process constant " + constant.getName() + " for publishing", ee);
- continue;
- }
- try {
- Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D)dummy.getGraphics());
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int)dim.getWidth()*scale, (int)dim.getHeight()*scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
- com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
- expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.ALIGN_LEFT);
- if (mathDescSubSection == null) {
- mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Constants", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- }
- if (viewableWidth < Math.floor(expImage.getScaledWidth())) {
- expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getPlainHeight());
- System.out.println("Constant After scaling: " + expImage.getScaledWidth());
- }
- mathDescSubSection.add(expImage);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
- }
- }
- mathDescSubSection = null;
- //add functions
- Enumeration functionsList = mathDesc.getFunctions();
- while (functionsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Function function = functionsList.nextElement();
- Expression exp = function.getExpression();
- try {
- expArray = new Expression[] { Expression.assign(new Expression(function.getName()), exp.flatten()) };
- } catch(ExpressionException ee) {
- lg.error("Unable to process function " + function.getName() + " for publishing", ee);
- continue;
- }
- try {
- Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D)dummy.getGraphics());
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int)dim.getWidth()*scale, (int)dim.getHeight()*scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
- com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
- expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.ALIGN_LEFT);
- if (mathDescSubSection == null) {
- mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Functions", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- }
- if (viewableWidth < Math.floor(expImage.getScaledWidth())) {
- expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getHeight());
- System.out.println("Function After scaling: " + expImage.getScaledWidth());
- }
- mathDescSubSection.add(expImage);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
- }
- }
- writeSubDomainsEquationsAsImages(mathDescSection, mathDesc);
- }
+ if (mathDesc == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section mathDescSection = container.addSection("Math Description: " + mathDesc.getName(), container.getDepth() + 1);
+ Section mathDescSubSection = null;
+ Expression[] expArray;
+ BufferedImage dummy = new BufferedImage(500, 50, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ int scale = 1;
+ int viewableWidth = (int) (document.getPageSize().getWidth() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
+ //add Constants
+ Enumeration constantsList = mathDesc.getConstants();
+ while (constantsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Constant constant = constantsList.nextElement();
+ Expression exp = constant.getExpression();
+ try {
+ expArray = new Expression[]{Expression.assign(new Expression(constant.getName()), exp.flatten())};
+ } catch (ExpressionException ee) {
+ lg.error("Unable to process constant " + constant.getName() + " for publishing", ee);
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D) dummy.getGraphics());
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int) dim.getWidth() * scale, (int) dim.getHeight() * scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
+ com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
+ expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ if (mathDescSubSection == null) {
+ mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Constants", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ if (viewableWidth < Math.floor(expImage.getScaledWidth())) {
+ expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getPlainHeight());
+ lg.debug("Constant After scaling: {}", expImage.getScaledWidth());
+ }
+ mathDescSubSection.add(expImage);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ mathDescSubSection = null;
+ //add functions
+ Enumeration functionsList = mathDesc.getFunctions();
+ while (functionsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Function function = functionsList.nextElement();
+ Expression exp = function.getExpression();
+ try {
+ expArray = new Expression[]{Expression.assign(new Expression(function.getName()), exp.flatten())};
+ } catch (ExpressionException ee) {
+ lg.error("Unable to process function " + function.getName() + " for publishing", ee);
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D) dummy.getGraphics());
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int) dim.getWidth() * scale, (int) dim.getHeight() * scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
+ com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
+ expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ if (mathDescSubSection == null) {
+ mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Functions", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ if (viewableWidth < Math.floor(expImage.getScaledWidth())) {
+ expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getHeight());
+ lg.debug("Function After scaling: {}", expImage.getScaledWidth());
+ }
+ mathDescSubSection.add(expImage);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ writeSubDomainsEquationsAsImages(mathDescSection, mathDesc);
+ }
- //container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
- //MathDescription.description ignored.
- protected void writeMathDescAsText(Section container, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
+ //container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
+ //MathDescription.description ignored.
+ protected void writeMathDescAsText(Section container, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
- if (mathDesc == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section mathDescSection = container.addSection("Math Description: " + mathDesc.getName(), container.getDepth() + 1);
- Section mathDescSubSection = null;
- Table expTable = null;
- int widths [] = {2, 8};
- //add Constants
- Enumeration constantsList = mathDesc.getConstants();
- while (constantsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Constant constant = constantsList.nextElement();
- Expression exp = constant.getExpression();
- if (expTable == null) {
- expTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Constant Name", getBold(), 1));
- expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
- expTable.setWidths(widths);
- expTable.endHeaders();
- }
- //widths[0] = Math.max(constant.getName().length(), widths[0]);
- //widths[1] = Math.max(exp.infix().length(), widths[1]);
- expTable.addCell(createCell(constant.getName(), getFont()));
- expTable.addCell(createCell(exp.infix(), getFont()));
- }
- //expTable.setWidths(widths); breaks the contents of the cell, also, widths[1] = widths[1]/widths[0], widths[0] = 1
- if (expTable != null) {
- mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Constants", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- mathDescSubSection.add(expTable);
- expTable = null;
- }
- mathDescSubSection = null;
- //add functions
- Enumeration functionsList = mathDesc.getFunctions();
- while (functionsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Function function = functionsList.nextElement();
- Expression exp = function.getExpression();
- if (expTable == null) {
- expTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Function Name", getBold(), 1));
- expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
- expTable.endHeaders();
- expTable.setWidths(widths);
- }
- expTable.addCell(createCell(function.getName(), getFont()));
- expTable.addCell(createCell(exp.infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (expTable != null) {
- mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Functions", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- mathDescSubSection.add(expTable);
- }
- writeSubDomainsEquationsAsText(mathDescSection, mathDesc);
- }
+ if (mathDesc == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section mathDescSection = container.addSection("Math Description: " + mathDesc.getName(), container.getDepth() + 1);
+ Section mathDescSubSection;
+ Table expTable = null;
+ int[] widths = {2, 8};
+ //add Constants
+ Enumeration constantsList = mathDesc.getConstants();
+ while (constantsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Constant constant = constantsList.nextElement();
+ Expression exp = constant.getExpression();
+ if (expTable == null) {
+ expTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Constant Name", getBold(), 1));
+ expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
+ expTable.setWidths(widths);
+ expTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ //widths[0] = Math.max(constant.getName().length(), widths[0]);
+ //widths[1] = Math.max(exp.infix().length(), widths[1]);
+ expTable.addCell(createCell(constant.getName(), getFont()));
+ expTable.addCell(createCell(exp.infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ //expTable.setWidths(widths); breaks the contents of the cell, also, widths[1] = widths[1]/widths[0], widths[0] = 1
+ if (expTable != null) {
+ mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Constants", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ mathDescSubSection.add(expTable);
+ expTable = null;
+ }
+ mathDescSubSection = null;
+ //add functions
+ Enumeration functionsList = mathDesc.getFunctions();
+ while (functionsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Function function = functionsList.nextElement();
+ Expression exp = function.getExpression();
+ if (expTable == null) {
+ expTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Function Name", getBold(), 1));
+ expTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Expression", getBold(), 1));
+ expTable.endHeaders();
+ expTable.setWidths(widths);
+ }
+ expTable.addCell(createCell(function.getName(), getFont()));
+ expTable.addCell(createCell(exp.infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (expTable != null) {
+ mathDescSubSection = mathDescSection.addSection("Functions", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ mathDescSubSection.add(expTable);
+ }
+ writeSubDomainsEquationsAsText(mathDescSection, mathDesc);
+ }
- public void writeMathModel(MathModel mathModel, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat) throws Exception {
+ public void writeMathModel(MathModel mathModel, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat) throws Exception {
- writeMathModel(mathModel, fos, pageFormat, PublishPreferences.DEFAULT_MATH_PREF);
- }
+ writeMathModel(mathModel, fos, pageFormat, PublishPreferences.DEFAULT_MATH_PREF);
+ }
- public void writeMathModel(MathModel mathModel, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat, PublishPreferences preferences) throws Exception {
+ public void writeMathModel(MathModel mathModel, FileOutputStream fos, PageFormat pageFormat, PublishPreferences preferences) throws Exception {
- if (mathModel == null || fos == null || pageFormat == null || preferences == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more null params while publishing MathModel.");
- }
- try {
- createDocument(pageFormat);
- createDocWriter(fos);
- // Add metadata before you open the document...
- String name = mathModel.getName().trim();
- String userName = "Unknown";
- if (mathModel.getVersion() != null) {
- userName = mathModel.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
- }
- document.addTitle(name + "[owned by " + userName + "]");
- document.addCreator("Virtual Cell");
- document.addCreationDate();
- //writeWatermark(document, pageFormat);
- writeHeaderFooter("MathModel: " + name);
- document.open();
- //
- int chapterNum = 1;
- Section introSection = null;
- if (preferences.includeMathDesc()) {
- MathDescription mathDesc = mathModel.getMathDescription();
- Chapter mathDescChapter = new Chapter("Math Description", chapterNum++);
- introSection = mathDescChapter.addSection("General Info", mathDescChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
- writeMathDescAsText(mathDescChapter, mathDesc);
- document.add(mathDescChapter);
- }
- if (preferences.includeSim()) { //unlike biomodels, simulations are chapters, not chapter sections.
- Simulation [] sims = mathModel.getSimulations();
- if (sims != null) {
- Chapter simChapter = new Chapter("Simulations", chapterNum++);
- if (introSection == null) {
- introSection = simChapter.addSection("General Info", simChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < sims.length; i++) {
- writeSimulation(simChapter, sims[i]);
- }
- document.add(simChapter);
- } else {
- System.err.println("Bad Request: No simulations to publish for Mathmodel: " + name);
- }
- }
- if (preferences.includeGeom()) { //unlike biomodels, geometry is a chapter, not a chapter section.
- Geometry geom = mathModel.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
- if (geom != null) {
- Chapter geomChapter = new Chapter("Geometry", chapterNum++);
- if (introSection == null) {
- introSection = geomChapter.addSection("General Info", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
- }
- writeGeom(geomChapter, geom, null);
- document.add(geomChapter);
- } else {
- System.err.println("Bad Request: No geometry to publish for Mathmodel: " + name);
- }
- }
- document.close();
- } catch (DocumentException e) {
- lg.error("Unable to publish MathModel.", e);
- throw e;
- }
- }
+ if (mathModel == null || fos == null || pageFormat == null || preferences == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more null params while publishing MathModel.");
+ }
+ try {
+ createDocument(pageFormat);
+ createDocWriter(fos);
+ // Add metadata before you open the document...
+ String name = mathModel.getName().trim();
+ String userName = "Unknown";
+ if (mathModel.getVersion() != null) {
+ userName = mathModel.getVersion().getOwner().getName();
+ }
+ document.addTitle(name + "[owned by " + userName + "]");
+ document.addCreator("Virtual Cell");
+ document.addCreationDate();
+ //writeWatermark(document, pageFormat);
+ writeHeaderFooter("MathModel: " + name);
+ document.open();
+ //
+ int chapterNum = 1;
+ Section introSection = null;
+ if (preferences.includeMathDesc()) {
+ MathDescription mathDesc = mathModel.getMathDescription();
+ Chapter mathDescChapter = new Chapter("Math Description", chapterNum++);
+ introSection = mathDescChapter.addSection("General Info", mathDescChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
+ writeMathDescAsText(mathDescChapter, mathDesc);
+ document.add(mathDescChapter);
+ }
+ if (preferences.includeSim()) { //unlike biomodels, simulations are chapters, not chapter sections.
+ Simulation[] sims = mathModel.getSimulations();
+ if (sims != null) {
+ Chapter simChapter = new Chapter("Simulations", chapterNum++);
+ if (introSection == null) {
+ introSection = simChapter.addSection("General Info", simChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
+ }
+ for (Simulation sim : sims) {
+ writeSimulation(simChapter, sim);
+ }
+ document.add(simChapter);
+ } else {
+ lg.error("Bad Request: No simulations to publish for Mathmodel: {}", name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (preferences.includeGeom()) { //unlike biomodels, geometry is a chapter, not a chapter section.
+ Geometry geom = mathModel.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
+ if (geom != null) {
+ Chapter geomChapter = new Chapter("Geometry", chapterNum++);
+ if (introSection == null) {
+ introSection = geomChapter.addSection("General Info", geomChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(introSection, name, mathModel.getDescription(), userName, "MathModel");
+ }
+ writeGeom(geomChapter, geom, null);
+ document.add(geomChapter);
+ } else {
+ lg.error("Bad Request: No geometry to publish for Mathmodel: {}", name);
+ }
+ }
+ document.close();
+ } catch (DocumentException e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to publish MathModel.", e);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
- protected void writeMembraneMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext simContext) throws DocumentException {
+ protected void writeMembraneMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext simContext) throws DocumentException {
- GeometryContext geoContext = simContext.getGeometryContext();
- if (geoContext == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section memMapSection = null;
- Table memMapTable = null;
- StructureMapping structMappings [] = geoContext.getStructureMappings();
- for (int i = 0; i < structMappings.length; i++) {
- MembraneMapping memMapping = null;
- if (structMappings[i] instanceof FeatureMapping) {
- continue;
- } else {
- memMapping = (MembraneMapping)structMappings[i];
- }
- String structName = memMapping.getStructure().getName();
- String initVoltage = "";
- Expression tempExp = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getExpression();
- VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getUnitDefinition();
- if (tempExp != null) {
- initVoltage = tempExp.infix();
- if (tempUnit != null) {
- initVoltage += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
- }
- }
- String spCap = "";
- tempExp = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getExpression();
- tempUnit = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getUnitDefinition();
- if (tempExp != null) {
- spCap = tempExp.infix();
- if (tempUnit != null) {
- spCap += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
- }
- }
- if (memMapTable == null) {
- memMapTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- memMapTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Membrane Potential", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Membrane", getBold(), 1));
- memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Calculate V (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
- memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("V initial", getBold(), 1));
- memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Specific Capacitance", getBold(), 1));
- memMapTable.endHeaders();
- }
- memMapTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
- memMapTable.addCell(createCell((memMapping.getCalculateVoltage() ? " T ": " F "), getFont()));
- memMapTable.addCell(createCell(initVoltage, getFont()));
- memMapTable.addCell(createCell(spCap, getFont()));
- }
- if (memMapTable != null) {
- memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- memMapSection.add(memMapTable);
- }
- int[] widths = {1, 1, 1, 5, 8};
- Table electTable = null;
- ElectricalStimulus[] electricalStimuli = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
- for (int j = 0; j < electricalStimuli.length; j++) {
- if (j == 0) {
- electTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- electTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Electrical Stimulus", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Stimulus Name", getBold(), 1));
- electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Current Name", getBold(), 1));
- electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Type", getBold(), 1));
- electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Voltage/Current Density", getBold(), 1));
- electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Device", getBold(), 1));
- electTable.endHeaders();
- }
- String stimName = electricalStimuli[j].getName();
- String currName = "";
- String clampType = "", expStr = "";
- Expression tempExp = null;
- VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = null;
- if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof CurrentDensityClampStimulus) {
- CurrentDensityClampStimulus stimulus = (CurrentDensityClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
- LocalParameter currentDensityParameter = stimulus.getCurrentDensityParameter();
- tempExp = currentDensityParameter.getExpression();
- tempUnit = currentDensityParameter.getUnitDefinition();
- clampType = "Current Density (deprecated)";
- } else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof TotalCurrentClampStimulus) {
- TotalCurrentClampStimulus stimulus = (TotalCurrentClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
- LocalParameter totalCurrentParameter = stimulus.getCurrentParameter();
- tempExp = totalCurrentParameter.getExpression();
- tempUnit = totalCurrentParameter.getUnitDefinition();
- clampType = "Current";
- } else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof VoltageClampStimulus) {
- VoltageClampStimulus stimulus = (VoltageClampStimulus) electricalStimuli[j];
- Parameter voltageParameter = stimulus.getVoltageParameter();
- tempExp = voltageParameter.getExpression();
- tempUnit = voltageParameter.getUnitDefinition();
- clampType = "Voltage";
- }
- if (tempExp != null) {
- expStr = tempExp.infix();
- if (tempUnit != null) {
- expStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
- }
- }
- electTable.addCell(createCell(stimName, getFont()));
- electTable.addCell(createCell(currName, getFont()));
- electTable.addCell(createCell(clampType, getFont()));
- electTable.addCell(createCell(expStr, getFont()));
- //add electrode info
- Electrode electrode = electricalStimuli[j].getElectrode();
- if (electrode == null) {
- electTable.addCell(createCell("N/A", getFont()));
- } else {
- Coordinate c = electrode.getPosition();
- String location = c.getX() + ", " + c.getY() + ", " + c.getZ();
- String featureName = electrode.getFeature().getName();
- electTable.addCell(createCell("(" + location + ") in " + featureName, getFont()));
- }
- }
- if (electTable != null) {
- if (memMapSection == null) {
- memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), 1);
- }
- electTable.setWidths(widths);
- memMapSection.add(electTable);
- }
- //add temperature
- Table tempTable = getTable(1, 75, 1, 3, 3);
- tempTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- tempTable.addCell(createCell("Temperature: " + simContext.getTemperatureKelvin() + " K", getFont()));
- if (memMapSection != null) {
- memMapSection.add(tempTable);
- }
- }
+ GeometryContext geoContext = simContext.getGeometryContext();
+ if (geoContext == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section memMapSection = null;
+ Table memMapTable = null;
+ StructureMapping[] structMappings = geoContext.getStructureMappings();
+ for (StructureMapping structMapping : structMappings) {
+ MembraneMapping memMapping;
+ if (structMapping instanceof FeatureMapping) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ memMapping = (MembraneMapping) structMapping;
+ }
+ String structName = memMapping.getStructure().getName();
+ String initVoltage = "";
+ Expression tempExp = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getExpression();
+ VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getUnitDefinition();
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ initVoltage = tempExp.infix();
+ if (tempUnit != null) {
+ initVoltage += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
+ }
+ }
+ String spCap = "";
+ tempExp = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getExpression();
+ tempUnit = memMapping.getSpecificCapacitanceParameter().getUnitDefinition();
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ spCap = tempExp.infix();
+ if (tempUnit != null) {
+ spCap += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
+ }
+ }
+ if (memMapTable == null) {
+ memMapTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ memMapTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Membrane Potential", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Membrane", getBold(), 1));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Calculate V (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("V initial", getBold(), 1));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Specific Capacitance", getBold(), 1));
+ memMapTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ memMapTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createCell((memMapping.getCalculateVoltage() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createCell(initVoltage, getFont()));
+ memMapTable.addCell(createCell(spCap, getFont()));
+ }
+ if (memMapTable != null) {
+ memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ memMapSection.add(memMapTable);
+ }
+ int[] widths = {1, 1, 1, 5, 8};
+ Table electTable = null;
+ ElectricalStimulus[] electricalStimuli = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
+ for (int j = 0; j < electricalStimuli.length; j++) {
+ if (j == 0) {
+ electTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ electTable.addCell(createCell("Electrical Mapping - Electrical Stimulus", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Stimulus Name", getBold(), 1));
+ electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Current Name", getBold(), 1));
+ electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Type", getBold(), 1));
+ electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Voltage/Current Density", getBold(), 1));
+ electTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Clamp Device", getBold(), 1));
+ electTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ String stimName = electricalStimuli[j].getName();
+ String currName = "";
+ String clampType = "", expStr = "";
+ Expression tempExp = null;
+ VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = null;
+ if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof CurrentDensityClampStimulus stimulus) {
+ LocalParameter currentDensityParameter = stimulus.getCurrentDensityParameter();
+ tempExp = currentDensityParameter.getExpression();
+ tempUnit = currentDensityParameter.getUnitDefinition();
+ clampType = "Current Density (deprecated)";
+ } else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof TotalCurrentClampStimulus stimulus) {
+ LocalParameter totalCurrentParameter = stimulus.getCurrentParameter();
+ tempExp = totalCurrentParameter.getExpression();
+ tempUnit = totalCurrentParameter.getUnitDefinition();
+ clampType = "Current";
+ } else if (electricalStimuli[j] instanceof VoltageClampStimulus stimulus) {
+ Parameter voltageParameter = stimulus.getVoltageParameter();
+ tempExp = voltageParameter.getExpression();
+ tempUnit = voltageParameter.getUnitDefinition();
+ clampType = "Voltage";
+ }
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ expStr = tempExp.infix();
+ if (tempUnit != null) {
+ expStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
+ }
+ }
+ electTable.addCell(createCell(stimName, getFont()));
+ electTable.addCell(createCell(currName, getFont()));
+ electTable.addCell(createCell(clampType, getFont()));
+ electTable.addCell(createCell(expStr, getFont()));
+ //add electrode info
+ Electrode electrode = electricalStimuli[j].getElectrode();
+ if (electrode == null) {
+ electTable.addCell(createCell("N/A", getFont()));
+ } else {
+ Coordinate c = electrode.getPosition();
+ String location = c.getX() + ", " + c.getY() + ", " + c.getZ();
+ String featureName = electrode.getFeature().getName();
+ electTable.addCell(createCell("(" + location + ") in " + featureName, getFont()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (electTable != null) {
+ if (memMapSection == null) {
+ memMapSection = simContextSection.addSection("Membrane Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), 1);
+ }
+ electTable.setWidths(widths);
+ memMapSection.add(electTable);
+ }
+ //add temperature
+ Table tempTable = getTable(1, 75, 1, 3, 3);
+ tempTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ tempTable.addCell(createCell("Temperature: " + simContext.getTemperatureKelvin() + " K", getFont()));
+ if (memMapSection != null) {
+ memMapSection.add(tempTable);
+ }
+ }
- protected void writeMemRegionEquation(Section container, MembraneRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.MembraneRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- String exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.UniformRate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getUniformRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getUniformRateExpression().infix();
- }
- exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.MembraneRate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getMembraneRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getMembraneRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
- switch (solutionType) {
- case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION:{
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
- }
- break;
- }
- case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION:{
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
- break;
- }
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ protected void writeMemRegionEquation(Section container, MembraneRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.MembraneRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ String exp;
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.UniformRate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getUniformRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getUniformRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.MembraneRate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getMembraneRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getMembraneRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
+ switch (solutionType) {
+ case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION: {
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION: {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-protected void writeMetadata(Section metaSection, String name, String description, String userName, String type) throws DocumentException {
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
- Table metaTable = getTable(1, 100, 0, 3, 3);
- //
- if (name != null && name.trim().length() > 0) {
- metaTable.addCell(createCell(type + " Name: " + name.trim(), getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
- }
- if (description != null && description.trim().length() > 0) {
- metaTable.addCell(createCell(type + " Description: " + description.trim(), getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
- }
- if (userName != null) {
- metaTable.addCell(createCell("Owner: " + userName, getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
- }
- //
- metaSection.add(metaTable);
+ protected void writeMetadata(Section metaSection, String name, String description, String userName, String type) throws DocumentException {
+ Table metaTable = getTable(1, 100, 0, 3, 3);
+ //
+ if (name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty()) {
+ metaTable.addCell(createCell(type + " Name: " + name.trim(), getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
+ }
+ if (description != null && !description.trim().isEmpty()) {
+ metaTable.addCell(createCell(type + " Description: " + description.trim(), getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
+ }
+ if (userName != null) {
+ metaTable.addCell(createCell("Owner: " + userName, getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE)));
+ }
+ //
+ metaSection.add(metaTable);
+ }
-//model description ignored.
-protected void writeModel(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentException {
+ //model description ignored.
+ protected void writeModel(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentException {
- Section structSection = null;
- //add structures image
+ Section structSection = null;
+ //add structures image
// if (model.getNumStructures() > 0) {
// try {
// ByteArrayOutputStream bos = generateDocStructureImage(model, ITextWriter.LOW_RESOLUTION);
@@ -1592,608 +1606,605 @@ protected void writeModel(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentExc
// lg.error(e);
// }
// }
- //write structures
- Table structTable = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumStructures(); i++) {
- if (structTable == null) {
- structTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- structTable.addCell(createCell("Structures", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getFont(), 1));
- structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Type", getFont(), 1));
- structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Inside", getFont(), 1));
- structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Outside", getFont(), 1));
- structTable.endHeaders();
- }
- writeStructure(model, model.getStructure(i), structTable);
- }
+ //write structures
+ Table structTable = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumStructures(); i++) {
+ if (structTable == null) {
+ structTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ structTable.addCell(createCell("Structures", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getFont(), 1));
+ structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Type", getFont(), 1));
+ structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Inside", getFont(), 1));
+ structTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Outside", getFont(), 1));
+ structTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ writeStructure(model, model.getStructure(i), structTable);
+ }
// if (structTable != null) {
// structSection.add(structTable);
// }
- //write reactions
- writeReactions(physioChapter, model);
+ //write reactions
+ writeReactions(physioChapter, model);
+ }
+ protected void writeOdeEquation(Section container, OdeEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.OdeEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ String exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Rate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
+ switch (solutionType) {
+ case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION: {
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION: {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- protected void writeOdeEquation(Section container, OdeEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.OdeEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- String exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Rate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
- switch (solutionType) {
- case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION:{
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
- }
- break;
- }
- case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION:{
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
- break;
- }
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ protected void writePdeEquation(Section container, PdeEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
- protected void writePdeEquation(Section container, PdeEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.PdeEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ if (eq.getBoundaryXm() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryXm, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryXm().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getBoundaryXp() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryXp, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryXp().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getBoundaryYm() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryYm, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryYm().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getBoundaryYp() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryYp, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryYp().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getBoundaryZm() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryZm, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryZm().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getBoundaryZp() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryZp, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryZp().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getVelocityX() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityX, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityX().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getVelocityY() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityY, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityY().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (eq.getVelocityZ() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityZ, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityZ().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ String exp = "0.0";
+ if (eq.getRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Rate, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ exp = "0.0";
+ if (eq.getDiffusionExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getDiffusionExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Diffusion, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
+ switch (solutionType) {
+ case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION: {
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION: {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.PdeEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- if (eq.getBoundaryXm() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryXm, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryXm().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getBoundaryXp() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryXp, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryXp().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getBoundaryYm() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryYm, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryYm().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getBoundaryYp() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryYp, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryYp().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getBoundaryZm() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryZm, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryZm().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getBoundaryZp() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.BoundaryZp, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getBoundaryZp().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getVelocityX() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityX, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityX().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getVelocityY() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityY, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityY().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- if (eq.getVelocityZ() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VelocityZ, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getVelocityZ().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- String exp = "0.0";
- if (eq.getRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Rate, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- exp = "0.0";
- if (eq.getDiffusionExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getDiffusionExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Diffusion, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
- switch (solutionType) {
- case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION:{
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
- }
- break;
- }
- case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION:{
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
- break;
- }
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
-//ReactionContext - SpeciesContextSpec: ignored boundary conditions.
- protected void writeReactionContext(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext simContext) throws DocumentException {
+ //ReactionContext - SpeciesContextSpec: ignored boundary conditions.
+ protected void writeReactionContext(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext simContext) throws DocumentException {
- ReactionContext rc = simContext.getReactionContext();
- if (rc == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section rcSection = null;
- //add reaction specs
- ReactionSpec reactionSpecs [] = rc.getReactionSpecs();
- Table reactionSpecTable = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < reactionSpecs.length; i++) {
- if (i == 0) {
- reactionSpecTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- //reactionSpecTable.setTableFitsPage(true);
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell("Reaction Mapping", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Type", getBold(), 1));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Enabled (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Fast (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
- reactionSpecTable.endHeaders();
- }
- String reactionName = reactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep().getName();
- String reactionType = reactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep().getDisplayType();
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell(reactionName, getFont()));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell(reactionType, getFont()));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell((reactionSpecs[i].isExcluded() ? " F ": " T "), getFont()));
- reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell((reactionSpecs[i].isFast() ? " T ": " F "), getFont()));
- }
- if (reactionSpecTable != null) {
- rcSection = simContextSection.addSection("Reaction Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- rcSection.add(reactionSpecTable);
- }
- //add species context specs
- SpeciesContextSpec speciesContSpecs [] = rc.getSpeciesContextSpecs();
- Table speciesSpecTable = null;
- int widths [] = {2, 2, 4, 4, 1};
- for (int i = 0; i < speciesContSpecs.length; i++) {
- if (i == 0) {
- speciesSpecTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell("Initial Conditions", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Species", getBold(), 1));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Structure", getBold(), 1));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Initial Conc.", getBold(), 1));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Diffusion Const.", getBold(), 1));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Fixed (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
- speciesSpecTable.endHeaders();
- }
- String speciesName = speciesContSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext().getSpecies().getCommonName();
- String structName = speciesContSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext().getStructure().getName();
- String diff = speciesContSpecs[i].getDiffusionParameter().getExpression().infix();
- VCUnitDefinition diffUnit = speciesContSpecs[i].getDiffusionParameter().getUnitDefinition();
- SpeciesContextSpecParameter initParam = speciesContSpecs[i].getInitialConditionParameter();
- String initConc = initParam == null? "" :initParam.getExpression().infix();
- VCUnitDefinition initConcUnit = initParam == null? null : initParam.getUnitDefinition();
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(speciesName, getFont()));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(initConc + (initConcUnit == null ? "": " " + initConcUnit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont()));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(diff + (diffUnit == null ? "": " " + diffUnit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont()));
- speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell((speciesContSpecs[i].isConstant() ? " T ": " F "), getFont()));
- }
- if (speciesSpecTable != null) {
- if (rcSection == null) {
- rcSection = simContextSection.addSection("Reaction Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- }
- speciesSpecTable.setWidths(widths);
- rcSection.add(speciesSpecTable);
- }
- }
+ ReactionContext rc = simContext.getReactionContext();
+ if (rc == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section rcSection = null;
+ //add reaction specs
+ ReactionSpec[] reactionSpecs = rc.getReactionSpecs();
+ Table reactionSpecTable = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < reactionSpecs.length; i++) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ reactionSpecTable = getTable(4, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ //reactionSpecTable.setTableFitsPage(true);
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell("Reaction Mapping", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 4, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Type", getBold(), 1));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Enabled (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Fast (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
+ reactionSpecTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ String reactionName = reactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep().getName();
+ String reactionType = reactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep().getDisplayType();
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell(reactionName, getFont()));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell(reactionType, getFont()));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell((reactionSpecs[i].isExcluded() ? " F " : " T "), getFont()));
+ reactionSpecTable.addCell(createCell((reactionSpecs[i].isFast() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (reactionSpecTable != null) {
+ rcSection = simContextSection.addSection("Reaction Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ rcSection.add(reactionSpecTable);
+ }
+ //add species context specs
+ SpeciesContextSpec[] speciesContSpecs = rc.getSpeciesContextSpecs();
+ Table speciesSpecTable = null;
+ int[] widths = {2, 2, 4, 4, 1};
+ for (int i = 0; i < speciesContSpecs.length; i++) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ speciesSpecTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell("Initial Conditions", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Species", getBold(), 1));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Structure", getBold(), 1));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Initial Conc.", getBold(), 1));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Diffusion Const.", getBold(), 1));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Fixed (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
+ speciesSpecTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ String speciesName = speciesContSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext().getSpecies().getCommonName();
+ String structName = speciesContSpecs[i].getSpeciesContext().getStructure().getName();
+ String diff = speciesContSpecs[i].getDiffusionParameter().getExpression().infix();
+ VCUnitDefinition diffUnit = speciesContSpecs[i].getDiffusionParameter().getUnitDefinition();
+ SpeciesContextSpecParameter initParam = speciesContSpecs[i].getInitialConditionParameter();
+ String initConc = initParam == null ? "" : initParam.getExpression().infix();
+ VCUnitDefinition initConcUnit = initParam == null ? null : initParam.getUnitDefinition();
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(speciesName, getFont()));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(initConc + (initConcUnit == null ? "" : " " + initConcUnit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont()));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell(diff + (diffUnit == null ? "" : " " + diffUnit.getSymbolUnicode()), getFont()));
+ speciesSpecTable.addCell(createCell((speciesContSpecs[i].isConstant() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
+ }
+ if (speciesSpecTable != null) {
+ if (rcSection == null) {
+ rcSection = simContextSection.addSection("Reaction Mapping For " + simContext.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ speciesSpecTable.setWidths(widths);
+ rcSection.add(speciesSpecTable);
+ }
+ }
+ private Cell getReactionArrowImageCell(boolean bReversible) {
+ // Create image for arrow(s)
+ int imageWidth = 150;
+ int imageHeight = 50;
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();
+ g.setClip(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
+ g.setColor(Color.white);
+ g.fillRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
+ g.setColor(Color.black);
+ int fontSize = 12;
+ g.setFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, fontSize));
+ // get image for reaction equation arrows
+ // Draw the arrows on canvas/image
+ if (bReversible) {
+ // Forward *AND* Reverse (bi-directional) arrow
+ java.awt.Polygon arrow = new java.awt.Polygon(new int[]{20, 40, 40, 110, 110, 130, 110, 110, 40, 40},
+ new int[]{25, 14, 22, 22, 14, 25, 36, 28, 28, 36}, 10);
+ g.fill(arrow);
+ } else {
+ // Only Forward Arrow
+ java.awt.Polygon arrow = new java.awt.Polygon(new int[]{20, 110, 110, 130, 110, 110, 20},
+ new int[]{22, 22, 14, 25, 36, 28, 28}, 7);
+ g.fill(arrow);
+ }
- private Cell getReactionArrowImageCell(boolean bReversible) throws DocumentException {
- // Create image for arrow(s)
- int imageWidth = 150;
- int imageHeight = 50;
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bufferedImage.getGraphics();
- g.setClip(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
- g.setColor(Color.white);
- g.fillRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
- g.setColor(Color.black);
- int fontSize = 12;
- g.setFont(new java.awt.Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, fontSize));
- // get image for reaction equation arrows
- // Draw the arrows on canvas/image
- if (bReversible){
- // Forward *AND* Reverse (bi-directional) arrow
- java.awt.Polygon arrow = new java.awt.Polygon( new int[] {20, 40, 40, 110, 110, 130, 110, 110, 40, 40},
- new int[] {25, 14, 22, 22, 14, 25, 36, 28, 28, 36}, 10);
- g.fill(arrow);
- } else {
- // Only Forward Arrow
- java.awt.Polygon arrow = new java.awt.Polygon( new int[] {20, 110, 110, 130, 110, 110, 20},
- new int[] {22, 22, 14, 25, 36, 28, 28}, 7);
- g.fill(arrow);
- }
- Cell imageCell = null;
- try {
- com.lowagie.text.Image rpImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
- rpImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.MIDDLE);
- imageCell = new Cell();
- imageCell.add(rpImage);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
- }
+ Cell imageCell = null;
+ try {
+ com.lowagie.text.Image rpImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
+ rpImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.MIDDLE);
+ imageCell = new Cell();
+ imageCell.add(rpImage);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.", e);
+ }
- return imageCell;
- }
+ return imageCell;
+ }
-//each reaction has its own table, ordered by the structures.
- protected void writeReactions(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentException {
- if (model == null) {
- return;
- }
- Paragraph reactionParagraph = new Paragraph();
- reactionParagraph.add(new Chunk("Structures and Reactions Diagram").setLocalDestination(model.getName()));
- Section reactionDiagramSection = physioChapter.addSection(reactionParagraph, physioChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- try{
- addImage(reactionDiagramSection, encodeJPEG(generateDocReactionsImage(model,null)));
- }catch(Exception e){
- lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
- throw new DocumentException(e.getClass().getName()+": "+e.getMessage());
- }
+ //each reaction has its own table, ordered by the structures.
+ protected void writeReactions(Chapter physioChapter, Model model) throws DocumentException {
- for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumStructures(); i++) {
- ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = model.getReactionSteps();
- ReactionStep rs = null;
- Table modifierTable = null;
- Table reactionTable = null;
- boolean firstTime = true;
- Section reactStructSection = null;
- for (int j = 0; j < reactionSteps.length; j++) {
- if (reactionSteps[j].getStructure() == model.getStructure(i)) { //can also use structureName1.equals(structureName2)
- if (firstTime) {
- Paragraph linkParagraph = new Paragraph();
- linkParagraph.add(new Chunk("Reaction(s) in " + model.getStructure(i).getName()).setLocalDestination(model.getStructure(i).getName()));
- reactStructSection = physioChapter.addSection(linkParagraph, physioChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- firstTime = false;
- }
- rs = reactionSteps[j];
- String type;
- if (rs instanceof SimpleReaction) {
- type = "Reaction";
- } else {
- type = "Flux";
- }
- //write Reaction equation as a table
+ if (model == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Paragraph reactionParagraph = new Paragraph();
+ reactionParagraph.add(new Chunk("Structures and Reactions Diagram").setLocalDestination(model.getName()));
+ Section reactionDiagramSection = physioChapter.addSection(reactionParagraph, physioChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ try {
+ addImage(reactionDiagramSection, encodeJPEG(generateDocReactionsImage(model, null)));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
+ throw new DocumentException(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
+ }
- // Get the image arrow cell depending on type of reactionStep : MassAction => double arrow, otherwise, forward arrow
- boolean bReversible = false;
- if (rs.getKinetics() instanceof MassActionKinetics) {
- bReversible = true;
- }
- Cell arrowImageCell = getReactionArrowImageCell(bReversible);
- // Get reactants and products strings
- ReactionCanvas rc = new ReactionCanvas();
- rc.setReactionStep(rs);
- ReactionCanvasDisplaySpec rcdSpec = rc.getReactionCanvasDisplaySpec();
- String reactants = rcdSpec.getLeftText();
- String products = rcdSpec.getRightText();
- // Create table and add cells for reactants, arrow(s) images, products
- int widths [] = {8, 1, 8};
- reactionTable = getTable(3, 100, 0, 2, 2);
- // Add reactants as cell
- Cell tableCell = createCell(reactants, getBold());
- tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
- tableCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
- reactionTable.addCell(tableCell);
- // add arrow(s) image as cell
- if (arrowImageCell != null) {
- arrowImageCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_CENTER);
- arrowImageCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
- reactionTable.addCell(arrowImageCell);
- }
- // add products as cell
- tableCell = createCell(products, getBold());
- tableCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
- reactionTable.addCell(tableCell);
- // reactionTable.setBorderColor(Color.white);
- reactionTable.setWidths(widths);
- // Identify modifiers,
- ReactionParticipant[] rpArr = rs.getReactionParticipants();
- Vector modifiersVector = new Vector();
- for(int k = 0; k < rpArr.length; k += 1){
- if (rpArr[k] instanceof Catalyst) {
- modifiersVector.add(rpArr[k]);
- }
- }
- // Write the modifiers in a separate table, if present
- if (modifiersVector.size() > 0) {
- modifierTable = getTable(1, 50, 0, 1, 1);
- modifierTable.addCell(createCell("Modifiers List", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- StringBuffer modifierNames = new StringBuffer();
- for (int k = 0; k < modifiersVector.size(); k++) {
- modifierNames.append(((Catalyst)modifiersVector.elementAt(k)).getName() + "\n");
- }
- modifierTable.addCell(createCell(modifierNames.toString().trim(), getFont()));
- modifiersVector.removeAllElements();
- }
- Section reactionSection = reactStructSection.addSection(type + " " + rs.getName(), reactStructSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- //Annotation
- VCMetaData vcMetaData = rs.getModel().getVcMetaData();
- if (vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs) != null) {
- Table annotTable = getTable(1, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- annotTable.addCell(createCell("Reaction Annotation", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- annotTable.addCell(createCell(vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs),getFont()));
- reactionSection.add(annotTable);
- //reactionSection.add(new Paragraph("\""+rs.getAnnotation()+"\""));
- }
- // reaction table
- if (reactionTable != null) {
- reactionSection.add(reactionTable);
- reactionTable = null; // re-set reactionTable
- }
- if (modifierTable != null) {
- reactionSection.add(modifierTable);
- modifierTable = null;
- }
- // Write kinetics parameters, etc. in a table
- writeKineticsParams(reactionSection, rs);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < model.getNumStructures(); i++) {
+ ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = model.getReactionSteps();
+ ReactionStep rs;
+ Table modifierTable = null;
+ Table reactionTable;
+ boolean firstTime = true;
+ Section reactStructSection = null;
+ for (ReactionStep reactionStep : reactionSteps) {
+ if (reactionStep.getStructure() == model.getStructure(i)) { //can also use structureName1.equals(structureName2)
+ if (firstTime) {
+ Paragraph linkParagraph = new Paragraph();
+ linkParagraph.add(new Chunk("Reaction(s) in " + model.getStructure(i).getName()).setLocalDestination(model.getStructure(i).getName()));
+ reactStructSection = physioChapter.addSection(linkParagraph, physioChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ firstTime = false;
+ }
+ rs = reactionStep;
+ String type;
+ if (rs instanceof SimpleReaction) {
+ type = "Reaction";
+ } else {
+ type = "Flux";
+ }
+ //write Reaction equation as a table
+ // Get the image arrow cell depending on type of reactionStep : MassAction => double arrow, otherwise, forward arrow
+ boolean bReversible = rs.getKinetics() instanceof MassActionKinetics;
+ Cell arrowImageCell = getReactionArrowImageCell(bReversible);
+ // Get reactants and products strings
+ ReactionCanvas rc = new ReactionCanvas();
+ rc.setReactionStep(rs);
+ ReactionCanvasDisplaySpec rcdSpec = rc.getReactionCanvasDisplaySpec();
+ String reactants = rcdSpec.getLeftText();
+ String products = rcdSpec.getRightText();
+ // Create table and add cells for reactants, arrow(s) images, products
+ int[] widths = {8, 1, 8};
+ reactionTable = getTable(3, 100, 0, 2, 2);
+ // Add reactants as cell
+ Cell tableCell = createCell(reactants, getBold());
+ tableCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ tableCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
+ reactionTable.addCell(tableCell);
+ // add arrow(s) image as cell
+ if (arrowImageCell != null) {
+ arrowImageCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Cell.ALIGN_CENTER);
+ arrowImageCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
+ reactionTable.addCell(arrowImageCell);
+ }
+ // add products as cell
+ tableCell = createCell(products, getBold());
+ tableCell.setBorderColor(Color.white);
+ reactionTable.addCell(tableCell);
+ // reactionTable.setBorderColor(Color.white);
+ reactionTable.setWidths(widths);
+ // Identify modifiers,
+ ReactionParticipant[] rpArr = rs.getReactionParticipants();
+ Vector modifiersVector = new Vector<>();
+ for (ReactionParticipant reactionParticipant : rpArr) {
+ if (reactionParticipant instanceof Catalyst) {
+ modifiersVector.add(reactionParticipant);
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the modifiers in a separate table, if present
+ if (!modifiersVector.isEmpty()) {
+ modifierTable = getTable(1, 50, 0, 1, 1);
+ modifierTable.addCell(createCell("Modifiers List", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ StringBuilder modifierNames = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int k = 0; k < modifiersVector.size(); k++) {
+ modifierNames.append(modifiersVector.elementAt(k).getName()).append("\n");
+ }
+ modifierTable.addCell(createCell(modifierNames.toString().trim(), getFont()));
+ modifiersVector.removeAllElements();
+ }
+ Section reactionSection = reactStructSection.addSection(type + " " + rs.getName(), reactStructSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ //Annotation
+ VCMetaData vcMetaData = rs.getModel().getVcMetaData();
+ if (vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs) != null) {
+ Table annotTable = getTable(1, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ annotTable.addCell(createCell("Reaction Annotation", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 1, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ annotTable.addCell(createCell(vcMetaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(rs), getFont()));
+ reactionSection.add(annotTable);
+ //reactionSection.add(new Paragraph("\""+rs.getAnnotation()+"\""));
+ }
+ // reaction table
+ if (reactionTable != null) {
+ reactionSection.add(reactionTable);
+ reactionTable = null; // re-set reactionTable
+ }
+ if (modifierTable != null) {
+ reactionSection.add(modifierTable);
+ modifierTable = null;
+ }
+ // Write kinetics parameters, etc. in a table
+ writeKineticsParams(reactionSection, rs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
-//container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
- protected void writeSimulation(Section container, Simulation sim) throws DocumentException {
+ //container can be a chapter or a section of a chapter.
+ protected void writeSimulation(Section container, Simulation sim) throws DocumentException {
- if (sim == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section simSection = container.addSection(sim.getName(), container.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(simSection, sim.getName(), sim.getDescription(), null, "Simulation ");
- //add overriden params
- Table overParamTable = null;
- MathOverrides mo = sim.getMathOverrides();
- if (mo != null) {
- String constants [] = mo.getOverridenConstantNames();
- for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) {
- String actualStr = "", defStr = "";
- Expression tempExp = mo.getDefaultExpression(constants[i]);
- if (tempExp != null) {
- defStr = tempExp.infix();
- }
- if (mo.isScan(constants[i])) {
- actualStr = mo.getConstantArraySpec(constants[i]).toString();
- } else {
- tempExp = mo.getActualExpression(constants[i], MathOverrides.ScanIndex.ZERO);
- if (tempExp != null) {
- actualStr = tempExp.infix();
- }
- }
- if (overParamTable == null) {
- overParamTable = getTable(3, 75, 1, 3, 3);
- overParamTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- overParamTable.addCell(createCell("Overriden Parameters", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 3, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
- overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Actual Value", getBold(), 1));
- overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Default Value", getBold(), 1));
- }
- overParamTable.addCell(createCell(constants[i], getFont()));
- overParamTable.addCell(createCell(actualStr, getFont()));
- overParamTable.addCell(createCell(defStr, getFont()));
- }
- }
- if (overParamTable != null) {
- simSection.add(overParamTable);
- }
- //add spatial details
- //sim.isSpatial();
- Table meshTable = null;
- MeshSpecification mesh = sim.getMeshSpecification();
- if (mesh != null) {
- Geometry geom = mesh.getGeometry();
- Extent extent = geom.getExtent();
- String extentStr = "(" + extent.getX() + ", " + extent.getY() + ", " + extent.getZ() + ")";
- ISize meshSize = mesh.getSamplingSize();
- String meshSizeStr = "(" + meshSize.getX() + ", " + meshSize.getY() + ", " + meshSize.getZ() + ")";
- meshTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
- meshTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Setting", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Size (um)", getFont()));
- meshTable.addCell(createCell(extentStr, getFont()));
- meshTable.addCell(createCell("Mesh Size (elements)", getFont()));
- meshTable.addCell(createCell(meshSizeStr, getFont()));
- }
- if (meshTable != null) {
- simSection.add(meshTable);
- }
- //write advanced sim settings
- Table simAdvTable = null;
- SolverTaskDescription solverDesc = sim.getSolverTaskDescription();
- if (solverDesc != null) {
- String solverName = solverDesc.getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel();
- simAdvTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
- simAdvTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Advanced Settings", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Solver Name", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(solverName, getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Starting", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Ending", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Min", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMinimumTimeStep(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Default", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getDefaultTimeStep(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Max", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep(), getFont()));
- ErrorTolerance et = solverDesc.getErrorTolerance();
- if (et != null) {
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Absolute", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getAbsoluteErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Relative", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getRelativeErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
- }
- OutputTimeSpec ots = solverDesc.getOutputTimeSpec();
- if (ots.isDefault()) {
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep Every", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec)ots).getKeepEvery(), getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep At Most", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec)ots).getKeepAtMost(), getFont()));
- } else if (ots.isUniform()) {
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Step", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((UniformOutputTimeSpec)ots).getOutputTimeStep(), getFont()));
- } else if (ots.isExplicit()) {
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Points", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((ExplicitOutputTimeSpec)ots).toCommaSeperatedOneLineOfString(), getFont()));
- }
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Use Symbolic Jacobian (T/F)", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell((solverDesc.getUseSymbolicJacobian() ? " T ": " F "), getFont()));
- Constant sp = solverDesc.getSensitivityParameter();
- if (sp != null) {
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Sensitivity Analysis Param", getFont()));
- simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(sp.getName(), getFont()));
- }
- }
- if (simAdvTable != null) {
- simSection.add(simAdvTable);
- }
- }
+ if (sim == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section simSection = container.addSection(sim.getName(), container.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(simSection, sim.getName(), sim.getDescription(), null, "Simulation ");
+ //add overriden params
+ Table overParamTable = null;
+ MathOverrides mo = sim.getMathOverrides();
+ if (mo != null) {
+ String[] constants = mo.getOverridenConstantNames();
+ for (String constant : constants) {
+ String actualStr = "", defStr = "";
+ Expression tempExp = mo.getDefaultExpression(constant);
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ defStr = tempExp.infix();
+ }
+ if (mo.isScan(constant)) {
+ actualStr = mo.getConstantArraySpec(constant).toString();
+ } else {
+ tempExp = mo.getActualExpression(constant, MathOverrides.ScanIndex.ZERO);
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ actualStr = tempExp.infix();
+ }
+ }
+ if (overParamTable == null) {
+ overParamTable = getTable(3, 75, 1, 3, 3);
+ overParamTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ overParamTable.addCell(createCell("Overriden Parameters", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 3, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Name", getBold(), 1));
+ overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Actual Value", getBold(), 1));
+ overParamTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Default Value", getBold(), 1));
+ }
+ overParamTable.addCell(createCell(constant, getFont()));
+ overParamTable.addCell(createCell(actualStr, getFont()));
+ overParamTable.addCell(createCell(defStr, getFont()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (overParamTable != null) {
+ simSection.add(overParamTable);
+ }
+ //add spatial details
+ //sim.isSpatial();
+ Table meshTable = null;
+ MeshSpecification mesh = sim.getMeshSpecification();
+ if (mesh != null) {
+ Geometry geom = mesh.getGeometry();
+ Extent extent = geom.getExtent();
+ String extentStr = "(" + extent.getX() + ", " + extent.getY() + ", " + extent.getZ() + ")";
+ ISize meshSize = mesh.getSamplingSize();
+ String meshSizeStr = "(" + meshSize.getX() + ", " + meshSize.getY() + ", " + meshSize.getZ() + ")";
+ meshTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
+ meshTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Setting", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ meshTable.addCell(createCell("Geometry Size (um)", getFont()));
+ meshTable.addCell(createCell(extentStr, getFont()));
+ meshTable.addCell(createCell("Mesh Size (elements)", getFont()));
+ meshTable.addCell(createCell(meshSizeStr, getFont()));
+ }
+ if (meshTable != null) {
+ simSection.add(meshTable);
+ }
+ //write advanced sim settings
+ Table simAdvTable = null;
+ SolverTaskDescription solverDesc = sim.getSolverTaskDescription();
+ if (solverDesc != null) {
+ String solverName = solverDesc.getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel();
+ simAdvTable = getTable(2, 75, 1, 3, 3);
+ simAdvTable.setAlignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Advanced Settings", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Solver Name", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(solverName, getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Starting", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getStartingTime(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Bounds - Ending", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Min", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMinimumTimeStep(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Default", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getDefaultTimeStep(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Time Step - Max", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + solverDesc.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep(), getFont()));
+ ErrorTolerance et = solverDesc.getErrorTolerance();
+ if (et != null) {
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Absolute", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getAbsoluteErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Error Tolerance - Relative", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + et.getRelativeErrorTolerance(), getFont()));
+ }
+ OutputTimeSpec ots = solverDesc.getOutputTimeSpec();
+ if (ots.isDefault()) {
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep Every", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) ots).getKeepEvery(), getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Keep At Most", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) ots).getKeepAtMost(), getFont()));
+ } else if (ots.isUniform()) {
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Step", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("" + ((UniformOutputTimeSpec) ots).getOutputTimeStep(), getFont()));
+ } else if (ots.isExplicit()) {
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Output Time Points", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(((ExplicitOutputTimeSpec) ots).toCommaSeperatedOneLineOfString(), getFont()));
+ }
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Use Symbolic Jacobian (T/F)", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell((solverDesc.getUseSymbolicJacobian() ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
+ Constant sp = solverDesc.getSensitivityParameter();
+ if (sp != null) {
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell("Sensitivity Analysis Param", getFont()));
+ simAdvTable.addCell(createCell(sp.getName(), getFont()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (simAdvTable != null) {
+ simSection.add(simAdvTable);
+ }
+ }
-//SimulationContext: ignored the constraints (steady/unsteady).
+ //SimulationContext: ignored the constraints (steady/unsteady).
//Electrical Stimulus: ignored the Ground Electrode,
-protected void writeSimulationContext(Chapter simContextsChapter, SimulationContext simContext, PublishPreferences preferences) throws Exception {
- Section simContextSection = simContextsChapter.addSection("Application: " + simContext.getName(), simContextsChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- writeMetadata(simContextSection, simContext.getName(), simContext.getDescription(), null, "Application ");
- //add geometry context (structure mapping)
- writeStructureMapping(simContextSection, simContext);
- //add reaction context (Reaction Mapping)
- writeReactionContext(simContextSection, simContext);
- //add Membrane Mapping & electrical stimuli
- writeMembraneMapping(simContextSection, simContext);
- //
- if (preferences.includeGeom()) {
- writeGeom(simContextSection, simContext.getGeometry(), simContext.getGeometryContext());
- }
- if (preferences.includeMathDesc()) {
- writeMathDescAsText(simContextSection, simContext.getMathDescription());
- //writeMathDescAsImages(simContextSection, simContext.getMathDescription());
- }
- if (preferences.includeSim()) {
- Section simSection = simContextSection.addSection("Simulation(s)", simContextSection.getDepth() + 1);
- Simulation sims [] = simContext.getSimulations();
- for (int i = 0; i < sims.length; i++) {
- writeSimulation(simSection, sims[i]);
- }
- }
-//not used for now...
-protected void writeSpecies(Species[] species) throws DocumentException {
- if (species.length > 0) {
- Table table = new Table(2);
- table.setWidth(100);
- table.setBorderWidth(0); //for now...
- //
- int[] widths = new int[] { 1, 1 };
- //
- table.addCell(createHeaderCell("Species", getBold(), 2));
- for(int i = 0; i < species.length/2 + (species.length % 2); i++) {
- int n = species.length/2 + (species.length % 2) + i;
- table.addCell(createCell(species[i].getCommonName(), getFont()));
- widths[0] = Math.max(widths[0], species[i].getCommonName().length());
- if (n < species.length) {
- table.addCell(createCell(species[n].getCommonName(), getFont()));
- widths[1] = Math.max(widths[1], species[n].getCommonName().length());
- } else {
- table.addCell(createCell("", getFont()));
- }
- }
- table.setWidths(widths);
- document.add(table);
- }
- protected void writeStructure(Model model, Structure struct, Table structTable) throws DocumentException {
- //If this structure has any reactions in it, add its name as a hyperlink to the reactions' list.
- if (hasReactions(model, struct)) {
- Paragraph linkParagraph = new Paragraph();
- Font linkFont;
- try {
- BaseFont fontBaseFont = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
- linkFont = new Font(fontBaseFont, DEF_FONT_SIZE, Font.NORMAL, new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 255));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- linkFont = getFont();
- lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- linkParagraph.add(new Chunk(struct.getName(), linkFont).setLocalGoto(struct.getName()));
- Cell structLinkCell = new Cell(linkParagraph);
- structLinkCell.setBorderWidth(1);
- structLinkCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
- structTable.addCell(structLinkCell);
- } else {
- structTable.addCell(createCell(struct.getName(), getFont()));
- }
- StructureTopology structTopology = model.getStructureTopology();
- if (struct instanceof Membrane) {
- structTable.addCell(createCell("Membrane", getFont()));
- Feature outsideFeature = structTopology.getOutsideFeature((Membrane)struct);
- Feature insideFeature = structTopology.getInsideFeature((Membrane)struct);
- structTable.addCell(createCell((insideFeature != null ? insideFeature.getName() : "N/A"), getFont()));
- structTable.addCell(createCell((outsideFeature != null ? outsideFeature.getName() : "N/A"), getFont()));
- } else {
- structTable.addCell(createCell("Feature", getFont()));
- String outsideStr = "N/A", insideStr = "N/A";
- Membrane enclosingMem = (Membrane)structTopology.getParentStructure(struct);
- if (enclosingMem != null) {
- outsideStr = enclosingMem.getName();
- }
- //To do: retrieve the 'child' membrane here...
- structTable.addCell(createCell(insideStr, getFont()));
- structTable.addCell(createCell(outsideStr, getFont()));
- }
- }
+ protected void writeSimulationContext(Chapter simContextsChapter, SimulationContext simContext, PublishPreferences preferences) throws DocumentException {
+ Section simContextSection = simContextsChapter.addSection("Application: " + simContext.getName(), simContextsChapter.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ writeMetadata(simContextSection, simContext.getName(), simContext.getDescription(), null, "Application ");
+ //add geometry context (structure mapping)
+ writeStructureMapping(simContextSection, simContext);
+ //add reaction context (Reaction Mapping)
+ writeReactionContext(simContextSection, simContext);
+ //add Membrane Mapping & electrical stimuli
+ writeMembraneMapping(simContextSection, simContext);
+ //
+ if (preferences.includeGeom()) {
+ writeGeom(simContextSection, simContext.getGeometry(), simContext.getGeometryContext());
+ }
+ if (preferences.includeMathDesc()) {
+ writeMathDescAsText(simContextSection, simContext.getMathDescription());
+ //writeMathDescAsImages(simContextSection, simContext.getMathDescription());
+ }
+ if (preferences.includeSim()) {
+ Section simSection = simContextSection.addSection("Simulation(s)", simContextSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ Simulation[] sims = simContext.getSimulations();
+ for (Simulation sim : sims) {
+ writeSimulation(simSection, sim);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //not used for now...
+ protected void writeSpecies(Species[] species) throws DocumentException {
+ if (species.length > 0) {
+ Table table = new Table(2);
+ table.setWidth(100);
+ table.setBorderWidth(0); //for now...
+ //
+ int[] widths = new int[]{1, 1};
+ //
+ table.addCell(createHeaderCell("Species", getBold(), 2));
+ for (int i = 0; i < species.length / 2 + (species.length % 2); i++) {
+ int n = species.length / 2 + (species.length % 2) + i;
+ table.addCell(createCell(species[i].getCommonName(), getFont()));
+ widths[0] = Math.max(widths[0], species[i].getCommonName().length());
+ if (n < species.length) {
+ table.addCell(createCell(species[n].getCommonName(), getFont()));
+ widths[1] = Math.max(widths[1], species[n].getCommonName().length());
+ } else {
+ table.addCell(createCell("", getFont()));
+ }
+ }
+ table.setWidths(widths);
+ document.add(table);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void writeStructure(Model model, Structure struct, Table structTable) throws DocumentException {
+ //If this structure has any reactions in it, add its name as a hyperlink to the reactions' list.
+ if (hasReactions(model, struct)) {
+ Paragraph linkParagraph = new Paragraph();
+ Font linkFont;
+ try {
+ BaseFont fontBaseFont = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
+ linkFont = new Font(fontBaseFont, DEF_FONT_SIZE, Font.NORMAL, new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 255));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ linkFont = getFont();
+ lg.error(e.getMessage(), e);
+ }
+ linkParagraph.add(new Chunk(struct.getName(), linkFont).setLocalGoto(struct.getName()));
+ Cell structLinkCell = new Cell(linkParagraph);
+ structLinkCell.setBorderWidth(1);
+ structLinkCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
+ structTable.addCell(structLinkCell);
+ } else {
+ structTable.addCell(createCell(struct.getName(), getFont()));
+ }
+ StructureTopology structTopology = model.getStructureTopology();
+ if (struct instanceof Membrane) {
+ structTable.addCell(createCell("Membrane", getFont()));
+ Feature outsideFeature = structTopology.getOutsideFeature((Membrane) struct);
+ Feature insideFeature = structTopology.getInsideFeature((Membrane) struct);
+ structTable.addCell(createCell((insideFeature != null ? insideFeature.getName() : "N/A"), getFont()));
+ structTable.addCell(createCell((outsideFeature != null ? outsideFeature.getName() : "N/A"), getFont()));
+ } else {
+ structTable.addCell(createCell("Feature", getFont()));
+ String outsideStr = "N/A", insideStr = "N/A";
+ Membrane enclosingMem = (Membrane) structTopology.getParentStructure(struct);
+ if (enclosingMem != null) {
+ outsideStr = enclosingMem.getName();
+ }
+ //To do: retrieve the 'child' membrane here...
+ structTable.addCell(createCell(insideStr, getFont()));
+ structTable.addCell(createCell(outsideStr, getFont()));
+ }
+ }
-//boundary types ignored.
- protected void writeStructureMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext sc) throws DocumentException {
+ //boundary types ignored.
+ protected void writeStructureMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContext sc) throws DocumentException {
- GeometryContext gc = sc.getGeometryContext();
- if (gc == null) {
- return;
- }
- Section structMappSection = null;
+ GeometryContext gc = sc.getGeometryContext();
+ if (gc == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Section structMappSection = null;
/*try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = generateStructureMappingImage(sc);
com.lowagie.text.Image structMapImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(bos.toByteArray()), null);
@@ -2203,117 +2214,116 @@ protected void writeStructureMapping(Section simContextSection, SimulationContex
System.err.println("Unable to add structure mapping image to report.");
- StructureMapping structMap [] = gc.getStructureMappings();
- Table structMapTable = null;
- ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = sc.getModel().getUnitSystem();
- for (int i = 0; i < structMap.length; i++) {
- if (!(structMap[i] instanceof FeatureMapping)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (i == 0) {
- structMapTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell("Structure Mapping", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Structure", getBold(), 1));
- structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Subdomain", getBold(), 1));
- structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Resolved (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
- structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Surf/Vol", getBold(), 1));
- structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("VolFract", getBold(), 1));
- structMapTable.endHeaders();
- }
- String structName = structMap[i].getStructure().getName();
- SubVolume subVol = (SubVolume)((FeatureMapping)structMap[i]).getGeometryClass();
- String subDomain = "";
- if (subVol != null) {
- subDomain = subVol.getName();
- }
- boolean isResolved = false; // ((FeatureMapping)structMap[i]).getResolved();
- String surfVolStr = "", volFractStr = "";
- MembraneMapping mm = (MembraneMapping)gc.getStructureMapping(sc.getModel().getStructureTopology().getParentStructure(structMap[i].getStructure()));
- if (mm != null) {
- StructureMapping.StructureMappingParameter smp = mm.getSurfaceToVolumeParameter();
- if (smp != null) {
- Expression tempExp = smp.getExpression();
- VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = smp.getUnitDefinition();
- if (tempExp != null) {
- surfVolStr = tempExp.infix();
- if (tempUnit != null && !modelUnitSystem.getInstance_DIMENSIONLESS().compareEqual(tempUnit)) { //no need to add '1' for dimensionless unit
- surfVolStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
- }
- }
- }
- smp = mm.getVolumeFractionParameter();
- if (smp != null) {
- Expression tempExp = smp.getExpression();
- VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = smp.getUnitDefinition();
- if (tempExp != null) {
- volFractStr = tempExp.infix();
- if (tempUnit != null && !modelUnitSystem.getInstance_DIMENSIONLESS().compareEqual(tempUnit)) {
- volFractStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell(subDomain, getFont()));
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell((isResolved ? " T ": " F "), getFont()));
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell(surfVolStr, getFont()));
- structMapTable.addCell(createCell(volFractStr, getFont()));
- }
- if (structMapTable != null) {
- if (structMappSection == null) {
- structMappSection = simContextSection.addSection("Structure Mapping For " + sc.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
- }
- structMappSection.add(structMapTable);
- }
- }
-//currently not used.
- protected void writeSubDomainsEquationsAsImages(Section mathDescSection, MathDescription mathDesc) {
- Enumeration subDomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
- Expression expArray[];
- Section volDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Volume Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- Section memDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Membrane Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- int scale = 1, height = 200; //arbitrary
- int viewableWidth = (int)(document.getPageSize().getWidth() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
- BufferedImage dummy = new BufferedImage(viewableWidth, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- while(subDomains.hasMoreElements()) {
- SubDomain subDomain = subDomains.nextElement();
- Enumeration equationsList = subDomain.getEquations();
- ArrayList expList = new ArrayList();
- while (equationsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Equation equ = equationsList.nextElement();
- try {
- Enumeration enum_equ = equ.getTotalExpressions();
- while (enum_equ.hasMoreElements()){
- Expression exp = new Expression(enum_equ.nextElement());
- expList.add(exp.flatten());
- }
- } catch (ExpressionException ee) {
- lg.error("Unable to process the equation for subdomain: " + subDomain.getName(), ee);
- continue;
- }
- }
- expArray = (Expression [])expList.toArray(new Expression[expList.size()]);
- Section tempSection = null;
- if (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
- tempSection = volDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), volDomains.getDepth() + 1);
- } else if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
- tempSection = memDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), memDomains.getDepth() + 1);
- }
- try {
- Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D)dummy.getGraphics());
- System.out.println("Image dim: " + dim.width + " " + dim.height);
- BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int)dim.getWidth()*scale, (int)dim.getHeight()*scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
- ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
- //Table imageTable = null;;
- com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
- expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.LEFT);
- if (viewableWidth < expImage.getScaledWidth()) {
- expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getHeight());
- System.out.println("SubDomain expresions After scaling: " + expImage.getScaledWidth());
- }
+ StructureMapping[] structMap = gc.getStructureMappings();
+ Table structMapTable = null;
+ ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = sc.getModel().getUnitSystem();
+ for (int i = 0; i < structMap.length; i++) {
+ if (!(structMap[i] instanceof FeatureMapping)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (i == 0) {
+ structMapTable = getTable(5, 100, 1, 3, 3);
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell("Structure Mapping", getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 5, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Structure", getBold(), 1));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Subdomain", getBold(), 1));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Resolved (T/F)", getBold(), 1));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("Surf/Vol", getBold(), 1));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createHeaderCell("VolFract", getBold(), 1));
+ structMapTable.endHeaders();
+ }
+ String structName = structMap[i].getStructure().getName();
+ SubVolume subVol = (SubVolume) structMap[i].getGeometryClass();
+ String subDomain = "";
+ if (subVol != null) {
+ subDomain = subVol.getName();
+ }
+ boolean isResolved = false; // ((FeatureMapping)structMap[i]).getResolved();
+ String surfVolStr = "", volFractStr = "";
+ MembraneMapping mm = (MembraneMapping) gc.getStructureMapping(sc.getModel().getStructureTopology().getParentStructure(structMap[i].getStructure()));
+ if (mm != null) {
+ StructureMapping.StructureMappingParameter smp = mm.getSurfaceToVolumeParameter();
+ if (smp != null) {
+ Expression tempExp = smp.getExpression();
+ VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = smp.getUnitDefinition();
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ surfVolStr = tempExp.infix();
+ if (tempUnit != null && !modelUnitSystem.getInstance_DIMENSIONLESS().compareEqual(tempUnit)) { //no need to add '1' for dimensionless unit
+ surfVolStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ smp = mm.getVolumeFractionParameter();
+ if (smp != null) {
+ Expression tempExp = smp.getExpression();
+ VCUnitDefinition tempUnit = smp.getUnitDefinition();
+ if (tempExp != null) {
+ volFractStr = tempExp.infix();
+ if (tempUnit != null && !modelUnitSystem.getInstance_DIMENSIONLESS().compareEqual(tempUnit)) {
+ volFractStr += " " + tempUnit.getSymbolUnicode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell(structName, getFont()));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell(subDomain, getFont()));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell((isResolved ? " T " : " F "), getFont()));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell(surfVolStr, getFont()));
+ structMapTable.addCell(createCell(volFractStr, getFont()));
+ }
+ if (structMapTable != null) {
+ if (structMappSection == null) {
+ structMappSection = simContextSection.addSection("Structure Mapping For " + sc.getName(), simContextSection.getNumberDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ structMappSection.add(structMapTable);
+ }
+ }
+ //currently not used.
+ protected void writeSubDomainsEquationsAsImages(Section mathDescSection, MathDescription mathDesc) {
+ Enumeration subDomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
+ Expression[] expArray;
+ Section volDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Volume Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ Section memDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Membrane Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ int scale = 1, height = 200; //arbitrary
+ int viewableWidth = (int) (document.getPageSize().getWidth() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
+ BufferedImage dummy = new BufferedImage(viewableWidth, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ while (subDomains.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SubDomain subDomain = subDomains.nextElement();
+ Enumeration equationsList = subDomain.getEquations();
+ ArrayList expList = new ArrayList<>();
+ while (equationsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Equation equ = equationsList.nextElement();
+ try {
+ Enumeration enum_equ = equ.getTotalExpressions();
+ while (enum_equ.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Expression exp = new Expression(enum_equ.nextElement());
+ expList.add(exp.flatten());
+ }
+ } catch (ExpressionException ee) {
+ lg.error("Unable to process the equation for subdomain: " + subDomain.getName(), ee);
+ }
+ }
+ expArray = expList.toArray(Expression[]::new);
+ Section tempSection = null;
+ if (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
+ tempSection = volDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), volDomains.getDepth() + 1);
+ } else if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
+ tempSection = memDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), memDomains.getDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ try {
+ Dimension dim = ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionImageSize(expArray, (Graphics2D) dummy.getGraphics());
+ lg.debug("Image dim: {} {}", dim.width, dim.height);
+ BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage((int) dim.getWidth() * scale, (int) dim.getHeight() * scale, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
+ ExpressionCanvas.getExpressionAsImage(expArray, bufferedImage, scale);
+ //Table imageTable = null;;
+ com.lowagie.text.Image expImage = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(bufferedImage, null);
+ expImage.setAlignment(com.lowagie.text.Image.LEFT);
+ if (viewableWidth < expImage.getScaledWidth()) {
+ expImage.scaleToFit(viewableWidth, expImage.getHeight());
+ lg.debug("SubDomain expressions After scaling: {}", expImage.getScaledWidth());
+ }
/*Cell imageCell = new Cell();
if (imageTable == null) {
@@ -2324,110 +2334,110 @@ protected void writeSubDomainsEquationsAsImages(Section mathDescSection, MathDes
- tempSection.add(expImage);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- lg.error("Unable to add subdomain equation image to report.", e);
- }
- }
- if (volDomains.isEmpty()) {
- mathDescSection.remove(volDomains);
- }
- if (memDomains.isEmpty()) {
- mathDescSection.remove(memDomains);
- }
- }
+ tempSection.add(expImage);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ lg.error("Unable to add subdomain equation image to report.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (volDomains.isEmpty()) {
+ mathDescSection.remove(volDomains);
+ }
+ if (memDomains.isEmpty()) {
+ mathDescSection.remove(memDomains);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void writeSubDomainsEquationsAsText(Section mathDescSection, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
+ Enumeration subDomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
+ Section volDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Volume Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ Section memDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Membrane Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ Section filDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Filament Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
+ while (subDomains.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Section tempSection = null;
+ SubDomain subDomain = subDomains.nextElement();
+ if (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
+ tempSection = volDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), volDomains.getDepth() + 1);
+ } else if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
+ tempSection = memDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), memDomains.getDepth() + 1);
+ } else if (subDomain instanceof FilamentSubDomain) {
+ tempSection = filDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), filDomains.getDepth() + 1);
+ }
+ Enumeration equationsList = subDomain.getEquations();
+ while (equationsList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Equation equ = equationsList.nextElement();
+ writeEquation(tempSection, equ);
+ }
+ if (subDomain.getFastSystem() != null) {
+ writeFastSystem(tempSection, subDomain.getFastSystem());
+ }
+ if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
+ Enumeration jcList = ((MembraneSubDomain) subDomain).getJumpConditions();
+ while (jcList.hasMoreElements()) {
+ JumpCondition jc = jcList.nextElement();
+ writeJumpCondition(tempSection, jc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (volDomains.isEmpty()) {
+ mathDescSection.remove(volDomains);
+ }
+ if (memDomains.isEmpty()) {
+ mathDescSection.remove(memDomains);
+ }
+ if (filDomains.isEmpty()) {
+ mathDescSection.remove(filDomains);
+ }
+ }
- protected void writeSubDomainsEquationsAsText(Section mathDescSection, MathDescription mathDesc) throws DocumentException {
- Enumeration subDomains = mathDesc.getSubDomains();
- Section volDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Volume Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- Section memDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Membrane Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- Section filDomains = mathDescSection.addSection("Filament Domains", mathDescSection.getDepth() + 1);
- while(subDomains.hasMoreElements()) {
- Section tempSection = null;
- SubDomain subDomain = subDomains.nextElement();
- if (subDomain instanceof CompartmentSubDomain) {
- tempSection = volDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), volDomains.getDepth() + 1);
- } else if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
- tempSection = memDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), memDomains.getDepth() + 1);
- } else if (subDomain instanceof FilamentSubDomain) {
- tempSection = filDomains.addSection(subDomain.getName(), filDomains.getDepth() + 1);
- }
- Enumeration equationsList = subDomain.getEquations();
- while (equationsList.hasMoreElements()) {
- Equation equ = equationsList.nextElement();
- writeEquation(tempSection, equ);
- }
- if (subDomain.getFastSystem() != null) {
- writeFastSystem(tempSection, subDomain.getFastSystem());
- }
- if (subDomain instanceof MembraneSubDomain) {
- Enumeration jcList = ((MembraneSubDomain)subDomain).getJumpConditions();
- while (jcList.hasMoreElements()) {
- JumpCondition jc = jcList.nextElement();
- writeJumpCondition(tempSection, jc);
- }
- }
- }
- if (volDomains.isEmpty()) {
- mathDescSection.remove(volDomains);
- }
- if (memDomains.isEmpty()) {
- mathDescSection.remove(memDomains);
- }
- if (filDomains.isEmpty()) {
- mathDescSection.remove(filDomains);
- }
- }
+ protected void writeVolumeRegionEquation(Section container, VolumeRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
- protected void writeVolumeRegionEquation(Section container, VolumeRegionEquation eq) throws DocumentException {
+ Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VolumeRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
+ getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
+ eqTable.endHeaders();
+ String exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.UniformRate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getUniformRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getUniformRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
+ exp = "0.0";
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VolumeRate, getFont()));
+ if (eq.getVolumeRateExpression() != null) {
+ exp = eq.getVolumeRateExpression().infix();
+ }
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- Table eqTable = getTable(2, 100, 1, 2, 2);
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VolumeRegionEquation + " " + eq.getVariable().getName(),
- getBold(DEF_HEADER_FONT_SIZE), 2, 1, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, true));
- eqTable.endHeaders();
- String exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.UniformRate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getUniformRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getUniformRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- exp = "0.0";
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.VolumeRate, getFont()));
- if (eq.getVolumeRateExpression() != null) {
- exp = eq.getVolumeRateExpression().infix();
- }
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
// exp = "0.0";
// eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.MembraneRate, getFont()));
// if (eq.getMembraneRateExpression() != null) {
// exp = eq.getMembraneRateExpression().infix();
// }
// eqTable.addCell(createCell(exp, getFont()));
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
- }
- int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
- switch (solutionType) {
- case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION:{
- if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
- }
- break;
- }
- case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION:{
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
- eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
- break;
- }
- }
- container.add(eqTable);
- }
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() != null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getInitialExpression().infix(), getFont()));
+ }
+ int solutionType = eq.getSolutionType();
+ switch (solutionType) {
+ case Equation.UNKNOWN_SOLUTION: {
+ if (eq.getInitialExpression() == null) {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Initial, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell("0.0", getFont()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Equation.EXACT_SOLUTION: {
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(VCML.Exact, getFont()));
+ eqTable.addCell(createCell(eq.getExactSolution().infix(), getFont()));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ container.add(eqTable);
+ }
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/solver/SolverUtilities.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/solver/SolverUtilities.java
index 047f049b67..bf8a8b831c 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/solver/SolverUtilities.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/solver/SolverUtilities.java
@@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ public static SolverDescription matchSolverWithKisaoId(String originalId, boolea
private static List matchByKisaoId(KisaoTerm candidate) {
List solverDescriptions = new ArrayList<>();
for (SolverDescription sd : SolverDescription.values()) {
- if(sd.getKisao().contains(":") || sd.getKisao().contains("_")) {
+ if (sd.getKisao().contains(":") || sd.getKisao().contains("_")) {
+ } else if ("KISAO".equals(sd.getKisao())){
+ logger.info("Skipping not-yet-created KiSAO term");
} else {
- logger.warn(sd.getKisao() + " - bad format, skipping");
+ logger.warn("`{}` is bad KiSAO formating, skipping", sd.getKisao());
String s1 = candidate.getId();
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlHelper.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlHelper.java
index 5f9ff632f8..4af94c50ac 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlHelper.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlHelper.java
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ public static List readOmex(File omexFile, VCLogger vcLogger) throws E
public static List importSEDML(VCLogger transLogger, ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo,
SedML sedml, boolean exactMatchOnly) throws Exception {
- SEDMLImporter sedmlImporter = new SEDMLImporter(transLogger, externalDocInfo,
+ SEDMLImporter sedmlImporter = new SEDMLImporter(transLogger, externalDocInfo.getFile(),
sedml, exactMatchOnly);
return sedmlImporter.getBioModels();
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlReader.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlReader.java
index fdc9d4067a..43e664866f 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlReader.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/cbit/vcell/xml/XmlReader.java
@@ -4562,7 +4562,7 @@ public Model getModel(Element param) throws XmlParseException{
if(element != null){
getRbmModelContainer(element, newmodel);
} else {
- lg.info("RbmModelContainer is missing.");
+ lg.debug("RbmModelContainer is missing.");
//Add SpeciesContexts
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchemaValidatorImpl.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchemaValidatorImpl.java
index 2b10a4827b..7ec5444523 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchemaValidatorImpl.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchemaValidatorImpl.java
@@ -88,9 +88,12 @@ private String getSchema(String xmlAsString) throws JDOMException,
return SEDML_L1_V1_SCHEMA;
} else if (level.equals("1") && version.equals("2")) {
return SEDML_L1_V2_SCHEMA;
+ } else if (level.equals("1") && version.equals("3")) {
+ log.info("Version 3 support still in development.");
+ return SEDML_L1_V3_SCHEMA;
} else {
// probably level 3, but trying anyway to interpret with level 2
- System.out.println("SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail");
+ log.info("WARNING: SED-ML L{}V{} not supported, import may fail", level, version);
return SEDML_L1_V3_SCHEMA;
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(
// "Invalid level/version combingation - must be 1-1 or 1-2 but was "
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchematronValidator.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchematronValidator.java
index fd72478d4a..92450d345b 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchematronValidator.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/jlibsedml/validation/SchematronValidator.java
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ private String getSchematronXSL() {
} else if (sedml.isL1V2()) {
return "validatorl1v2.xsl";
} else {
- System.out.println("Unsupported version, import may fail");
+ lg.warn("Unsupported sedml version `L{}V{}` detected, validating as L1V2", sedml.getLevel(), sedml.getVersion());
return "validatorl1v2.xsl";
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException(MessageFormat.format(
// "Invalid level and version - {0}-{1}", sedml.getLevel(),
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/SEDMLImporter.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/SEDMLImporter.java
index 2a27d5a876..a58ee8ddbe 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/SEDMLImporter.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/SEDMLImporter.java
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
public class SEDMLImporter {
private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SEDMLImporter.class);
- private final SedML sedml;
- private final ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo;
+ private SedML sedml;
private final boolean exactMatchOnly;
private final VCLogger transLogger;
@@ -76,31 +75,47 @@ public class SEDMLImporter {
private final HashMap importMap = new HashMap<>();
- * Prepares a sedml for import as biomodels
+ * Builds the importer for future initialization
* @param transLogger the VC logger to use
- * @param externalDocInfo contextual information necessary for import
- * @param sedml the sedml to import
+ * @param exactMatchOnly do not substitute for "compatible" kisao solvers, use the exact solver only.
+ */
+ public SEDMLImporter(VCLogger transLogger, boolean exactMatchOnly) {
+ this.transLogger = transLogger;
+ this.sedml = null;
+ this.exactMatchOnly = exactMatchOnly;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepares a sedml for import as biomodels
+ *
+ * @param transLogger the VC logger to use
* @param exactMatchOnly do not substitute for "compatible" kisao solvers, use the exact solver only.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the sedml archive can not be found
* @throws XMLException if the sedml has invalid xml.
- public SEDMLImporter(VCLogger transLogger, ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo, SedML sedml, boolean exactMatchOnly)
+ public SEDMLImporter(VCLogger transLogger, File fileWithSedmlToProcess, SedML sedml, boolean exactMatchOnly)
throws XMLException, IOException {
- this.transLogger = transLogger;
- this.externalDocInfo = externalDocInfo;
- this.sedml = sedml;
- this.exactMatchOnly = exactMatchOnly;
- this.initialize();
+ this(transLogger, exactMatchOnly);
+ this.initialize(fileWithSedmlToProcess, sedml);
- private void initialize() throws XMLException, IOException {
- // extract bioModel name from sedx (or sedml) file
- this.bioModelBaseName = FileUtils.getBaseName(this.externalDocInfo.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
- if(this.externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("sedx")
- || this.externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("omex")) {
- this.ac = Libsedml.readSEDMLArchive(Files.newInputStream(this.externalDocInfo.getFile().toPath()));
+ /**
+ * Initialize the importer to process a specific set of SedML within a document or archive.
+ * @param fileWithSedmlToProcess the file containing SedML
+ * @param sedml the SedML to be processed (since the file may have more than 1 sedml)
+ * @throws IOException if the sedml archive can not be found, or the IO stream reading it failed
+ * @throws XMLException if the sedml has invalid xml.
+ */
+ public void initialize(File fileWithSedmlToProcess, SedML sedml) throws XMLException, IOException {
+ // extract bioModel name from sedml (or sedml) file
+ if (fileWithSedmlToProcess == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source file of SedML can not be null!");
+ if (sedml == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided SedML can not be null!");
+ this.sedml = sedml;
+ this.bioModelBaseName = FileUtils.getBaseName(fileWithSedmlToProcess.getAbsolutePath());
+ if(fileWithSedmlToProcess.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("sedx")
+ || fileWithSedmlToProcess.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("omex")) {
+ this.ac = Libsedml.readSEDMLArchive(Files.newInputStream(fileWithSedmlToProcess.toPath()));
this.resolver = new ModelResolver(this.sedml);
if(this.ac != null) {
@@ -109,7 +124,7 @@ private void initialize() throws XMLException, IOException {
} else {
this.resolver.add(new FileModelResolver()); // assumes absolute paths
- String sedmlRelativePrefix = this.externalDocInfo.getFile().getParent() + File.separator;
+ String sedmlRelativePrefix = fileWithSedmlToProcess.getParent() + File.separator;
this.resolver.add(new RelativeFileModelResolver(sedmlRelativePrefix)); // in case model URIs are relative paths
this.sbmlSupport = new SBMLSupport();
@@ -426,10 +441,10 @@ private List mergeBioModels(List bioModels) {
BioModel bm0 = bioModels.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < bioModels.size(); i++) {
- System.out.println("----comparing model from----"+bioModels.get(i)+" with model from "+bm0);
+ logger.debug("--------------------\ncomparing model from `{}`\n with model from `{}`\n--------------------", bioModels.get(i), bm0);
RelationVisitor rvNotStrict = new ModelRelationVisitor(false);
boolean equivalent = bioModels.get(i).getModel().relate(bm0.getModel(),rvNotStrict);
- System.out.println(equivalent);
+ logger.debug("Equivalent => {}", equivalent);
if (!equivalent) return bioModels;
// all have matchable model, try to merge by pooling SimContexts
@@ -1070,7 +1085,7 @@ private void translateAlgorithmParams(SolverTaskDescription simTaskDesc, org.jli
NonspatialStochHybridOptions nonspatialSHO = simTaskDesc.getStochHybridOpt();
} else {
- logger.error("Algorithm parameter with kisao id '" + apKisaoID + "' not supported at this time, skipping.");
+ logger.warn("Algorithm parameter with kisao id '" + apKisaoID + "' not supported at this time, skipping.");
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/log/BiosimulationLog.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/log/BiosimulationLog.java
index 87366a8506..7020ae1253 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/log/BiosimulationLog.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/log/BiosimulationLog.java
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-public class BiosimulationLog {
+public class BiosimulationLog implements AutoCloseable {
public static class LogValidationException extends RuntimeException {
public LogValidationException(String message) {
diff --git a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/testsupport/FailureType.java b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/testsupport/FailureType.java
index c5e9c9ce59..42c5118aa6 100644
--- a/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/testsupport/FailureType.java
+++ b/vcell-core/src/main/java/org/vcell/sedml/testsupport/FailureType.java
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ public enum FailureType {
+ NESTED_SEDML_REPEATED_TASK, // We can do a repeated task of a normal task, but not another repeated task.
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, // VCell simply doesn't have the necessary features to run this archive.