A tool for stress testing cloud application platforms.
Hit the kill switch!
-e = route to app on platform
-r = number of requests to submit
windtunnel kill -e cf-scale-boot-ilka-farm.cfapps.io -r 40
Hit the health endpoint (useful for proving dead instances are removed from router)!
-e = route to app on platform
-r = number of requests to submit
windtunnel health -e cf-scale-boot-ilka-farm.cfapps.io -r 100
Obtain the current status for an application. Provides the number of instances in a RUNNING state. You must be authenticated with the target platform using it’s native CLI.
-p = target platform. Currently supports [heroku,cf]
-a = application. Specific to platform. For Heroku it is the application name, for CF it is the application GUID.
windtunnel status -p heroku -a lit-wave-5074