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File metadata and controls

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dep/depend graph node dep

dep/graph - returns a new empty dependency graph


(defn- depth-search [pred? coll] (filter pred? (tree-seq coll? seq coll)))

(defn find-derived “Return a seq of all entries in a map, m, where the key is derived from the a candidate key, k. If there are no matching keys, nil is returned. The candidate key may be a keyword, or vector of keywords.” [m k] (seq (filter #(or (= (key %) k) (derived-from? (key %) k)) m)))

(defn- find-derived-refs [config v include-refsets?] ;; find everything under a value which is a reference, (->> (depth-search (if include-refsets? reflike? ref?) v) ;; get the key for it (map ref-key) (mapcat #(map key (find-derived config %)))))

(defn dependency-graph “Return a dependency graph of all the refs and refsets in a config. Resolves derived dependencies. Takes the following options: `:include-refsets?`

whether to include refsets in the dependency graph (defaults to true)"

([config] (dependency-graph config {})) ([config {:keys [include-refsets?] :or {include-refsets? true}}] (letfn [(find-refs [v] (find-derived-refs config v include-refsets?))] (reduce-kv (fn [g k v] (reduce #(dep/depend %1 k %2) g (find-refs v))) ; for each k,v in config, add dep from k to every ref in v (dep/graph) config))))

(reduce-kv f init coll) Reduces an associative collection. f should be a function of 3 arguments. Returns the result of applying f to init, the first key and the first value in coll, then applying f to that result and the 2nd key and value, etc. If coll contains no entries, returns init and f is not called. Note that reduce-kv is supported on vectors, where the keys will be the ordinals.

build ambiguous-refs (PRefs which have no matching key in the config?) with-meta; interesting

The advantage of doing an arbitrary function is logging, testing, more; it’s a very generic traversal system. Interesting.

First step: implement build with config, keys, function