- Tell me about virtual dom.
- How VDOM works in react-native.
- Tell me about refs and where you used it last time?
- What Are Keys In React And Why Are They Important?
- What is React Native?
- What are the main fields of usage?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
- What is the difference between react-native apps and web-view
- Compare performance
- List the essential components of React Native
- What is Gesture Responder System?
- Do you have any experience writing native code? How it's possible?
- How to integrate one to react-native application?
- Compare performance of native code to react-native
- What are threads?
- How they used in react-native?
- How you manage state in your applications?
- What is async storage?
- What is redux/flux?
- How redux uses middlewares?
- Do you have experience writing middlewares?
- What are disadvantages of redux?
- What is the point of StyleSheet.create() in react native?
- What are the tradeoffs with above mentioned approach?
- Tell me about your experience with animations
- Why React Native has very clear animations?
- How you handle analytics in react-native applications?