Releases: vtsykun/packeton
Releases · vtsykun/packeton
List of new features and improvements:
- Swagger API docs
- Added users/groups API
- Support MonoRepos repository type (#85)
- Allow to patch mirrored composer metadata (#88)
- Personal access token (#110)
- Switch Docker build to PHP 8.2
- Fix inactive ask password for command
- Fix auth for mirror proxy (#77)
Packeton 2.1 version is now available
List of new features and improvements:
- Composer Proxies and Mirroring (#56)
- LDAP authentication support (#54)
- Support JWT API authentication (#54)
- Improve performance for metadata (#76)
- Added users and groups search (#61) (Thanks @mrodespin )
- Configurable info message
- Added Generic webhook secrets
- Enable docker ARM builds
See Upgrade 2.1
Packeton 2.0 version is now available
Technology Stack Upgrade:
- Symfony 5.4 LTS
- PHP 8.1+
- Support SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL
List of new features and improvements:
- Support Composer v2 metadata
- Allow public access (#52)
- Updated UI credential manager, encrypt SSH keys in database (#50)
- Fixes zipball not found for dev branches (#34)
- More minor improvements
RC1 v2.0.0
- Support composer v2 API
- Upgrade to Symfony 5.4
- Fix usage of reserved keyword in mysql 5.7 (#13)
- Fix api authorization (#14)
- Feature Add maintainer user (#17)
- Fix trigger package update on mysql
- Enable api access for all .json resource
- Support custom webhook format
- Custom update interval for non-autocrawled packages
- Enhancement Webhook integration with cron and http_request triggers
- Outgoing webhooks and event notifier
- Garbage collector for jobs and zip archives
- Simplify overwrite styles/twig from docker volumes
- Run scheduled tasks via message queue
- API security firewalls now to be able to work in two modes: stateless and statefull
- Allow to freeze updates for a new release after expire a user license