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go-travis is a Go client library to interact with the Travis CI API V3.


$ go get


Interaction with the Travis CI API is done through a Client instance.

import ""

client := travis.NewClient(travis.ApiOrgUrl, "TravisApiToken")

// List all the builds which belongs to the current user
builds, res, err := client.Builds.Find(context.Background(), nil)


Currently, there are two possible options for Travis CI API URL.


You should know which URL your project belongs to, and hand it in to NewClient method as an argument. We provide two constants, ApiOrgUrl for and ApiComUrl for, so please choose one of them.

Travis CI is migrating projects in to, and please visit their documentation page for more information on the migration.


There two ways to authenticator your Travis CI client.

  • Authentication with Travis API token
  • Authentication with GitHub personal access token
Authentication with Travis API token
client := travis.NewClient(travis.ApiOrgUrl, "TravisApiToken")

// Jobs.Cancel will success
_, err := client.Jobs.Cancel(context.Background(), 12345)

You can issue Travis API token and hand it in to NewClient method directly. You can issue your token by visiting your Travis CI Profile page or using Travis CI command line tool.

For more information on how to issue Travis CI API token, please visit their documentation.

Authentication with GitHub personal access token

Authentication with a Github personal access token will require some extra steps. This GitHub help page guides you thorough how to create one.

client := travis.NewClient(travis.ApiOrgUrl, "")

err := client.Authentication.UsingGithubToken("GitHubToken")

// Jobs.Cancel will success
_, err := client.Jobs.Cancel(context.Background(), 12345)

Unauthenticated client

It is possible to interact with the API without authentication. However some resources are not accessible.

client := travis.NewClient(travis.ApiOrgUrl, "")

// Builds.FindByRepoSlug is available without authentication
builds, resp, err := client.Builds.FindByRepoSlug(context.Background(), "shuheiktgw/go-travis", nil)

// Jobs.Cancel is unavailable without authentication
_, err := client.Jobs.Cancel(context.Background(), 12345)

Standard Representation / Minimal Representation

Travis CI API V3 provides two types of resource representations, standard and minimal. The API returns the resource you request in a standard representation and the resources related to the original resource in a minimal representation.

If you want the related resources in a standard representation, you need to eager load them by specifying include option.

For example, to eager load repository and commits when fetching a build, one can specify Include in BuildOption:

opt := BuildOption{Include: []string{"build.repository", "build.commits"}}
build, _, err := client.Builds.Find(context.Background(), 123, &opt)

Important Note

There are several breaking changes between v0.1.9 and v0.2.0 mainly to support eager loading. If you have never used go-travis, please select v0.2.0 or above. If you have used go-travis v0.1.9 or below, and consider updating it, please be aware those two changes:

  • Almost all the struct fields are pointer.
  • Almost all the methods interacting with the API takes an option parameter to support eager loading.


Contributions are of course always welcome!

  1. Fork shuheiktgw/go-travis (
  2. Run dep ensure to install dependencies
  3. Create a feature branch
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Run test using go test
  6. Create a Pull Request

See for details.


This library is originally forked from Ableton/go-travis and most of the credits of this library is attributed to them.