diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/camera-names-exp.svg b/archives/20140127/images/camera-names-exp.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e20c9357 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/camera-names-exp.svg @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + + + diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after.png b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7440ebd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after2.png b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcf6332a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_after2.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before.png b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f51976e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before2.png b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6897e47ed Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/change_states_before2.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/icestates.svg b/archives/20140127/images/icestates.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a738b5c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/icestates.svg @@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-full.svg b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-full.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6cbf8bb17 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-full.svg @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-simple.svg b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-simple.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8e1e7d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-2party-simple.svg @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/ladder-mcu-simple.svg b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-mcu-simple.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a38de954 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/ladder-mcu-simple.svg @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-1.png b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b43e1c37 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-1.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-2.png b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da957deb2 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream-2.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/media-stream.png b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d7689d20 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/media-stream.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_after.png b/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_after.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4853639f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_after.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_before.png b/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_before.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdb58b1cd Binary files /dev/null and b/archives/20140127/images/overconstrained_before.png differ diff --git a/archives/20140127/images/peerstates.svg b/archives/20140127/images/peerstates.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f34ec22b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/images/peerstates.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@ + + + + diff --git a/archives/20140127/webrtc.css b/archives/20140127/webrtc.css new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34e660fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/webrtc.css @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + +@media screen { + html { background: #eeeeee; } + body { margin-bottom: 30%; border-bottom: thin solid #3c790a; } +} + +pre { margin-left: 2em; white-space: pre-wrap; } +dt, dfn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } +i, em, dt dfn { font-style: italic; } +pre, code { font-size: inherit; font-family: monospace, Droid Sans Fallback, sans-serif; font-variant: normal; } +pre strong { color: black; font: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: yellow; } +pre em { font-weight: bolder; font-style: normal; } +@media screen { code { color: orange; } } +var sub { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: smaller; position: relative; top: 0.1em; } +table { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: hidden hidden none hidden; } +table thead, table tbody { border-bottom: solid; } +table tbody th { text-align: left; } +table tbody th:first-child { border-left: solid; } +table td, table th { border-left: solid; border-right: solid; border-bottom: solid thin; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.2em; } + +ins { background: green; color: white; /* color: green; border: solid thin lime; padding: 0.3em; line-height: 1.6em; */ text-decoration: none; } +del { background: maroon; color: white; /* color: maroon; border: solid thin red; padding: 0.3em; line-height: 1.6em; */ text-decoration: line-through; } +body ins, body del { display: block; } +body * ins, body * del { display: inline; } + + +p > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]):not([class="note"]), +li > span:not([title=""]):not([class="XXX"]):not([class="impl"]):not([class="note"]) { border-bottom: solid #99CC99; } + +.note { color: green; background: transparent; font-family: sans-serif, Droid Sans Fallback; } +.warning { color: red; background: transparent; } +.note, .warning { font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; } +.note em, .warning em, .note i, .warning i { font-style: normal; } +p.note, div.note { padding: 0.5em 2em; } +span.note { padding: 0 2em; } +.note p:first-child, .warning p:first-child { margin-top: 0; } +.note p:last-child, .warning p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } +.warning:before { font-style: normal; } +p.note:before { content: 'Note: '; } +p.warning:before { content: '\26A0 Warning! '; } + +.bookkeeping:before { display: block; content: 'Bookkeeping details'; font-weight: bolder; font-style: italic; } +.bookkeeping { font-size: 0.8em; margin: 2em 0; } +.bookkeeping p { margin: 0.5em 2em; display: list-item; list-style: square; } +.bookkeeping dt { margin: 0.5em 2em 0; } +.bookkeeping dd { margin: 0 3em 0.5em; } + +.critical { margin: 1em; border: double thick red; padding: 1em; background: #FFFFCC; } +.critical > :first-child { margin-top: 0; } + +.example { display: block; color: #222222; background: #FCFCFC; border-left: double; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 1em; } +td > .example:only-child { margin: 0 0 0 0.1em; } diff --git a/archives/20140127/webrtc.html b/archives/20140127/webrtc.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1af31217 --- /dev/null +++ b/archives/20140127/webrtc.html @@ -0,0 +1,5466 @@ + + +
+Initial Author of this Specification was Ian Hickson, Google Inc., with the following copyright statement:
© Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.
All subsequent changes since 26 July 2011 done by the W3C WebRTC Working Group are under the following Copyright:
© 2011-2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang), All Rights Reserved. Document use rules apply.
For the entire publication on the W3C site the liability and trademark rules apply.
+ + +This document defines a set of ECMAScript APIs in WebIDL to allow media + to be sent to and received from another browser or device implementing the + appropriate set of real-time protocols. This specification is being + developed in conjunction with a protocol specification developed by the + IETF RTCWEB group and an API specification to get access to local media + devices developed by the Media Capture Task Force.
++ This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. + Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the + latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at + http://www.w3.org/TR/. +
+ +This document is neither complete nor stable, and as such is not yet + suitable for commercial implementation. However, early experimentation is + encouraged. The API is based on preliminary work done in the WHATWG. The + Web Real-Time Communications Working Group expects this specification to + evolve significantly based on:
+ + ++ This document was published by the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group as an Editor's Draft. + + + If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to + public-webrtc@w3.org + (subscribe, + archives). + + + + + All comments are welcome. + +
+ + ++ Publication as an Editor's Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C + Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other + documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in + progress. +
+ + ++ + This document was produced by a group operating under the + 5 February 2004 W3C Patent + Policy. + + + + + W3C maintains a public list of any patent + disclosures + + made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes + instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent + which the individual believes contains + Essential + Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with + section + 6 of the W3C Patent Policy. + + +
+ + + + +This section is non-normative.
+ + +There are a number of facets to video-conferencing in HTML covered by + this specification:
+ + +This document defines the APIs used for these features. This + specification is being developed in conjunction with a protocol + specification developed by the IETF RTCWEB group and an API + specification to get access to local media devices developed by the + Media Capture Task + Force.
++ As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, + and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is + normative. +
++ The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, + and OPTIONAL in this specification are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. +
+ +This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single + product: the user agent that implements the interfaces that it + contains.
+ + +Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in + this specification must implement them in a manner consistent with the + ECMAScript Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification [WEBIDL], as + this specification uses that specification and terminology.
+The EventHandler
+ interface represents a callback used for event handlers as defined in
+ [HTML5].
The concepts queue a + task and fires a + simple event are defined in [HTML5].
+ + +The terms event, event + handlers and event + handler event types are defined in [HTML5].
+ + +The terms MediaStream, MediaStreamTrack, + Constraints, and Consumer are defined in + [GETUSERMEDIA].
allows two users to
+ communicate directly, browser to browser. Communications are coordinated
+ via a signaling channel which is provided by unspecified means, but
+ generally by a script in the page via the server, e.g. using
+ RTCPeerConnection
dictionary RTCConfiguration {
+ sequence<RTCIceServer
> iceServers;
+ RTCIceTransports
iceTransports = "all";
+ RTCIdentityOption
requestIdentity = "ifconfigured";
of type sequence<RTCIceServer
>An array containing URIs of servers available to be used + by ICE, such as STUN and TURN server.
of type RTCIceTransports
, defaulting to "all"
Indicates which candidates the ICE engine is allowed to use. +
of type RTCIdentityOption
, defaulting to "ifconfigured"
See the requestIdentity member of
+ the
dictionary RTCIceServer {
+ (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) urls;
+ DOMString username;
+ DOMString credential;
of type DOMStringIf this
object represents a
+ TURN server, then this attribute specifies the credential to use
+ with that TURN server.RTCIceServer
of type (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>)STUN or TURN URI(s) as defined in [STUN-URI] and + [TURN-URI] or other URI types.
of type DOMStringIf this
object represents a
+ TURN server, then this attribute specifies the username to use with
+ that TURN server.RTCIceServer
In network topologies with multiple layers of NATs, it is desirable + to have a STUN server between every layer of NATs in addition to the + TURN servers to minimize the peer to peer network latency.
+ + +An example array of RTCIceServer objects is:
+ + +[ { "urls": "stun:stun1.example.net" }, { "urls":
+ "turn:turn.example.org", "username": "user", "credential": "myPassword"
+ } ]
enum RTCIceTransports {
+ "none",
+ "relay",
+ "all"
Enumeration description | |
none | The ICE engine MUST not send or receive any packets at this + point. |
relay | The ICE engine MUST only use media relay candidates such as + candidates passing through a TURN server. This can be used to reduce + leakage of IP addresses in certain use cases. |
all | The ICE engine may use any type of candidates when this value is + specified. |
These dictionaries describe the options that can be used to + control the offer/answer creation process.
+ + +dictionary RTCOfferAnswerOptions {
+ RTCIdentityOption
requestIdentity = "ifconfigured";
of type RTCIdentityOption
, defaulting to "ifconfigured"
The requestIdentity
+ option indicates whether an identity should be requested. The option
+ may be used with either of the createOffer()
+ createAnswer()
calls, but also with the
constructor. Note that as long as
+ DTLS-SRTP is in used, fingerprints will be sent regardless of the
+ value of this option.RTCPeerConnection
dictionary RTCOfferOptions : RTCOfferAnswerOptions
+ long offerToReceiveVideo;
+ long offerToReceiveAudio;
+ boolean voiceActivityDetection = true;
+ boolean iceRestart = false;
of type boolean, defaulting to false
When the value of this dictionary member is true, the
+ generated description will have ICE credentials that are different
+ from the current credentials (as visible in the
+ localDescription
attribute's SDP). Applying the
+ generated description will restart ICE.
When the value of this dictionary member is false, and the
+ localDescription
attribute has valid ICE
+ credentials, the generated description will have the same ICE
+ credentials as the current value from the
+ localDescription
of type longIn some cases, an RTCPeerConnection
may wish to
+ receive audio but not send any audio. The
+ RTCPeerConnection
needs to know if it should signal to
+ the remote side whether it wishes to receive audio. This option
+ allows an application to indicate its preferences for the number of
+ audio streams to receive when creating an offer.
of type longIn some cases, an RTCPeerConnection
may wish to
+ receive video but not send any video. The
+ RTCPeerConnection
needs to know if it should signal to
+ the remote side whether it wishes to receive video or not. This
+ option allows an application to indicate its preferences for the
+ number of video streams to receive when creating an offer.
of type boolean, defaulting to true
Many codecs and system are capable of detecting "silence" and + changing their behavior in this case by doing things such as not + transmitting any media. In many cases, such as when dealing with + sounds other than spoken voice or emergency calling, it is desirable + to be able to turn off this behavior. This option allows the + application to provide information about whether it wishes this type + of processing enabled or disabled.
+enum RTCIdentityOption {
+ "yes",
+ "no",
+ "ifconfigured"
Enumeration description | |
yes | An identity MUST be requested. |
no | No identity is to be requested. |
ifconfigured | The value "ifconfigured" means that an identity will be requested
+ if either the user has configured an identity in the browser or if the
+ setIdentityProvider() call has been made in JavaScript.
+ As this is the default value, an identity will be requested if and
+ only if the user has configured an IdP in some way. |
The general operation of the RTCPeerConnection is described in + [RTCWEB-JSEP].
+ + +Calling new
creates an RTCPeerConnection
+ )
The configuration has the information to find and access + the servers used by ICE. There may be multiple servers of + each type and any TURN server also acts as a STUN server.
+ + +An
object has an associated
+ ICE agent [ICE],
+ RTCPeerConnection signaling state, ICE gathering state, and ICE
+ connection state. These are initialized when the object is created.RTCPeerConnection
object has two associated
+ stream sets. A local streams set,
+ representing streams that are currently sent, and a remote streams set, representing streams
+ that are currently received with this
+ RTCPeerConnection
object. The stream sets are
+ initialized to empty sets when the
+ RTCPeerConnection
object is created.RTCPeerConnection
When the RTCPeerConnection()
+ is invoked, the user agent MUST run the following steps:
Validate the
argument by
+ running the steps defined by the updateIce() method.RTCConfiguration
Create an ICE Agent as defined in [ICE] and let
+ connection's RTCPeerConnection
ICE Agent be
+ that ICE Agent and provide it the the ICE servers list. The ICE Agent will proceed
+ with gathering as soon as the ICE
+ transports setting is not set to none
. At this
+ point the ICE Agent does not know how many ICE components it needs
+ (and hence the number of candidates to gather), but it can make a
+ reasonable assumption such as 2. As the
+ RTCPeerConnection
object gets more information, the
+ ICE Agent can adjust the number of components.
Set connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState to stable
Set connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ ice connection state to new
Set connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ ice gathering state to new
Initialize an internal variable to represent a queue of
+ operations
with an empty set.
Return connection.
+Once the RTCPeerConnection object has been initialized, for every
+ call to createOffer
, setLocalDescription
+ createAnswer
and setRemoteDescription
+ execute the following steps:
Append an object representing the current call being handled
+ (i.e. function name and corresponding arguments) to the
+ operations
If the length of the operations
array is exactly 1,
+ execute the function from the front of the queue
+ asynchronously.
When the asynchronous operation completes (either successfully
+ or with an error), remove the corresponding object from the
+ operations
array. After removal, if the array is
+ non-empty, execute the first object queued asynchronously and
+ repeat this step on completion.
The general idea is to have only one among createOffer
+ setLocalDescription
, createAnswer
+ setRemoteDescription
executing at any given time. If
+ subsequent calls are made while one of them is still executing, they
+ are added to a queue and processed when the previous operation is fully
+ completed. It is valid, and expected, for normal error handling
+ procedures to be applied.
Additionally, during the lifetime of the RTCPeerConnection object, + the following procedures are followed when an ICE event occurs:
+ + +If the RTCPeerConnection
+ ice gathering state is new
and the ICE transports setting is not
+ set to none
, the user agent MUST
+ queue a task to start gathering ICE addresses and set the ice gathering state
+ to gathering
If the ICE Agent has found one or more candidate pairs for each + MediaStreamTrack that forms a valid connection, the ICE connection + state is changed to "connected".
+When the ICE Agent finishes checking all candidate pairs, if at + least one connection has been found for each MediaStreamTrack, the + iceConnectionState is changed to "completed"; else the + iceConnectionState is changed to "failed".
+When the ICE Agent needs to notify the script about the candidate + gathering progress, the user agent must queue a task to run the + following steps:
+ + +Let connection be the
object associated with this
+ ICE Agent.RTCPeerConnection
If connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these steps.
If the intent of the ICE Agent is to notify the script that:
+ + +A new candidate is available.
+ + +Add the candidate to connection's
+ localDescription
and create a
object to represent the
+ candidate. Let newCandidate be that object.RTCIceCandidate
The gathering process is done.
+ + +Set connection's ice gathering
+ state to completed
and let
+ newCandidate be null.
Fire a icecandidate event named icecandidate
+ newCandidate at connection.
User agents negotiate the codec resolution, bitrate, and other media
+ parameters. It is RECOMMENDED that user agents initially negotiate for
+ the maximum resolution of a video stream. For streams that are then
+ rendered (using a video
element), it is RECOMMENDED that
+ user agents renegotiate for a resolution that matches the rendered
+ display size.
The word "components" in this context refers to an RTP media flow + and does not have anything to do with how [ICE] uses the term + "component".
+ + +When a user agent has reached the point where a
+ MediaStream
can be created to represent incoming
+ components, the user agent MUST run the following steps:
Let connection be the
expecting this media.RTCPeerConnection
Create a MediaStream
+ stream, to represent the incoming media stream.
Run the algorithm + to represent an incoming component with a track for each incoming + component.
+ + +The creation of new incoming
+ MediaStream
s may be triggered either by SDP
+ negotiation or by the receipt of media on a given flow.
Queue a task to run the following substeps:
+ + +If the connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these
+ steps.
Add stream to connection's remote streams set.
+Fire a stream event named
+ addstream
+ stream at the connection
+ object.
When a user agent has negotiated media for a component that belongs
+ to a media stream that is already represented by an existing
+ MediaStream
object, the user agent MUST associate
+ the component with that MediaStream
When an
finds that a stream
+ from the remote peer has been removed, the user agent MUST follow these
+ steps:RTCPeerConnection
Let connection be the
associated with the stream
+ being removed.RTCPeerConnection
Let stream be the MediaStream
+ object that represents the media stream being removed, if any. If
+ there isn't one, then abort these steps.
By definition, stream is now ended.
+ + +A task is thus + queued to update + stream and fire an event.
Queue a task to run the following substeps:
+ + +If the connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these
+ steps.
Remove stream from connection's + remote streams set.
+Fire a stream event named
+ removestream
+ stream at the connection
+ object.
The task source for the tasks + listed in this section is the networking task source.
+ + +If something in the browser changes that causes the
object to need to initiate a new
+ session description negotiation, a RTCPeerConnection
event is fired at the
In particular, if an
object is
+ consuming a RTCPeerConnection
+ which a track is added, by, e.g., the addTrack()
+ method being invoked, the
+ MUST fire the "negotiationneeded" event. Removal of media components
+ must also trigger "negotiationneeded".RTCPeerConnection
To prevent network sniffing from allowing a fourth + party to establish a connection to a peer using the information sent + out-of-band to the other peer and thus spoofing the client, the + configuration information SHOULD always be transmitted using an + encrypted connection.
+[ Constructor (RTCConfiguration
+interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget {
+ void createOffer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback
successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
failureCallback, optional RTCOfferOptions
+ void createAnswer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback
successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
failureCallback, optional RTCOfferAnswerOptions
+ void setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription
description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
+ readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription
? localDescription;
+ void setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription
description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
+ readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription
? remoteDescription;
+ readonly attribute RTCSignalingState
+ void updateIce (RTCConfiguration
+ void addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate
candidate, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
+ readonly attribute RTCIceGatheringState
+ readonly attribute RTCIceConnectionState
+ RTCConfiguration
getConfiguration ();
+ sequence<MediaStream> getLocalStreams ();
+ sequence<MediaStream> getRemoteStreams ();
+ MediaStream? getStreamById (DOMString streamId);
+ void addStream (MediaStream stream);
+ void removeStream (MediaStream stream);
+ void close ();
+ attribute EventHandler onnegotiationneeded;
+ attribute EventHandler onicecandidate;
+ attribute EventHandler onsignalingstatechange;
+ attribute EventHandler onaddstream;
+ attribute EventHandler onremovestream;
+ attribute EventHandler oniceconnectionstatechange;
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
configuration |
| ✘ | ✘ |
of type RTCIceConnectionState
, readonly The iceConnectionState
+ attribute MUST return the state of the RTCPeerConnection
+ Agent ICE state.
of type RTCIceGatheringState
, readonly The iceGatheringState
+ attribute MUST return the gathering state of the RTCPeerConnection
+ Agent connection state.
of type RTCSessionDescription
, readonly , nullableThe localDescription
+ attribute MUST return the
+ that was most recently passed to RTCSessionDescription
+ plus any local candidates that have been generated by the ICE Agent
+ since then.
A null object will be returned if the local description has not + yet been set.
of type EventHandler, addstream
, MUST be fired by
+ all objects implementing the RTCPeerConnection
+ interface. It is called any time a MediaStream
is added
+ by the remote peer. This will be fired only as a result of
+ setRemoteDescription
. Onnaddstream happens as early as
+ possible after the setRemoteDescription
. This callback
+ does not wait for a given media stream to be accepted or rejected via
+ SDP negotiation.onicecandidate
of type EventHandler, icecandidate
, MUST be supported by
+ all objects implementing the RTCPeerConnection
+ interface.oniceconnectionstatechange
of type EventHandler, iceconnectionstatechange
+ MUST be fired by all objects implementing the
+ RTCPeerConnection
interface. It is called any
+ time the iceConnectionState changes.onnegotiationneeded
of type EventHandler, negotiationneeded
, MUST be supported
+ by all objects implementing the RTCPeerConnection
+ interface.onremovestream
of type EventHandler, removestream
, MUST be
+ fired by all objects implementing the
+ RTCPeerConnection
interface. It is called any
+ time a MediaStream
is removed by the remote peer. This
+ will be fired only as a result of
+ setRemoteDescription
of type EventHandler, signalingstatechange
+ be supported by all objects implementing the
+ RTCPeerConnection
interface. It is called any
+ time the readyState
changes, i.e., from a call to
+ setLocalDescription
, a call to
+ setRemoteDescription
, or code. It does not fire for the
+ initial state change into new
of type RTCSessionDescription
, readonly , nullableThe remoteDescription
+ attribute MUST return the
+ that was most recently passed to RTCSessionDescription
+ plus any remote candidates that have been supplied via
+ addIceCandidate()
+ since then.
A null object will be returned if the remote description has not + yet been set.
of type RTCSignalingState
, readonly The signalingState
+ attribute MUST return the RTCPeerConnection
+ object's RTCPeerConnection
+ signaling state.
The addIceCandidate()
+ method provides a remote candidate to the ICE Agent. In addition to
+ being added to the remote description, connectivity checks will be
+ sent to the new candidates as long as the ICE Transports setting is not
+ set to none
. This call will result in a change
+ to the connection state of the ICE Agent, and may result in a
+ change to media state if it results in different connectivity being
+ established.
If the candidate parameter is malformed, throw a
+ SyntaxError
exception and abort these steps.
If the candidate is successfully applied, the user agent MUST + queue a task to invoke successCallback.
+ + +If the candidate could not be successfully applied, the user
+ agent MUST queue a task to invoke failureCallback with a
+ DOMError
object whose name
attribute has
+ the value TBD (TODO InvalidCandidate and InvalidMidIndex).
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
candidate |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
successCallback | VoidFunction | ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ |
Adds a new stream to the RTCPeerConnection.
+ + +When the addStream()
method is invoked, the user agent MUST
+ run the following steps:
Let connection be the
object on which the
+ RTCPeerConnection
, stream, is to be
+ added.
If connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, throw an
+ InvalidStateError
exception and abort these
+ steps.
If stream is already in connection's + local streams set, then abort + these steps.
+Add stream to connection's local streams set.
+If connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is stable
, then fire a negotiationneeded event at
+ connection.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
stream | MediaStream | ✘ | ✘ |
When the RTCPeerConnection close()
method is invoked, the
+ user agent MUST run the following steps:
object's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState
is closed
, abort these steps.
+ Destroy the RTCPeerConnection
+ ICE Agent, abruptly ending any active ICE processing and
+ any active streaming, and releasing any relevant resources
+ (e.g. TURN permissions).
Set the object's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState to closed
The createAnswer method generates an [SDP] answer with the + supported configuration for the session that is compatible with the + parameters in the remote configuration. Like createOffer, the + returned blob contains descriptions of the local MediaStreams + attached to this RTCPeerConnection, the codec/RTP/RTCP options + negotiated for this session, and any candidates that have been + gathered by the ICE Agent. The options parameter may be + supplied to provide additional control over the generated + answer.
+ + +As an answer, the generated SDP will contain a specific + configuration that, along with the corresponding offer, specifies + how the media plane should be established. The generation of the + SDP must follow the appropriate process for generating an + answer.
+ + +Session descriptions generated by createAnswer must be + immediately usable by setLocalDescription without generating an + error if setLocalDescription is called from the successCallback + function. Like createOffer, the returned description should reflect + the current state of the system. The session descriptions MUST + remain usable by setLocalDescription without causing an error until + at least the end of the successCallback function. Calling this + method is needed to get the ICE user name fragment and + password.
+ + +An answer can be marked as provisional, as described in
+ [RTCWEB-JSEP], by setting the type
+ "pranswer"
If the RTCPeerConnection
is configured to generate
+ Identity assertions, then the session description SHALL contain an
+ appropriate assertion.
If this RTCPeerConnection
object is closed before
+ the SDP generation process completes, the USER agent MUST suppress
+ the result and not call any of the result callbacks.
If the SDP generation process completed successfully, the user
+ agent MUST queue a task to invoke successCallback with a
+ newly created
+ representing the generated answer, as its argument.RTCSessionDescription
If the SDP generation process failed for any reason, the user
+ agent MUST queue a task to invoke failureCallback with
+ an DOMError
object of type TBD as its argument.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
successCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
options |
| ✘ | ✔ |
The createOffer method generates a blob of SDP that contains an
+ RFC 3264 offer with the supported configurations for the session,
+ including descriptions of the local MediaStream
+ attached to this RTCPeerConnection
, the codec/RTP/RTCP
+ options supported by this implementation, and any candidates that
+ have been gathered by the ICE Agent. The options parameter may
+ be supplied to provide additional control over the offer generated.
As an offer, the generated SDP will contain the full set of + capabilities supported by the session (as opposed to an answer, + which will include only a specific negotiated subset to use); for + each SDP line, the generation of the SDP must follow the + appropriate process for generating an offer. In the event + createOffer is called after the session is established, createOffer + will generate an offer that is compatible with the current session, + incorporating any changes that have been made to the session since + the last complete offer-answer exchange, such as addition or + removal of streams. If no changes have been made, the offer will + include the capabilities of the current local description as well + as any additional capabilities that could be negotiated in an + updated offer.
+ + +Session descriptions generated by createOffer MUST be + immediately usable by setLocalDescription without causing an error + as long as setLocalDescription is called within the successCallback + function. If a system has limited resources (e.g. a finite number + of decoders), createOffer needs to return an offer that reflects + the current state of the system, so that setLocalDescription will + succeed when it attempts to acquire those resources. The session + descriptions MUST remain usable by setLocalDescription without + causing an error until at least end of the successCallback + function. Calling this method is needed to get the ICE user name + fragment and password.
+ + +If the RTCPeerConnection
is configured to generate
+ Identity assertions, then the session description SHALL contain an
+ appropriate assertion.
If this RTCPeerConnection
object is closed before
+ the SDP generation process completes, the USER agent MUST suppress
+ the result and not call any of the result callbacks.
If the SDP generation process completed successfully, the user
+ agent MUST queue a task to invoke successCallback with a
+ newly created
+ representing the generated offer, as its argument.RTCSessionDescription
If the SDP generation process failed for any reason, the user
+ agent MUST queue a task to invoke failureCallback with
+ an DOMError
object of type TBD as its argument.
To Do: Discuss privacy aspects of this from a fingerprinting + point of view - it's probably around as bad as access to a canvas + :-)
+Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
successCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
options |
| ✘ | ✔ |
Returns a
object representing the current configuration of this RTCConfiguration
When this method is call, the user agent MUST construct new
object to be returned, and initialize it using the ICE Agent's ICE transports setting and ICE servers list.RTCConfiguration
Returns a sequence of MediaStream
+ representing the streams that are currently sent with this
The getLocalStreams()
+ method MUST return a new sequence that represents a snapshot of all
+ the MediaStream
objects in this
object’s local streams set. The conversion from the
+ streams set to the sequence, to be returned, is user agent defined
+ and the order does not have to stable between calls.RTCPeerConnection
Returns a sequence of MediaStream
+ representing the streams that are currently received with this
The getRemoteStreams()
+ method MUST return a new sequence that represents a snapshot of all
+ the MediaStream
objects in this
object’s remote streams set. The conversion from
+ the streams set to the sequence, to be returned, is user agent
+ defined and the order does not have to stable between calls.RTCPeerConnection
If a MediaStream
object, with an
+ id
+ equal to streamId, exists in this
object’s stream sets
+ (local streams set or remote streams set), then the RTCPeerConnection
+ method MUST return that MediaStream
object. The
+ method MUST return null if no stream matches the
+ streamId argument.
For this method to make sense, we need to make sure that ids + are unique within the two stream sets of a RTCPeerConnection. + This is not the case today when a peer re-adds a stream that is + received. Two different stream instances will now have the same + id at both peers; one in the remote stream set and one in the + local stream set.
+ + +One way to resolve this is to not allow re-adding a stream + instance that is received (guard on id). If an application really + needs this functionality it's really easy to make a clone of the + stream, which will give it a new id, and send the clone.
+Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
streamId | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ |
, nullableremoveStream
Removes the given stream from the
When the other peer stops sending a stream in this manner, a
+ removestream
event is
+ fired at the
When the removeStream()
method is invoked, the user agent
+ MUST run the following steps:
Let connection be the
object on which the
+ RTCPeerConnection
, stream, is to be
+ removed.
If connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, throw an
+ InvalidStateError
If stream is not in connection's + local streams set, then abort + these steps.
+Remove stream from connection's + local streams set.
+If connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is stable
, then fire a negotiationneeded event at
+ connection.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
stream | MediaStream | ✘ | ✘ |
The setLocalDescription()
+ method instructs the
to apply
+ the supplied RTCPeerConnection
as the local
+ description.RTCSessionDescription
This API changes the local media state. In order to successfully
+ handle scenarios where the application wants to offer to change
+ from one media format to a different, incompatible format, the
must be able to
+ simultaneously support use of both the old and new local
+ descriptions (e.g. support codecs that exist in both descriptions)
+ until a final answer is received, at which point the
+ RTCPeerConnection
can fully adopt the new local
+ description, or rollback to the old description if the remote side
+ denied the change.RTCPeerConnection
ISSUE: how to indicate to rollback?
To Do: specify what parts of the SDP can be changed between the + createOffer and setLocalDescription
+ + +When the method is invoked, the user agent must follow the + processing model described by + the following list:
+ + +If this
+ signaling
+ state is RTCPeerConnection
, the user agent MUST throw an
+ InvalidStateError
exception and abort this
+ operation.
If a local description contains a different set of ICE + credentials, then the ICE Agent MUST trigger an ICE restart. + When ICE restarts, the gathering state will be changed back to + "gathering", if it was not already gathering. If the + IceConnectionState was "completed", it will be changed back to + "connected".
+If the process to apply the
argument fails for
+ any reason, then user agent must queue a task runs the
+ following steps:RTCSessionDescription
Let connection be the
object on with this
+ method was invoked.RTCPeerConnection
If connection's signaling state
+ is closed
, then abort these steps.
If the reason for the failure is:
+ + +The content of the
argument is
+ invalid or the RTCSessionDescription
+ wrong for the current signaling
+ state of connection.
Let errorType be
+ InvalidSessionDescriptionError
is a
+ valid description but cannot be applied at the media
+ layer.RTCSessionDescription
TODO ISSUE - next few points are probably wrong. + Make sure to check this in setRemote too.
+ + +This can happen, e.g., if there are insufficient + resources to apply the SDP. The user agent MUST then + rollback as necessary if the new description was + partially applied when the failure occurred.
+ + +If rollback was not necessary or was completed
+ successfully, let errorType be
+ IncompatibleSessionDescriptionError
. If
+ rollback was not possible, let errorType be
+ InternalError
and set
+ connection's signaling
+ state to closed
Invoke the failureCallback with an
+ DOMError
object, whose name
+ attribute is errorType, as its argument.
If the
argument is
+ applied successfully, then user agent must queue a task runs
+ the following steps:RTCSessionDescription
Let connection be the
object on with this
+ metod was invoked.RTCPeerConnection
If connection's signaling state
+ is closed
, then abort these steps.
Set connection's description attribute
+ (localDescription
+ remoteDescription
depending on the
+ setting operation) to the
If the local description was set,
+ connection's ice gathering
+ state is new
, and the local description
+ contains media, then set connection's ice gathering
+ state to gathering
If the local description was set with content that
+ caused an ICE restart, then set connection's
+ ice
+ gathering state to gathering
Set connection's signalingState + accordingly.
+Fire a simple event named signalingstatechange
+ at connection.
Queue a new task that, if connection's
+ signalingState is
+ not closed
, invokes the
+ successCallback.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
description |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
successCallback | VoidFunction | ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ |
The setRemoteDescription()
+ method instructs the
to apply
+ the supplied RTCPeerConnection
as the
+ remote offer or answer. This API changes the local media state.RTCSessionDescription
If a=identity
attributes are present, the browser
+ verifies the identity following the procedures in [TODO REF to
+ sec.identity-proxy-assertion-request].
If any tracks on the RTCPeerConnection have a
+ peerIdentity constraint and either the RTCPeerConnection
+ connection has no peer identity or that identity is not equal to
+ the specified peerIdentity, the user agent MUST queue a
+ task to invoke failureCallback with a
+ DOMError
object whose name
attribute has
+ the value IncompatibleConstraintsError
. Media must not
+ be transmitted to the other side in this case.
Open Issue: + Waiting for Martin to see if the above should send black instead of + doing what is above.
When the method is invoked, the user agent must follow the
+ processing model of
+ setLocalDescription()
+ .
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
description |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
successCallback | VoidFunction | ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ |
The updateIce method updates the ICE Agent process of gathering + local candidates and pinging remote candidates.
+ + +This call may result in a change to the state of the ICE Agent, + and may result in a change to media state if it results in + connectivity being established.
+ + +When the updateIce()
+ method is invoked, the user MUST run the following steps to
+ process the
If the iceTransports member + is present, let its value be the ICE Agent's ICE transports setting.
+If the iceTransports member + was omitted and the ICE Agent's ICE transports setting is unset, + set the ICE Agent's ICE transports setting to the iceTransports + dictionary member default value.
+If the iceServers dictionary
+ member is present, but its value is an empty list, then throw
+ an InvalidAccessError
and abort these steps. If
+ the list, on the other hand, has elements, each element must be
+ validated by running the following sub-steps:
Let server be the current list element.
+If the server.urls dictionary member is
+ omitted or an empty list, then throw an
+ InvalidAccessError
and abort these steps.
If server.urls is a string, let + urls be a list consisting of just that string. + Otherwise, let urls refer to the + server.urls list.
+For each url in urls, parse the url and
+ obtain scheme name. If the parsing fails or if
+ scheme name is not implemented by the browser,
+ throw a SyntaxError
and abort these steps.
If scheme name is "turn" and either of the
+ dictionary members server.username or
+ server.credential are omitted, then throw an
+ InvalidAccessError
and abort these steps.
After passing the validation, let the iceServers + dictionary member be the ICE Agent's ICE servers list.
+ +If a new list of servers replaces the ICE Agent's existing
+ ICE servers list, no action will taken until the
's ice gathering
+ state transitions to RTCPeerConnection
. If a script
+ wants this to happen immediately, it should do an ICE restart.
If the iceServers dictionary
+ member was omitted, and the ICE Agent's ICE servers list is unset, throw an
+ InvalidAccessError
and abort these steps.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
configuration |
| ✘ | ✘ |
A Window
object has a strong reference to any
objects created from the
+ constructor whose global object is that RTCPeerConnection
enum RTCSignalingState {
+ "stable",
+ "have-local-offer",
+ "have-remote-offer",
+ "have-local-pranswer",
+ "have-remote-pranswer",
+ "closed"
Enumeration description | |
stable | There is no offeranswer exchange in progress. This is also the + initial state in which case the local and remote descriptions are + empty. |
have-local-offer | A local description, of type "offer", has been successfully + applied. |
have-remote-offer | A remote description, of type "offer", has been successfully + applied. |
have-local-pranswer | A remote description of type "offer" has been successfully + applied and a local description of type "pranswer" has been + successfully applied. |
have-remote-pranswer | A local description of type "offer" has been successfully applied + and a remote description of type "pranswer" has been successfully + applied. |
closed | The connection is closed. |
The non-normative peer state transitions are:
An example set of transitions might be:
+ + +Caller transition:
+ + +stable
Callee transition:
+ + +stable
enum RTCIceGatheringState {
+ "new",
+ "gathering",
+ "complete"
Enumeration description | |
new | The object was just created, and no networking has occurred + yet. |
gathering | The ICE engine is in the process of gathering candidates for this + RTCPeerConnection. |
complete | The ICE engine has completed gathering. Events such as adding a + new interface or a new TURN server will cause the state to go back to + gathering. |
enum RTCIceConnectionState {
+ "new",
+ "checking",
+ "connected",
+ "completed",
+ "failed",
+ "disconnected",
+ "closed"
Enumeration description | |
new | The ICE Agent is gathering addresses and/or waiting for remote + candidates to be supplied. |
checking | The ICE Agent has received remote candidates on at least one + component, and is checking candidate pairs but has not yet found a + connection. In addition to checking, it may also still be + gathering. |
connected | The ICE Agent has found a usable connection for all components + but is still checking other candidate pairs to see if there is a + better connection. It may also still be gathering. |
completed | The ICE Agent has finished gathering and checking and found a + connection for all components. Open issue: it is not clear how the + non controlling ICE side knows it is in the state. |
failed | The ICE Agent is finished checking all candidate pairs and failed + to find a connection for at least one component. Connections may have + been found for some components. |
disconnected | Liveness checks have failed for one or more components. This is
+ more aggressive than failed , and may trigger
+ intermittently (and resolve itself without action) on a flaky
+ network. |
closed | The ICE Agent has shut down and is no longer responding to STUN + requests. |
States take either the value of any component or all components, as + outlined below:
+ + +checking
occurs if ANY component has received a
+ candidate and can start checkingconnected
occurs if ALL components have established
+ a working connectioncompleted
occurs if ALL components have finalized
+ the running of their ICE processesfailed
occurs if ANY component has given up trying
+ to connectdisconnected
occurs if ANY component has failed
+ liveness checksclosed
occurs only if
+ RTCPeerConnection.close()
has been called.If a component is discarded as a result of signaling (e.g. RTCP mux
+ or BUNDLE), the state may advance directly from checking
+ to completed
An example transition might look like:
+ + +new
, remote candidates received):
+ checking
, found usable connection):
+ connected
, gave up): failed
, finished all checks):
+ completed
, lost connectivity):
+ disconnected
The non-normative ICE state transitions are:
callback RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback = void (DOMError error);
of type DOMErrorErrors are indicated in two ways: exceptions and objects passed to
+ error callbacks. Exceptions are thrown to indicate invalid state and
+ other programming errors. For example when a method is called when the
is in an invalid state, or a
+ state in which that particular method is not allowed to be executed. In
+ all other cases, an error object MUST be provided to the error
+ callback.RTCPeerConnection
interface RTCSdpError : DOMError {
+ readonly attribute long sdpLineNumber;
of type long, readonly RTCSessionDescription
+ at which the error was encountered.Ask the DOM team to extend their list with the following errors. + The error names and their descriptions are directly copied from the + old RTCErrorName enum and might need some adjustment before being + added to the public list of errors.
+ + +The RTCSdpType enum describes the type of an
enum RTCSdpType {
+ "offer",
+ "pranswer",
+ "answer"
Enumeration description | |
offer |
+ An RTCSdpType of "offer" indicates that a description should be + treated as an [SDP] offer. + |
pranswer |
+ An RTCSdpType of "pranswer" indicates that a description should + be treated as an [SDP] answer, but not a final answer. A + description used as an SDP "pranswer" may be applied as a response + to a SDP offer, or an update to a previously sent SDP + "pranswer". + |
answer |
+ An RTCSdpType of "answer" indicates that a description should be + treated as an [SDP] final answer, and the offer-answer exchange + should be considered complete. A description used as an SDP answer + may be applied as a response to an SDP offer or as an update to a + previously sent SDP "pranswer". + |
dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit {
+ RTCSdpType
+ DOMString sdp;
[ Constructor (optional RTCSessionDescriptionInit
+interface RTCSessionDescription {
+ attribute RTCSdpType
? type;
+ attribute DOMString? sdp;
+ serializer = {attribute};
+ constructor takes an optional dictionary argument,
+ descriptionInitDict, whose content is used to initialize
+ the new RTCSessionDescription
object. If a
+ dictionary key is not present in descriptionInitDict, the
+ corresponding attribute will be initialized to null. If the
+ constructor is run without the dictionary argument, all attributes
+ will be initialized to null. This class is a future extensible
+ carrier for the data contained in it and does not perform any
+ substantive processing.Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
descriptionInitDict |
| ✘ | ✔ |
of type DOMString, , nullabletype
of type RTCSdpType
, , nullableInstances of this interface are serialized as a map with entries for each of the serializable attributes.
of type DOMStringtype
of type RTCSdpType
callback RTCSessionDescriptionCallback = void (RTCSessionDescription
of type RTCSessionDescription
This class is a future extensible carrier for the data contained in + it and does not perform any substantive processing.
+ + +dictionary RTCIceCandidateInit {
+ DOMString candidate;
+ DOMString sdpMid;
+ unsigned short sdpMLineIndex;
[ Constructor (optional RTCIceCandidateInit
+interface RTCIceCandidate {
+ attribute DOMString? candidate;
+ attribute DOMString? sdpMid;
+ attribute unsigned short? sdpMLineIndex;
+ serializer = {attribute};
+ takes an optional dictionary argument, candidateInitDict,
+ whose content is used to initialize the new
+ RTCIceCandidate
object. If a dictionary key is
+ not present in candidateInitDict, the corresponding
+ attribute will be initialized to null. If the constructor is run
+ without the dictionary argument, all attributes will be initialized
+ to null.Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
candidateInitDict |
| ✘ | ✔ |
of type DOMString, , nullablesdpMLineIndex
of type unsigned short, , nullablesdpMid
of type DOMString, , nullableInstances of this interface are serialized as a map with entries for each of the serializable attributes.
of type DOMStringsdpMLineIndex
of type unsigned shortsdpMid
of type DOMStringThe icecandidate
event of the RTCPeerConnection uses
+ the
Firing an
event named
+ e with an RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
+ candidate means that an event with the name e,
+ which does not bubble (except where otherwise stated) and is not
+ cancelable (except where otherwise stated), and which uses the
+ RTCIceCandidate
interface with the
+ candidate
attribute set to the new ICE candidate, MUST be
+ created and dispatched at the given target.
dictionary RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit : EventInit {
+ RTCIceCandidate
[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit
+interface RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent : Event {
+ readonly attribute RTCIceCandidate
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
type | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
eventInitDict |
| ✘ | ✘ |
of type RTCIceCandidate
, readonly The candidate
attribute is the
object with the new ICE
+ candidate that caused the event.RTCIceCandidate
of type RTCIceCandidate
+The Peer-to-peer Data API lets a web application send and receive + generic application data peer-to-peer. The API for sending and receiving + data models the behavior of WebSockets [WEBSOCKETS-API].
+ + +The Peer-to-peer data API extends the
interface as described below.RTCPeerConnection
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
+ RTCDataChannel
createDataChannel ([TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString label, optional RTCDataChannelInit
+ attribute EventHandler ondatachannel;
of type EventHandler, datachannel
, MUST be supported by all
+ objects implementing the RTCPeerConnection
+ interface.createDataChannel
Creates a new
object with the
+ given label. The RTCDataChannel
+ can be used to configure properties of the underlying channel such as
+ data reliability.RTCDataChannelInit
When the createDataChannel()
+ method is invoked, the user agent MUST run the following steps.
If the
object’s RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, throw an
+ InvalidStateError
exception and abort these
+ steps.
Let channel be a newly created
Initialize channel's label
attribute to the value
+ of the first argument.
If the second (dictionary) argument is present, set
+ channel's ordered
, maxRetransmitTime
+ maxRetransmits
+ protocol
+ negotiated
+ and id
+ to the values of their corresponding dictionary members (if
+ present in the dictionary).
If both the maxRetransmitTime
+ and maxRetransmits
+ attributes are set (not null), then throw a
+ SyntaxError
exception and abort these steps.
If an attribute, either maxRetransmitTime
+ or maxRetransmits
, has
+ been set to indicate unreliable mode, and that value exceeds the
+ maximum value supported by the user agent, the value must be set
+ to the user agents maximum value.
If id
+ is uninitialized (not set via the dictionary), initialize it to a
+ value generated by the user agent, according to the WebRTC
+ DataChannel Protocol specification, and skip to the next step.
+ Otherwise, if the value of the id
attribute is taken by an
+ existing
, throw a
+ RTCDataChannel
exception and abort these steps.
Return channel and continue the following steps in + the background.
+Create channel's associated underlying data + transport and configure it according to the relevant + properties of channel.
+Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
label | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
dataChannelDict |
| ✘ | ✔ |
interface represents a
+ bi-directional data channel between two peers. A
+ RTCDataChannel
is created via a factory method on an
+ RTCDataChannel
There are two ways to establish a connection with
. The first way is to simply create a
+ RTCDataChannel
at one of the peers with the
+ RTCDataChannel
dictionary member unset or set to
+ its default value false. This will announce the new channel in-band and
+ trigger a RTCDataChannelInit
with the corresponding
+ RTCDataChannelEvent
object at the other peer. The second
+ way is to let the application negotiate the
+ RTCDataChannel
. To do this, create a
+ RTCDataChannel
object with the RTCDataChannel
dictionary member set to true, and
+ signal out-of-band (e.g. via a web server) to the other side that it
+ should create a corresponding RTCDataChannelInit
with the
+ RTCDataChannel
dictionary member set to true and
+ the same RTCDataChannelInit
. This will
+ connect the two separately created
+ objects. The second way makes it possible to create channels with
+ asymmetric properties and to create channels in a declarative way by
+ specifying matching RTCDataChannel
has an associated
+ underlying data transport that is used to transport actual
+ data to the other peer. The transport properties of the underlying
+ data transport, such as in order delivery settings and reliability
+ mode, are configured by the peer as the channel is created. The
+ properties of a channel cannot change after the channel has been created.
+ The actual wire protocol between the peers is specified by the WebRTC
+ DataChannel Protocol specification (TODO: reference needed).RTCDataChannel
can be configured to operate in
+ different reliability modes. A reliable channel ensures that the data is
+ delivered at the other peer through retransmissions. An unreliable
+ channel is configured to either limit the number of retransmissions
+ (RTCDataChannel
) or
+ set a time during which retransmissions are allowed (maxRetransmitTime
+ These properties can not be used simultaneously and an attempt to do so
+ will result in an error. Not setting any of these properties results in a
+ reliable channel.
, created with RTCDataChannel
+ dispatched via a
, MUST initially
+ be in the RTCDataChannelEvent
state. When the
object’s underlying data
+ transport is ready, the user agent MUST announce the RTCDataChannel
+ open.
When the user agent is to announce
+ a RTCDataChannel
as open, the user agent MUST queue a
+ task to run the following steps:
If the associated
+ RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these steps.
Let channel be the
+ object to be announced.RTCDataChannel
Set channel's readyState
attribute to
+ open
Fire a simple event named open
at channel.
When an underlying data transport is to be announced (the other
+ peer created a channel with negotiated
unset or set
+ to false), the user agent of the peer that did not initiate the creation
+ process MUST queue a task to run the following steps:
If the associated
+ RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these steps.
Let channel be a newly created
Let configuration be an information bundle received + from the other peer as a part of the process to establish the + underlying data transport described by the WebRTC DataChannel + Protocol specification.
+Initialize channel's label
, ordered
, maxRetransmitTime
+ maxRetransmits
+ protocol
+ negotiated
+ id
attributes to their
+ corresponding values in configuration.
Set channel's readyState
attribute to
+ connecting
Fire a datachannel event named datachannel
with channel
+ at the
object's underlying data
+ transport may be torn down in a non-abrupt manner by running the
+ closing procedure. When
+ that happens the user agent MUST, unless the procedure was initiated by
+ the RTCDataChannel
+ queue a task that sets the object's readyState
attribute to
+ closing
. This will eventually render the data transport closed.
When a
object's underlying data
+ transport has been closed, the
+ user agent MUST queue a task to run the following steps:RTCDataChannel
Let channel be the
+ object whose transport
+ was closed.RTCDataChannel
Set channel's readyState
attribute to
+ closed
If the transport was + closed with an error, + fire an NetworkError event at channel.
+Fire a simple event named close
+ channel.
dictionary RTCDataChannelInit {
+ boolean ordered = true;
+ unsigned short maxRetransmitTime;
+ unsigned short maxRetransmits;
+ DOMString protocol = "";
+ boolean negotiated = false;
+ unsigned short id;
interface RTCDataChannel : EventTarget {
+ readonly attribute DOMString label;
+ readonly attribute boolean ordered;
+ readonly attribute unsigned? maxRetransmitTime;
+ readonly attribute unsigned? maxRetransmits;
+ readonly attribute DOMString protocol;
+ readonly attribute boolean negotiated;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short id;
+ readonly attribute RTCDataChannelState
+ readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount;
+ attribute EventHandler onopen;
+ attribute EventHandler onerror;
+ attribute EventHandler onclose;
+ void close ();
+ attribute EventHandler onmessage;
+ attribute DOMString binaryType;
+ void send (DOMString data);
+ void send (Blob data);
+ void send (ArrayBuffer data);
+ void send (ArrayBufferView data);
of type DOMString, The binaryType
+ MUST, on getting, return the value to which it was last set. On
+ setting, the user agent must set the IDL attribute to the new value.
+ When a
object is created, the
+ RTCDataChannel
+ attribute MUST be initialized to the string "blob
This attribute controls how binary data is exposed to scripts. See + the [WEBSOCKETS-API] for more information.
of type unsigned long, readonly The bufferedAmount
+ attribute MUST return the number of bytes of application data (UTF-8
+ text and binary data) that have been queued using send()
but that, as of the last
+ time the event loop started executing a task, had not yet been
+ transmitted to the network. (This thus includes any text sent during
+ the execution of the current task, regardless of whether the user
+ agent is able to transmit text asynchronously with script execution.)
+ This does not include framing overhead incurred by the protocol, or
+ buffering done by the operating system or network hardware. If the
+ channel is closed, this attribute's value will only increase with
+ each call to the send()
method (the attribute does
+ not reset to zero once the channel closes).
of type unsigned short, readonly The RTCDataChannel.id
+ returns the id for this
. The id
+ was either assigned by the user agent at channel creation time or
+ selected by the script. The attribute MUST return the value to which
+ it was set when the RTCDataChannel
+ created.RTCDataChannel
of type DOMString, readonly The RTCDataChannel.label
+ attribute represents a label that can be used to distinguish this
object from other
+ RTCDataChannel
objects. The attribute MUST return
+ the value to which it was set when the
+ RTCDataChannel
object was created.RTCDataChannel
of type unsigned, readonly , nullableThe RTCDataChannel.maxRetransmitTime
+ attribute returns the length of the time window (in milliseconds)
+ during which retransmissions may occur in unreliable mode, or null if
+ unset. The attribute MUST be initialized to null by default and MUST
+ return the value to which it was set when the
was created.RTCDataChannel
of type unsigned, readonly , nullableThe RTCDataChannel.maxRetransmits
+ attribute returns the maximum number of retransmissions that are
+ attempted in unreliable mode, or null if unset. The attribute MUST be
+ initialized to null by default and MUST return the value to which it
+ was set when the
was created.RTCDataChannel
of type boolean, readonly The RTCDataChannel.negotiated
+ attribute returns true if this
+ negotiated by the application, or false otherwise. The attribute MUST
+ be initialized to false by default and MUST return the value to which
+ it was set when the RTCDataChannel
+ created.RTCDataChannel
of type EventHandler, close
, MUST be supported by all
+ objects implementing the RTCDataChannel
+ interface.onerror
of type EventHandler, error
, MUST be supported by all
+ objects implementing the RTCDataChannel
+ interface.onmessage
of type EventHandler, message
,MUST be supported by
+ all objects implementing the RTCDataChannel
+ interface.onopen
of type EventHandler, open
, MUST be supported by all
+ objects implementing the RTCDataChannel
+ interface.ordered
of type boolean, readonly The RTCDataChannel.ordered
+ attribute returns true if the
+ ordered, and false if other of order delivery is allowed. The
+ attribute MUST be initialized to true by default and MUST return the
+ value to which it was set when the RTCDataChannel
+ was created.RTCDataChannel
of type DOMString, readonly The RTCDataChannel.protocol
+ attribute returns the name of the sub-protocol used with this
if any, or the empty string
+ otherwise. The attribute MUST be initialized to the empty string by
+ default and MUST return the value to which it was set when the
+ RTCDataChannel
was created.RTCDataChannel
of type RTCDataChannelState
, readonly The RTCDataChannel.readyState
+ attribute represents the state of the RTCDataChannel
+ object. It MUST return the value to which the user agent last set it
+ (as defined by the processing model algorithms).
Closes the
. It may be called
+ regardless of whether the RTCDataChannel
+ was created by this peer or the remote peer.RTCDataChannel
When the RTCDataChannel
+ close()
method is called, the user agent MUST run the
+ following steps:
Let channel be the
object which is about to be
+ closed.RTCDataChannel
If channel's readyState
+ closing
or closed
, then abort these
+ steps.
Set channel's readyState
attribute to
+ closing
If the closing procedure
+ has not started yet, start it.
Run the steps described by the send()
algorithm with argument
+ type string
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
data | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ |
Run the steps described by the send()
algorithm with argument
+ type Blob
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
data | Blob | ✘ | ✘ |
Run the steps described by the send()
algorithm with argument
+ type ArrayBuffer
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
data | ArrayBuffer | ✘ | ✘ |
Run the steps described by the send()
algorithm with argument
+ type ArrayBufferView
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
data | ArrayBufferView | ✘ | ✘ |
of type unsigned shortOverrides the default selection of id for this channel.
of type unsigned shortLimits the time during which the channel will retransmit data if + not successfully delivered. This value may be clamped if it exceeds + the maximum value supported by the user agent.
of type unsigned shortLimits the number of times a channel will retransmit data if not + successfully delivered. This value may be clamped if it exceeds the + maximum value supported by the user agent..
of type boolean, defaulting to false
The default value of false tells the user agent to announce the
+ channel in-band and instruct the other peer to dispatch a
+ corresponding
object. If set to
+ true, it is up to the application to negotiate the channel and create
+ a RTCDataChannel
object with the same
+ RTCDataChannel
at the other
+ peer.
of type boolean, defaulting to true
If set to false, data is allowed to be delivered out of order. The + default value of true, guarantees that data will be delivered in + order.
of type DOMString, defaulting to ""
Subprotocol name used for this channel.
+The send()
method is
+ overloaded to handle different data argument types. When any version of
+ the method is called, the user agent MUST run the following steps:
Let channel be the
+ object on which data is to be sent.RTCDataChannel
If channel’s readyState
+ is connecting
, throw an InvalidStateError
+ exception and abort these steps.
Execute the sub step that corresponds to the type of the methods + argument:
+ + +string
Let data be the result of converting the argument
+ object to a sequence of Unicode characters and increase the
+ bufferedAmount
+ attribute by the number of bytes needed to express
+ data as UTF-8.
Let data be the raw data represented by the
+ Blob
object and increase the bufferedAmount
+ attribute by the size of data, in bytes.
Let data be the data stored in the buffer described
+ by the ArrayBuffer
object and increase the
+ bufferedAmount
+ attribute by the length of the ArrayBuffer
+ bytes.
Let data be the data stored in the section of the
+ buffer described by the ArrayBuffer
object that the
+ ArrayBufferView
object references and increase the
+ bufferedAmount
+ attribute by the length of the ArrayBufferView
+ bytes.
If channel’s underlying data transport is not
+ established yet, or if the closing procedure
+ started, then abort these steps.
Attempt to send data on channel’s + underlying data transport; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. + because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full, the user + agent MUST abruptly close + channel’s underlying data transport with an error.
+enum RTCDataChannelState {
+ "connecting",
+ "open",
+ "closing",
+ "closed"
Enumeration description | |
connecting |
+ The user agent is attempting to establish the underlying data
+ transport. This is the initial state of a
+ |
open |
+ The underlying data transport is established and
+ communication is possible. This is the initial state of a
+ |
closing |
+ The |
closed |
+ The underlying data transport has been |
The datachannel
+ uses the
Firing a datachannel event named
+ e with a
+ channel means that an event with the name e, which
+ does not bubble (except where otherwise stated) and is not cancelable
+ (except where otherwise stated), and which uses the
+ RTCDataChannel
interface with the RTCDataChannelEvent
attribute set to
+ channel, MUST be created and dispatched at the given
+ target.
dictionary RTCDataChannelEventInit : EventInit {
+ RTCDataChannel
[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCDataChannelEventInit
+interface RTCDataChannelEvent : Event {
+ readonly attribute RTCDataChannel
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
type | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
eventInitDict |
| ✘ | ✘ |
of type RTCDataChannel
, readonly The channel
+ represents the
object associated
+ with the event.RTCDataChannel
of type RTCDataChannel
object MUST not be garbage
+ collected if itsRTCDataChannel
+ is connecting
and at least one event listener is
+ registered for open
events, message
+ error
events, or close
+ is open
and at least one event listener is registered
+ for message
events, error
events, or
+ close
+ is closing
and at least one event listener is registered
+ for error
events, or close
underlying data transport is established and data is queued + to be transmitted.
+In order to send DTMF (phone keypad) values across an
, the user agent needs to know which
+ RTCPeerConnection
on which
will carry the DTMF. This section
+ describes an interface on RTCPeerConnection
+ associate DTMF capability with a RTCPeerConnection
+ that
The Peer-to-peer DTMF API extends the
interface as described below.RTCPeerConnection
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
createDTMFSender (MediaStreamTrack track);
The createDTMFSender() method creates an RTCDTMFSender
+ that references the given MediaStreamTrack. The MediaStreamTrack MUST
+ be an element of a MediaStream that's currently in the
object's local streams set; if not, throw an
+ RTCPeerConnection
exception and abort these steps.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
track | MediaStreamTrack | ✘ | ✘ |
is created by calling the
method on an
. This constructs an object that
+ exposes the functions required to send DTMF on the given
+ RTCPeerConnection
+interface RTCDTMFSender {
+ readonly attribute boolean canInsertDTMF;
+ void insertDTMF (DOMString tones, optional long duration, optional long interToneGap);
+ readonly attribute MediaStreamTrack track;
+ attribute EventHandler ontonechange;
+ readonly attribute DOMString toneBuffer;
+ readonly attribute long duration;
+ readonly attribute long interToneGap;
of type boolean, readonly The canInsertDTMF
+ attribute MUST indicate if the
+ capable of sending DTMF.RTCDTMFSender
of type long, readonly The duration
+ MUST return the current tone duration value. This value will be the
+ value last set via the insertDTMF()
method, or
+ the default value of 100 ms if insertDTMF()
+ called without specifying the duration.
of type long, readonly The interToneGap
+ attribute MUST return the current value of the between-tone gap. This
+ value will be the value last set via the
+ insertDTMF()
method, or the default value of 50
+ ms if insertDTMF()
was called without specifying
+ the interToneGap.
of type EventHandler, This event handler uses the
interface to return the
+ character for each tone as it is played out. See
+ RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
for details.RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
of type DOMString, readonly The toneBuffer
+ attribute MUST return a list of the tones remaining to be played out.
+ For the syntax, content, and interpretation of this list, see
+ insertDTMF
of type MediaStreamTrack, readonly The track
attribute MUST return the
+ MediaStreamTrack
given as argument to the
+ createDTMFSender()
object’s RTCDTMFSender
+ is used to send DTMF tones.
The tones parameter is treated as a series of characters. The + characters 0 through 9, A through D, #, and * generate the associated + DTMF tones. The characters a to d are equivalent to A to D. The + character ',' indicates a delay of 2 seconds before processing the + next character in the tones parameter. Unrecognized characters are + ignored.
+ + +The duration parameter indicates the duration in ms to use for + each character passed in the tones parameters. The duration cannot be + more than 6000 ms or less than 40 ms. The default duration is 100 ms + for each tone.
+ + +The interToneGap parameter indicates the gap between tones. It + MUST be at least 30 ms. The default value is 70 ms.
+ + +The browser MAY increase the duration and interToneGap times to + cause the times that DTMF start and stop to align with the boundaries + of RTP packets but it MUST not increase either of them by more than + the duration of a single RTP audio packet.
+ + +ISSUE: How are invalid values handled?
When the insertDTMF()
method is invoked, the
+ user agent MUST run the following steps:
is not
+ connected to the associated RTCPeerConnection
+ return.canInsertDTMF
+ attribute is false, return.toneBuffer
attribute to
+ the value of the tones argument, the value of the
+ duration
+ attribute to the duration argument if specified, and the
+ value of the interToneGap
to the
+ interToneGap argument, if specified.toneBuffer
is an empty
+ string, return.toneBuffer
is an
+ empty string, fire an event named tonechange
with an
+ empty string at the RTCDTMFSender
+ and abort these steps.toneBuffer
and let
+ that character be tone.duration
ms on the
+ associated RTP media stream, using the appropriate codec.duration
+ interToneGap
+ from now that runs the steps labelled Playout
+ task.tonechange
with a
+ string consisting of tone at the
object.Calling insertDTMF()
with an empty
+ tones parameter can be used to cancel all tones queued to play after
+ the currently playing tone.
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
tones | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
duration | long | ✘ | ✔ | |
interToneGap | long | ✘ | ✔ |
The tonechange
event uses the
Firing a tonechange event named
+ e with a DOMString
tone means
+ that an event with the name e, which does not bubble (except
+ where otherwise stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise
+ stated), and which uses the
+ interface with the RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
attribute set to
+ tone, MUST be created and dispatched at the given target.
dictionary RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit : EventInit {
+ DOMString tone;
[ Constructor (DOMString type, RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit
+interface RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent : Event {
+ readonly attribute DOMString tone;
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
type | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
eventInitDict |
| ✘ | ✘ |
of type DOMString, readonly The tone
+ attribute contains the character for the tone that has just begun
+ playout (see insertDTMF()
). If the value is the
+ empty string, it indicates that the previous tone has completed
+ playback.
of type DOMStringTODO
+The basic statistics model is that the browser maintains a set of
+ statistics referenced by a selector. The
+ selector may, for example, be a MediaStreamTrack
. For a
+ track to be a valid selector, it must be a member of a
+ MediaStream
that is sent or received by the
object on which the stats request
+ was issued. The calling Web application provides the selector to the
+ RTCPeerConnection
+ and the browser emits (in the JavaScript) a set of statistics that it
+ believes is relevant to the selector.
The statistics returned are designed in such a way that repeated
+ queries can be linked by the
id dictionary member. Thus, a Web application can
+ make measurements over a given time period by requesting measurements at
+ the beginning and end of that period.RTCStats
The Statistics API extends the
+ interface as described below.RTCPeerConnection
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
+ void getStats (MediaStreamTrack? selector, RTCStatsCallback
successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback
Gathers stats for the given selector + and reports the result asynchronously.
+ + +When the getStats()
method is
+ invoked, the user agent MUST queue a task to run the following
+ steps:
If the
object's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, throw an
+ InvalidStateError
Return, but continue the following steps in the + background.
+Let selectorArg be the methods first argument.
+If selectorArg is an invalid selector, the user agent MUST queue a task + to invoke the failure callback (the method's third argument).
+Start gathering the stats indicated by selectorArg.
+ In case selectorArg is null, stats MUST be gathered
+ for the whole
When the relevant stats have been gathered, queue a task to
+ invoke the success callback (the method's second argument) with a
+ new
object, representing the
+ gathered stats, as its argument.RTCStatsReport
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
selector | MediaStreamTrack | ✔ | ✘ | |
successCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ | |
failureCallback |
| ✘ | ✘ |
callback RTCStatsCallback = void (RTCStatsReport
of type RTCStatsReport
representing the gathered
+ stats.RTCStatsReport
The getStats()
+ method delivers a successful result in the form of a
object. A
+ RTCStatsReport
object represents a map between
+ strings, identifying the inspected objects (RTCStats.id), and their corresponding
+ RTCStatsReport
may be composed of several
+ RTCStatsReport
objects, each reporting stats for one
+ underlying object that the implementation thinks is relevant for the
+ selector. One achieves the total for the
+ selector by summing over all the stats of a
+ certain type; for instance, if a RTCStats
is carried
+ by multiple SSRCs over the network, the
may contain one RTCStatsReport
+ object per SSRC (which can be distinguished by the value of the "ssrc"
+ stats attribute).
interface RTCStatsReport {
+ getter RTCStats (DOMString id);
Getter to retrieve the
objects that
+ this stats report is composed of.RTCStats
The set of supported property names [WEBIDL] is defined as the
+ ids of all the
objects that has been
+ generated for this stats report. The order of the property names is
+ left to the user agent.RTCStats
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
id | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ |
dictionary represents the stats
+ gathered by inspecting a specific object relevant to a selector. The RTCStats
+ dictionary is a base type that specifies as set of default attributes,
+ such as timestamp and type. Specific stats are added by extending the
+ RTCStats
Note that while stats names are standardized, any given implementation + may be using experimental values or values not yet known to the Web + application. Thus, applications MUST be prepared to deal with unknown + stats.
+ + +Statistics need to be synchronized with each other in order to yield
+ reasonable values in computation; for instance, if "bytesSent" and
+ "packetsSent" are both reported, they both need to be reported over the
+ same interval, so that "average packet size" can be computed as "bytes /
+ packets" - if the intervals are different, this will yield errors. Thus
+ implementations MUST return synchronized values for all stats in a
dictionary RTCStats {
+ DOMHiResTimeStamp timestamp;
+ RTCStatsType
+ DOMString id;
of type DOMStringA unique id
that is
+ associated with the object that was inspected to produce this
object. Two RTCStats
+ objects, extracted from two different
+ RTCStats
objects, MUST have the same id if
+ they were produced by inspecting the same underlying object. User
+ agents are free to pick any format for the id as long as it meets the
+ requirements above.RTCStatsReport
of type DOMHiResTimeStampThe timestamp
+ of type DOMHiResTimeStamp
[HIGHRES-TIME], associated
+ with this object. The time is relative to the UNIX epoch (Jan 1,
+ 1970, UTC).
of type RTCStatsType
The type of this object.
+ + +The type
+ MUST be initialized to the name of the most specific type this
dictionary represents.RTCStats
enum RTCStatsType {
+ "inbound-rtp",
+ "outbound-rtp"
Enumeration description | |
inbound-rtp | Inbound RTP. |
outbound-rtp | Outbund RTP. |
dictionary RTCRTPStreamStats : RTCStats
+ DOMString ssrc;
+ DOMString remoteId;
of type DOMStringThe remoteId
can be used to look up the corresponding
object that represents stats reported by
+ the other peer.RTCStats
of type DOMString...
+dictionary RTCInboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats
+ unsigned long packetsReceived;
+ unsigned long bytesReceived;
of type unsigned long...
of type unsigned long...
+dictionary RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats : RTCRTPStreamStats
+ unsigned long packetsSent;
+ unsigned long bytesSent;
of type unsigned long...
of type unsigned long...
+Consider the case where the user is experiencing bad sound and the + application wants to determine if the cause of it is packet loss. The + following example code might be used:
+ +var baselineReport, currentReport; +var selector = pc.getRemoteStreams()[0].getAudioTracks()[0]; + +pc.getStats(selector, function (report) { + baselineReport = report; +}); + +// ... wait a bit +setTimeout(function () { + pc.getStats(selector, function (report) { + currentReport = report; + processStats(); + }); +}, aBit); + +function processStats() { + // compare the elements from the current report with the baseline + for each (var now in currentReport) { + if (now.type != "outbund-rtp") + continue; + + // get the corresponding stats from the baseline report + base = baselineReport[now.id]; + + if (base) { + remoteNow = currentReport[now.remoteId]; + remoteBase = baselineReport[base.remoteId]; + + var packetsSent = now.packetsSent - base.packetsSent; + var packetsReceived = remoteNow.packetsReceived - remoteBase.packetsReceived; + + // if fractionLost is > 0.3, we have probably found the culprit + var fractionLost = (packetsSent - packetsReceived) / packetsSent; + } + } +}
WebRTC offers and answers (and hence the channels established by
+ RTCPeerConnection
objects) can be authenticated by using
+ web-based Identity Providers. The idea is that the entity sending the
+ offer/answer acts as the Authenticating Party (AP) and obtains an
+ identity assertion from the IdP which it attaches to the offer/answer.
+ The consumer of the offer/answer (i.e., the
+ RTCPeerConnection
on which
+ setRemoteDescription()
is called acts as the Relying Party
+ (RP) and verifies the assertion.
The interaction with the IdP is designed to decouple the browser from + any particular identity provider; the browser need only know how to load + the IdP's JavaScript -- which is deterministic from the IdP's identity -- + and the generic protocol for requesting and verifying assertions. The IdP + provides whatever logic is necessary to bridge the generic protocol to + the IdP's specific requirements. Thus, a single browser can support any + number of identity protocols, including being forward compatible with + IdPs which did not exist at the time the browser was written. The generic + protocol details are described in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH]. This document + specifies the procedures required to instantiate the IdP proxy, request + identity assertions, and consume the results.
+ + +In order to communicate with the IdP, the browser must instantiate + an isolated interpreted context [TODO: What's the technical term?], + such as an invisible IFRAME. The initial contents of the context are + loaded from a URI derived from the IdP's domain name. + [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].
+ + +For purposes of generating assertions, the IdP shall be chosen as + follows:
+ + +setIdentityProvider()
method has been called,
+ the IdP provided shall be used.setIdentityProvider()
method has not been
+ called, then the browser shall use an IdP configured into the
+ browser. If more than one such IdP is configured, the browser should
+ provide the user with a chooser interface.In order to verify assertions, the IdP domain name and protocol + shall be equal to the "domain" and "protocol" fields of the identity + assertion.
+The browser creates an IdP proxy by loading an isolated, invisible
+ IFRAME with HTML content from the IdP URI. The URI for the IdP is a
+ well-known URI formed from the domain
and protocol
+ fields, as specified in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].
When an IdP proxy is requiured, the browser performs the following + steps:
+ + +sandbox
attribute set to "allow-forms
+ allow-scripts allow-same-origin". The browser MUST prevent the IdP
+ proxy from navigating the browsing context to a different location.
+ The browser MUST prevent the IdP proxy from interacting with the user
+ (this includes, in particular, popup windows and user dialogs).MessageChannel
[webmessaging] within the context of
+ the IdP proxy and assigns one port from the channel to a variable
+ named window.rtcwebIdentityPort
. This message channel
+ forms the basis of communication between the browser and the IdP
+ proxy. Since it is an essential security property of the web sandbox
+ that a page is unable to insert objects into content from another
+ origin, this ensures that the IdP proxy can trust that messages
+ originating from window.rtcwebIdentityPort
are from
+ RTCPeerConnection
and not some other page. This
+ protection ensures that pages from other origins are unable to
+ instantiate IdP proxies and obtain identity assertions.RTCPeerConnection
that it is ready by sending a "READY"
+ message to the message channel port. Once this message is received by
+ the RTCPeerConnection
, the IdP is considered ready to
+ receive requests to generate or verify identity assertions.[TODO: This is not sufficient unless we expect the IdP to protect + this information. Otherwise, the a=identity information can be copied + from a session with "good" properties to any other session with the + same fingerprint information. Since we want to reuse credentials, that + would be bad.] The identity mechanism MUST provide an indication to the + remote side of the type of stream (ordinary, peerIdentity, noaccess) it + is associated with. Implementations MUST have an user interface that + indicates the different cases and identity for these.
+ +The identity assertion request process involves the following + steps.
+ + +RTCPeerConnection
instantiates an IdP context as
+ described in the previos section.
+ RTCPeerConnection
desires to be bound to the user's
+ identity.RTCPeerConnection
over the message channel.RTCPeerConnection
stores the assertion for use
+ with future offers or answers. If the identity request was triggered by
+ a createOffer()
or createAnswer()
, then the
+ assertion is inserted in the offer/answer.The identity assertion request process involves the following + steps.
+ + +RTCPeerConnection
instantiates an IdP context as
+ described in the previous section.PostMessage
over the message channel.RTCPeerConnection
displays the assertion
+ information in the browser UI and stores the assertion in the
+ peerIdentity
+ attribute for availability to the JavaScript application. The assertion
+ information to be displayed shall contain the domain name of the IdP
+ and the identity returned by the IdP and must be displayed via some
+ mechanism which cannot be spoofed by content. [[OPEN ISSUE: The
+ identity information should also be available in the inspector
+ interface defined in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].The Identity API extends the
+ interface as described below.RTCPeerConnection
partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
+ void setIdentityProvider (DOMString provider, optional DOMString protocol, optional DOMString username);
+ void getIdentityAssertion ();
+ readonly attribute RTCIdentityAssertion
? peerIdentity;
+ attribute EventHandler onidentityresult;
of type EventHandler, identityresult
, MUST be fired by all
+ objects implementing the RTCPeerConnection
+ interface. It is called any time an identity verification succeeds or
+ fails.peerIdentity
of type RTCIdentityAssertion
, readonly , nullableContains the peer identity assertion information if an identity + assertion was provided and verified.
Initiates the process of obtaining an identity assertion.
+ Applications need not make this call. It is merely intended to allow
+ them to start the process of obtaining identity assertions before a
+ call is initiated. If an identity is needed, either because the
+ browser has been configured with a default identity provider or
+ because the setIdentityProvider()
method was called,
+ then an identity will be automatically requested when an offer or
+ answer is created.
Queue a task to run the following substeps.
+ + +If the connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, abort these steps.
Instantiate a new IdP proxy and request an identity + assertion.
Sets the identity provider to be used for a given
+ RTCPeerConnection
object. Applications need not make
+ this call; if the browser is already configured for an IdP, then that
+ configured IdP will be used to get an assertion.
When the setIdentityProvider()
method is invoked, the user
+ agent MUST run the following steps:
Set the current identity values to the triplet
+ (provider
, protocol
+ username
If the
object's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is stable
, and any of the
+ identity settings have changed, queue a task to run the following
+ substeps:
If the connection's RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState is closed
, throw an
+ InvalidStateError
exception and abort these
+ steps.
Instantiate a new IdP proxy and request an identity + assertion.
+If/when the assertion is obtained, fire a negotiationneeded event.
+Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
provider | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
protocol | DOMString | ✘ | ✔ | |
username | DOMString | ✘ | ✔ |
dictionary RTCIdentityAssertion {
+ DOMString idp;
+ DOMString name;
of type DOMStringA domain name representing the identity provider.
of type DOMStringAn RFC822-conformant [TODO: REF] representation of the verified + peer identity. This identity will have been verified via the + procedures described in [RTCWEB-SECURITY-ARCH].
+The identity system is designed so that applications need not take any + special action in order for users to generate and verify identity + assertions; if a user has configured an IdP into their browser, then the + browser will automatically request/generate assertions and the other side + will automatically verify them and display the results. However, + applications may wish to exercise tighter control over the identity + system as shown by the following examples.
+ + +This example shows how to configure the identity provider and + protocol.
+ +pc.setIdentityProvider("example.com", "default", "alice@example.com");
This example shows how to consume identity assertions inside a Web + application.
+ +pc.onidentityresult = function(result) { + console.log("IdP= " + pc.peerIdentity.idp + + " identity=" + pc.peerIdentity.name); +};
The MediaStream
interface, as defined in the
+ [GETUSERMEDIA] specification, typically represents a stream of data of
+ audio and/or video. A MediaStream
may be extended to
+ represent a stream that either comes from or is sent to a remote node
+ (and not just the local camera, for instance). The extensions required to
+ enable this capability on the MediaStream
object will be
+ described in this document.
A MediaStream
as defined in [GETUSERMEDIA] may contain
+ zero or more MediaStreamTrack
objects. A
+ MediaStreamTrack
sent to another peer will appear as one and
+ only one MediaStreamTrack
to the recipient. A peer is
+ defined as a user agent that supports this specification.
Channels are the smallest unit considered in the
+ MediaStream
specification. Channels are intended to be
+ encoded together for transmission as, for instance, an RTP payload type.
+ All of the channels that a codec needs to encode jointly MUST be in the
+ same MediaStreamTrack
and the codecs SHOULD be able to
+ encode, or discard, all the channels in the track.
The concepts of an input and output to a given
+ MediaStream
apply in the case of MediaStream
+ objects transmitted over the network as well. A
+ MediaStream
created by an
object (described later in this
+ document) will take as input the data received from a remote peer.
+ Similarly, a RTCPeerConnection
from a local source, for instance a
+ camera via [GETUSERMEDIA], will have an output that represents what is
+ transmitted to a remote peer if the object is used with an
The concept of duplicating MediaStream
objects as
+ described in [GETUSERMEDIA] is also applicable here. This feature can
+ be used, for instance, in a video-conferencing scenario to display the
+ local video from the user’s camera and microphone in a local monitor,
+ while only transmitting the audio to the remote peer (e.g. in response to
+ the user using a "video mute" feature). Combining tracks from different
+ MediaStream
objects into a new
+ MediaStream
is useful in certain situations.
In this document, we only specify aspects of the
+ following objects that are relevant when used along with an
. Please refer to the original
+ definitions of the objects in the [GETUSERMEDIA] document for general
+ information on using RTCPeerConnection
+ MediaStreamTrack
The id
+ specified in MediaStream
returns an id that is unique to
+ this stream, so that streams can be recognized after they are sent
+ through the RTCPeerConnection
When a MediaStream
+ created to represent a stream obtained from a remote peer, the
+ id
+ attribute is initialized from information provided by the remote
+ source.
The id of a MediaStream
object is
+ unique to the source of the stream, but that does not mean it is not
+ possible to end up with duplicates. For example, a locally generated
+ stream could be sent from one user agent to a remote peer using
and then sent back to the
+ original user agent in the same manner, in which case the original user
+ agent will have multiple streams with the same id (the
+ locally-generated one and the one received from the remote peer).RTCPeerConnection
A new media track may be associated with an existing
+ MediaStream
. For example, if a remote peer adds a
+ new MediaStreamTrack
object to a
+ MediaStream
that is being sent over an
, this is observed on the local
+ user agent. If this happens for the reason exemplified, or for any
+ other reason than the RTCPeerConnection
+ method being invoked locally on a MediaStream
+ tracks being added as the stream is created (i.e. the stream is
+ initialized with tracks), the user agent MUST run the following
+ steps:
Let stream be the target
+ MediaStream
Represent component + with track: Run the following steps to create a track + representing the incoming component:
+ + +Create a MediaStreamTrack
+ track to represent the component.
Initialize track’s kind
+ attribute to "audio
" or "video
+ depending on the media type of the incoming component.
Initialize track’s id
+ attribute to the component track id.
Initialize track’s label
+ attribute to "remote audio
" or "remote
+ video
" depending on the media type of the incoming
+ component.
Initialize track’s readyState
+ attribute to muted
Add track to stream’s track set.
+Fire a track event named addtrack
+ with the newly created MediaStreamTrack
+ at stream.
An existing media track may also be disassociated from a
+ MediaStream
. If this happens for any other reason
+ than the removeTrack()
+ method being invoked locally on a MediaStream
+ the stream being destroyed, the user agent MUST run the following
+ steps:
Let stream be the target
+ MediaStream
Let track be the MediaStreamTrack
+ object representing the media component about to be removed.
Remove track from stream’s track set.
+Fire a track event named removetrack
+ with track at stream.
The event source for the onended
event in the networked
+ case is the
A MediaStreamTrack
object’s reference to its
+ MediaStream
in the non-local media source case (an RTP
+ source, as is the case for a MediaStream
received over an
) is always strong.RTCPeerConnection
When a track belongs to a MediaStream
that comes
+ from a remote peer and the remote peer has permanently stopped sending
+ data the ended
event MUST be fired on the track, as
+ specified in [GETUSERMEDIA].
ISSUE: How do you know when it has stopped? This seems + like an SDP question, not a media-level question.
A track in a MediaStream
, received with an
, MUST have its
+ RTCPeerConnection
attribute [GETUSERMEDIA] set to
+ muted
until media data arrives.
In addition, a MediaStreamTrack
has its
+ readyState
set to muted
on the remote peer if
+ the local user agent disables the corresponding
+ MediaStreamTrack
in the
+ MediaStream
that is being sent. When the addstream
+ event triggers on an
, all
+ RTCPeerConnection
objects in the resulting
+ MediaStream
are muted until media data can be read
+ from the RTP source.
ISSUE: How do you know when it has been disabled? This + seems like an SDP question, not a media-level question.
The addstream
+ and removestream
events use the
Firing a
+ stream event named e with a
+ MediaStream
stream means that an event
+ with the name e, which does not bubble (except where otherwise
+ stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise stated), and which
+ uses the
interface with the
+ MediaStreamEvent
+ set to stream, MUST be created and dispatched at the
+ given target.
dictionary MediaStreamEventInit : EventInit {
+ MediaStream stream;
[ Constructor (DOMString type, MediaStreamEventInit
+interface MediaStreamEvent : Event {
+ readonly attribute MediaStream? stream;
Parameter | Type | Nullable | Optional | Description |
type | DOMString | ✘ | ✘ | |
eventInitDict |
| ✘ | ✘ |
of type MediaStream, readonly , nullableThe stream
+ represents the MediaStream
object associated with
+ the event.
of type MediaStreamTODO
+This section is non-normative.
+ + +When two peers decide they are going to set up a connection to each + other, they both go through these steps. The STUN/TURN server + configuration describes a server they can use to get things like their + public IP address or to set up NAT traversal. They also have to send + data for the signaling channel to each other using the same out-of-band + mechanism they used to establish that they were going to communicate in + the first place.
+ +var signalingChannel = new SignalingChannel(); +var configuration = { "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun.example.org" }] }; +var pc; + +// call start() to initiate +function start() { + pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); + + // send any ice candidates to the other peer + pc.onicecandidate = function (evt) { + if (evt.candidate) + signalingChannel.send(JSON.stringify({ "candidate": evt.candidate })); + }; + + // let the "negotiationneeded" event trigger offer generation + pc.onnegotiationneeded = function () { + pc.createOffer(localDescCreated, logError); + } + + // once remote stream arrives, show it in the remote video element + pc.onaddstream = function (evt) { + remoteView.src = URL.createObjectURL(evt.stream); + }; + + // get a local stream, show it in a self-view and add it to be sent + navigator.getUserMedia({ "audio": true, "video": true }, function (stream) { + selfView.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); + pc.addStream(stream); + }, logError); +} + +function localDescCreated(desc) { + pc.setLocalDescription(desc, function () { + signalingChannel.send(JSON.stringify({ "sdp": pc.localDescription })); + }, logError); +} + +signalingChannel.onmessage = function (evt) { + if (!pc) + start(); + + var message = JSON.parse(evt.data); + if (message.sdp) + pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message.sdp), function () { + // if we received an offer, we need to answer + if (pc.remoteDescription.type == "offer") + pc.createAnswer(localDescCreated, logError); + }, logError); + else + pc.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(message.candidate)); +}; + +function logError(error) { + log(error.name + ": " + error.message); +}
This example shows the more complete functionality.
This example shows how to create a
object and perform the offer/answer
+ exchange required to connect the channel to the other peer. The
+ RTCDataChannel
is used in the context of a simple
+ chat application and listeners are attached to monitor when the channel
+ is ready, messages are received and when the channel is closed.RTCDataChannel
This example uses the negotiationneeded
+ event to initiate the offer/answer dialog. The exact behavior
+ surrounding the negotiationneeded
event is not specified
+ in detail at the moment. This example can hopefully help to drive that
+ discussion. An assumption made in this example is that the event only
+ triggers when a new negotiation should be started. This means that an
+ action (such as addStream()) that normally would have fired the
+ negotiationneeded
event will not do so during an ongoing
+ offer/answer dialog.
var signalingChannel = new SignalingChannel(); +var configuration = { "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun.example.org" }] }; +var pc; +var channel; + +// call start(true) to initiate +function start(isInitiator) { + pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); + + // send any ice candidates to the other peer + pc.onicecandidate = function (evt) { + if (evt.candidate) + signalingChannel.send(JSON.stringify({ "candidate": evt.candidate })); + }; + + // let the "negotiationneeded" event trigger offer generation + pc.onnegotiationneeded = function () { + pc.createOffer(localDescCreated, logError); + } + + if (isInitiator) { + // create data channel and setup chat + channel = pc.createDataChannel("chat"); + setupChat(); + } else { + // setup chat on incoming data channel + pc.ondatachannel = function (evt) { + channel = evt.channel; + setupChat(); + }; + } +} + +function localDescCreated(desc) { + pc.setLocalDescription(desc, function () { + signalingChannel.send(JSON.stringify({ "sdp": pc.localDescription })); + }, logError); +} + +signalingChannel.onmessage = function (evt) { + if (!pc) + start(false); + + var message = JSON.parse(evt.data); + if (message.sdp) + pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message.sdp), function () { + // if we received an offer, we need to answer + if (pc.remoteDescription.type == "offer") + pc.createAnswer(localDescCreated, logError); + }, logError); + else + pc.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(message.candidate)); +}; + +function setupChat() { + channel.onopen = function () { + // e.g. enable send button + enableChat(channel); + }; + + channel.onmessage = function (evt) { + showChatMessage(evt.data); + }; +} + +function sendChatMessage(msg) { + channel.send(msg); +} + +function logError(error) { + log(error.name + ": " + error.message); +}
Editors' Note: This example flow needs to be discussed on + the list and is likely wrong in many ways.
This shows an example of one possible call flow between two browsers. + This does not show the procedure to get access to local media or every + callback that gets fired but instead tries to reduce it down to only show + the key events and messages.
+ + +
Examples assume that pc is a connected RTCPeerConnection, + and track is an audio track on that connection.
+ + +Sending the DTMF signal "1234" with 500 ms duration per tone:
+ +var sender = pc.createDTMFSender(track); +if (sender.canInsertDTMF) { + var duration = 500; + sender.insertDTMF("1234", duration); +} else + log("DTMF function not available");
Send the DTMF signal "1234", and light up the active key using
+ lightKey(key)
while the tone is playing (assuming that
+ lightKey("")
will darken all the keys):
var sender = pc.createDTMFSender(track); +sender.ontonechange = function (e) { + if (!e.tone) + return; + // light up the key when playout starts + lightKey(e.tone); + // turn off the light after tone duration + setTimeout(lightKey, sender.duration, ""); +}; +sender.insertDTMF("1234");
Send a 1-second "1" tone followed by a 2-second "2" tone:
+ +var sender = pc.createDTMFSender(track); +sender.ontonechange = function (e) { + if (e.tone == "1") + sender.insertDTMF("2", 2000); +}; +sender.insertDTMF("1", 1000);
It is always safe to append to the tone buffer. This example appends + before any tone playout has started as well as during playout.
+ +var sender = pc.createDTMFSender(track); +sender.insertDTMF("123"); +// append more tones to the tone buffer before playout has begun +sender.insertDTMF(sender.toneBuffer + "456"); + +sender.ontonechange = function (e) { + if (e.tone == "1") + // append more tones when playout has begun + sender.insertDTMF(sender.toneBuffer + "789"); +};
Send the DTMF signal "123" and abort after sending "2".
+ +var sender = pc.createDTMFSender(track); +sender.ontonechange = function (e) { + if (e.tone == "2") + // empty the buffer to not play any tone after "2" + sender.insertDTMF(""); +}; +sender.insertDTMF("123");
This section is non-normative.
+ + +The following events fire on
+ objects:RTCDataChannel
Event name | + +Interface | + +Fired when... | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The object's underlying data
+ transport has been established (or re-established).
+ |
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ A message was successfully received. TODO: Ref where MessageEvent + is defined? | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ TODO. | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The object's underlying data
+ transport has bee closed.
+ |
The following events fire on
+ objects:RTCPeerConnection
Event name | + +Interface | + +Fired when... | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ TODO | +
+ |
+ |
+ + A new stream has been added to the remote streams set. + | +
+ |
+ |
+ + A stream has been removed from the remote streams set. + | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The browser wishes to inform the application that session + negotiation needs to be done at some point in the near future. | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The RTCPeerConnection
+ signalingState has changed. This state change is the result of
+ either setLocalDescription()
+ or setRemoteDescription()
+ being invoked.
+ |
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The RTCPeerConnection
+ ice connection state has changed.
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ A new is made available to
+ the script. |
+ |
+ |
+ A new is dispatched to the
+ script in response to the other peer creating a channel. |
+ |
+ RTCIdentityEvent
+ |
+ TODO - define RTCIdentityEvent. | +
The following events fire on
+ objects:RTCDTMFSender
Event name | + +Interface | + +Fired when... | +
+ |
+ Event
+ |
+ The object has either just
+ begun playout of a tone (returned as the tone
+ attribute) or just ended playout of a tone (returned as an empty
+ value in the tone attribute). |
+This section will be removed before publication.
+ + + +The editors wish to thank the Working Group chairs and Team Contact, + Harald Alvestrand, Stefan Håkansson and Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, for + their support. Substantial text in this specification was provided by many + people including Martin Thomson, Harald Alvestrand, Justin Uberti, and Eric + Rescorla.
+Initial Author of this Specification was Ian Hickson, Google Inc., with the following copyright statement:
© Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.
All subsequent changes since 26 July 2011 done by the W3C WebRTC Working Group are under the following Copyright:
© 2011-2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang<\/a>), All Rights Reserved. Document use rules apply.
For the entire publication on the W3C site the liability and trademark rules apply.
", + + + // if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify + // the start date here: + // copyrightStart: "2005", + + // if there is a previously published draft, uncomment this and set its YYYY-MM-DD + prevED: "http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20130830/webrtc.html", + + // if there a publicly available Editor's Draft, this is the link + edDraftURI: "http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html", + + // if this is a LCWD, uncomment and set the end of its review period + // lcEnd: "2009-08-05", + + // if you want to have extra CSS, append them to this list + // it is RECOMMENDED that the respec.css stylesheet be kept + // extraCSS: ["ReSpec.js/css/respec.css"], + // extraCSS: ["../../../2009/dap/ReSpec.js/css/respec.css"], + + // editors, add as many as you like + // only "name" is REQUIRED + editors: [ + // { name: "Your Name", url: "http://example.org/", + // company: "Your Company", companyURL: "http://example.com/" }, + { name: "Adam Bergkvist", company: "Ericsson" }, + { name: "Daniel C. Burnett", company: "Voxeo" }, + { name: "Cullen Jennings", company: "Cisco" }, + { name: "Anant Narayanan", company: "Mozilla (until November 2012)" } + ], + + // authors, add as many as you like. + // This is optional, uncomment if you have authors as well as editors. + // only "name" is REQUIRED. Same format as editors. + + //authors: [ + // { name: "Your Name", url: "http://example.org/", + // company: "Your Company", companyURL: "http://example.com/" } + //], + + // name of the WG + wg: "Web Real-Time Communications Working Group", + + // URI of the public WG page + wgURI: "http://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/", + + // name (without the @w3c.org) of the public mailing to which comments are due + wgPublicList: "public-webrtc", + + // URI of the patent status for this WG, for Rec-track documents + // !!!! IMPORTANT !!!! + // This is important for Rec-track documents, do not copy a patent URI from a random + // document unless you know what you're doing. If in doubt ask your friendly neighbourhood + // Team Contact. + wgPatentURI: "http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/47318/status", +}; diff --git a/webrtc.js b/webrtc.js index f9bc3c718..3bb5029d2 100644 --- a/webrtc.js +++ b/webrtc.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ var respecConfig = { // subtitle : "an excellent document", // if you wish the publication date to be other than today, set this - // publishDate: "2012-05-28", + publishDate: "2014-01-27", // new ability to override the copyright completely overrideCopyright: "Initial Author of this Specification was Ian Hickson, Google Inc., with the following copyright statement:
© Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.
All subsequent changes since 26 July 2011 done by the W3C WebRTC Working Group are under the following Copyright:
© 2011-2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang<\/a>), All Rights Reserved. Document use rules apply.
For the entire publication on the W3C site the liability and trademark rules apply.
", @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var respecConfig = { // copyrightStart: "2005", // if there is a previously published draft, uncomment this and set its YYYY-MM-DD - prevED: "http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20130603/webrtc.html", + prevED: "http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20130830/webrtc.html", // if there a publicly available Editor's Draft, this is the link edDraftURI: "http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html",