From 3d9d60d4eb0c4b1feeb8b959d51cbbc935465241 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaspersky <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 17:55:47 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add instructions for cloning the repository
Add instructions for cloning the repository using GitHub CLI to the file.
* **Cloning the Repository**
- Add a section with instructions on how to clone the repository using the command `gh repo clone wayou/vscode-todo-highlight`.
- Mention the prerequisites for using the `gh` command, such as having GitHub CLI installed.
--- | 15 +++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 9f16f9e..c1776e3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To customize the keywords and other stuff, command + , (Wi
| todohighlight.keywordsPattern | string | N/A | Specify keywords via RegExp instead of `todohighlight.keywords` one by one. NOTE that if this presents, `todohighlight.keywords` will be ignored. And REMEMBER to escapse the back slash if there's any in your regexp (using \\ instead of signle back slash). |
| todohighlight.defaultStyle | object | N/A | Specify the default style for custom keywords, if not specified, build in default style will be applied. [See all available properties on VSCode doc DecorationRenderOptions section]( |
| todohighlight.include | array | [
] | Glob patterns that defines the files to search for. Only include files you need, DO NOT USE `{**/*.*}` for both permormance and avoiding binary files reason.
For backwards compatability, a string combine all the patterns is also valid `"{**/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.ts,**/*.tsx,**/*.html,**/*.php,**/*.css,**/*.scss}"` |
-| todohighlight.exclude | array | [
] | Glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude while listing annotations.
For backwards compatability, a string combine all the patterns is also valid `"{**/node_modules/**,**/bower_components/**,**/dist/**,**/build/**,**/.vscode/**,**/_output/**,**/*.min.*,**/*.map}"` |
+| todohighlight.exclude | array | [
] | Glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude while listing annotations.
For backwards compatability, a string combine all the patterns is also valid `"{**/node_modules/**,**/bower_components/**,**/dist/**,**/build/**,**/.vscode/**,**/_output/**,**/*.min.*,**/*.map}"` |
| todohighlight.maxFilesForSearch | number | 5120 | Max files for searching, mostly you don't need to configure this. |
| todohighlight.toggleURI | boolean | false | If the file path within the output channel not clickable, set this to true to toggle the path patten between `#` and `::`. |
@@ -126,4 +126,15 @@ This extension contributes the following commands to the Command palette.
Basically the extension auto detects the OS platform.
If you find that the file path is not clickable, set `todohighlight.toggleURI` to `true` to toggle the file pattern.
+### Cloning the Repository
+To clone the repository, you can use the following command:
+gh repo clone wayou/vscode-todo-highlight
+#### Prerequisites
+Make sure you have the GitHub CLI installed. You can download and install it from [here](