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SPIKE - Wazuh Puppet #1177
I've been researching the tools we have for creating a function to install Wazuh from packages downloaded from a URL Example of a function to detect the OS family where we are trying to install case $facts['os']['family'] {
'RedHat', 'Debian': {
$pkg_manager = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
'RedHat' => 'rpm',
'Debian' => 'dpkg',
} Example of checking installed package, so as not to repeat the same process $is_installed = $version ? {
undef => "${pkg_manager} -q ${package_name}",
default => "${pkg_manager} -q ${package_name}-${version}",
} Package download example: exec { "download_${package_name}":
command => "/usr/bin/curl -o ${download_path} ${url}",
creates => $download_path,
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
unless => $is_installed,
} Package installation example and removal of downloaded package exec { "install_${package_name}":
command => $pkg_manager ? {
'rpm' => "rpm -Uvh ${download_path}",
'dpkg' => "dpkg -i ${download_path}",
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
require => Exec["download_${package_name}"],
unless => $is_installed,
file { $download_path:
ensure => absent,
require => Exec["install_${package_name}"],
} These examples help determine the possibility of creating a function that does not have problems with the Puppet job, which is always maintaining a configuration and not simply running a workflow, so it needs to effectively detect that the necessary packages have already been installed and not repeat the process due to problems detecting the installed product. These examples correspond to a Linux installation, but these same cases can be extended to Windows. |
I have been reviewing the installation possibilities of Wazuh components. This process could be done with a class created by us for this purpose, in which we can perform all the necessary steps and be able to analyze the data from the Puppet agent in order to use the correct package for each OS distribution and corresponding architecture.
Regarding the topic corresponding to the configuration of Wazuh, we currently use templates to be able to adapt the necessary parameters for the configuration. We need to change this, but we need to run several tests to see if Puppet doesn't interfere if we modify other parameters within the configuration file itself, and to know that once the necessary configuration is applied without a template, it doesn't repeat this process every time we notice a change made to a parameter in the same file that we are not configuring with the module, since we will only perform out-of-the-box configurations and the other parameters must be modified by the user.
Regarding the tests, we currently have a workflow that tests the installation of an AIO environment within a github runner only, we don't have tests of multi-node environments or agent installation, and the tests are performed on production or pre-release environments, which would require adding staging environments. The workflow logic will need to change according to the changes made in the module, since with the new classes that need to be created the deployment method will be modified, but they serve as a good basis to start with these tests.
Regarding the documentation, as mentioned in the previous spikes, we should remove all the Puppet installation information from our documentation, which we normally do not maintain, and add links to the official documentation, which removes the need to update the changes that the Puppet developers make to their products and the compatibility of the same with the different systems. |
UpdateI was doing an analysis regarding the change from the installation by a package manager to the installation by downloading the package that corresponds to the version of Wazuh, operating system used and architecture. Using Puppet facts we can delimit which package we will use, which allows us to have variables to verify among the available files of all the components of Wazuh, which is the correct one to install. Later we have to verify that the product is installed correctly, to know if it is necessary or not to repeat the installation. To determine the correct URL to download, you can use the json file parsing that Puppet has, which would save us the use of a dependency within the VM of the Puppet agent where we are installing and with this determine which URL is the correct one. # Determine the package type (rpm or deb) based on the operating system family
$package_type = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
/(RedHat|Suse|Amazon|/ => 'rpm',
/(Debian|Ubuntu)/ => 'deb',
default => fail("Unsupported operating system"),
$package_arch = $facts['os']['architecture']
# Download the JSON file
file { $json_file:
ensure => file,
source => '<JSON_FILE_URL>',
mode => '0644',
# Read and parse the JSON
$packages = parsejson(file($json_file))
# Filter the correct package
$selected_package = $packages.filter |$pkg| {
($pkg['package_type'] == $package_type) and
($pkg['package_arch'] == $package_arch) and
($pkg['version'] == $desired_version) and
($pkg['name'] == $package_name)
} I'm still working on the code for the installation and configuration of the components |
UpdateI've been working on customizing the configuration files, which will change their operation because we will remove all the templates we are currently using for this purpose. I've been working on the best way to configure these files and I've been checking that the files that we will configure with the Wazuh module classes are Yaml or XML files. With this information I've been checking how to generate these changes, taking into account that replacing configurations in Yaml and XML files is quite different, so they require different logic. Using the same class I worked on the logic to modify both files, but it is necessary to pass as a parameter what type of file it is, the path where it is located, an array with the different strings to configure and an additional parameter for the XML files where taking the configuration sent, it replaces the current one in the file or adds it directly. class modify_config_file (
String $config_file, # Path to the configuration file
Array[String] $config_lines, # Array of configurations to modify or add
Enum['yaml', 'xml'] $file_type, # File type: yaml or xml
Boolean $replace_all = true # Replace entire content (default true)
) {
# Convert all configuration keys to lowercase
$normalized_config_lines = $config_lines.map |$line| {
regsubst($line, '^([^:]+):', '\l\1:', 'G') # Convert parameter names to lowercase
if $replace_all {
# Replace the entire file content
replace { "replace_all_${config_file}":
path => $config_file,
pattern => '.*', # Match the entire file content
replace => $normalized_config_lines.join("\n"), # Replace with normalized lines
} else {
# Add configurations at the end of the file
$normalized_config_lines.each |$line| {
replace { "add_line_${line}":
path => $config_file,
pattern => "^${regsubst($line, '^([^:]+):.*$', '\\1', 'G')}.*$", # Match the key
replace => $line, # Replace the line if it exists
append_on_no_match => true, # Add the line if it does not exist
# Specific handling for XML files
if $file_type == 'xml' {
$normalized_config_lines.each |$line| {
$key = regsubst($line, '^<([^>]+)>.*$', '\\1', 'G') # Extract the XML tag
replace { "modify_xml_${key}":
path => $config_file,
pattern => "<${key}>.*?</${key}>", # Match the complete XML block
replace => $line, # Replace the entire block if it exists
append_on_no_match => true, # Add the XML block if it does not exist
} |
UpdateI am currently working on a way to install packages by URL so that Puppet maintains the idempotence of the classes to be executed and does not generate problems. |
UpdateI've been working on creating a class that allows installing packages, getting the URLs from a file, and allows installing from downloaded packages. I've had a number of problems creating this class, since Puppet has several limitations and requires maintaining idempotency in its execution. One of the limitations that has caused me the most problems is that the variables that receive values before execution cannot be modified at runtime, so modifying variables so that routes are modified according to variables that can be loaded or not to generate different actions within the class (for example using the URL file from a local medium or downloading it from the Internet) becomes quite complicated, since checking that a file exists in a remote path (for example receiving the URL file from a path of a Puppet module) cannot be done simply and requires generating separate processes that review each of the steps. I am currently doing a kind of test that checks the path within the Archive module of #
# Class to install Wazuh product
# @param package_name The name of the package to be installed.
# @param wazuh_version The version of the Wazuh package to be installed.
# @param prod_url The URL to download the package list from.
# @param source_url The Puppet URL to download the package list from.
# @param destination Destination path for the downloaded file
# @param rpm_based Regex for RPM-based OS families
# @param deb_based Regex for DEB-based OS families
# @param download_dir parameter for download directory
class wazuh::install_product (
String $package_name = 'wazuh-manager',
String $wazuh_version = '4.9.2',
String $prod_url = 'https://devops-wazuh-artifacts-pub.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/devops-overhaul/packages_url.txt',
String $source_url = 'puppet:///modules/archive/packages_url.txt',
String $destination = '/tmp/packages_url.txt',
String $rpm_based = 'RedHat|Suse|Amazon|OracleLinux|AlmaLinux|Rocky',
String $deb_based = 'Debian|Ubuntu|Mint|Kali|Raspbian',
String $download_dir = '/tmp',
) {
# Determine the package type (rpm or deb) based on the OS family.
if $facts['os']['family'] =~ Regexp($rpm_based) {
$package_type = 'rpm'
$check_command = "/bin/rpm -q ${package_name}" # Command to check if the package is installed (RPM)
} elsif $facts['os']['family'] =~ Regexp($deb_based) {
$package_type = 'deb'
$check_command = "/usr/bin/dpkg-query -l ${package_name} | grep '^ii'" # Command to check if the package is installed (DEB)
} else {
fail("Unsupported OS family: ${facts['os']['family']}") # Fail if the OS family is not supported
# Determine the package architecture.
$package_arch = $facts['os']['architecture'] ? {
'x86_64' => 'amd64',
default => $facts['os']['architecture'],
# Construct the package filename.
$package_pattern = "${package_name}-${wazuh_version}-${package_arch}.${package_type}"
# Download the file using the archive resource.
archive { $destination:
ensure => present,
source => $source_url,
path => $destination,
exec { 'download_packages_url_from_url':
command => "/usr/bin/curl --fail --location -o ${destination} ${prod_url}",
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
creates => $destination, # is created when the file does not exist
unless => "test -f ${destination}", # not executed if file exists.
logoutput => true,
# Find the package URL in the downloaded file.
exec { 'filter_and_extract_url':
command => "/usr/bin/sed -n '/^${package_pattern}:/p' ${destination} | /usr/bin/awk -F': ' '{print \$2}' > ${destination}.bak && mv ${destination}.bak ${destination}",
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
logoutput => true,
notify { "Extracted package URL: ${destination}": }
if $destination {
exec { 'download_file_from_url':
command => "tr -d '\r' < ${destination} | xargs /usr/bin/curl -o '${download_dir}/${package_pattern}'",
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
logoutput => true,
# Determine the install command based on the package type.
$install_command = $package_type ? {
'rpm' => "/bin/rpm -ivh ${download_dir}/${package_pattern}",
'deb' => "dpkg -i --debug=72200 ${download_dir}/${package_pattern} || apt-get install -f -y",
notify { "Command to install: ${install_command}": }
# Install the package.
exec { "install_${package_pattern}":
command => $install_command,
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
onlyif => "dpkg-deb --info ${download_dir}/${package_pattern}",
unless => $check_command, # Only install if the package is not already installed
logoutput => true,
# Remove the downloaded package file.
file { "${download_dir}/${package_pattern}":
ensure => absent,
force => true,
} else {
warning("URL for ${package_pattern} not found in ${destination}")
} The error generated does not have much data regarding why it is generated, and executing the command manually does not generate errors, so I continue investigating what problem it may have to execute the installation. I still need more checks so that the class maintains idempotence, not needing to execute any process of the same if it has already been executed correctly previously, which with the installation of a package can be simple, but with the configuration of the components through commands and without using templates can become quite complicated. |
UpdateI've been checking for errors in the use of the new classes created in other more general classes. I currently have the wazuh::install_product class created, which installs any component and requires the component name parameter to be added, which allows it to be reused in the classes created for each component, but I'm not able to use it to deploy because it doesn't find this new class. I'm investigating within the documentation what may be happening with this problem. |
UpdateI continued analyzing the wazuh::modify_config_file class, which contained errors when configuring XML files mainly. The main problem with the wazuh::modify_config_file class is that we do not have a resource or module in Puppet that allows the modification of XML files while maintaining idempotence. Investigating on this topic I found the Argeus module, which should allow the modification of these XML files, but they require a configuration of the same module before being able to correctly analyze and modify the files, which requires much more analysis and development. With yaml style files it is much easier, since the file_line resource allows these files to be modified while maintaining idempotence, but I cannot do this with XML files. I continue with the investigation |
UpdatePerforming a partial analysis of the installation and configuration process of Wazuh components using Puppet, we have found some problems to achieve a correct installation process:
Update Steps:
An issue has been created for task control for the Wazuh Puppet MVP v5.0.0: |
As part of the DevOps overhaul objective, we need to research, analyze alternatives, and design how to implement the following changes for the Wazuh Puppet module:
Package Usage:
Configuration Standardization:
Testing Improvements:
Documentation Updates:
Implementation restrictions
Research & Analysis:
Configuration Updates:
Testing Enhancements:
Documentation Updates:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: