This crate exports all the code related to the Bigquery and the exex itself.
In your Cargo.toml
, add the following dependency:
exex-wvm-bigquery = { git = "", branch = "main" }
use exex_wvm_bigquery::{BigQueryConfig, init_bigquery_db};
/// A path containing the Big Query Configuration File
let config_path: String =
std::env::var("CONFIG").unwrap_or_else(|_| "./bq-config.json".to_string());
/// {
/// "dropTableBeforeSync": false,
/// "projectId": "promising-rock-414216",
/// "datasetId": "wvm",
/// "credentialsPath": "/execution/key.json"
let config_file =
std::fs::File::open(config_path).expect("bigquery config path exists");
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(config_file);
/// Parse Big Query Configuration file into ```BigQueryConfig`
let bq_config: BigQueryConfig =
serde_json::from_reader(reader).expect("bigquery config read from file");
/// Init the Big Query Client
let bigquery_client =
init_bigquery_db(&bq_config).await.expect("bigquery client initialized");
from the config file mentioned above is a Google Credentials file.
use exex_wvm_bigquery::{StateRepository};
let state_repo = StateRepository::new(bigquery_client);
exex_wvm_bigquery::save_block(&StateRepository, &SealedBlockWithSenders, BlockNumber, ArweaveId)