Various setup scripts
Initial Setup
## Recommended
# winget install LIGHTNINGUK.ImgBurn
# winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
# Must haves
winget install powershell
winget install git.git
Set the WSLENV Variable, so these variables will be passed into WSL
### Powershell
#### Get UPN
$getupn = @(whoami /upn)
#### Permanently set UPN user variables
if ( -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($getupn))) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('UPN',"$getupn",'User') }
#### Set Strong Password variable
if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:STRONGPASSWORD)) {
Write-Host "Generating Random Password..."
## All uppercase and lowercase letters, all numbers and some special characters.
$charlist = [char]94..[char]126 + [char]65..[char]90 + [char]47..[char]57
$randompwd = @()
## Use a FOR loop to pick a character from the list one time for each count of the password length
For ($i = 0; $i -lt 24; $i++) {
$randompwd += $charList | Get-Random
## Join all the individual characters together into one string using the -JOIN operator
$randompwd = -join $randompwd
$env:STRONGPASSWORD = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("STRONGPASSWORD","User")
## info:
## Corporate Environments
Install WSL (with no distribution)
### Install VM Platform feature
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform -NoRestart
### Setup WSL
wsl.exe --update # to update - which will also update from the store including the kernel and would update from in-windows to the store version
wsl.exe --list --online
wsl.exe --install --no-launch ## - no default distribution
wsl.exe --set-default-version 2
wsl.exe --status
To get Fedora (RHEL like), you need a separate download via:- This has to be sideloaded, which typically requires Developer Mode (and local administrator) but can be performed with the following commands:-
## Powershell
$repo = "WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL"
$api = "" + $repo + "/releases/latest"
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api
## Find the latest release
$tag = $Response.tag_name
$file = "Fedora-Remix-for-WSL-SL_" + $tag + ".0_x64_arm64.msixbundle"
$download = "" + $repo + "/releases/download/" + $tag + "/" +$file
Write-Host "Trying to download $download"
Invoke-WebRequest $download -OutFile $file
Import-Module Appx -UseWindowsPowerShell -Force
Add-AppxPackage -Path $file
$DistroName = 'fedoraremix'
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "${env:USERPROFILE}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\${DistroName}.exe" "install --root"
wsl --set-default ${DistroName}
## Custom with sensible settings
$wslinitalsetup = Invoke-WebRequest -uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
$wslinitalsetup | wsl --user root --distribution ${DistroName} --
wsl --terminate ${DistroName}
wsl --manage ${DistroName} --set-sparse
wsl --set-default ${DistroName}
To use a standard, set the DistroName variable to the distribution you want to install
## Powershell
$DistroName = 'Ubuntu'
wsl --install ${DistroName} --no-launch
## Run install with no prompt - run as root
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "${env:USERPROFILE}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\${DistroName}.exe" "install --root"
$wslinitalsetup = Invoke-WebRequest -uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
$wslinitalsetup | wsl --user root --distribution ${DistroName} --
wsl --set-default ${DistroName}
## restart, so systemd get enabled
wsl --terminate ${DistroName}
wsl --manage ${DistroName} --set-sparse true
Install Microsoft Repo, mssql-tools, azure-functions core, msopenjdk, powershell, /etc/wsl.conf, Xwindows, systat, Azure CLI, Oracle Instant Client (if x86-64), Golang, maven, node via nvm, oh-my-posh
## Powershell
$DistroName = 'Ubuntu'
$wslsetuppre = Invoke-WebRequest -uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
$wslsetup1 = Invoke-WebRequest -uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
$wslsetup2 = Invoke-WebRequest -uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
$wslsetuppre + $wslsetup1 | wsl --user root --distribution ${DistroName} --
wsl --terminate ${DistroName}
$wslsetuppre + $wslsetup2 | wsl --user root --distribution ${DistroName} --
To delete and start again
Warning This will delete the root filesystem of the Linux distribution
## Powershell
$DistroName = 'Ubuntu'
wsl --terminate ${DistroName}
## size of disk
(Get-ChildItem -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss | Where-Object { $_.GetValue("DistributionName") -eq '${DistroName}' }).GetValue("BasePath") + "\ext4.vhdx"
wsl --list
## Now unregister the distribution - which deletes the root filesystem
wsl --unregister ${DistroName}
Great device - quick setup
## bash / zsh with curl etc...
curl -fsSL | bash -
## bash / zsh with wget etc...
wget | bash -
Under Linux or WSL
## bash / zsh etc...
curl -fsSL | bash -
## bash / zsh etc...
wget | bash -
You'll need to download the fonts and place them into a "fonts" directory, in the same directoy you run this script.
## bash / zsh etc...
# quietly add a user without password
sudo adduser --quiet --gecos "" --force-badname --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash ${NUSER}
# set password
echo -e '${NPASS}\n${NPASS}\n' | sudo passwd ${NUSER}
## bash / zsh etc...
sudo deluser --remove-home ${NUSER}
Infomation WSL distrubtion are always installed on single user base. It is not supported for multiple users to share the WSL distribution.
## Powershell
(Get-ChildItem HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.PSPath}) | Select-Object DistributionName, @{n="Path";e={$_.BasePath + "\rootfs"}}
aka: Docker-in-Docker The environment variables in the applicable WSL installation, needs to be:-
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375
Stop-Service *docker*
Write-Host "Setting Docker to allow TCP port 2375" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
$dockerpath = "$env:APPDATA\Docker\settings.json"
$settings = Get-Content $dockerpath | ConvertFrom-Json
$settings.exposeDockerAPIOnTCP2375 = $true
$settings | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $dockerpath
Start-Service *docker*