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[RateLimit] 如何对接口进行限流.md

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342 lines (284 loc) · 10.2 KB

[RateLimit] 如何对接口进行限流

Leaky Bucket (漏桶算法)


  • 维护一个计数器作为 bucket,计数器的上限为 bucket 的大小
  • 计数器满时拒绝请求
  • 每隔一段时间清空计数器


以下是使用 redis 的计数器实现限流的伪代码

const option = {
  max: 10,        // window 时间内限速10个请求
  window: 1000    // 1s

function access(req) {
  // 根据请求生成唯一标志
  const key = identity(req)
  // 计数器自增
  const counter = redis.incr(key)
  if (counter === 1) {
    // 如果是当前时间窗口的第一个请求,设置过期时间
    redis.expire(key, window) 
  if (counter > option.window) {
    return false
  return true

Redis 官方使用 INCR 实现限流的文档

它的时间窗口并不是滑动窗口那样在桶里出去一个球,就可以再进来一个球。而更像是一个固定时间窗口,从桶里出去一群球,再开始进球。正因为如此,它可能在固定窗口的后一半时间收到 max-1 次请求,又在下一个固定窗口内打来 max 次请求,此时在一个随机的窗口时间内最多会有 2 * max - 1 次请求。

另外还有一个redis的 INCREXPIRE 的原子性问题,容易造成 Race Condition,可以通过 SETNX 来解决

redis.set(key, 0, 'EX', option.window, 'NX')

Token Bucket (令牌桶算法)


  1. 令牌桶初始状态 bucket 是满的,漏桶初始状态 bucket 是空的
  2. 令牌桶在 bucket 空的时候拒绝新的请求,漏桶在 bucket 满的时候拒绝新的请求
  3. 当一个请求来临时,假设一个请求消耗一个token,令牌桶的 bucket 减少一个 token,漏桶增加一个 token

strapi 简单实现单机限流

使用 koa2-ratelimit middlewares 利用 请求路径和ip做唯一标志

MemoryStore / MongodbStore / RedisStore / SequelizeStore 都要实现核心接口 incr (增量寄存器) / decrement (减少) / saveAbuse (保存滥用者)


const Store = require('./Store.js');

let Hits = {};

class MemoryStore extends Store {
    static cleanAll() {
        Hits = {};

    _getHit(key, options) {
        if (!Hits[key]) {
            Hits[key] = {
                counter: 0,
                date_end: + options.interval,
        return Hits[key];

    _resetAll() {
        const now =;
        for (const key in Hits) { // eslint-disable-line
            this._resetKey(key, now);

    _resetKey(key, now) {
        now = now ||;
        if (Hits[key] && Hits[key].date_end <= now) {
            delete Hits[key];

    async incr(key, options, weight) {
        const hits = this._getHit(key, options);
        hits.counter += weight;

        return {
            counter: hits.counter,
            dateEnd: hits.date_end,

    decrement(key, options, weight) {
        const hits = this._getHit(key);
        hits.counter -= weight;

    saveAbuse() {}

module.exports = MemoryStore;


const Store = require('./Store.js');
const MemoryStore = require('./MemoryStore.js');

/* eslint-disable no-var */
var defaultOptions = {
    // window, delay, and max apply per-key unless global is set to true
    interval: { min: 1 }, // milliseconds - how long to keep records of requests in memory
    delayAfter: 0, // how many requests to allow through before starting to delay responses
    timeWait: { sec: 1 }, // milliseconds - base delay applied to the response - multiplied by number of recent hits for the same key.
    max: 5, // max number of recent connections during `window` milliseconds before sending a 429 response

    message: 'Too many requests, please try again later.',
    statusCode: 429, // 429 status = Too Many Requests (RFC 6585)
    headers: true, // Send custom rate limit header with limit and remaining
    skipFailedRequests: false, // Do not count failed requests (status >= 400)
    prefixKey: 'global', // the prefixKey to get to remove all key

    store: new MemoryStore(),

    // redefin fonction
    keyGenerator: undefined,
    skip: undefined,
    getUserId: undefined,
    handler: undefined,
    onLimitReached: undefined,
    weight: undefined,

    whitelist: []

const TimeKeys = ['ms', 'sec', 'min', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'];
const Times = {
    ms: 1,
    sec: 1000,
    min: 60000,
    hour: 3600000,
    day: 86400000,
    week: 604800000,
    month: 2628000000,
    year: 12 * 2628000000,
const toFinds = ['id', 'userId', 'user_id', 'idUser', 'id_user'];

class RateLimit {
    constructor(options) {
        this.options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options);
        this.options.interval = RateLimit.timeToMs(this.options.interval);
        this.options.timeWait = RateLimit.timeToMs(this.options.timeWait);

        // store to use for persisting rate limit data =;

        // ensure that the store extends Store class
        if (!( instanceof Store)) {
            throw new Error('The store is not valid.');

    static timeToMs(time) {
        if (typeof time === 'object') {
            let timeMs = 0;
            for (const key in time) {
                if (key) {
                    if (!TimeKeys.includes(key)) {
                        throw new Error(`Invalide key ${key}, allow keys: ${TimeKeys.toString()}`);
                    if (time[key] > 0) {
                        timeMs += time[key] * Times[key];
            return timeMs;
        return time;

    async keyGenerator(ctx) {
        if (this.options.keyGenerator) {
            return this.options.keyGenerator(ctx);
        const userId = await this.getUserId(ctx);
        if (userId) {
            return `${this.options.prefixKey}|${userId}`;
        return `${this.options.prefixKey}|${ctx.request.ip}`;

    async weight(ctx) {
        if (this.options.weight) {
            return this.options.weight(ctx);
        return 1;

    async skip(ctx) { // eslint-disable-line
        if (this.options.skip) {
            return this.options.skip(ctx);
        return false;

    async getUserId(ctx) {
        if (this.options.getUserId) {
            return this.options.getUserId(ctx);
        const whereFinds = [ctx.state.user, ctx.user, ctx.state.User, ctx.User, ctx.state, ctx];
        for (const whereFind of whereFinds) {
            if (whereFind) {
                for (const toFind of toFinds) {
                    if (whereFind[toFind]) {
                        return whereFind[toFind];
        return null;

    async handler(ctx/* , next */) {
        if (this.options.handler) {
        } else {
            ctx.status = this.options.statusCode;
            ctx.body = { message: this.options.message };
            if (this.options.headers) {
                ctx.set('Retry-After', Math.ceil(this.options.interval / 1000));

    async onLimitReached(ctx) {
        if (this.options.onLimitReached) {
        } else {
  {}, this.options, {
                key: await this.keyGenerator(ctx),
                ip: ctx.request.ip,
                user_id: await this.getUserId(ctx),

    get middleware() {
        return this._rateLimit.bind(this);

    async _rateLimit(ctx, next) {
        const skip = await this.skip(ctx);
        if (skip) {
            return next();

        const key = await this.keyGenerator(ctx);
        if (this._isWhitelisted(key)) {
            return next();
        const weight = await this.weight(ctx);

        const { counter, dateEnd } = await, this.options, weight);
        const reset = new Date(dateEnd).getTime();
        ctx.state.rateLimit = {
            limit: this.options.max,
            current: counter,
            remaining: Math.max(this.options.max - counter, 0),
            reset: Math.ceil(reset / 1000),

        if (this.options.headers) {
            ctx.set('X-RateLimit-Limit', this.options.max);
            ctx.set('X-RateLimit-Remaining', ctx.state.rateLimit.remaining);
            ctx.set('X-RateLimit-Reset', ctx.state.rateLimit.reset);

        if (this.options.max && counter > this.options.max) {
            await this.onLimitReached(ctx);
            return this.handler(ctx, next);

        if (this.options.skipFailedRequests) {
            ctx.res.on('finish', () => {
                if (ctx.status >= 400) {
          , this.options, weight);

        if (this.options.delayAfter && this.options.timeWait && counter > this.options.delayAfter) {
            const delay = (counter - this.options.delayAfter) * this.options.timeWait;
            await this.wait(delay);
            return next();
        return next();

    _isWhitelisted(key) {
        const arr = key.split('::');
        if (arr.length > 0) {
            const ip = arr[1];
            const { whitelist } = this.options;
            return whitelist.includes(ip);
        return false;

    async wait(ms) {
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

module.exports = {
    middleware(options = {}) {
        return new RateLimit(options).middleware;
    defaultOptions(options = {}) {
        defaultOptions = Object.assign(defaultOptions, options);