Tutorials for wfTutorials for Systems Administration
Getting started Tutorials using the following systems. The aim is the show the reader what the system can practically do. The following is a list of systems to cover
- Windows
- Windows Server
- Linux
- Apache Server
- Nginx Server
- MySQL and MySQL Workbench
- Windows SQL Server
- C++
Topics you can write these tutorials on. These topics show show important features of the language.
- Creating graphics. Draw a triangle or square.
- Rendering a data list or table. Filter the table or list.
- Creating a countdown timer
- Web scraping and parse XML and html data.
- File management. Saving, editing and viewing files.
- Pulling data from an API or website or weblink.
- Working with sockets and multi threading.
- Creating a gui calculator.
- Working with GUI elements.
Submission Guidelines
For an example of a great tutorial view this example here - https://app.wftutorials.com/tutorial/89
- Tutorials should be submitted in mark down ideally.
- Images should be attached and named correctly.
- Minimum word length of 2000 words
- Show as many code examples as required
- Code examples should have comments where necessary
- Add annotated diagrams where necessary to explain topics better (optional)