Enhance your World of Warcraft gaming experience by modifying fonts.
简体中文 | English
📖 Table of Contents
- Python 3.12 or later
- Windows OS (for Batch Scripts)
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This script modifies specific Chinese characters in font files to improve the in-game experience.
Replaces the dot character used in names with a more suitable alternative.
Priority: Japanese Katakana Middle Dot (U+30FB) > Simplified Chinese Middle Dot (U+00B7) > Traditional Chinese Middle Dot (U+2022)
Replaces the character 丶
with a more appropriate dot character, as many Chinese players use 丶
as a dot in their names.
Priority: Japanese Katakana Middle Dot (U+30FB) > Simplified Chinese Middle Dot (U+00B7) > Traditional Chinese Middle Dot (U+2022)
Forces the use of corner brackets for quotes, improving readability in-game (similar to text formatting on Zhihu).
usage: chinese.py [-h] -f FONT [-o OUTPUT] [--better-chinese-dot] [--zhu-to-dot] [--enforce-corner-brackets] [--font-name FONT_NAME] [--force-output]
Modify the Chinese font file for better WoW game experience.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FONT, --font FONT Path to the input font file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to the output font file
--better-chinese-dot Replace '‧' with '·' in the font
--zhu-to-dot Replace '丶' with '·' in the font
Enforce corner brackets for quotes
--font-name FONT_NAME
Template for the new font name. Use $NAME$ for the original name. Default: '$NAME$ WindModified'
--force-output Overwrite existing output file
python chinese_font_tools.py -f "input.ttf" --better-chinese-dot --zhu-to-dot --enforce-corner-brackets
Convert all fonts in a folder
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
call .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
set "SOURCE_DIR=E:\Blizzard\World of Warcraft\Development\Font Source"
set "DEST_DIR=E:\Blizzard\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\Addons\WindMedia\Font"
for /R "%SOURCE_DIR%" %%F in (*.ttf *.otf) do (
set "RELATIVE_PATH=%%~dpF"
if not exist "!OUTPUT_DIR!" mkdir "!OUTPUT_DIR!"
echo Processing: %%F
echo Output to: !OUTPUT_FILE!
python chinese.py ^
-f "%%F" ^
-o "!OUTPUT_FILE!" ^
--better-chinese-dot ^
--zhu-to-dot ^
--enforce-corner-brackets ^
--font-name "$NAME$ Wind Edition" ^
echo All fonts processed.
This script copies your chosen font with specific names required by World of Warcraft.
To use:
- Copy the script to the
folder. - Drag and drop your desired font file onto the script.
- The script will create copies of the font file with the required names.