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How To Book An Appointment

jonlunsford edited this page Oct 15, 2014 · 4 revisions

How to book an appointment.

This will go much smoother if you've already activated your developer account / app. See getting started. The API testing site isn't kept up to date, I've found that there are features missing and that particular site is very error prone.

You will need to know several things about the client site before you can actually book an appointment, they are:

  • location id
  • staff id
  • client id
  • session type id
  • user credentials (a staff member)
    • username
    • password
    • site id

Lets start gathering all of the information stated above.

Get Location

This will be the location you want the appointment booked at.

location = MindBody::Services::SiteService.get_locations.result[:locations].first

=> #<MindBody::Models::Location:0x000001020ab7e0

Get Staff

This will be the staff member performing the appointment.

staff_member = MindBody::Services::StaffService.get_staff.result[:staff_members].first

=> #<MindBody::Models::Staff:0x0000010164ab70

Get Client

This will be the client booking the appointment. Note, that you can also glean the clients home_location with this call, potentially making the above "Get Location" call unnecessary.

If you choose to provide search text you will need to provide user credentials as well.

params = {
  "UserCredentials" => { 
    "Username" => "my_username",
    "Password" => "my_password",
    "SiteIDs" => { "int" => [000] } # Site id the staff member is at
  "SearchText" => "Alex"

client = MindBody::Services::ClientService.get_clients(params).result[:clients]

=> #<MindBody::Models::Client:0x000001020b1780

Get Session Type

This will be the type of appointment booked. We will need to be sure and choose a session type that is available for booking.

session_type = MindBody::Services::SiteService.get_session_types.result[:session_types].first

=> #<MindBody::Models::SessionType:0x000001015a9ce8 
	@name=" Pilates Equipment Reformer Classes"

Book The Appointment

Put all of it together.

get_client_params = {
  "UserCredentials" => { 
    "Username" => "my_username",
    "Password" => "my_password",
    "SiteIDs" => { "int" => [000] } # Site id the staff member is at
   "SearchText" => "Alex"

client = MindBody::Services::ClientService.get_clients(get_client_params).result[:clients].first
location = MindBody::Services::SiteService.get_locations.result[:locations].first
staff_member = MindBody::Services::StaffService.get_staff.result[:staff_members].first
session_type = MindBody::Services::SiteService.get_session_types.result[:session_types].first

apppointment_params = {
  "Appointment" => { 
     "Location" => { "ID" => },
     "StartDateTime" =>,
     "Staff" => { "ID" => }, 
     "Client" => {  "ID" => }, 
     "SessionType" => { "ID" => }


Notes and Caveats

  • Your session_type must be bookable. You can use the get_bookable_items call to confirm this.
  • User credentials must be provided to add or update appointments AND they must have permission to do so.
  • Location must be the first parameter set, otherwise you will receive a "LocationID must be provided" error.
  • In general hashes must match the SOAP structure exactly.

Please note that the above examples are haphazardly grabbing the first location, first staff, first client, and the first session type. You may have to implement more robust logic to grab appropriate locations, staff, clients, session types, etc.