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300 lines (248 loc) · 10.1 KB


GPLv3 License



nvim-plug is an asynchronous Neovim plugin manager written in Lua. There is also a Chinese introduction about this plugin.


  • faster: written in lua.
  • async: downloading and building via job.
  • lazy loading: lazy load plugin based on events, comamnd, mapping, etc..
  • custom UI: provide custom UI API.



Clone this repository.

git clone D:/bundle_dir/wsdjeg/nvim-plug

and append the path of this repository to your neovim neovim runtimepath option:



To install nvim-plug automatically:

if vim.fn.isdirectory('D:/bundle_dir/wsdjeg/nvim-plug') == 0 then

Setup nvim-plug

  -- set the bundle dir
  bundle_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir',
  -- set the path where raw plugin is download to
  raw_plugin_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir/raw_plugin',
  -- max number of processes used for nvim-plug job
  max_processes = 5,
  base_url = '',
  -- default ui is `default`, use `notify` for floating window notify
  ui = 'default',
  -- default is nil
  http_proxy = '',
  -- default is nil
  https_proxy = '',
  -- default history depth for `git clone`
  clone_depth = 1,
  -- plugin priority, readme [plugin priority] for more info
  enable_priority = false

Add plugins

    events = { 'VimEnter' },
    enabled = function()
      return vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1
    cmds = { 'FlyGrep' },
    config = function()
    type = 'raw',
    url = '',
    script_type = 'after/syntax'
    events = { 'VimEnter' },
    on_func = 'mail#',

Self upgrade

you can use nvim-plug to manager nvim-plug:

if vim.fn.isdirectory('D:/bundle_dir/wsdjeg/nvim-plug') == 0 then
  -- set the bundle dir
  bundle_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir',
    fetch = true,

Plugin Spec

The plugin spec is inspired by dein.nvim.

name description
[1] string, plugin repo short name, wsdjeg/flygrep.nvim
cmds string or table<string>, commands lazy loading
events string or table<string>, events lazy loading
config function, function called after adding plugin path to nvim rtp, before loading files in plugin/ directory
config_after function, function called after loading files in plugin/ directory
config_before function, function called when plug.add() function is called
on_ft string or table<string>, filetypes lazy loading
on_map string or table<string>, key bindings lazy loading
on_func string or table<string>, vim function lazy loading
script_type string, plugin type including color, plugin, etc..
build string or table<string>, executed by job api
enabled boolean or function evaluated when startup, when it is false, plugin will be skiped
frozen update only when specific with PlugUpdate name
depends table<PluginSpec> a list of plugins
branch string specific git branch
tag string specific git tag
type string specific plugin type, this can be git, raw or none, if it is raw, script_type must be set
autoload boolean, load plugin after git clone
priority number, default is 50, set the order in which plugins are loaded
fetch If set to true, nvim-plug doesn't add the path to user runtimepath. It is useful to manager no-plugin repository
  • config and config_after function will be not be called if the plugin has not been installed.
  • priority does not work for lazy plugins.


  • :PlugInstall: install specific plugin or all plugins
  • :PlugUpdate: update specific plugin or all plugins

Default UI

The default is ui is inspired by vundle

The default highlight group.

highlight group name default link description
PlugTitle TODO the first line of plugin window
PlugProcess Repeat the process of downloading
PlugDone Type clone/build/install done
PlugFailed WarningMsg clone/build/install failed
PlugDoing Number job is running

To change the default highlight group:

vim.cmd('hi def link PlugTitle TODO')
vim.cmd('hi def link PlugProcess Repeat')
vim.cmd('hi def link PlugDone Type')
vim.cmd('hi def link PlugFailed WarningMsg')
vim.cmd('hi def link PlugDoing Number')

Custom Plugin UI

To setup custom UI, you need to creat a on_update function, this function is called with two arges, name and plugUiData.

The plugUiData is table with following keys:

key description
clone_done boolead, is true when clone successfully
command string, clone, pull, curl or build
clone_process string, git clone progress, such as 16% (160/1000)
clone_done boolean, git clone exit status
building boolean
build_done boolean
pull_done boolean
pull_process string
curl_done boolean
--- your custom UI

local function on_ui_update(name, data)
  -- logic

  bundle_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir',
  max_processes = 5, -- max number of processes used for nvim-plug job
  base_url = '',
  ui = on_ui_update, -- default ui is notify, use `default` for split window UI

Plugin priority

By default this feature is disabled, plugins will be loaded when run add({plugins}) function. To enable plugin priority feature, you need to call plug.load() after plug.add() function. This option is not for lazy plugins.

for example:

  max_processes = 5,
  enable_priority = true,
    events = { 'VimEnter' },
    enabled = function()
      return vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1
    cmds = { 'FlyGrep' },
    config = function()
    config = function()
      vim.cmd('colorscheme one')
    priority = 100,


The development of this plugin is in SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-plug directory.

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the issue tracker or Telegram group