Async adapter for the mavlink crate
The mavlink crate offers a low level API for MAVLink connections. This crate adds a thin async API on top of that. The most important feature is a subscribe based communication model. It allows the user to subscribe to a certain type of message. All subsequent messages of that type then can be received in a async stream. In order for this to function, it is necessary to execute the event loop of the connector as a task. This crate aims to be executor independent, e.g. it should work with all async executors.
This so far is only a proof of concept. While it might serve your usecase well, expect things to break. Contributions and suggestions are wellcome!
In this example the subscribe method is utilized to collect all parameters of the vehicle.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use async_mavlink::prelude::*;
use mavlink::{MavlinkVersion, common::*};
use smol::prelude::*;
smol::block_on(async {
// connect
let (conn, future) = AsyncMavConn::new("udpin:", MavlinkVersion::V1)?;
// start event loop
smol::spawn(async move { future.await }).detach();
// we want to subscribe to PARAM_VALUE messages
let msg_type = MavMessageType::new(&MavMessage::PARAM_VALUE(Default::default()));
// subscribe to PARAM_VALUE message
let mut stream = conn.subscribe(msg_type).await?;
// and send one PARAM_REQUEST_LIST message
let msg_request = MavMessage::PARAM_REQUEST_LIST(Default::default());
let mut parameters = HashMap::new();
// receive all parameters and store them in a HashMap
while let Some(MavMessage::PARAM_VALUE(data)) = ( {
parameters.insert(to_string(&data.param_id), data.param_value);
if data.param_count as usize == parameters.len(){
// do something with parameters
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