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File metadata and controls

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This summary covers the reverse-engineering study of Linear's Sync Engine (LSE). It provides a conceptual overview of how LSE works and serves as a good starting point for understanding the source code.


Here are the core concepts behind LSE:

introduction to LSE


Entities such as Issue, Team, Organization, and Comment are referred to as models in LSE. These models possess properties and references to other models, many of which are observable (via MobX) to automatically update views when changes occur. In essence, models and properties include metadata that dictate how they behave in LSE.

Models can be loaded from either the local database (IndexedDB) or the server. Some models supports partially loading and can be loaded on demand, either from the local database or by fetching additional data from the server. Once loaded, models are stored in an Object Pool, which serves as a large map for retrieving models by their UUIDs.

Models can be hydrated lazily, meaning its properties can be loaded only when accessed. This mechanism is particularly useful for improving performance by loading only the necessary data.

Operations—such as additions, deletions, updates, and archiving—on models, their properties, and references are encapsulated as transactions. These transactions are sent to the server, executed there, and then broadcast as delta packets to all connected clients. This ensures data consistency across multiple clients.


Operations sent to the server are packaged as transactions. These transactions are intended to execute exclusively on the server and are designed to be reversible on the client in case of failure. If the client loses its connection to the server, transactions are temporarily cached in IndexedDB and automatically resent once the connection is reestablished.

Transactions are associated with a sync id, which is a monotonically increasing number that ensures the correct order of operations. This number is crucial for maintaining consistency across all clients.

Additionally, transactions play a key role in supporting undo and redo operations, enabling seamless changes and corrections in real-time collaborative workflows.

Delta packets

Once transactions are executed, the server broadcasts delta packets to all clients—including the client that initiated the transaction—to update the models. A delta packet contains several sync actions, and each action is associated with a sync id as well. This mechanism prevents clients from missing updates and helps identify any missing packets if discrepancies occur.

The delta packets may differ from the original transactions sent by the client, as the server might perform side effects during execution (e.g., generating history).

Defining Models and Metadata

When Linear starts, it first generates metadata for models, including their properties, methods (actions), and computed values. To manage this metadata, LSE maintains a detailed dictionary called ModelRegistry.

model registry

LSE uses decorators to define models and properties, and record their metadata to the ModelRegistry.

Model's metadata includes:

  1. loadStrategy: Defines how models are loaded into the client. There are five strategies:
    • instant: Models that are loaded during application bootstrapping (default strategy).
    • lazy: Models that do not load during bootstrapping but are fetched all at once when needed (e.g., ExternalUser).
    • partial: Models that are loaded on demand, meaning only a subset of instances is fetched from the server (e.g., DocumentContent).
    • explicitlyRequested: Models that are only loaded when explicitly requested (e.g., DocumentContentHistory).
    • local: Models that are stored exclusively in the local database. No models have been identified using this strategy.
  2. partialLoadMode: Specifies how a model is hydrated, with three possible values: full, regular, and lowPriority.
  3. usedForPartialIndexes: Relates to the functionality of partial indexing.

Property's metadata includes:

  1. type: Specifies the property's type.
  2. lazy: Specifies whether the property should be loaded only when the model is hydrated.
  3. serializer: Defines how to serialize the property for data transfer or storage.
  4. indexed: Determines whether the property should be indexed in the database. Used for references.
  5. nullable: Specifies whether the property can be null, used for references.
  6. etc.

type is an enumeration that includes the following values:

  1. property: A property that is "owned" by the model. For example, title is a property of Issue.
  2. ephemeralProperty: Similar to a property, but it is not persisted in the database. This type is rarely used. For example, lastUserInteraction is an ephemeral property of User.
  3. reference: A property used when a model holds a reference to another model. Its value is typically the ID of the referenced model. A reference can be lazy-loaded, meaning the referenced model is not loaded until this property is accessed. For example, subscription is a reference of Team.
  4. referenceModel: When reference properties are registered, a referenceModel property is also created. This property defines getters and setters to access the referenced model using the corresponding reference.
  5. referenceCollection: Similar to reference, but it refers to an array of models. For example, templates is a referenceCollection of Team.
  6. backReference: A backReference is the inverse of a reference. For example, favorite is a backReference of Issue. The key difference is that a backReference is considered "owned" by the referenced model. When the referenced model (B) is deleted, the backReference (A) is also deleted.
  7. referenceArray: Used for many-to-many relationships. For example, members of Project is a referenceArray that references Users, allowing users to be members of multiple projects.

LSE uses a variety of decorators to register different types of properties. In this chapter, let's first look at three of them.

Schema Hash

ModelRegistry includes a special property called __schemaHash, which is a hash of all models' metadata and their properties' metadata. This hash is crucial for determining whether the local database requires migration.


A full bootstrapping of Linear looks like this:

bootstrapping overview

  1. StoreManager (cce) creates either a PartialStore (jm) or a FullStore (TE) for each model. These stores are responsible for synchronizing in-memory data with IndexedDB. Also, SyncActionStore (oce) will be created to store sync actions.
  2. Database (eg) connects to IndexedDB and get databases and tables ready. If the databases don't exist, they will be created. And if a migration is needed, it will be performed.
  3. Database determines the type of bootstrapping to be performed.
  4. The appropriate bootstrapping is executed. For full bootstrapping, models are retrieved from the server.
  5. The retrieved model data will be stored in IndexedDB.
  6. Data requiring immediate hydration is loaded into memory, and observability is activated.
  7. Build a connection to the server to receive delta packets.

Linear creates a database for each workspaces logged in. The metadata of this database includes the following fields.

  1. lastSyncId. Explained in a section below.
  2. firstSyncId: Represents the lastSyncId value when the client performs a full bootstrapping. As we'll see later, this value is used to determine the starting point for incremental synchronization.
  3. subscribedSyncGroups. Explained in a section below.
  4. etc.

During a full bootstrapping, the response will contains this metadata and LSE will dump them into the database.


lastSyncId is a critical concept in LSE. You might find that it ties into concepts like transactions and delta packets, which we will explore in greater detail in the later chapters. It's perfectly fine if you don't fully grasp this part right now. Keep reading and refer back to this section after you've covered the upcoming chapters—everything will come together.

Linear is often regarded as a benchmark for local-first software. Unlike most mainstream local-first applications that use CRDTs, Linear's collaboration model aligns more closely with OT, as it relies on a centralized server to establish the order of all transactions. Within the LSE framework, all transactions sent by clients follow a total order, whereas CRDTs typically require only a partial order. This total order is represented by the sync id, which is an incremental integer. And lastSyncId is the latest sync id as you can tell from its name.

When a transaction is successfully executed by the server, the global lastSyncId increments by 1. This ID effectively serves as the version number of the database, ensuring that all changes are tracked in a sequential manner.

To some extent, LSE leans more towards OT (Operational Transformation) rather than CRDT (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types), because it requires a central server to arrange the order of transactions.


This concept is crucial in LSE. While all workspaces share the same lastSyncId counter, you cannot access issues or receive delta packets from workspaces or teams to which you lack proper permissions. This restriction is enforced through an access control mechanism, with subscribedSyncGroups serving as the key component. The subscribedSyncGroups array contains UUIDs that represent your user ID, the teams you belong to, and predefined roles.

Lazy Hydration

Linear does not load everything from the server at once during full bootstrapping, nor does it load everything into memory each time. Instead, it supports lazy hydration, meaning only the necessary data is loaded into memory when needed. This approach improves performance and reduces memory usage.

Classes with a hydrate method, such as Model, LazyReferenceCollection, LazyReference, RequestCollection, and LazyBackReference, can be hydrated.

LSE uses different approaches, including partial indexes and sync groups, as keys to load lazy models.


LSE clients send transactions to the server to perform operations on models. Below is a brief overview of how transactions work in LSE, using UpdatingTransactions as an example:

  1. When a property is assigned a new value, the system records key information: the name of the changed property and its previous value. Models in memory are updated immediately to reflect these changes.
  2. When is called, an UpdateTransaction is created. This transaction captures the changes made to the model.
  3. The generated UpdateTransaction is then added to a request queue. Simultaneously, it is saved in the __transactions table in IndexedDB for caching.
  4. The TransactionQueue schedules timers (sometimes triggering them immediately) to send the queued transactions to the server in batches.
  5. Once a batch is successfully processed by the backend, it is removed from the __transactions table in IndexedDB. The Local Storage Engine (LSE) then clears the cached batch.
  6. Transactions will wait for delta packets containing the lastSyncId to complete before proceeding.

Transactions offer the following key features:

  1. Caching – If the client disconnects or closes, transactions can be resent upon reconnection.
  2. Undo & Redo – Transactions can be undone, redone, and reverted on the client side, allowing smooth handling of server rejections.
  3. Conflict Resolution – Uses a last-writer-wins strategy to resolve conflicts.

LSE will create a WebSocket connection to the server to receive delta packets, and performing the following tasks when receiving delta packets.

  1. Determine whether the user is added to or removed from sync groups.
  2. Load dependencies of specific actions.
  3. Write data for the new sync groups and their dependents into the local database.
  4. Loop through all sync actions and resolve them to update the local database.
  5. Loop through all sync actions again to update in-memory data.
  6. Update lastSyncId on the client, and update firstSyncId if sync groups change.
  7. Resolve completed transactions waiting for the lastSyncId.