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Richard Preen edited this page Oct 31, 2021 · 24 revisions

Python Library Usage


XCSF can be initialised in the following way. The x_dim is an integer specifying the number of input feature variables; y_dim is an integer specifying the number of predicted target variables (1 for reinforcement learning); and n_actions is an integer specifying the number of actions or classes (1 for supervised learning). An optional fourth argument may be supplied as a string specifying the location of an .ini configuration file.

import xcsf.xcsf as xcsf

xcs = xcsf.XCS(x_dim, y_dim, n_actions)

Initialising General Parameters

Default parameter values are hard-coded within XCSF. The .ini configuration file is parsed upon invocation of the constructor and overrides these values. At run-time, the values may be further overridden within python by using the following properties:

# General XCSF
xcs.OMP_NUM_THREADS = 8 # number of CPU cores to use 
xcs.POP_INIT = True # whether to seed the population with random rules
xcs.POP_SIZE = 200 # maximum population size
xcs.MAX_TRIALS = 1000 # number of trials to execute for each
xcs.PERF_TRIALS = 1000 # number of trials to avg performance
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'mae' # mean absolute error
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'mse' # mean squared error
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'rmse' # root mean squared error
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'log' # log loss (cross-entropy)
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'binary-log' # binary log loss
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'onehot' # one-hot encoding classification error
xcs.LOSS_FUNC = 'huber' # Huber error
xcs.HUBER_DELTA = 1 # delta parameter for Huber error calculation

# General Classifier
xcs.E0 = 0.01 # target error, under which accuracy is set to 1
xcs.ALPHA = 0.1 # accuracy offset for rules above E0 (1=disabled)
xcs.NU = 5 # accuracy slope for rules with error above E0
xcs.BETA = 0.1 # learning rate for updating error, fitness, and set size
xcs.DELTA = 0.1 # fraction of least fit classifiers to increase deletion vote
xcs.THETA_DEL = 20 # min experience before fitness used in probability of deletion
xcs.INIT_FITNESS = 0.01 # initial classifier fitness
xcs.INIT_ERROR = 0 # initial classifier error
xcs.M_PROBATION = 10000 # trials since creation a rule must match at least 1 input or be deleted
xcs.STATEFUL = True # whether classifiers should retain state across trials
xcs.SET_SUBSUMPTION = False # whether to perform set subsumption
xcs.THETA_SUB = 100 # minimum experience of a classifier to become a subsumer
xcs.COMPACTION = False # if enabled and sys err < E0, the largest of 2 roulette spins is deleted

# Multi-step Problems
xcs.TELETRANSPORTATION = 50 # num steps to reset a multistep problem if goal not found
xcs.GAMMA = 0.95 # discount factor in calculating the reward for multistep problems
xcs.P_EXPLORE = 0.9 # probability of exploring vs. exploiting in a multistep trial

# Evolutionary Algorithm
xcs.EA_SELECT_TYPE = 'roulette' # roulette wheel parental selection
xcs.EA_SELECT_TYPE = 'tournament' # tournament parental selection
xcs.EA_SELECT_SIZE = 0.4 # fraction of set size for tournament parental selection
xcs.THETA_EA = 50 # average set time between EA invocations
xcs.LAMBDA = 2 # number of offspring to create each EA invocation
xcs.P_CROSSOVER = 0.8 # probability of applying crossover
xcs.ERR_REDUC = 1.0 # amount to reduce an offspring error (1=disabled)
xcs.FIT_REDUC = 0.1 # amount to reduce an offspring fitness (1=disabled)
xcs.EA_SUBSUMPTION = False # whether to try and subsume offspring classifiers
xcs.EA_PRED_RESET = False # whether to reset offspring predictions instead of copying

Related Literature:

Initialising Conditions

Always match (dummy)

The use of always matching conditions results in the match set being equal to the population set, i.e., [M] = [P]. The evolutionary algorithm and classifier updates are thus performed within [P], and global models are designed (e.g., neural networks) that cover the entire state-space. This configuration operates as a more traditional evolutionary algorithm, which can be useful for debugging and benchmarking.

Additionally, a single global model (e.g., a linear regression) can be fit by also setting POP_SIZE = 1 and disabling the evolutionary algorithm by setting the invocation frequency to a larger number than will ever be executed, e.g., THETA_EA = 5000000. This can also be useful for debugging and benchmarking.


Ternary Bitstrings

Ternary bitstrings binarise real-valued inputs to a specified number of bits with the assumption that the inputs are in the range [0,1]. For example with 2 bits, an input vector [0.23,0.76,0.45,0.5] will be converted to [0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1] before being tested for matching with the ternary bitstring using the alphabet {0,1,#} where the don't care symbol # matches either bit.

Uniform crossover is applied with probability P_CROSSOVER and a single self-adaptive mutation rate (log normal) is used.

args = {
    'bits': 2, # number of bits per float to binarise inputs
    'p-dontcare': 0.5, # don't care probability during covering
xcs.condition('ternary', args)

Related Literature:

Hyperrectangles and Hyperellipsoids

Hyperrectangles and hyperellipsoids currently use the centre-spread representation (and axis-rotation is not yet implemented.)

Uniform crossover is applied with probability P_CROSSOVER. A single self-adaptive mutation rate (log normal) specifies the standard deviation used to sample a random Gaussian (with zero mean) which is added to each centre and spread value.

args = {
    'min': 0, # minimum value of a center
    'max': 1, # maximum value of a center
    'min-spread': 0.1, # minimum initial spread
    'eta': 0, # gradient descent rate for moving centers to mean inputs matched
xcs.condition('hyperrectangle', args)
xcs.condition('hyperellipsoid', args)

Related Literature:

GP Trees

GP trees currently use arithmetic operators from the set {+,-,/,*}. Return values from each node are clamped [-1000,1000]. The rule matches if the output node is greater than 0.5.

Sub-tree crossover is applied with probability P_CROSSOVER. A single self-adaptive mutation rate (rate selection) is used to specify the per allele probability of performing mutation where terminals are randomly replaced with other terminals and functions randomly replaced with other functions.

args = {
    'min': 0, # minimum value of a constant
    'max': 1, # maximum value of a constant
    'n-constants': 100, # number of (global) constants available
    'init-depth': 5, # initial depth of a tree
    'max-len': 10000, # maximum initial length of a tree
xcs.condition('tree-gp', args)

Related Literature:

DGP Graphs

Cyclical graphs with fuzzy activation functions selected from the CFMQVS set: {fuzzy NOT, fuzzy AND, fuzzy OR}. Each graph is initialised with a randomly selected function assigned to each node and random connectivity (including recurrent connections) and is synchronously updated in parallel for T cycles before sampling the output node(s). These graphs can exhibit inherent memory by retaining state across inputs. Inputs must be in the range [0,1].

Currently implements a fixed number of nodes with the number of connections and update cycles evolved along with the function for each node. Log normal self-adaptive mutation is used for node function and connectivity and uniform self-adaptive mutation for the number of update cycles.

When used as conditions, the number of nodes n must be at least 1 and the rule matches a given input if the state of that node is greater than 0.5 after updating the graph T times. When used as condition + action rules, the action is encoded as binary (discretising the node outputs with threshold 0.5); for example with 8 actions, a minimum of 3 additional nodes are required.

args = {
    'max-k': 2, # number of connections per node
    'max-t': 10, # maximum number of cycles to update graphs
    'n': 20, # number of nodes in the graph
    'evolve-cycles': True, # whether to evolve the number of update cycles
xcs.condition('dgp', args)
xcs.condition('rule-dgp', args) # conditions + actions in single DGP graphs

Related Literature:

Neural Networks

Condition output layers should be set to a single neuron, i.e., 'n-init': 1. A classifier matches an input if this output neuron is greater than 0.5.

When used to represent conditions and actions within a single network ("rules") the output layers should be 'n-init': 1 + binary where binary is the number of outputs required to output binary actions. For example, for 8 actions, 3 binary outputs are required and the output layer should contain 4 neurons. Again, the neuron states of the action outputs are discretised with threshold 0.5.

See Neural Network Initialisation.

xcs.condition('neural', layer_args)
xcs.condition('rule-neural', layer_args) # conditions + actions in single neural nets

Related Literature:

Initialising Actions


A constant integer value. A single self-adaptive mutation rate (log normal) specifies the probability of randomly reselecting the value.


Related Literature:

Neural Networks

Output layer should be a softmax. See Neural Network Initialisation.

xcs.action('neural', layer_args)

Related Literature:

  • T. O'Hara and L. Bull (2005) "A memetic accuracy-based neural learning classifier system"
  • D. Howard, L. Bull, and P.-L. Lanzi (2015) "A cognitive architecture based on a learning classifier system with spiking classifiers"

Initialising Predictions


Piece-wise constant predictions. Updated with (reward or payoff) target y and learning rate β:

  • if expj < 1 / β:
    • pj ← (pj × (expj − 1) + y) / expj
  • otherwise:
    • pj ← pj + β (ypj)
xcs.BETA = 0.1 # classifier update rate includes constant predictions

Related Literature:

Normalised Least Mean Squares

If eta is evolved, the rate is initialised uniformly random [eta-min, eta]. Offspring inherit the rate and a single (log normal) self-adaptive mutation rate specifies the standard deviation used to sample a random Gaussian (with zero mean) which is added to eta (similar to evolution strategies).

args = {
    'x0': 1, # offset value
    'eta': 0.1, # gradient descent update rate (maximum value, if evolved)
    'eta-min': 0.0001, # minimum gradient descent update rate (if evolved)
    'evolve-eta': True, # whether to evolve the gradient descent rate
xcs.prediction('nlms-linear', args)
xcs.prediction('nlms-quadratic', args)

Related Literature:

Recursive Least Mean Squares

args = {
    'x0': 1, # offset value
    'rls-scale-factor': 1000, # initial diagonal values of the gain-matrix
    'rls-lambda': 1, # forget rate (small values may be unstable)
xcs.prediction('rls-linear', args)
xcs.prediction('rls-quadratic', args)

Related Literature:

Neural Networks

Output layer should be 'n-init': y_dim. See Neural Network Initialisation.

xcs.prediction('neural', layer_args)

Related Literature:

Neural Network Initialisation

General Network Specification

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': { # first hidden layer
        'type': 'connected', # layer type
        ..., # layer specific parameters
    ..., # as many layers as desired
    'layer_n': { # output layer
        'type': 'connected', # layer type
        ..., # layer specific parameters

Activation Functions

Note: Neuron states are clamped [-100,100] before activations are applied. Weights are clamped [-10,10].

'logistic', # logistic [0,1]
'relu', # rectified linear unit [0,inf]
'tanh', # tanh [-1,1]
'linear', # linear [-inf,inf]
'gaussian', # Gaussian (0,1]
'sin', # sine [-1,1]
'cos', # cosine [-1,1]
'softplus', # soft plus [0,inf]
'leaky', # leaky rectified linear unit [-inf,inf]
'selu', # scaled exponential linear unit [-1.7581,inf]
'loggy', # logistic [-1,1]

Connected Layers

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'connected', # layer type
        'activation': 'relu', # activation function
        'evolve-weights': True, # whether to evolve weights
        'evolve-connect': True, # whether to evolve connectivity
        'evolve-functions': True, # whether to evolve activation function
        'evolve-neurons': True, # whether to evolve the number of neurons
        'max-neuron-grow': 5, # maximum number of neurons to add or remove per mut
        'n-init': 10, # initial number of neurons
        'n-max': 100, # maximum number of neurons (if evolved)
        'sgd-weights': True, # whether to use gradient descent (only for predictions)
        'evolve-eta': True, # whether to evolve the gradient descent rate   
        'eta': 0.1, # gradient descent update rate (maximum value, if evolved)
        'eta-min': 0.0001, # minimum gradient descent update rate (if evolved)
        'momentum': 0.9, # momentum for gradient descent update
        'decay': 0, # weight decay during gradient descent update

Recurrent Layers

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'recurrent',
        ..., # other parameters same as for connected layers

LSTM Layers

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'lstm',
        'activation': 'tanh', # activation function
        'recurrent-activation': 'logistic', # recurrent activation function
        ..., # other parameters same as for connected layers

Softmax Layers

Softmax layers can be composed of a linear connected layer and softmax:

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'connected',
        'activation': 'linear',
        'n-init': N_ACTIONS, # number of (softmax) outputs
        ..., # other parameters same as for connected layers
    'layer_1': {
        'type': 'softmax',
        'scale': 1, # softmax temperature

Dropout Layers

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'dropout',
        'probability': 0.2, # probability of dropping an input

Noise Layers

Gaussian noise adding layers.

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'noise',
        'probability': 0.2, # probability of adding noise to an input
        'scale': 1.0, # standard deviation of Gaussian noise added

Convolutional Layers

Convolutional layers require image inputs and produce image outputs. If used as the first layer, the width, height, and number of channels must be specified. If 'evolve-neurons': True the number of filters will be evolved using an initial number of filters 'n-init' and maximum number 'n-max'.

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'convolutional',
        'activation': 'relu', # activation function
        'height': 16, # input height
        'width': 16, # input width
        'channels': 1, # number of input channels
        'n-init': 6, # number of convolutional kernel filters
        'size': 3, # the size of the convolution window
        'stride': 1, # the stride of the convolution window
        'pad': 1, # the padding of the convolution window
        ..., # other parameters same as for connected layers
    'layer_1': {
        'type': 'convolutional',
        ..., # parameters same as above; height, width, channels not needed

Max-pooling Layers

Max-pooling layers require image inputs and produce image outputs. If used as the first layer, the width, height, and number of channels must be specified.

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'maxpool',
        'height': 16, # input height
        'width': 16, # input width
        'channels': 1, # number of input channels
        'size': 2, # the size of the maxpooling operation
        'stride': 2, # the stride of the maxpooling operation
        'pad': 0, # the padding of the maxpooling operation
    'layer_1': {
        'type': 'maxpool',
        'size': 2,
        'stride': 2,
        'pad': 0,

Average-pooling Layers

Average-pooling layers require image inputs. If used as the first layer, the width, height, and number of channels must be specified. Outputs an average for each input channel.

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'avgpool',
        'height': 16, # input height
        'width': 16, # input width
        'channels': 1, # number of input channels
    'layer_1': {
        'type': 'avgpool',

Upsampling Layers

Upsampling layers require image inputs and produce image outputs. If used as the first layer, the width, height, and number of channels must be specified.

layer_args = {
    'layer_0': {
        'type': 'upsample',
        'height': 16, # input height
        'width': 16, # input width
        'channels': 1, # number of input channels
        'stride': 2, # the stride of the upsampling operation
    'layer_1': {
        'type': 'upsample',
        'stride': 2,

Saving and Loading XCSF

To save the entire current state of XCSF to a binary file:'saved_name.bin')

To load the entire state of XCSF from a binary file:


Storing and Retrieving XCSF

To store the current XCSF population in memory for later retrieval, overwriting any previously stored population:

To retrieve the previously stored XCSF population from memory:


Printing XCSF

To print the current XCSF parameters:


To print the current XCSF population:

print_condition = True # whether to print the classifier conditions
print_action = True # whether to print the classifier actions
print_prediction = True # whether to print the classifier predictions
xcs.print_pset(print_condition, print_action, print_prediction)

XCSF Getters

Values for all general parameters are directly accessible via the property. Specific getter functions:

# General
xcs.pset_size() # returns the mean population size
xcs.pset_num() # returns the mean population numerosity
xcs.mset_size() # returns the mean match set size
xcs.aset_size() # returns the mean action set size
xcs.mfrac() # returns the mean fraction of inputs matched by the best rule
xcs.time() # returns the current EA time
xcs.version_major() # returns the XCSF major version number
xcs.version_minor() # returns the XCSF minor version number
xcs.version_build() # returns the XCSF build version number
xcs.pset_mean_cond_size() # returns the mean condition size
xcs.pset_mean_pred_size() # returns the mean prediction size

# Neural network specific - population set averages
# 'layer' argument is an integer specifying the location of a layer: first layer=0
xcs.pset_mean_pred_eta(layer) # returns the mean eta for a prediction layer
xcs.pset_mean_pred_neurons(layer) # returns the mean number of neurons for a prediction layer
xcs.pset_mean_pred_layers() # returns the mean number of layers in the prediction networks
xcs.pset_mean_pred_connections(layer) # returns the number of active connections for a prediction layer
xcs.pset_mean_cond_neurons(layer) # returns the mean number of neurons for a condition layer
xcs.pset_mean_cond_layers() # returns the mean number of layers in the condition networks
xcs.pset_mean_cond_connections(layer) # returns the number of active connections for a condition layer

Random Number Seed

To set the random number seed:


Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Initialisation

Initialise XCSF with y_dim = 1 for predictions to estimate the scalar reward.

import xcsf.xcsf as xcsf
xcs = xcsf.XCS(x_dim, 1, n_actions)

Reinforcement Learning Method 1

The standard method involves the basic loop as shown below. state must be a 1-D numpy array representing the feature values of a single instance; reward must be a scalar value representing the current environmental reward for having performed the action; and done must be a boolean value representing whether the environment is currently in a terminal state.

state = env.reset()
for cnt in range(xcs.TELETRANSPORTATION):
    action = xcs.decision(state, explore) # explore specifies whether to explore/exploit
    next_state, reward, done = env.step(action)
    xcs.update(reward, done) # update the current action set and/or previous action set
    err += xcs.error(reward, done, env.max_payoff()) # system prediction error
    if done:
    state = next_state
cnt += 1

Reinforcement Learning Method 2

The fit() function may be used as below to execute one single-step learning trial, i.e., creation of the match and action sets, updating the action set and running the EA as appropriate. The vector state must be a 1-D numpy array representing the feature values of a single instance; action must be an integer representing the selected action (and therefore the action set to update); and reward must be a scalar value representing the current environmental reward for having performed the action., action, reward)

The entire prediction array for a given state can be returned using the supervised predict() function, which must receive a 2-D numpy array. For example:

prediction_array = xcs.predict(state.reshape(1,-1))[0]

Reinforcement Examples

Reinforcement learning examples with action sets:

Reinforcement learning example (using experience replay) without action sets:

Related Literature:

Supervised Learning

Supervised Initialisation

Initialise XCSF with a single (dummy) integer action. Set conditions and predictions as desired.

import xcsf.xcsf as xcsf
xcs = xcsf.XCS(x_dim, y_dim, 1) # single action
xcs.action('integer') # dummy integer actions

Supervised Fitting

The fit() function may be used as below to execute xcs.MAX_TRIALS number of learning iterations (i.e., single-step trials) using a supplied training set. The input arrays X_train and y_train must be 2-D numpy arrays. The third parameter specifies whether to randomly shuffle the training data. The function will return the training prediction error using the loss function as specified by xcs.LOSS_FUNC. Returns a scalar representing the error.

train_error =, y_train, True)

Supervised Scoring

The score() function may be used as below to calculate the prediction error over a single pass of a supplied data set without updates or the EA being invoked (e.g., for scoring a validation set). An optional third argument may be supplied that specifies the maximum number of iterations performed; if this value is less than the number of instances supplied, samples will be drawn randomly. Returns a scalar representing the error.

val_error = xcs.score(X_val, y_val)

Supervised Predicting

The predict() function may be used as below to calculate the XCSF predictions for a supplied data set. No updates or EA invocations are performed. The input vector must be a 2-D numpy array. Returns a 2-D numpy array.

predictions = xcs.predict(X_test)

Supervised Examples


Self-adaptive mutation

Currently 3 self-adaptive mutation methods are implemented and their use is defined within the various implementations of conditions, actions, and predictions. The smallest allowable mutation rate MU_EPSILON = 0.0005.

Uniform adaptation: selects rates from a uniform random distribution. Initially the rate is drawn at random. Offspring inherit the parent's rate, but with 10% probability the rate is randomly redrawn.

Log normal adaptation: selects rates using a log normal method (similar to evolution strategies). Initially the rate is selected at random from a uniform distribution. Offspring inherit the parent's rate, before applying log normal adaptation: μ ← μ eN(0,1).

Rate selection adaptation: selects rates from the following set of 10 values: {0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1}. Initially the rate is selected at random. Offspring inherit the parent's rate, but with 10% probability the rate is randomly reselected.

Related Literature:

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