Closed issues:
- Update to cats-effect 3 #499
v2.1.1 (2021-09-24)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix problem with fibers being cancelled due to timeout and causing fetch deadlock #538 (jordiolivares)
Merged pull requests:
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.4 #537 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.9 #536 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.10 #535 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.4 #534 (47erbot)
- Update scala-library to 2.12.15 #533 (47erbot)
v2.1.0 (2021-09-14)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.3 #532 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.8 #531 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.2 #530 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.7 #529 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.2 #528 (47erbot)
- Update scala3-library to 3.0.2 #527 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.3 #526 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.7.0 #525 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 1.0.0-RC1 #524 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.5 #523 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.1 #522 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.23 #521 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.1 #520 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.0.0 #519 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.3 #518 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.2 #517 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.1 #516 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.7.0 #515 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.1 #514 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.23.0 #513 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 3.2.0 #512 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.22 #511 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.6.3 #510 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.6.2 #509 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.5 #508 (47erbot)
- Update scala3-library to 3.0.1 #507 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.3 #506 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-header, ... to 0.9.3 #505 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 1.1.0 #503 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.6.1 #502 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.4 #501 (47erbot)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for batching requests across unrelated fetches #504 (jordiolivares)
v2.0.0 (2021-06-10)
🚀 Features
- Cross-building with Scala 3 #443 (benderpremier)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.6.0 #498 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.3 #497 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.24 #496 (47erbot)
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.1 #495 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.13.4 #494 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.13.3 #493 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.23 #492 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.0 #491 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.5 #490 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.21 #489 (47erbot)
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.0-M7 #488 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.12.0 #487 (47erbot)
- Update monix to 3.4.0 #486 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.2 #485 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.13.2 #484 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.4 #483 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.3.4 #481 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.13.1 #480 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.1 #479 (47erbot)
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.0-M6 #478 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-dotty to 0.5.5 #477 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.6.0 #476 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.5.0 #475 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.20 #473 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.22 #470 (47erbot)
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.0-M5 #469 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.5.0 #468 (47erbot)
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.0-M4 #467 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-dotty to 0.5.4 #466 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.3 #464 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.7 #463 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.5.1 #462 (47erbot)
Closed issues:
- Scala3 migration #439
Merged pull requests:
v1.3.2 (2021-03-31)
📘 Documentation
🐛 Bug Fixes
📈 Dependency updates
- Update cats-effect to 2.4.1 #461 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.19 #460 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.21 #459 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.7 #458 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.4.0 #457 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc-toc-generator, sbt-mdoc-toc to 0.3.0 #456 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.5.2 #455 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-header, ... to 0.9.2 #454 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.12.1 #453 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.6 #452 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.12.0 #451 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.9 #450 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.6 #449 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.8 #448 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-header, ... to 0.9.1 #447 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.20 #446 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.2 #445 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.5 #444 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.3.3 #442 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.4 #441 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.5.0 #438 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.19 #437 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.18 #435 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.1 #434 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.17 #433 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.3.3 #432 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.7 #431 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.5.1 #428 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.16 #427 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.5.0 #426 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.11.3 #424 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.4.0 #421 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.10.0 #420 (47erbot)
- Update atto-core to 0.9.0 #419 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.15 #418 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.4.1 #417 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.6 #416 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.3.0 #415 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.3.1 #414 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.14 #413 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.5 #412 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-header, ... to 0.9.0 #411 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.14 #410 (47erbot)
- Update jedis to 3.4.0 #409 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.5 #408 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.11.2 #407 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.3.0 #406 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.13 #405 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.13 #404 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.9.4 #403 (47erbot)
- Update kind-projector to 0.11.1 #402 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.4 #401 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.11 #400 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.3.1 #398 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.3 #397 (47erbot)
- Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.2.12 #396 (47erbot)
- Update monix to 3.3.0 #394 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.4 #393 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.2 #390 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.1 #389 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.5 #388 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.10 #387 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.8 #386 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 1.3.0 #385 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.4 #384 (47erbot)
- Update sbt to 1.4.0 #383 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.3 #382 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.2 #381 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.9 #380 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.1 #379 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.8 #378 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.7 #377 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.2.0 #376 (47erbot)
- Update doobie-core, doobie-h2 to 0.9.2 #375 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.0 #374 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 1.2.0 #373 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.6 #372 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.2 #371 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.5 #370 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.4 #369 (47erbot)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.7 #368 (47erbot)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.1 #367 (47erbot)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.2 #366 (47erbot)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.4 #365 (47erbot)
- Update cats-effect to 2.1.4 #363 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.3 #362 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.2 #361 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 1.1.1 #360 (scala-steward)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.6 #359 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.13 #358 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.3 #357 (scala-steward)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.5 #356 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.2.0 #353 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.2 #349 (scala-steward)
- Update jedis to 3.3.0 #348 (scala-steward)
Closed issues:
- Wrong library dependency configuration for Scala.js #391
- Caching in readme #306
- in batches without optimizations #305
- Add .run* syntax to Fetch instances #195
- Add a combinator for running a Fetch and getting back both cache and log #193
- Provide examples of usage with other libraries in the documentation #48
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #391: Scala.js library dependencies #392 (adpi2)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.1 #355 (BenFradet)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.0 #351 (BenFradet)
v1.3.1 (2020-06-04)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update monix to 3.2.2 #346 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.1 #345 (scala-steward)
- Update jedis to 2.10.2 #344 (scala-steward)
- Update jedis to 2.9.3 #343 (scala-steward)
- Update atto-core to 0.8.0 #342 (scala-steward)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.5.3 #341 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.12 #340 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 1.1.0 #339 (scala-steward)
- Update http4s-blaze-client, http4s-circe to 0.21.4 #338 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.11 #336 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.0 #333 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.2 #307 (scala-steward)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency com.olegpy:better-monadic-for:plugin->default(compile) #190
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare repository for next
release and SBT build improvements #335 (alejandrohdezma) - Update scalafmt-core to 2.5.1 #295 (BenFradet)
v1.3.0 (2020-04-22)
- Upgrades Build #284 (juanpedromoreno)
- Removes Scala 2.11 support #281 (juanpedromoreno)
📈 Dependency updates
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.3 #283 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.5 #258 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.1.4 #257 (scala-steward)
Closed issues:
- Fixes microsite theme #252
Merged pull requests:
- Migrates from tut to mdoc #286 (juanpedromoreno)
- Mergify: configuration update #256 (juanpedromoreno)
- Adding code owners info #254 (franciscodr)
- Adds microsite theme to keep website style #253 (AntonioMateoGomez)
v1.2.2 (2020-03-10)
Closed issues:
- Add cross build for Scala 2.13 #216
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #164
Merged pull requests:
- Changing Travis stages order #251 (franciscodr)
- Updating Travis build #250 (franciscodr)
- Setting Tut as compilation tool for documentation #249 (franciscodr)
- Release 1.2.2 #248 (franciscodr)
- Migrates from 47deg to 47degrees GH organization #247 (franciscodr)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.1 #246 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 1.0.0 #245 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.8 #244 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 0.6.32 #243 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.7 #240 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.6 #239 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.5 #238 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 1.0.1 #236 (scala-steward)
- Update scalatest to 3.1.0 #234 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.4 #233 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 0.6.31 #232 (scala-steward)
v1.2.1 (2019-10-29)
Closed issues:
- Update Cats 2.0.0 and Monix 3.0.0 #211
Merged pull requests:
- Update .travis.yml #231 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update Travis config #230 (purrgrammer)
- Update Scala versions #229 (purrgrammer)
- 1.2.1 release #228 (purrgrammer)
- Stack safety of combineRequests #227 (abestel)
- Update sbt to 1.3.3 #226 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 0.9.7 #225 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-microsites to 0.9.6 #224 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt to 1.3.2 #223 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler to 0.6.29 #222 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-scalajs-crossproject to 0.6.1 #221 (scala-steward)
- Update sbt-org-policies to 0.12.0-M3 #220 (scala-steward)
- Update to Scala 2.13, SBT 1.3 and bump some libraries (Issue #216) #219 (bijancn)
- Update sbt plugins #218 (juanpedromoreno)
v1.2.0 (2019-09-16)
Closed issues:
- Loosen type restrictions on liftIO #213
- Tutorial missing something #204
- Implement Fetch redesign in the actual microsite #201
- Both versions home page for fetch #200
- Fetch site for both versions - Scala - Kotlin #199
Merged pull requests:
- refactor(fetch): Loosen effect constraint for liftIO. #215 (paulpdaniels)
- Release 1.2.0 #214 (purrgrammer)
- chore(dependencies): Update cats and monix dependencies. #212 (paulpdaniels)
- [website] Various bugfixes/improvements #210 (calvellido)
- Fix typo on home page #209 (calvellido)
- Update #208 (jkmcclellan)
- Only run Travis builds agains OpenJDK8 #207 (purrgrammer)
- Update #205 (jkmcclellan)
- Redesign Implementation #203 (AntonioMateoGomez)
v1.1.0 (2019-06-04)
Closed issues:
- Support for lifting
F\[\_\]: Concurrent
without related Data/DataSource into Fetch #188 - Don't allow tests to fail because of network or environment issues #185
- Support marking fetches as not to be served from cache #183
- Support for lifting IO actions without related Data/DataSource into Fetch #181
- Formatting with scalafmt #169
- Use Simulacrum for implementing typeclasses and their syntax #59
Merged pull requests:
- 1.1.0 release #198 (purrgrammer)
- Improve Redis example #197 (purrgrammer)
- Upgrades sbt-org-policies #196 (juanpedromoreno)
- Add Fetch#runAll #194 (purrgrammer)
- Switch to Scala Code of Conduct #192 (rossabaker)
- Lift Concurrent actions to Fetch #189 (purrgrammer)
- Loosen implicit constraints #187 (purrgrammer)
- Don't run examples tests every time #186 (purrgrammer)
- Fetch#liftIO #182 (purrgrammer)
- Run a Fetch into a Monix Task #170 (purrgrammer)
v1.0.0 (2019-02-27)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix travis deployment #180 (purrgrammer)
- Release 1.0.0 #179 (purrgrammer)
- Graphql interpreter example #178 (purrgrammer)
v1.0.0-RC2 (2019-02-08)
Closed issues:
- Invalidating the cache #175
- Consider renaming
#167 - Make
accept aEither\[FetchError, A\] =\> Unit
Merged pull requests:
- Update to RC2 #177 (purrgrammer)
- s/Env/Log/ #176 (purrgrammer)
- Don't run 'gem update --system' #174 (purrgrammer)
- Upgrade CI build #173 (diesalbla)
- Update Copyright Notices to 2019. #172 (diesalbla)
- Add F[_] type parameter to DataSource #171 (purrgrammer)
- Remove Par typeclass #166 (purrgrammer)
- GitHub example #162 (purrgrammer)
- Proof-of-concept Redis cache implementation of DataSourceCache #161 (purrgrammer)
- DataSourceCache parameterised to F[_] #160 (purrgrammer)
- Introduce Fetch#optional for performing optional fetches #159 (purrgrammer)
- Fixes micrositePushWith Setting #158 (juanpedromoreno)
v1.0.0-RC1 (2018-09-18)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Hide implementation #157 (peterneyens)
- Redesign #155 (purrgrammer)
- Restore AUTHORS #154 (fedefernandez)
v0.7.3 (2018-06-13)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Release Fetch v0.7.3 #151 (AntonioMateoGomez)
- Updated sbt-org-policies version to 0.9.1 #150 (AntonioMateoGomez)
v0.7.2 (2018-01-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.7.2 for cats 1.0.1 with #146 #147 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update dependencies, especially to cats 1.0.1 #146 (guersam)
v0.7.1 (2017-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades to cats 1.0.0-RC1 #143 (juanpedromoreno)
- Cleanup CHANGELOG after failed release #141 (peterneyens)
v0.7.0 (2017-10-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.7.0 #140 (suhasgaddam)
- Release Fetch v0.7.0 #139 (peterneyens)
- update name of twitter module #138 (ghost)
- Update dependencies (Cats 1.0.0-MF) #137 (peterneyens)
v0.6.3 (2017-08-22)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- SOE with deep stack. #121
Merged pull requests:
- Change delay in flaky timeout test #134 (peterneyens)
- Release v0.6.3 #133 (peterneyens)
- Move and reuse TestHelper #132 (peterneyens)
- Generalize timeout tests. Fix twitter timeout. #131 (peterneyens)
- Enforce consistent arrow symbols using scalafmt #130 (peterneyens)
- adds commercial support statement #129 (MaureenElsberry)
- Add twitter future support #128 (ghost)
- Add timeout capability to Future implementation of FetchMonadError #127 (justinhj)
v0.6.2 (2017-06-01)
Closed issues:
- Update dependency org.spire-math:kind-projector:plugin->default(compile) #126
Merged pull requests:
- Releases 0.6.2 #125 (juanpedromoreno)
- Refactor interpreters + Change Fetch.traverse #123 (peterneyens)
- typo in README #120 (pepegar)
- orgScriptCI task integration #118 (juanpedromoreno)
- Removes dup doc files #117 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.6.1 (2017-04-19)
Closed issues:
- Updated to Monix 2.2.3 #112
Merged pull requests:
- Installs Travis to be able to publish the Microsite automatically #119 (juanpedromoreno)
- Auto-updating fetch version in docs #116 (juanpedromoreno)
- Integrates sbt-org-policies plugin #115 (juanpedromoreno)
- Reduce stack consumption #95 (ghost)
v0.6.0 (2017-03-17)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Make sure that the splitted batches are run concurrently #108
Closed issues:
- Migrate group id com.47deg #102
Merged pull requests:
- 0.6.0 release #114 (ghost)
- Allow sequential and parallel batches #113 (peterneyens)
- Update #111 (AlecZorab)
- add batchingOnly convenience method #110 (AlecZorab)
- Add curried apply to Fetch object #109 (AlecZorab)
- fix typo in #104 (pepegar)
- Migrate group id to
#103 (ghost) - Update docs to 0.5.0 version #101 (ghost)
- Update changelog #100 (ghost)
v0.5.0 (2017-01-26)
🚀 Features
- Don't require passing an Option to an asynchronous query callback #61
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Enforce users to declare a name for every DataSource #77
Closed issues:
- Update to cats 0.9.0 #98
- Create PDF documentation #97
- Docs out of sync #92
- Update to latest cats and monix #68
Merged pull requests:
- Update Cats and Monix #99 (peterneyens)
- Add example subproject with doobie and http4s examples #96 (peterneyens)
- Doc fixes #94 (ghost)
- Env visualization & sbt-microsites plugin #93 (ghost)
- Fixes Compatibility with Scala 2.10 #90 (juanpedromoreno)
- Make
mandatory #89 (ghost) - Cross-compile to Scala 2.10.x #88 (adelbertc)
- Adds version 0.4.0 Changelog Notes #87 (juanpedromoreno)
v0.4.0 (2016-11-14)
🚀 Features
- Give users the ability to configure maximum batch sizes #41
Closed issues:
- Publish version for Scala 2.12 #72
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes Cross Publishing #86 (juanpedromoreno)
- New implementation parallel joins #84 (peterneyens)
- Aggregates fetch-monix in the root module #83 (juanpedromoreno)
- Update cats to 0.8.1 and add Scala 2.12 support #80 (peterneyens)
- Update version.sbt #79 (juanpedromoreno)
- Support a maximum batch size per
#76 (peterneyens)
v0.3.0 (2016-11-08)
🚀 Features
- Improve and document the environment information gathering #63
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Includes sbt-catalysts-extras plugin and Common settings #78 (juanpedromoreno)
- Release 0.3.0 #75 (ghost)
- Add @peterneyens to contributors list #74 (ghost)
- Refactor and use some more cats features #73 (peterneyens)
- Finish cats 0.7.2 update and change
method #70 (peterneyens) - Improved reporting and error handling #66 (ghost)
0.3.0 (2016-07-25)
🚀 Features
Closed issues:
- Acknowledgments #42
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed some docs #62 (raulraja)
- Link to the in-depth docs at the end of the docs index #60 (ghost)
- Bump 0.3.0 release #58 (ghost)
- Add code coverage reporting #57 (ghost)
- Support asynchronous data sources #54 (ghost)
- Separate fetching a single identity and fetching many in DataSource #53 (ghost)
- Fix feature warning, typo, tab #51 (williamho)
- Don't depend on the cache contents for simplifying joined trees #50 (ghost)
- Use Tomorrow theme #49 (ghost)
- Update implicits.scala #40 (rafaparadela)
0.2.0 (2016-05-22)
Closed issues:
- Make a mirror of the documentation #38
- Improve
signature #35 - Typecheck docs with tut #28
- Add Authors file #22
- Add License text and license headers #21
- Add automatic formatting to the project #19
- Contributing documentation #16
- License #15
- Support the same Scala versions as cats #14
- Scala.js compatibility #13
- Make the applicative and Cartesian instances for Fetch be automatically concurrent #12
- Provide
MonadError\[M, Throwable\]
instances forId
#10 - Documentation microsite #9
- Scaladoc for API reference #8
- Setup Continuous Integration #7
- Improve
signature so implementors don't need to coerce #4 - Abstract over return type for fetches #3
- Ensure that the interpreter is stack-safe #2
- Make possible to inject a prepopulated cache to
Merged pull requests:
- Add alternatives and acknowledgements #43 (ghost)
- Typechecked and more thorough README #39 (ghost)
- Use NonEmptyList instead of List in fetch's signature #37 (ghost)
- Delete uneeded type parameter #36 (ghost)
- Fix error reporting on concurrent fetch failures #34 (ghost)
- RR Fetch Syntax #33 (raulraja)
- Update #31 (MaureenElsberry)
- Use scalafmt for automatic formatting #30 (ghost)
- add email #29 (lambdista)
- remove unused type parameter #27 (lambdista)
- Contributing and Authors #26 (ghost)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to #25 (gitter-badger)
- Documentation #24 (ghost)
- Add license and license headers #23 (ghost)
- Abstracts over the target runtime Monad #20 (raulraja)
- Reorganize files and clean up warnings #17 (raulraja)
- SBT fixes #6 (pepegar)
- Fix typo in #5 (pepegar)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator