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Code Card Terminal

To make it easier to connect to your Code Card, we created a custom Terminal App. This app is built with Electron so it is cross-platform.

The Code Card has a serial-usb chip. We use serial communication to configure the Code Card wifi and button settings.


We have pre-compiled version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

If your machine is not recognizing the Code Card, you might need to install the The Silicon Labs CP2104 USB serial drivers.

Connect via Terminal Emulator

You can also use any terminal emulator app such as PuTTY (Windows), CoolTerm (Mac), or screen (Mac and Linux.)

The USB-Serial port will have different names depending on your OS:

  • Windows: COM[X]
  • Mac: /dev/tty.wchusbserial[XXXX]
  • Linux: /dev/ttyUSB[X]
  1. Connect to the device with the emulator for your OS (baud rate = 115200)
  2. Once connected, you'll need to reset the device by flipping the power switch off then on again
  3. Type help in the emulator to bring up a list of commands

To change to wifi profile


Keep in mind that pausing for 2 seconds while typing will automatically enter the command. It may be easier to pre-type the commands elsewhere and copy-paste them into the window.

Manual Installation

First download or clone (git clone this repository.

You must have NodeJs installed. We recommend using nvm to manage different versions.

cd terminal
npm install
npm run start

Follow OS build specific instructions here.

  • For Windows you must install using the following flags: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools


If you want to compile the Electron app use electron-packager. Make sure you are in the terminal directory.

npm install electron-packager -g
electron-packager . codecard-terminal