Hi, there!
- Website: https://uiux.cc
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/uiux_lab
Uix Kit bundles the following third-party resources:
Default Vendor:
- jQuery
- Font Awesome
- Bootstrap
- waitForImages
- modernizr
- animejs
- Video.js
- prefixfree
- template7
- pixi
- GSAP - Standard "No Charge" GreenSock License
- Hammer.JS
- Muuri
- axios
- Three.js
All photos uploaded to the site are released under Creative Commons - CC0 and do not require attribution. No more hassle trying to figure out whether you can use photos for commercial use and whether you need to provide attribution. (http://www.gratisography.com, https://stocksnap.io ) Part of the image and videos used in the demo are not distributed with the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner.
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license