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File metadata and controls

193 lines (155 loc) · 5.52 KB


Schema about current architecture

Reducers and reducibles


  • ReducibleState is representing your view as data.


  • IntentReducer An ability to process incomming intents from user.
  • AsyncIntentReducer An async version of IntentReducer.
  • ActionReducer An ability to process incomming action from itself or other reducers.
  • AsyncActionReducer An async version of ActionReducer.
  • ReactionReducer An ActionReducer that returns a Reaction.
  • AsyncReactionReducer An async version of ReactionReducer.
  • EffectReducer An ability to proccess incomming events from Processing.
  • AsyncEffectReducer An async version of EffectReducer.


Feature View

FeatureView is a new view protocol type for your. features, as well, unlike the View implementation, FeatureView has a feature propery and a body function for creating a view from the actual state of the feature. In this type you don't need to implement the standard body getter, its synthesized automaticaly origins from this function.

struct MyFeatureView: FeatureView {
    let feature: MyFeature
    init(_ feature: MyFeature) {
        self.feature = feature
    func body(_ state: MyFeature.State) -> some View {

As an extra, you can use a specified KeyPath (or a CasePath) for observation, in this case you need to update body function too:

struct MyFeatureView: FeatureView {
    var path: AnyPath<MyFeature.State, String> {
    func body(_ state: String) -> some View {

State Reducer View

If your feature conforms to ReducibleState, with this view you can display items when state was changed. You can subscribe to the whole state or a part of it, with a given KeyPath (or CasePath for enums).

This way you can use this reduced states in your views:

StateReducerView(feature.$query) {
    Text("\($0.count) character typed")
StateReducerView(feature, /AssetsFeature.State.assets) {
    Text("Current state: [assets] \($0.count) loaded.")

Event Reducer View

If your feature conforms to EventReducer, with this view you can display items, when an event was fired. You can subscribe to the whole event object or a part of it, with a given KeyPath (or CasePath for enums).

EventReducerView(feature.$queueFeature) {

Published Path View

In the deepest level of view hiearchy you can found the Published Part View, an implementation of a feature observation and a keypath filteration to present a given view.

struct PublishedPathView<Content: View, Reducer, Reducible, Reduced, P: Publisher, Value>: View where P.Failure == Never, P.Output == Reducible 
init(_ reducer: Reducer, persistent: Bool = false, map: @Sendable @escaping (Reducible) -> Reduced, publisher: P, path: AnyPath<Reduced, Value>, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Value) -> Content)

SwiftUI Addons


Present an alert for a given EventReducer and a KeyPath (or CasePath for enums) for the observed value

func alert<R: EventReducer, V>(_ reducer: R, _ onEvent: KeyPath<R.Event, V>, persistent: Bool = false, map: @escaping (V) -> Alert) -> some View


Handle any modulable as a binding.

Binding.feature<M: Modulable>(_ feature: M) -> Binding<M.Value>


The key concept behind Modules is to connect small independent features into bigger one as effective as possible, while keep your modules light as possible.

Here is an example of a generic value feature implementation, only do one thing changing and store a Value over time.

public class ValueFeature<Value>: ReducibleState {
    public typealias State = Value
    public var state: State
    public var statePublisher: StatePublisher

    required public init(_ state: State) {
        self.state = state
        self.statePublisher = .init(state)
extension ValueFeature: IntentReducer & Processing {
    public enum Intent {
        case update(State)
    public func reduce(intent: Intent) {
        switch intent {
        case .update(let newState):
            state {

by adding this extension to this module we can reach many new possibilities and we can reduce our whole module into a single property:

extension ValueFeature: Modulable {
    public var value: Property<Value> {
            set: { [self] in
            get: { [self] in

In your parent feature:

public class MyFeature {
	@StateFeature(ValueFeature("")) var module: String
	@StateFeature(ValueFeature(nil)) var selected: String?

And thats it, after that definition on the view side, we can use as a binding:

TextField("Name", text: Binding(feature.$module))

and we observe it in a separate state reducer view:

StateReducerView(feature.$module) { 
    Text("\($0.count) character typed.")

Creating a new propery for a feature by modifing its getter:

extension ValueFeature where Value == String {
    public var uppercased: Property<String> {
                get:{ [self] in