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executable file
140 lines (96 loc) · 4.84 KB

Android HTTP Server

Small but powerful multithreaded web server written completely in Java SE and then ported to Android.

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The server implements most of the HTTP 1.1 specification and provides custom servlet API that can be used to handle dynamic pages. The servlet API is designed after the official javax.servlet API yet it is not compatible. Dynamic pages support cookies, sessions, file uploads and anything else to build a common web application.

Key features

  • Small footprint, requires no external libraries
  • Handles HTTP requests in separate threads
  • Provides custom servlets API for generating dynamic content
  • Supports GET, POST, HEAD methods (or more, depending on the configuration)
  • Supports chunked transfer type
  • Provides full support for mime types (uses Apache like mime.type)
  • Supports buffered file upload (multipart requests), cookies, persisted sessions
  • Supports serving partial body (ranges)
  • Can serve static content both from file system and APK resources

Building application

The provided Gradle wrapper should be used to build the application:

./gradlew build

The http subproject and the idea behind it

The http subproject is the heart of the application and it is independent on Android platform.

In fact the Android app was just an attempt to find a more practical use of the experimental HTTP protocol implementation.

One of the design goals was to keep the resulting artifact small in size and minimalistic in terms of dependency on other libraries - it does not require any third party component, all HTTP protocol implementation is based on parsing data read from raw TCP sockets.

Once the ro.polak.http package is mature enough it will be released as an independent artifact.

The subproject can be tested in the following way:

./gradlew :http:clean :http:check -PskipAndroidBuild

The original package code has been refactored and covered with unit and integration tests. Code coverage should be kept above 90%.

Mutation testing

Mutation tests can be run by executing the following command:

./gradlew :http:clean :http:pitest -PskipAndroidBuild

The results can then be found under http/build/reports/pitest/ro.polak.http/index.html and http/build/reports/pitest/ro.polak.http/mutation.xml.

Running standalone server (CLI)

Standalone server can be used to bundle the http subproject into a runnable server implementation. The CLI subproject is also independent on the Android platform, it is not bundled with the main APK.

./gradlew :cli:bootRun -PskipAndroidBuild

It is also possible to build one "uber-jar" and to use it as a standalone application:

./gradlew :cli:fatJar -PskipAndroidBuild

The resulting artifact can then be grabbed from ./cli/build/libs/cli-all.jar.

The standalone server jar can be run on any machine with the following command:

java -jar ./cli/build/libs/cli-all.jar

Sample code

Hello World servlet

package example;

import ro.polak.http.servlet.HttpServletRequest;
import ro.polak.http.servlet.HttpServletResponse;
import ro.polak.http.servlet.HttpServlet;

public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {

    public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        response.getWriter().print("Hello World!");

More examples can be found in http/src/main/java/example.


Admin main activity HTTP back-office login HTTP back-office menu

HTTP back-office drive access HTTP back-office server statistics HTTP back-office SMS inbox

500 error page trace

Servlet error 500

Sample script to send SMS using wget

If you want to send a real SMS please remove "&test=1" from the POST params.

    echo "Phone number:"; read TO; echo "Message:"; read MESSAGE; \
    wget -qO- --post-data "to=$TO&message=$MESSAGE&test=1" \


Android HTTP server uses icons from the beautifully designed "Farm-Fresh Web Icons" pack by FatCow Web Hosting! These icon sets are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.