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SWT Demo

This demo shows how to integrate yFiles for JavaFX in a Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) application.

  • A toolbar that provides SWT buttons enables the user to change the zoom level of the GraphControl that is a JavaFX control as well as SWT buttons for undo/redo functionality.
  • A right click on a node shown in the GraphControl opens a SWT context menu and allows the user to delete the clicked node from the GraphControl.
  • On the left side a SWT palette offers nodes with different styles that can be dragged into the GraphControl.

Since this demo requires the swt.jar it is in a separate source folder.

Run the demo using an IDE

To run this demo add the folder src-swt to your demo project's sources and add the swt.jar to the classpath/libraries/dependencies following your IDE's instructions. The swt.jar can be downloaded from the SWT homepage . Alternatively you can use the Ant build script located in the current folder that downloads the swt.jar on demand and run this demo.

Run the demo using ANT

To run the demo using ANT run the target run-SwtDemo of the demo build file ( demos/build.xml ). An swt.jar will automatically be downloaded.

Alternatively, an swt.jar can be placed in the <yfiles-for-javafx>/lib folder.