To make a new server
1. Install gitbash and python3
2. Make a git profile
3. Make a git repo
3.1 Navigate to the directory you would like to use wit gitbash
3.2 Paste the following:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
3.3 Open Github and login
3.4 Click New Repository and give it a name
3.5 Paste the following and change the relevant info in the {}
git remote add origin [email protected]:{username in git}/{name of repository}
git push -u origin master
4. In the newly created folder which should be named the same as the repository paste the following files
5. In the same folder create a folder called McServer (case matters)
6. Paste your servers jar file in the McServer folde and rename it server.jar
7. In terminal paste the following:
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
8. To start the server type in terminal:
py .\\
- If you need there is the default generated one in the repository just copy and rename it in the server folder