- d86e5c9: feat: add support for filtering the logs using a RegExp
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 6df4f02: fix: use custom error toast and show correct message when sending an invite
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 713d53c: feat: add catch-all route for workspace/project - useful for documentation
- 3db2999: fix: refresh table list after running SQL using the editor
- 3c4dd55: fix: handle
objects properly in theErrorToast
component - 92b434e: fix: resolve an issue where the checkbox in the data-grid header did not select all rows
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 0d8d0eb: Update docs and dashboard references
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 5ef5189: fix: update
to fix a cache bug
- 3ba485e: fix: added discord.com to connect-src
- e5bab6a: chore: update dependencies
- Updated dependencies [b19ffed]
- Updated dependencies [e5bab6a]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- ba73bb4: fix: update ErrorToast component to show the internal graphql error
- d5337ff: fix: utilize accumulator in the creation of validation schema within data grid utils
- 7c2a1c2: feat: show error and debug info in the error toast
- 6b8aad5: fix: add bare nhost.run to CSP
- b18edc0: feat: added CSP and X-Frame-Options
- 8d91f71: chore: update deps and enable pnpm audit
- 3b8473b: chore: update turbo to
and pnpm to8.10.5
in Dockerfile - Updated dependencies [8d91f71]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 3ff1c2b53: fix: show upgrade option for pro projects
- c2ef17c0a: feat: add support for new Team plan
- 7883bbcbd: feat: don't show deprecated plans
- 44be6dc0a: feat: set redirectTo during sign-in to support preview environments
- 3c3594898: fix: allow access to graphite when configured running in local dashboard
- 32c246b7a: chore: update docs icon
- 174b4165b: chore: use env variables when running graphql codegen
- 7c977e714: chore: change
Allowed Roles
toDefault Allowed Roles
- 46f028b9f: fix: remove hardcoded ai version setting
- af33c21d1: chore: remove backendUrl deprecation notice and remove all references to
- 04784d880: Fix graphite's default version
- 5733162ed: feat: add settings and ui for graphite
- e2b79b5ec: chore: remove sharp from deps
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- bc9eff6e4: chore: remove support for using backendUrl when instantiating the Nhost client
- Updated dependencies [bc9eff6e4]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 97ced73a3: fix(dashboard): prevent dashboard from resolving secrets
- ed1a8d458: Update alert message on increasing PostgreSQL's volume capacity
- 2e2248fd4: feat(dashboard): add SQL editor
- 7c2c31082: feat: add support for users to delete their account
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- fa79b7709: chore(dashboard): tweaks and fixes to the service form and dialog
- 8df84d782: fix(dashboard): allow resetting custom domains
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 331ba0376: feat(dashboard): add postgres storage capacity modifier in the settings
- b7f801874: feat(dashboard): add new settings page for custom domains
- @nhost/[email protected]
- e10389ecf: fix(dashboard): disable run tab when developing locally
- @nhost/[email protected]
- c01568a7d: chore(dashboard): show alert to update oauth providers
- c3efb7ec8: feat(dashboard): query latest announcement from platform
- 3e46d3873: chore: update link to node18 announcement
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 75c4c8ae3: feat(dashboard): make env value input multiline
- 425d485f8: fix(dashboard): make sure dedicated resources pricing follows total resources
- ae324f67f: fix(dashboard): remove unused graphql fields
- df5b4302c: chore(dashboard): remove run feature flag
- bf4a1f6c2: feat(dashboard): fetch auth, postgres, hasura and storage versions from dashboard
- 34fc08ca7: fix(dashboard/run): show correct private registry in service details
- 885d10620: chore(dashboard): change feedback to contact us
- ed16c8b5d: feat(run): add a confirmation dialog when deleting a run service
- 216990888: fix(run): center loading indicator when selecting a project
- 9fbea9787: feat: add node18 announcement
- e84acf469: fix(run): handle subdomain undefined error when creating a new service
- b7c799d62: feat(run): add dialog to copy registry and URLs
- 8903e6abd: fix(dashboard): show correct egress limit in usage stats
- 666a75a23: feat(dashboard): add functions execution time and egress volume to usage stats
- 5e1e80aa8: fix(dashboard): show correct locales in user details
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 4a7ede11e: fix: distinguish files that were not uploaded
- 202b64723: feat(nhost-run): add support for one-click-install run services
- 074a0fa11: feat(dashboard): add settings toggle to enable/disable antivirus
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- b20761e97: feat(services): add pricing info and confirmation dialog
- 90df6d81d: fix(services): handle null values when editing a service
- aa8508467: fix: query service logs correctly feat: enable multiline support for environment value input
- 8d7f84b8d: fix: make announcement adapt to theme
- 3b75bfce2: fix: make announcement close properly
- f49819075: fix: show correct values when dedicated resources are disabled
- e643bd362: fix(services): fix errors when config is null
- bcdab66bf: feat: add annoucement for nhost run
- f967a2e59: added note about storage not being able to be downsized
- 311c7756d: chore(services): consistent naming for compute
- 9073182d5: chore(dashboard): bump
to 1.10.11 - ece717d6e: feat(logs): show services in the logs page
- 82b335311: feat(metrics): change grafana link to point to the dashboards
- b135ef695: fix(services): set command as optional and set min replicas to 0
- 3d5c34f4c: fix(auth): fix users pagination limit
- c99d117d1: feat(services): add support for custom services
- face99ccd: chore(deps): bump turbo version
- cfe527307: style: tweak pull config warning in dark mode
- a9d7da8af: chore(deps): update dependency @types/pluralize to ^0.0.30
- 9aa4371ef: chore: add hasura-auth version 0.21.2
- d14e112bf: chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to ^0.4.0
- d3e8bb94a: chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-dts to v3
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 9c61c69a7: chore(dashboard):add postgres 14.6-20230705-1 to the version selector
- 47bda15ff: feat(settings): add warning to pull config
- ee0b9b8ed: chore(dashboard):add hasura v2.28.2 and v2.29.0 to the version selector
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- f866120a6: fix(users): use the password length from the config
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- ea7b102c0: fix(pat): highlight expired tokens
- b3b64a3b7: chore(deps): bump
- 32b221f94: chore(deps): bump
- 3a56c12df: chore(deps): bump
- Updated dependencies [b3b64a3b7]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- f41fdc12a: chore(deps): bump
- 6199c1c55: fix(projects): don't redirect to 404 page
- Updated dependencies [07a45fde0]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 80b22724d: chore(deps): bump
- cc02902cb: chore(docs): update environment variable documentation
- 660d339e1: fix(storybook): don't break storybook
- 660d339e1: fix(tests): prevent warnings during tests
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- bd4d0c270: chore(dashboard):add postgres 14.6-20230613-1 to the version selector
- c8c2a10b2: fix(database): don't break the password reset flow
- e70b45498: chore(deps): bump
- 842055099: chore(deps): bump
- fd12aa0a8: chore(projects): remove the postgres password input from the project creation screen
- 022b76e78: chore(deps): bump
- 3555ab2b7: chore(deps): bump
monorepo tov0.32.0
- c43e54922: feat(backups): add download button to backups
- d0457fe5c: feat(settings): improve the dashboard and config parity
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 4f0368b95: fix(account): don't break account settings page
- 64a8f41d0: chore(resources): lower the maximum allowed resources per service
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 9b1d0f7a5: fix(deployments): use correct timestamp for deployment details
- 6d2963ffa: chore(deps): bump
- 8871267b9: chore(deps): downgrade
because of no Turborepo support
- 01eeef9de: chore(misc): under the hood improvements
- 21e13db05: chore(deps): bump
- f16433ae6: chore(secrets): allow empty secrets and environment variables
- aa3c62989: chore(cli): bump Nhost CLI version to v1.0
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 88a4983f: chore(misc): under the hood improvements
- 9b0d4dde: feat(secrets): enable secrets
- 15d84a19: Add postgres 14.6-20230525
- 4c626174: chore: updated import paths, improved directory structure
- cc047b71: chore(deps): bump
monorepo tov5.0.0
- 99edd012: feat(account): add support for personal access tokens
- 78c7109c: feat(settings): allow selecting service versions
- 399009d6: fix(gql): don't enter an infinite loop when fetching remote app data
- 329e5a91: fix(deployments): use the same sorting of deployments everywhere
- 6d559d6e: chore(settings): add under the hood improvements to the settings page
- 12eb236c: chore(deps): bump
- f9b81a2a: chore(deps): bump
- 1345741b: fix(projects): don't redirect to 404 on project creation
- Updated dependencies [7fea29a8]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 1230b722: fix(projects): don't redirect to 404 on when the project is renamed
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- Updated dependencies [da03bf39]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 349aac36: fix(settings): use region domain when constructing the postgres connection string
- 20fb69fa: chore(projects): change the way how API URLs are constructed
- 49f9b837: chore(docker): bump
- 3f478a4e: chore(deps): bump
- d926f156: fix(projects): redirect to 404 when an invalid project is opened
- 49b99728: fix(projects): disable features for non-owner members of workspaces
- 12e2855f: chore(deps): bump
to v22 - e4972b83: feat(metrics): add Grafana page
- 3f396a9e: fix(projects): unpause after upgrading a paused project to pro
- 3f396a9e: fix(projects): don't redirect to 404 page after project creation
- Updated dependencies [90c60311]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 0f34f0c6: fix(projects): disallow downgrading to free plan
- 8da291ad: chore(deps): bump
to v18.2.0 and@types/react-dom
to v18.2.1
- adc828a5: fix(gql): don't enter an infinite loop when fetching remote app data
- 2fb1145f: feat(compute): add support for replicas
- d8ceccec: chore(env): remove deprecated
environment variable
- 84b84ab7: fix(projects): filter projects by workspace
- 2faf7907: chore(deps): bump
to v6 - f1b5a944: chore(deps): bump
to v4 - 7f1785ac: chore(deps): bump
to v18.0.37- @nhost/[email protected]
- 85889ee8: feat(dashboard): add Compute management to the settings
- 668c8771: chore(dialogs): unify dialog management of payment dialogs
- d4ccc656: chore: cleanup unused code
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- b299cfc9: chore(deps): bump
to v0.30.0 - 411cb65b: chore(projects): refactor workspace and project hooks
- 43b1b144: chore(deps): bump
to v18.0.34 and@types/react-dom
to v18.0.11 - Updated dependencies [43b1b144]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- ba0d57ee: fix(i18n): revert i18n library
- 3328ed05: feat(projects): improve overview when there is an error
- 5e0920ba: chore(deps): bump
to v6 - 706c9dc3: chore(deps): bump
to 18.0.33 - 99f8f6b3: feat(metrics): show metrics on the overview
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 3cb67300: fix(logs): don't break UI when clearing time picker
- 7453bf3b: feat(projects): show project creator info
- c166dad0: chore(tests): improve auth page tests
- 6a290bb2: chore(deps): bump
to 18.0.32
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 6e1f03ea: feat(dashboard): add support for the Azure AD provider
- 1bd2c373: chore(deps): bump
to 1.8.6 - d329b621: chore(deps): bump
to 18.0.30 - cb248f0d: fix(tests): avoid name collision in database tests
- 867c8076: chore(deps): bump
to 18.0.29
- e93b06ab: fix(dashboard): remove left margin from workspace list on mobile
- 1c4806bf: chore(deps): bump
to 0.32.0- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 912ed76c: chore(dashboard): bump
to 3.7.10 - Updated dependencies [912ed76c]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 7c127372: chore(dashboard): bump
to v4
- 9130ab12: chore(dashboard): bump
to v1 and@hookform/resolvers
to v3
- 253dd235: using new mutation to create projects + refactor Create Project page.
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- b48bc034: fix(dashboard): disable new users
- 798e591b: fix(dashboard): show correct date in data grid
- bfb4c1a6: chore(dashboard): remove
property - d8d8394b: Dashboard: allow to override hasura admin secret in docker
- Updated dependencies [ce1ee40d]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- beed2eba: Fix docker entrypoint for dashboard
- 2c8559a3: fix(dashboard): refresh project list after deleting a project
- 4329d048: chore(dashboard): bump
- cbb1fc5b: chore(dashboard): cleanup GraphQL operations
- 088584e7: feat(dashboard): add support for custom local subdomains
- 2ac90dfd: fix(dashboard): improve mobile responsive layout
- Updated dependencies [f375eacc]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 2b1338f7: chore(dashboard): bump
to 1.8.3 - 5223ee93: fix(dashboard): show correct deployment status on the main page
- 850a049c: chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v4
- Updated dependencies [850a049c]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 4bf40995: chore(deps): bump
- 8bb097c9: chore(deps): bump
- 35d52aab: chore(deps): replace
- Updated dependencies [4bf40995]
- Updated dependencies [8bb097c9]
- Updated dependencies [35d52aab]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- c96d7ccd: fix(dashboard): fix docker builds
- d1671210: feat(dashboard): use mimir to manage project configuration
- f65e4de9: chore(deps): bump @graphql-codegen monorepo to v3
- 4b4f0d01: chore(dashboard): improve dialog management
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 01318860: fix(nhost-js): use correct URL for functions requests
- Updated dependencies [01318860]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- f673adea: fix(dashboard): set correct Content-Type for user creation
- 445d8ef4: chore(deps): bump
to 5.0.4 - 445d8ef4: chore(deps): bump
to 1.13.9 - 0368663d: fix(dashboard): allow permission editing for auth and storage schemas
- Updated dependencies [445d8ef4]
- Updated dependencies [445d8ef4]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- b755e908: fix(dashboard): use correct date for last seen
- 2d9145f9: chore(deps): revert GraphQL client
- 1ddf704c: fix(dashboard): don't show false positive message for failed user creation
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 2cc18dcb: fix(dashboard): prevent permission editor dropdown from being always open
- 3343a363: chore(dashboard): bump
to v14 and@testing-library/dom
to v9- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 87eda76e: chore(dashboard): bump
to v18.0.28 and@types/react-dom
to v18.0.11 - 6f0ac570: feat(dashboard): show dashboard version in account menu
- bf1e4071: chore(dashboard): bump
version to18.2.0
- Updated dependencies [bf1e4071]
- Updated dependencies [5013213b]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- a37a430b: fix(dashboard): don't break UI when deployments are unavailable
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 7b970e68: fix(dashboard): fix header link color
- f33242f2: feat(dashboard): add new sign up, sign in and reset password pages
- e9c8909c: fix(dashboard): use correct theme color in dark mode
- 902f486b: fix(dashboard): re-enable Hasura on logs page
- 1f9720fa: fix(dashboard): apply select permissions properly
- deb14b51: fix(dashboard): don't break billing form
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- f143e51d: chore(dashboard): pin Turborepo to 1.6.3
- c2b5a41a: chore(dashboard): select system colors by default
- 1ebaf429: feat(dashboard): introduce Dark Mode 🌚
- 63b445c4: fixed duplicated logs bug and made to date count during live mode
- e146d32e: chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18.0.27
- 59347fcd: correct allowed role name
- 5b65cac9: updated authentication documentation
- 963f9b5e: feat(dashboard): include project info in feedback
- ed4c7801: chore(dashboard): remove Functions section
- 4e2f8ccd: fix(dashboard): don't break Auth page in local mode
- 31abbe5f: fix(dashboard): enable toggle when settings are filled in
- 5bdd31ad: chore(dashboard): list fewer images per page on the Storage page
- 5121851c: fix(dashboard): don't throw validation error for valid permission rules
- c126b20d: fix(dashboard): correct redeployment button
- 36c3519c: feat(dashboard): retrigger deployments
- 200e9f77: chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-dom to v18.0.10
- Updated dependencies [200e9f77]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- dbd3ded5: fix(dashboard): workspaces creation, new form, correct redirects.
- 85f0f943: fix(dashboard): don't break the table creation process
- Updated dependencies [d42c27ae]
- Updated dependencies [927be4a2]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- d0f80811: fix(dashboard): don't show error when signing out the user
- d92891b2: feat(dashboard): add Permission Editor to the Database section
- 3d379128: fix(dashboard): create new user
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 7cadd944: fix(dashboard): display Twitter provider settings
- 9a1aa7bb: add functions to the log dashboard
- f29abe62: feat(dashboard): Users Management v2
- 7766624b: feat(dashboard): add JWT secret editor modal
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- dd0738d5: fix(dashboard): provisioning status polling
- b21222b3: chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v16
- 9e0486a3: fix(dashboard): close modals when navigating
- Updated dependencies [b21222b3]
- Updated dependencies [65687bee]
- Updated dependencies [54df0df4]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- d6527122: fix(dashboard): use correct service URLs
- Updated dependencies [57db5b83]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- a6d31dc2: fix(dashboard): don't break the UI when project is not loaded yet
7f251111: Use
instead ofNhostReactProvider
are now deprecated -
f4d70f88: fix(dashboard): do not break when region is nullish
4a9471cc: Windows Live Provider displayed link updated to match backend url
594488e4: fix(dashboard): do not show error when submitting Apple provider settings
Updated dependencies [7f251111]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 80b604ad: fix(dashboard): use correct Hasura slug
- 2d2beb53: fix(dashboard): prevent error on GraphQL page
- ac8efcbd: chore(dashboard): deprecate old DNS name
- 132a4f4b: chore(dashboard): remove unused dependencies
- 132a4f4b: chore(deps): synchronize @types/react-dom and @types/react versions
- db57572f: fix(dashboard): correct section paddings when no env vars
- Updated dependencies [132a4f4b]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 34d85e54: chore(deps): update dependency critters to ^0.0.16
- 9b93cf95: chore(deps): update dependency @netlify/functions to ^0.11.0
- e0439030: chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-dom to v18.0.9
- Updated dependencies [82124329]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- a1193da4: fix(dashboard): remove character limit from env var inputs
- 44f13f62: chore(dashboard): cleanup unused files
- e01cb2ed: chore(dashboard): change settings sidebar menu item density
- db342f45: chore(dashboard): refactor Roles and Permissions settings sections
- 8b9fa0b1: feat(dashboard): add Environment Variables page
- Updated dependencies [66b4f3d0]
- Updated dependencies [2e6923dc]
- Updated dependencies [ef117c28]
- Updated dependencies [aebb8225]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- eef9c914: feat(dashboard): add Roles and Permissions page
- a48dd5bf: feat(dashboard): make backend port configurable
- 5de965d9: fix(dashboard): alphabetic ordering of providers
- b9087a4a: fix(dashboard): console -> dashboard terminology
- ca012d79: docs(workos): WorkOS Docs
- 89bd37bc: fix(dashboard): correct redirect URL input opacity
- Updated dependencies [4601d84e]
- Updated dependencies [843087cb]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 766cb612: fix(dashboard): correct redirect URL for oauth providers
- Updated dependencies [53bdc294]
- Updated dependencies [f2aaff05]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- @nhost/[email protected]
- 9211743d: feat(dashboard): migrate Settings page features
- 73da6a67: fix(dashboard): avoid using BACKEND_URL locally
- db118f97: feat(dashboard): generate Docker image