Microwork provides basic support for plugins. Following plugins are currently available:
Provides basic hardware stats about node (currently includes cpu with average load and memory information).
Example usage:
const HardwareStat = require('microwork/lib/plugins/hardwarestat');
// create service
const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.test', exchange});
// register plugin
// hardware autoreport interval, defaults to 60s
service.hardwareReportInterval = 60000;
// start autoreport
To listen to the stats you need to tap into microwork.node.status
topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.status', stats => {
console.log(stats); // <- stats object
/* e.g.:
"cpu": {
"cpus": 8, // count
"load": [1.1962890625,1.35107421875,1.34912109375] // avg load in last 1m, 5m, 15m
"mem": { // in bytes
"used": 15742152704,
"free": 1437716480,
"total": 17179869184
Provides basic keep-alive signal from node.
Example usage:
const HealthCheck = require('microwork/lib/plugins/healthcheck');
// create service
const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.test', exchange});
// register plugin
// report interval in ms, defaults to 30s
service.healthchecksReportInterval = 30000;
// start autoreport
To listen to the keep-alive signals you need to tap into microwork.node.alive
topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.alive', id => {
console.log(id); // <- live node id
Provides basic info about subscribers from node.
Example usage:
const SubscriberStats = require('microwork/lib/plugins/substats');
// create service
const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.test', exchange});
// register plugin
// init subs reporting
To retrieve the subscribers you need to tap into microwork.node.subscribers
topic and then send an empty message to microwork.node.report.subscribers
topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.subscribers', info => {
console.log(info); // <- node info including ID and array of subscribed topics
/* e.g.
{ id: '3a4a5bd0-9c58-4677-b89b-9e5107da265f',
[ { topic: 'test.sub', subscribers: 1 },
{ topic: 'test.other.sub', subscribers: 2 },
{ topic: 'microwork.node.subscribers', subscribers: 1 },
{ topic: 'microwork.node.report.subscribers', subscribers: 1 } ] }
await service.send('microwork.node.report.subscribers');