- update demo so it doesn't look broken on site
- update demo so it doesn't look broken on site
- add missing localization for "No Results" (#186)
- fix #182
- add missing localization for "Selected"
- add css vars for hovered rows
- fix demo
- fix #170, pagination styles
- fix #171
- add device flags
- revert 5.1.0, unintended side effects
- add content slot for actions/menus
- add standardized events for editing
- fix display issue of edit field
- Demo z-index fix.
- fixing selecting and filtering + documentation updates (predixdesignsystem#168)
- test fixes and migrating to WCT 6.x
- remote data source support. predixdesignsystem#126
- fix #164 pagination bug
- fix #160 and remove infinite loop issue
- update to work with latest dropdown
- fix history
- merge #157
- merge #155
- fix pagination (#152)
- fix padding of html columns (#151) and pagination buttons
- fix docs
- fix highlight demo to calculate path (#149)
- Fix for sub-component demos to refer to shared API docs.
- Fix comment for analyzer
- fix pagination alignment in IE
- fix bugs
- fix pagination icons & dropdown
- fix bug with select column
- major release for redesign
- remove old component image
- update README
- fix #139, #140 (merge #142)
- add check for single select
- move px-row-click event
- replace pxLocalizeBehavior with appLocalizeBehavior for localization
- fixed filter behavior #79 and #90
- fixed #128 and added placeholder #107
- fixed #93 - font-awesome path issue & 404s in certain app configurations
- fixed #120
- cutover to PxLocalizeBehavior
- update dependencies
- merge PR #113 to fix issue #86, fixes behavior of select all checkbox with filters
- re-add a11y and i18n changes from 2.0.1 and 2.0.2
- fixed column duplication / hiding issues
- revert 2.0.1 and 2.0.2
- This release addresses a number of issues (PR #112):
- fixes the behavior of the selectable column (currently appears in the wrong place when turned on dynamically)
- adds an option for single-select (radio button vs checkbox)
- fires the row-click behavior for non-editable cells
- fixes the validateEvent error
- changes the behavior of row declaration (it will create all of the columns found in data with default settings then override the settings for any columns declared in lightDOM).
- Issue #108
- fixed spacing of pagination buttons
- fixed borders for table--rows and table--columns
- several minor fixes:
- fixed #102
- removed misleading references to highlight-color
- copied style variables to highlight API
- updated css variable naming for dropdown
- fixed enableColumnResize so that it actually works
- fixed #79 to support pasting in filter fields
- fixed CodePen for subcomponent
- fixed badges for subcomponent pages
- updated to px-demo
- fix up column demo to correctly configure dropdown columns
- bower updated so px-demo-snippet and px-api-viewer have new grays
- fixed failing unit test with new grays
- hide ms-clear to fix issue #90 in IE
- Update colors design to pick up new colors
- changing ghp.sh to account for Alpha releases
- Fixed validation failure icon. Fix up imports of px-polymer-font-awesome.
- Fixed polymer-font-awesome icon
- Scripting to CI/CD and preparing for docs push
- Fix pagination button icons and column sort icons. Fix double-tap selection of column headers and add nowrap for first column
- Update missed design depndencies
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed striping table row style
- added style variables for header row
- Fix sort icon wrapping onto newline issue
- changing all devDeps to ^
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- small change to demo options
- fixed typo in documentation
- Ensure cell tooltip is removed on detached
- update dependencies for dropdown
- Fix dropdown css variable names to point to correct name.
- removing px-theme style call
- changing Gruntfile.js to gulpfile.js
- added css variables
- bower updating px-demo-snippet
- Fix for error with auto-generated columns with white spaces in names.
- updated to latest version of dropdown
- fixed codepen
- Update dependencies
- Hide scrollbar if not needed
- Remove gruntfile
- Fix for column chooser and long column names
- Move to gulp and style modules
- Added wrapping for long column headers
- added support for parent-name in demo-snippet
- Update ghp to include secondary demo pages
- Added new demo pages
- added image to readme
- vulcanized old demo page as well.
- added vulcanize to demo page
- Fixes to allow re-cycling of existing data table element with new data
- Fix bug that when table was selectable but not filterable, select all button (and row) were hidden.
- Upgrade to Polymer 1.5.0
- Filterable hide fix & merge.
- Fix & tests for empty filter header row showing when no columns are marked as filterable.
- Fix & tests for predixdesignsystem#30
- Added cell click event.
- Upping bower dependencies to latest polymer-font-awesome to stop bower resolution conflicts.
- added oss_notice to bower ignore
- added pull request test for travis and updated OSS Notice
- added auto github pages functionality
- fix racing condition that could lead to the same column being shown several times if px-data-column was defined in HTML + the data changed several time in succession at init
- Many fixes to move highlight and selection styles onto px-data-table-cell.
- Fixes to make highlight style consistent.
- Highlight style fixes to make it in combination with selection styles and validation modes.
- cosmetic enhancements for column reordering
- make sure insertion indicator when moving columns has a consistent size. Make sure 'select' column can't be dragged
- Upgrade to Polymer 1.4.0
- Added auto github pages rebuilding on tag push
- Added enable-column-resize attribute on px-data-table, allowing the user to resize columns by clicking and dragging the right border of a header
- fix bug when dropping first user defined column on 'selected' column
- Columns tracked directly in the light dom: if adding data through the dataTable attribute px-data-table-column will be added in the light dom for each appropriate column. The column order is tracked within the light dom as well.
- Added columns hiding/showing functionality: hideColumn(columnName) and showColumn(columnName) API functions and show-column-chooser attribute on px-data-table, adding a dropdown allowing to select which column should be hidden.
- Added column reordering functionality: drag and drop column headers. Enabled through the enable-column-reorder attribute on px-data-table.
- added a css variable for dropdown border.
- fixed an issue with dropdown tooltips within data table
- Fixes to correctly notify table-data attribute when changes happen to the table data and propagate them out of the component.
- Fixes to make table react correctly when the underlying model (table-data) changes.
- Fixes to dropdown width and to make the cell text (character) width consistent with other column definitions.
- Sass fixes for shadow DOM.
- Added css variable to support custom cell padding: --px-data-table-padding-top, --px-data-table-padding-bottom, --px-data-table-padding-left, --px-data-table-padding-right
- Updated dropdown to latest version
- Added Dropdown functionality
- Initial support for cell and row highlighting. See demo.html for an example.
- Support for 'high'/'medium'/'low' highlight styles on given cell or row.
- Light DOM observation of addition and removal of px-data-table-columns elements. Table now dynamically reacts to these changes.
- Remove 'x' from input elements on IE and Edge.
- Fix for making highlight and selected rows consistent when filtering or ordering of columns.
- Fixes for IE when using column and cell highlight.
- More tests.
- Move bower components to use registered component names.
- Fix 1px border-collapse padding bug.
- Updated README with preventing auto-synching your info.
- Add hide-pagination-control property to allow user to control if the data table pagination controls are available or not to the user.
- Fixes for table borders disappearing in Safari
- Fixes for column only and row only cell borders.
- Removal of '5' row option in pagination control to match data table design.
- Updated License
- removed extraneous 5 from array which was causing a dropdown bug
- Fixes missing tooltip and incorrect positioning on validation error.
- Now possible to set a column as 'editable' and allow the cell to be selected and the content edited.
- Per-cell validation is now possible. As a cell is edited and the change accepted a (developer supplied) validation routine is executed, a cell will be marked as
- Initial release