Step 1: Request Internet permission at AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android : name =" android.permission.INTERNET" />
Step 1: Update Info.plist
file as below:
<key >CFBundleURLTypes</key >
<array >
<dict >
<key >CFBundleURLName</key >
<string ></string >
<key >CFBundleURLSchemes</key >
<array >
<string >partnerSchemeId</string >
</array >
</dict >
</array >
<key >LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key >
<array >
<string >momo</string >
</array >
<key >NSAppTransportSecurity</key >
<dict >
<key >NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key >
<true />
</dict >
Step 2: Define call back url for momo at AppDelegate.swift
import momo_payment_plugin
override func application( _ application: UIApplication , open url: URL , sourceApplication: String ? , annotation: Any ) -> Bool {
MoMoPayment . handleOpenUrl ( url: url, sourceApp: sourceApplication!)
return true
override func application( _ app: UIApplication , open url: URL , options: [ UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any ] ) -> Bool {
MoMoPayment . handleOpenUrl ( url: url, sourceApp: " " )
return true
import 'package:momo_payment_plugin/momo_payment_data.dart' ;
import 'package:momo_payment_plugin/momo_payment_plugin.dart' ;
import 'package:momo_payment_plugin/momo_payment_result.dart' ;
Step 2: Use MomoPaymentPlugin
MomoPaymentData momoPaymentData = MomoPaymentData (
appScheme: "[your_appScheme]" ,
merchantname: '[your_merchantname]' ,
merchantcode: '[your_merchantcode]' ,
amount: 2000 ,
orderId: 'orderId' ,
orderLabel: 'orderLabel' ,
merchantnamelabel: "sdsds" ,
fee: 200 ,
description: null ,
requestId: 'requestId' ,
partnerCode: '[your_partnerCode]' ,
MomoPaymentResult momoPaymentResult =
await MomoPaymentPlugin ().requestPayment (momoPaymentData);
Detail of MomoPaymentData
class MomoPaymentData {
String merchantname;
String merchantcode;
String appScheme;
double amount;
String orderId;
String orderLabel;
String merchantnamelabel;
double fee;
String description;
String requestId;
String partnerCode;
String extraData;
bool isDevelopmentMode;
Detail of MomoPaymentResult
class MomoPaymentResult {
bool isSuccess;
int status;
String token;
String phonenumber;